01 85 53 27 85

Informations personnelles

Debloqué tout oparateur :

Dans quel état est l’écran ?

Quel est l'état de la coque ?

Votre produit est-il fonctionnel ?

44 rue Levis
75017 Paris
01 85 53 27 85 01 85 53 27 85
28 rue legendre
75017 Paris
Quel appareil avez-vous besoin de réparer ?

Réparation express en 20 min

Au meilleur prix

Experts certifiés

Garantie 6 mois


1. Type d’appareil à réparer
2. Problème rencontré
3. Coordonnées

44 rue Levis
75017 Paris
01 85 53 27 85
lundi de 12h à 20h
et du mardi au samedi de 10h30 à 20h
Afficher le plan
Nos coordonnées
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Mentions légales du site www.atelier-phone-44.fr

Ce site est édité par :
La société PressMike dit «L'éditeur», domicilié au 44 rue Levis 75017 Paris .
SIREN : 803939651
Téléphone : 01 85 53 27 85
Email : pressmike44[@]hotmail.com

Ce site est hébergé par :
La société OVH, dit "L'hébergeur", domicilié au 2 Rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix.
SIREN : 424 761 419
Téléphone : 0 899 701 761

Art. 1 Conditions d'utilisation

Toute personne qui accède au site www.atelier-phone-44.fr s'engage à respecter les présentes conditions générales d'utilisation, qui pourront pour certains services être complétées par des conditions particulières.

L’éditeur se réserve le droit de modifier et de mettre à jour à tout moment l'accès au Site ainsi que les Conditions Générales. Ces modifications et mises à jour s'imposent à l'utilisateur qui doit en conséquence se référer régulièrement à cette rubrique pour vérifier les Conditions Générales en vigueur.

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Vos demandes devront être signées et accompagnées de la photocopie d’un titre d’identité portant la signature du titulaire. La demande devra préciser l’adresse à laquelle devra parvenir la réponse. L’éditeur disposera d’un délai de 2 mois pour répondre suivant réception de la demande.

Dans l’hypothèse où vous avez accepté, dans nos formulaires, de recevoir par email des informations et sollicitations émanant de notre société, vous aurez à tout moment la faculté de revenir sur cette décision en envoyant un mail avec pour objet « désabonnement » à l’adresse suivante : pressmike44[@]hotmail.com .

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Art. 4 Cookies

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4. Cliquer sur le bouton effacer mes traces maintenant… de la section vie privée,
5. Cocher l'option cookies dans la fenêtre effacer mes traces et cliquer le bouton effacer mes traces maintenant.

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2. Cliquer sur l’onglet préférences,
3. Cliquer sur l’onglet vie privée.

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3. Dans la fenêtre options de Google Chrome, choisir l'onglet options avancées,
4. Dans la section confidentialité, à la rubrique paramètre des cookies, choisir autoriser tous les cookies,
5. Dans la fenêtre cookies, cliquer sur le bouton « tout supprimer ».

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Art. 5 Contenu du Site

L’éditeur, l’hébergeur et, plus généralement, toute société contribuant à la conception, à la réalisation et à la mise en ligne de ce Site s’efforcent d’assurer l’exactitude et la mise à jour régulière des informations diffusées sur ce Site. L’éditeur et les prestataires précités se réservent le droit de corriger et modifier à tout moment le contenu du Site sans que leur responsabilité puisse être engagée de ce fait, l’éditeurpouvant apporter à tout moment des améliorations et/ou changements au(x) service(s) décrits sur ce Site.

Art. 6 Contenu manifestement illicite

Conformément à la loi du 21 juin 2004 pour la confiance dans l’économie, vous pouvez alerter l’hébergeur de la présence d’un contenu que vous considérez comme illicite en envoyant un courrier à l'adresse figurant en haut de l'article. L’hébergeur appréciera le caractère illicite des contenus portés à sa connaissance.

Le fait, pour toute personne, de présenter un contenu ou une activité comme étant illicite dans le but d'en obtenir le retrait ou d'en faire cesser la diffusion, alors qu'elle sait cette information inexacte, est puni d'un an d'emprisonnement et de 15 000 euros d'amende.

Art. 7 Droit applicable

Les présentes Conditions Générales sont soumises au droit interne français.
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[formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [3] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16463 [champ_nom] => marque [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Marque [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [4] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16464 [champ_nom] => modele [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Modèle [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [5] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16465 [champ_nom] => oparateur [champ_type] => 5 [champ_label] => Debloqué tout oparateur [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [6] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16466 [champ_nom] => etatecran [champ_type] => 5 [champ_label] => Dans quel état est l’écran ? [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [7] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16467 [champ_nom] => etatcoque [champ_type] => 5 [champ_label] => Quel est l'état de la coque ? [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [8] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16468 [champ_nom] => produit [champ_type] => 5 [champ_label] => Votre produit est-il fonctionnel ? [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [9] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16500 [champ_nom] => capacite [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Capacité [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) ) [fMultichoix] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Oui] => 16799 [Non] => 16800 ) [1] => Array ( [intact] => 16801 [micro-rayure] => 16802 [rayures] => 16803 [cassé] => 16804 ) [2] => Array ( [intact] => 16805 [micro-rayure] => 16806 [rayures] => 16807 [cassé] => 16808 ) [3] => Array ( [Oui] => 16809 [Non] => 16810 ) ) [politique] => [_attribs:protected] => Array ( [method] => post [enctype] => multipart/form-data [action] => soumettre-un-dossier [id] => soumettre-un-dossier [name] => Soumettreundossier ) [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [File] => Array ( [decorator] => File [options] => ) [ViewScript] => Array ( [decorator] => ViewScript [options] => Array ( [viewScript] => soumettre-un-dossier.phtml [fChamps] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16460 [champ_nom] => nom [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Nom [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16461 [champ_nom] => email [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Mail [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [2] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16462 [champ_nom] => telephone [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Téléphone [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [3] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16463 [champ_nom] => marque [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Marque [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [4] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16464 [champ_nom] => modele [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Modèle [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [5] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16465 [champ_nom] => oparateur [champ_type] => 5 [champ_label] => Debloqué tout oparateur [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [6] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16466 [champ_nom] => etatecran [champ_type] => 5 [champ_label] => Dans quel état est l’écran ? [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [7] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16467 [champ_nom] => etatcoque [champ_type] => 5 [champ_label] => Quel est l'état de la coque ? [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [8] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16468 [champ_nom] => produit [champ_type] => 5 [champ_label] => Votre produit est-il fonctionnel ? [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [9] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16500 [champ_nom] => capacite [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Capacité [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) ) [fMultichoix] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Oui] => 16799 [Non] => 16800 ) [1] => Array ( [intact] => 16801 [micro-rayure] => 16802 [rayures] => 16803 [cassé] => 16804 ) [2] => Array ( [intact] => 16805 [micro-rayure] => 16806 [rayures] => 16807 [cassé] => 16808 ) [3] => Array ( [Oui] => 16809 [Non] => 16810 ) ) [myForm] => Array ( [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) ) ) ) [_defaultDisplayGroupClass:protected] => Zend_Form_DisplayGroup [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => 1 [_displayGroupPrefixPaths:protected] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [prefix] => ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator [path] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator ) ) [_displayGroups:protected] => Array ( ) [_elementDecorators:protected] => [_elementPrefixPaths:protected] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [prefix] => ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator [path] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator [type] => decorator ) [1] => Array ( [prefix] => Cgsmith\Validate\ [path] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ [type] => VALIDATE ) ) [_elements:protected] => Array ( [nom] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object ( [helper] => formText [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Array ( [decorator] => ViewHelper [options] => ) [Errors] => Array ( [decorator] => Errors [options] => ) [Description] => Array ( [decorator] => Description [options] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Array ( [filter] => StringTrim [options] => Array ( ) ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Nom [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => nom [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => 1 [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => nom [placeholder] => Nom [class] => form-control ) [email] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object ( [helper] => formText [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Array ( [decorator] => ViewHelper [options] => ) [Errors] => Array ( [decorator] => Errors [options] => ) [Description] => Array ( [decorator] => Description [options] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Array ( [filter] => StringTrim [options] => Array ( ) ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Mail [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => email [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => 1 [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_EmailAddress] => Zend_Validate_EmailAddress Object ( [_messageTemplates:protected] => Array ( [emailAddressInvalid] => Invalid type given. String expected [emailAddressInvalidFormat] => '%value%' is not a valid email address in the basic format local-part@hostname [emailAddressInvalidHostname] => '%hostname%' is not a valid hostname for email address '%value%' [emailAddressInvalidMxRecord] => '%hostname%' does not appear to have a valid MX record for the email address '%value%' [emailAddressInvalidSegment] => '%hostname%' is not in a routable network segment. The email address '%value%' should not be resolved from public network [emailAddressDotAtom] => '%localPart%' can not be matched against dot-atom format [emailAddressQuotedString] => '%localPart%' can not be matched against quoted-string format [emailAddressInvalidLocalPart] => '%localPart%' is not a valid local part for email address '%value%' [emailAddressLengthExceeded] => '%value%' exceeds the allowed length ) [_invalidIp:protected] => Array ( [0] => [10] => [100] => [127] => [169] => [172] => [192] => Array ( [0] => [1] => [2] => [3] => ) [198] => [224] => [240] => ) [_messageVariables:protected] => Array ( [hostname] => _hostname [localPart] => _localPart ) [_hostname:protected] => [_localPart:protected] => [_options:protected] => Array ( [mx] => [deep] => [domain] => 1 [allow] => 1 [hostname] => Zend_Validate_Hostname Object ( [_messageTemplates:protected] => Array ( [hostnameCannotDecodePunycode] => '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but the given punycode notation cannot be decoded [hostnameInvalid] => Invalid type given. String expected [hostnameDashCharacter] => '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but contains a dash in an invalid position [hostnameInvalidHostname] => '%value%' does not match the expected structure for a DNS hostname [hostnameInvalidHostnameSchema] => '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match against hostname schema for TLD '%tld%' [hostnameInvalidLocalName] => '%value%' does not appear to be a valid local network name [hostnameInvalidUri] => '%value%' does not appear to be a valid URI hostname [hostnameIpAddressNotAllowed] => '%value%' appears to be an IP address, but IP addresses are not allowed [hostnameLocalNameNotAllowed] => '%value%' appears to be a local network name but local network names are not allowed [hostnameUndecipherableTld] => '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot extract TLD part [hostnameUnknownTld] => '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match TLD against known list ) [_messageVariables:protected] => Array ( [tld] => _tld ) [_validTlds:protected] => Array ( [0] => aaa [1] => abb [2] => abbott [3] => abogado [4] => ac [5] => academy [6] => accenture [7] => accountant [8] => accountants [9] => aco [10] => active [11] => actor [12] => ad [13] => ads [14] => adult [15] => ae [16] => aeg [17] => aero [18] => af [19] => afl [20] => ag [21] => agency [22] => ai [23] => aig [24] => airforce [25] => airtel [26] => al [27] => allfinanz [28] => alsace [29] => am [30] => amica [31] => amsterdam [32] => android [33] => ao [34] => apartments [35] => app [36] => aq [37] => aquarelle [38] => ar [39] => aramco [40] => archi [41] => army [42] => arpa [43] => arte [44] => as [45] => asia [46] => associates [47] => at [48] => attorney [49] => au [50] => auction [51] => audio [52] => auto [53] => autos [54] => aw [55] => ax [56] => axa [57] => az [58] => azure [59] => ba [60] => band [61] => bank [62] => bar [63] => barcelona [64] => barclaycard [65] => barclays [66] => bargains [67] => bauhaus [68] => bayern [69] => bb [70] => bbc [71] => bbva [72] => bcn [73] => bd [74] => be [75] => beer [76] => bentley [77] => berlin [78] => best [79] => bet [80] => bf [81] => bg [82] => bh [83] => bharti [84] => bi [85] => bible [86] => bid [87] => bike [88] => bing [89] => bingo [90] => bio [91] => biz [92] => bj [93] => black [94] => blackfriday [95] => bloomberg [96] => blue [97] => bm [98] => bms [99] => bmw [100] => bn [101] => bnl [102] => bnpparibas [103] => bo [104] => boats [105] => bom [106] => bond [107] => boo [108] => boots [109] => boutique [110] => br [111] => bradesco [112] => bridgestone [113] => broker [114] => brother [115] => brussels [116] => bs [117] => bt [118] => budapest [119] => build [120] => builders [121] => business [122] => buzz [123] => bv [124] => bw [125] => by [126] => bz [127] => bzh [128] => ca [129] => cab [130] => cafe [131] => cal [132] => camera [133] => camp [134] => cancerresearch [135] => canon [136] => capetown [137] => capital [138] => car [139] => caravan [140] => cards [141] => care [142] => career [143] => careers [144] => cars [145] => cartier [146] => casa [147] => cash [148] => casino [149] => cat [150] => catering [151] => cba [152] => cbn [153] => cc [154] => cd [155] => ceb [156] => center [157] => ceo [158] => cern [159] => cf [160] => cfa [161] => cfd [162] => cg [163] => ch [164] => chanel [165] => channel [166] => chat [167] => cheap [168] => chloe [169] => christmas [170] => chrome [171] => church [172] => ci [173] => cipriani [174] => cisco [175] => citic [176] => city [177] => ck [178] => cl [179] => claims [180] => cleaning [181] => click [182] => clinic [183] => clothing [184] => cloud [185] => club [186] => clubmed [187] => cm [188] => cn [189] => co [190] => coach [191] => codes [192] => coffee [193] => college [194] => cologne [195] => com [196] => commbank [197] => community [198] => company [199] => computer [200] => condos [201] => construction [202] => consulting [203] => contractors [204] => cooking [205] => cool [206] => coop [207] => corsica [208] => country [209] => coupons [210] => courses [211] => cr [212] => credit [213] => creditcard [214] => cricket [215] => crown [216] => crs [217] => cruises [218] => csc [219] => cu [220] => cuisinella [221] => cv [222] => cw [223] => cx [224] => cy [225] => cymru [226] => cyou [227] => cz [228] => dabur [229] => dad [230] => dance [231] => date [232] => dating [233] => datsun [234] => day [235] => dclk [236] => de [237] => deals [238] => degree [239] => delivery [240] => dell [241] => delta [242] => democrat [243] => dental [244] => dentist [245] => desi [246] => design [247] => dev [248] => diamonds [249] => diet [250] => digital [251] => direct [252] => directory [253] => discount [254] => dj [255] => dk [256] => dm [257] => dnp [258] => do [259] => docs [260] => dog [261] => doha [262] => domains [263] => doosan [264] => download [265] => drive [266] => durban [267] => dvag [268] => dz [269] => earth [270] => eat [271] => ec [272] => edu [273] => education [274] => ee [275] => eg [276] => email [277] => emerck [278] => energy [279] => engineer [280] => engineering [281] => enterprises [282] => epson [283] => equipment [284] => er [285] => erni [286] => es [287] => esq [288] => estate [289] => et [290] => eu [291] => eurovision [292] => eus [293] => events [294] => everbank [295] => exchange [296] => expert [297] => exposed [298] => express [299] => fage [300] => fail [301] => faith [302] => family [303] => fan [304] => fans [305] => farm [306] => fashion [307] => feedback [308] => fi [309] => film [310] => final [311] => finance [312] => financial [313] => firmdale [314] => fish [315] => fishing [316] => fit [317] => fitness [318] => fj [319] => fk [320] => flights [321] => florist [322] => flowers [323] => flsmidth [324] => fly [325] => fm [326] => fo [327] => foo [328] => football [329] => forex [330] => forsale [331] => forum [332] => foundation [333] => fr [334] => frl [335] => frogans [336] => fund [337] => furniture [338] => futbol [339] => fyi [340] => ga [341] => gal [342] => gallery [343] => game [344] => garden [345] => gb [346] => gbiz [347] => gd [348] => gdn [349] => ge [350] => gea [351] => gent [352] => genting [353] => gf [354] => gg [355] => ggee [356] => gh [357] => gi [358] => gift [359] => gifts [360] => gives [361] => giving [362] => gl [363] => glass [364] => gle [365] => global [366] => globo [367] => gm [368] => gmail [369] => gmo [370] => gmx [371] => gn [372] => gold [373] => goldpoint [374] => golf [375] => goo [376] => goog [377] => google [378] => gop [379] => gov [380] => gp [381] => gq [382] => gr [383] => graphics [384] => gratis [385] => green [386] => gripe [387] => group [388] => gs [389] => gt [390] => gu [391] => gucci [392] => guge [393] => guide [394] => guitars [395] => guru [396] => gw [397] => gy [398] => hamburg [399] => hangout [400] => haus [401] => healthcare [402] => help [403] => here [404] => hermes [405] => hiphop [406] => hitachi [407] => hiv [408] => hk [409] => hm [410] => hn [411] => hockey [412] => holdings [413] => holiday [414] => homedepot [415] => homes [416] => honda [417] => horse [418] => host [419] => hosting [420] => hoteles [421] => hotmail [422] => house [423] => how [424] => hr [425] => hsbc [426] => ht [427] => hu [428] => hyundai [429] => ibm [430] => icbc [431] => ice [432] => icu [433] => id [434] => ie [435] => ifm [436] => iinet [437] => il [438] => im [439] => immo [440] => immobilien [441] => in [442] => industries [443] => infiniti [444] => info [445] => ing [446] => ink [447] => institute [448] => insure [449] => int [450] => international [451] => investments [452] => io [453] => ipiranga [454] => iq [455] => ir [456] => irish [457] => is [458] => ist [459] => istanbul [460] => it [461] => itau [462] => iwc [463] => jaguar [464] => java [465] => jcb [466] => je [467] => jetzt [468] => jewelry [469] => jlc [470] => jll [471] => jm [472] => jo [473] => jobs [474] => joburg [475] => jp [476] => jprs [477] => juegos [478] => kaufen [479] => kddi [480] => ke [481] => kg [482] => kh [483] => ki [484] => kia [485] => kim [486] => kinder [487] => kitchen [488] => kiwi [489] => km [490] => kn [491] => koeln [492] => komatsu [493] => kp [494] => kr [495] => krd [496] => kred [497] => kw [498] => ky [499] => kyoto [500] => kz [501] => la [502] => lacaixa [503] => lancaster [504] => land [505] => landrover [506] => lasalle [507] => lat [508] => latrobe [509] => law [510] => lawyer [511] => lb [512] => lc [513] => lds [514] => lease [515] => leclerc [516] => legal [517] => lexus [518] => lgbt [519] => li [520] => liaison [521] => lidl [522] => life [523] => lighting [524] => limited [525] => limo [526] => linde [527] => link [528] => live [529] => lixil [530] => lk [531] => loan [532] => loans [533] => lol [534] => london [535] => lotte [536] => lotto [537] => love [538] => lr [539] => ls [540] => lt [541] => ltd [542] => ltda [543] => lu [544] => lupin [545] => luxe [546] => luxury [547] => lv [548] => ly [549] => ma [550] => madrid [551] => maif [552] => maison [553] => man [554] => management [555] => mango [556] => market [557] => marketing [558] => markets [559] => marriott [560] => mba [561] => mc [562] => md [563] => me [564] => media [565] => meet [566] => melbourne [567] => meme [568] => memorial [569] => men [570] => menu [571] => mg [572] => mh [573] => miami [574] => microsoft [575] => mil [576] => mini [577] => mk [578] => ml [579] => mm [580] => mma [581] => mn [582] => mo [583] => mobi [584] => moda [585] => moe [586] => moi [587] => mom [588] => monash [589] => money [590] => montblanc [591] => mormon [592] => mortgage [593] => moscow [594] => motorcycles [595] => mov [596] => movie [597] => movistar [598] => mp [599] => mq [600] => mr [601] => ms [602] => mt [603] => mtn [604] => mtpc [605] => mtr [606] => mu [607] => museum [608] => mutuelle [609] => mv [610] => mw [611] => mx [612] => my [613] => mz [614] => na [615] => nadex [616] => nagoya [617] => name [618] => navy [619] => nc [620] => ne [621] => nec [622] => net [623] => netbank [624] => network [625] => neustar [626] => new [627] => news [628] => nexus [629] => nf [630] => ng [631] => ngo [632] => nhk [633] => ni [634] => nico [635] => ninja [636] => nissan [637] => nl [638] => no [639] => nokia [640] => np [641] => nr [642] => nra [643] => nrw [644] => ntt [645] => nu [646] => nyc [647] => nz [648] => obi [649] => office [650] => okinawa [651] => om [652] => omega [653] => one [654] => ong [655] => onl [656] => online [657] => ooo [658] => oracle [659] => orange [660] => org [661] => organic [662] => osaka [663] => otsuka [664] => ovh [665] => pa [666] => page [667] => panerai [668] => paris [669] => partners [670] => parts [671] => party [672] => pe [673] => pet [674] => pf [675] => pg [676] => ph [677] => pharmacy [678] => philips [679] => photo [680] => photography [681] => photos [682] => physio [683] => piaget [684] => pics [685] => pictet [686] => pictures [687] => pink [688] => pizza [689] => pk [690] => pl [691] => place [692] => play [693] => plumbing [694] => plus [695] => pm [696] => pn [697] => pohl [698] => poker [699] => porn [700] => post [701] => pr [702] => praxi [703] => press [704] => pro [705] => prod [706] => productions [707] => prof [708] => properties [709] => property [710] => protection [711] => ps [712] => pt [713] => pub [714] => pw [715] => py [716] => qa [717] => qpon [718] => quebec [719] => racing [720] => re [721] => realtor [722] => realty [723] => recipes [724] => red [725] => redstone [726] => rehab [727] => reise [728] => reisen [729] => reit [730] => ren [731] => rent [732] => rentals [733] => repair [734] => report [735] => republican [736] => rest [737] => restaurant [738] => review [739] => reviews [740] => rich [741] => ricoh [742] => rio [743] => rip [744] => ro [745] => rocks [746] => rodeo [747] => rs [748] => rsvp [749] => ru [750] => ruhr [751] => run [752] => rw [753] => rwe [754] => ryukyu [755] => sa [756] => saarland [757] => sakura [758] => sale [759] => samsung [760] => sandvik [761] => sandvikcoromant [762] => sanofi [763] => sap [764] => sarl [765] => saxo [766] => sb [767] => sc [768] => sca [769] => scb [770] => schmidt [771] => scholarships [772] => school [773] => schule [774] => schwarz [775] => science [776] => scor [777] => scot [778] => sd [779] => se [780] => seat [781] => security [782] => seek [783] => sener [784] => services [785] => seven [786] => sew [787] => sex [788] => sexy [789] => sg [790] => sh [791] => shiksha [792] => shoes [793] => show [794] => shriram [795] => si [796] => singles [797] => site [798] => sj [799] => sk [800] => ski [801] => sky [802] => skype [803] => sl [804] => sm [805] => sn [806] => sncf [807] => so [808] => soccer [809] => social [810] => software [811] => sohu [812] => solar [813] => solutions [814] => sony [815] => soy [816] => space [817] => spiegel [818] => spreadbetting [819] => sr [820] => srl [821] => st [822] => stada [823] => starhub [824] => statoil [825] => stc [826] => stcgroup [827] => stockholm [828] => studio [829] => study [830] => style [831] => su [832] => sucks [833] => supplies [834] => supply [835] => support [836] => surf [837] => surgery [838] => suzuki [839] => sv [840] => swatch [841] => swiss [842] => sx [843] => sy [844] => sydney [845] => systems [846] => sz [847] => taipei [848] => tatamotors [849] => tatar [850] => tattoo [851] => tax [852] => taxi [853] => tc [854] => td [855] => team [856] => tech [857] => technology [858] => tel [859] => telefonica [860] => temasek [861] => tennis [862] => tf [863] => tg [864] => th [865] => thd [866] => theater [867] => theatre [868] => tickets [869] => tienda [870] => tips [871] => tires [872] => tirol [873] => tj [874] => tk [875] => tl [876] => tm [877] => tn [878] => to [879] => today [880] => tokyo [881] => tools [882] => top [883] => toray [884] => toshiba [885] => tours [886] => town [887] => toyota [888] => toys [889] => tr [890] => trade [891] => trading [892] => training [893] => travel [894] => trust [895] => tt [896] => tui [897] => tv [898] => tw [899] => tz [900] => ua [901] => ubs [902] => ug [903] => uk [904] => university [905] => uno [906] => uol [907] => us [908] => uy [909] => uz [910] => va [911] => vacations [912] => vc [913] => ve [914] => vegas [915] => ventures [916] => versicherung [917] => vet [918] => vg [919] => vi [920] => viajes [921] => video [922] => villas [923] => vin [924] => virgin [925] => vision [926] => vista [927] => vistaprint [928] => viva [929] => vlaanderen [930] => vn [931] => vodka [932] => vote [933] => voting [934] => voto [935] => voyage [936] => vu [937] => wales [938] => walter [939] => wang [940] => watch [941] => webcam [942] => website [943] => wed [944] => wedding [945] => weir [946] => wf [947] => whoswho [948] => wien [949] => wiki [950] => williamhill [951] => win [952] => windows [953] => wine [954] => wme [955] => work [956] => works [957] => world [958] => ws [959] => wtc [960] => wtf [961] => xbox [962] => xerox [963] => xin [964] => xn--11b4c3d [965] => xn--1qqw23a [966] => xn--30rr7y [967] => xn--3bst00m [968] => xn--3ds443g [969] => xn--3e0b707e [970] => xn--3pxu8k [971] => xn--42c2d9a [972] => xn--45brj9c [973] => xn--45q11c [974] => xn--4gbrim [975] => xn--55qw42g [976] => xn--55qx5d [977] => xn--6frz82g [978] => xn--6qq986b3xl [979] => xn--80adxhks [980] => xn--80ao21a [981] => xn--80asehdb [982] => xn--80aswg [983] => xn--90a3ac [984] => xn--90ais [985] => xn--9dbq2a [986] => xn--9et52u [987] => xn--b4w605ferd [988] => xn--c1avg [989] => xn--c2br7g [990] => xn--cg4bki [991] => xn--clchc0ea0b2g2a9gcd [992] => xn--czr694b [993] => xn--czrs0t [994] => xn--czru2d [995] => xn--d1acj3b [996] => xn--d1alf [997] => xn--efvy88h [998] => xn--estv75g [999] => xn--fhbei [1000] => xn--fiq228c5hs [1001] => xn--fiq64b [1002] => xn--fiqs8s [1003] => xn--fiqz9s [1004] => xn--fjq720a [1005] => xn--flw351e [1006] => xn--fpcrj9c3d [1007] => xn--fzc2c9e2c [1008] => xn--gecrj9c [1009] => xn--h2brj9c [1010] => xn--hxt814e [1011] => xn--i1b6b1a6a2e [1012] => xn--imr513n [1013] => xn--io0a7i [1014] => xn--j1aef [1015] => xn--j1amh [1016] => xn--j6w193g [1017] => xn--kcrx77d1x4a [1018] => xn--kprw13d [1019] => xn--kpry57d [1020] => xn--kput3i [1021] => xn--l1acc [1022] => xn--lgbbat1ad8j [1023] => xn--mgb9awbf [1024] => xn--mgba3a3ejt [1025] => xn--mgba3a4f16a [1026] => xn--mgbaam7a8h [1027] => xn--mgbab2bd [1028] => xn--mgbayh7gpa [1029] => xn--mgbbh1a71e [1030] => xn--mgbc0a9azcg [1031] => xn--mgberp4a5d4ar [1032] => xn--mgbpl2fh [1033] => xn--mgbx4cd0ab [1034] => xn--mk1bu44c [1035] => xn--mxtq1m [1036] => xn--ngbc5azd [1037] => xn--node [1038] => xn--nqv7f [1039] => xn--nqv7fs00ema [1040] => xn--nyqy26a [1041] => xn--o3cw4h [1042] => xn--ogbpf8fl [1043] => xn--p1acf [1044] => xn--p1ai [1045] => xn--pgbs0dh [1046] => xn--pssy2u [1047] => xn--q9jyb4c [1048] => xn--qcka1pmc [1049] => xn--rhqv96g [1050] => xn--s9brj9c [1051] => xn--ses554g [1052] => xn--t60b56a [1053] => xn--tckwe [1054] => xn--unup4y [1055] => xn--vermgensberater-ctb [1056] => xn--vermgensberatung-pwb [1057] => xn--vhquv [1058] => xn--vuq861b [1059] => xn--wgbh1c [1060] => xn--wgbl6a [1061] => xn--xhq521b [1062] => xn--xkc2al3hye2a [1063] => xn--xkc2dl3a5ee0h [1064] => xn--y9a3aq [1065] => xn--yfro4i67o [1066] => xn--ygbi2ammx [1067] => xn--zfr164b [1068] => xperia [1069] => xxx [1070] => xyz [1071] => yachts [1072] => yamaxun [1073] => yandex [1074] => ye [1075] => yodobashi [1076] => yoga [1077] => yokohama [1078] => youtube [1079] => yt [1080] => za [1081] => zara [1082] => zip [1083] => zm [1084] => zone [1085] => zuerich [1086] => zw [1087] => 测试 [1088] => परीक्षा [1089] => 佛山 [1090] => 集团 [1091] => 在线 [1092] => 한국 [1093] => ভারত [1094] => 八卦 [1095] => موقع [1096] => বাংলা [1097] => 公益 [1098] => 公司 [1099] => 移动 [1100] => 我爱你 [1101] => москва [1102] => испытание [1103] => қаз [1104] => онлайн [1105] => сайт [1106] => срб [1107] => бел [1108] => 테스트 [1109] => орг [1110] => 삼성 [1111] => சிங்கப்பூர் [1112] => 商标 [1113] => 商城 [1114] => дети [1115] => мкд [1116] => טעסט [1117] => 中文网 [1118] => 中信 [1119] => 中国 [1120] => 中國 [1121] => 谷歌 [1122] => భారత్ [1123] => ලංකා [1124] => 測試 [1125] => ભારત [1126] => भारत [1127] => آزمایشی [1128] => பரிட்சை [1129] => संगठन [1130] => 网络 [1131] => укр [1132] => 香港 [1133] => δοκιμή [1134] => إختبار [1135] => 台湾 [1136] => 台灣 [1137] => 手机 [1138] => мон [1139] => الجزائر [1140] => عمان [1141] => ایران [1142] => امارات [1143] => بازار [1144] => پاکستان [1145] => الاردن [1146] => بھارت [1147] => المغرب [1148] => السعودية [1149] => سودان [1150] => عراق [1151] => مليسيا [1152] => شبكة [1153] => გე [1154] => 机构 [1155] => 组织机构 [1156] => ไทย [1157] => سورية [1158] => рус [1159] => рф [1160] => تونس [1161] => みんな [1162] => グーグル [1163] => 世界 [1164] => ਭਾਰਤ [1165] => 网址 [1166] => 游戏 [1167] => vermögensberater [1168] => vermögensberatung [1169] => 企业 [1170] => مصر [1171] => قطر [1172] => 广东 [1173] => இலங்கை [1174] => இந்தியா [1175] => հայ [1176] => 新加坡 [1177] => فلسطين [1178] => テスト [1179] => 政务 ) [_tld:protected] => [_validIdns:protected] => Array ( [AC] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿāăąćĉċčďđēėęěĝġģĥħīįĵķĺļľŀłńņňŋőœŕŗřśŝşšţťŧūŭůűųŵŷźżž]{1,63}$/iu ) [AR] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-ãç-êìíñ-õü]{1,63}$/iu ) [AS] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿāăąćĉċčďđēĕėęěĝğġģĥħĩīĭįıĵķĸĺļľłńņňŋōŏőœŕŗřśŝşšţťŧũūŭůűųŵŷźż]{1,63}$/iu ) [AT] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿœšž]{1,63}$/iu ) [BIZ] => Hostname/Biz.php [BR] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-ãçéíó-õúü]{1,63}$/iu ) [BV] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáä-éêñ-ôöøüčđńŋšŧž]{1,63}$/iu ) [CA] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàâæçéèêëîïôœùûüÿ\x{00E0}\x{00E2}\x{00E7}\x{00E8}\x{00E9}\x{00EA}\x{00EB}\x{00EE}\x{00EF}\x{00F4}\x{00F9}\x{00FB}\x{00FC}\x{00E6}\x{0153}\x{00FF}]{1,63}$/iu ) [CAT] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-z·àç-éíïòóúü]{1,63}$/iu ) [CH] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿœ]{1,63}$/iu ) [CL] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíñóúü]{1,63}$/iu ) [CN] => Hostname/Cn.php [COM] => Hostname/Com.php [DE] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿăąāćĉčċďđĕěėęēğĝġģĥħĭĩįīıĵķĺľļłńňņŋŏőōœĸŕřŗśŝšşťßţŧŭůűũųūŵŷźžż]{1,63}$/iu ) [DK] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäéöüæøå]{1,63}$/iu ) [ES] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáçèéíïñòóúü·]{1,63}$/iu ) [EU] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿ]{1,63}$/iu [2] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zāăąćĉċčďđēĕėęěĝğġģĥħĩīĭįıĵķĺļľŀłńņňʼnŋōŏőœŕŗřśŝšťŧũūŭůűųŵŷźżž]{1,63}$/iu [3] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zșț]{1,63}$/iu [4] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zΐάέήίΰαβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψωϊϋόύώ]{1,63}$/iu [5] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя]{1,63}$/iu [6] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zἀ-ἇἐ-ἕἠ-ἧἰ-ἷὀ-ὅὐ-ὗὠ-ὧὰ-ὼώᾀ-ᾇᾐ-ᾗᾠ-ᾧᾰ-ᾴᾶᾷῂῃῄῆῇῐ-ῒΐῖῗῠ-ῧῲῳῴῶῷ]{1,63}$/iu ) [FI] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäåö]{1,63}$/iu ) [GR] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zΆΈΉΊΌΎ-ΡΣ-ώἀ-ἕἘ-Ἕἠ-ὅὈ-Ὅὐ-ὗὙὛὝὟ-ώᾀ-ᾴᾶ-ᾼῂῃῄῆ-ῌῐ-ΐῖ-Ίῠ-Ῥῲῳῴῶ-ῼ]{1,63}$/iu ) [HK] => Hostname/Cn.php [HU] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíóöúüőű]{1,63}$/iu ) [IL] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9\x{05D0}-\x{05EA}]{1,63}$/iu [2] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-z]{1,63}$/i ) [INFO] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäåæéöøü]{1,63}$/iu [2] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíóöúüőű]{1,63}$/iu [3] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záæéíðóöúýþ]{1,63}$/iu [4] => /^[\x{AC00}-\x{D7A3}]{1,17}$/iu [5] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zāčēģīķļņōŗšūž]{1,63}$/iu [6] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-ząčėęįšūųž]{1,63}$/iu [7] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zóąćęłńśźż]{1,63}$/iu [8] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíñóúü]{1,63}$/iu ) [IO] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿăąāćĉčċďđĕěėęēğĝġģĥħĭĩįīıĵķĺľļłńňņŋŏőōœĸŕřŗśŝšşťţŧŭůűũųūŵŷźžż]{1,63}$/iu ) [IS] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéýúíóþæöð]{1,63}$/iu ) [IT] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàâäèéêëìîïòôöùûüæœçÿß-]{1,63}$/iu ) [JP] => Hostname/Jp.php [KR] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{AC00}-\x{D7A3}]{1,17}$/iu ) [LI] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿœ]{1,63}$/iu ) [LT] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9ąčęėįšųūž]{1,63}$/iu ) [MD] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9ăâîşţ]{1,63}$/iu ) [MUSEUM] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿāăąćċčďđēėęěğġģħīįıķĺļľłńņňŋōőœŕŗřśşšţťŧūůűųŵŷźżžǎǐǒǔ\x{01E5}\x{01E7}\x{01E9}\x{01EF}ə\x{0292}ẁẃẅỳ]{1,63}$/iu ) [NET] => Hostname/Com.php [NO] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáä-éêñ-ôöøüčđńŋšŧž]{1,63}$/iu ) [NU] => Hostname/Com.php [ORG] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíñóúü]{1,63}$/iu [2] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zóąćęłńśźż]{1,63}$/iu [3] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záäåæéëíðóöøúüýþ]{1,63}$/iu [4] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíóöúüőű]{1,63}$/iu [5] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-ząčėęįšūųž]{1,63}$/iu [6] => /^[\x{AC00}-\x{D7A3}]{1,17}$/iu [7] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zāčēģīķļņōŗšūž]{1,63}$/iu ) [PE] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zñáéíóúü]{1,63}$/iu ) [PL] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zāčēģīķļņōŗšūž]{1,63}$/iu [2] => /^[\x{002d}а-ик-ш\x{0450}ѓѕјљњќџ]{1,63}$/iu [3] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zâîăşţ]{1,63}$/iu [4] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-яё\x{04C2}]{1,63}$/iu [5] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáâèéêìíîòóôùúûċġħż]{1,63}$/iu [6] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàäåæéêòóôöøü]{1,63}$/iu [7] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zóąćęłńśźż]{1,63}$/iu [8] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáâãçéêíòóôõúü]{1,63}$/iu [9] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zâîăşţ]{1,63}$/iu [10] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záäéíóôúýčďĺľňŕšťž]{1,63}$/iu [11] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zçë]{1,63}$/iu [12] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-ик-шђјљњћџ]{1,63}$/iu [13] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zćčđšž]{1,63}$/iu [14] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zâçöûüğış]{1,63}$/iu [15] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíñóúü]{1,63}$/iu [16] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäõöüšž]{1,63}$/iu [17] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zĉĝĥĵŝŭ]{1,63}$/iu [18] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zâäéëîô]{1,63}$/iu [19] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáâäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòôöøùúûüýćčłńřśš]{1,63}$/iu [20] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäåæõöøüšž]{1,63}$/iu [21] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáçèéìíòóùú]{1,63}$/iu [22] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáéíóöúüőű]{1,63}$/iu [23] => /^[\x{002d}0-9ΐά-ώ]{1,63}$/iu [24] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáâåæçèéêëðóôöøüþœ]{1,63}$/iu [25] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záäéíóöúüýčďěňřšťůž]{1,63}$/iu [26] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-z·àçèéíïòóúü]{1,63}$/iu [27] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-ъьюя\x{0450}\x{045D}]{1,63}$/iu [28] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-яёіў]{1,63}$/iu [29] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-ząčėęįšūųž]{1,63}$/iu [30] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záäåæéëíðóöøúüýþ]{1,63}$/iu [31] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàâæçèéêëîïñôùûüÿœ]{1,63}$/iu [32] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-щъыьэюяёєіїґ]{1,63}$/iu [33] => /^[\x{002d}0-9א-ת]{1,63}$/iu ) [PR] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíóúñäëïüöâêîôûàèùæçœãõ]{1,63}$/iu ) [PT] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záàâãçéêíóôõú]{1,63}$/iu ) [RS] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002D}\x{0030}-\x{0039}\x{0061}-\x{007A}\x{0107}\x{010D}\x{0111}\x{0161}\x{017E}]{1,63}$/iu) ) [RU] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-яё]{1,63}$/iu ) [SA] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}.0-9\x{0621}-\x{063A}\x{0641}-\x{064A}\x{0660}-\x{0669}]{1,63}$/iu ) [SE] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäåéöü]{1,63}$/iu ) [SH] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿăąāćĉčċďđĕěėęēğĝġģĥħĭĩįīıĵķĺľļłńňņŋŏőōœĸŕřŗśŝšşťţŧŭůűũųūŵŷźžż]{1,63}$/iu ) [SI] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿ]{1,63}$/iu [2] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zāăąćĉċčďđēĕėęěĝğġģĥħĩīĭįıĵķĺļľŀłńņňʼnŋōŏőœŕŗřśŝšťŧũūŭůűųŵŷźżž]{1,63}$/iu [3] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zșț]{1,63}$/iu ) [SJ] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáä-éêñ-ôöøüčđńŋšŧž]{1,63}$/iu ) [TH] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-z\x{0E01}-\x{0E3A}\x{0E40}-\x{0E4D}\x{0E50}-\x{0E59}]{1,63}$/iu ) [TM] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿāăąćĉċčďđēėęěĝġģĥħīįĵķĺļľŀłńņňŋőœŕŗřśŝşšţťŧūŭůűųŵŷźżž]{1,63}$/iu ) [TW] => Hostname/Cn.php [TR] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zğıüşöç]{1,63}$/iu ) [UA] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюяѐёђѓєѕіїјљњћќѝўџґӂʼ]{1,63}$/iu ) [VE] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíóúüñ]{1,63}$/iu ) [VN] => Array ( [1] => /^[ÀÁÂÃÈÉÊÌÍÒÓÔÕÙÚÝàáâãèéêìíòóôõùúýĂăĐđĨĩŨũƠơƯư\x{1EA0}-\x{1EF9}]{1,63}$/iu ) [мон] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9\x{0430}-\x{044F}]{1,63}$/iu ) [срб] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-ик-шђјљњћџ]{1,63}$/iu ) [сайт] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-яёіїѝйўґг]{1,63}$/iu ) [онлайн] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-яёіїѝйўґг]{1,63}$/iu ) [中国] => Hostname/Cn.php [中國] => Hostname/Cn.php [ලංකා] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0d80}-\x{0dff}]{1,63}$/iu ) [香港] => Hostname/Cn.php [台湾] => Hostname/Cn.php [台灣] => Hostname/Cn.php [امارات] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu ) [الاردن] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu ) [السعودية] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu ) [ไทย] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-z\x{0E01}-\x{0E3A}\x{0E40}-\x{0E4D}\x{0E50}-\x{0E59}]{1,63}$/iu ) [рф] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-яё]{1,63}$/iu ) [تونس] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu ) [مصر] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu ) [இலங்கை] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0b80}-\x{0bff}]{1,63}$/iu ) [فلسطين] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu ) [شبكة] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu ) ) [_idnLength:protected] => Array ( [BIZ] => Array ( [5] => 17 [11] => 15 [12] => 20 ) [CN] => Array ( [1] => 20 ) [COM] => Array ( [3] => 17 [5] => 20 ) [HK] => Array ( [1] => 15 ) [INFO] => Array ( [4] => 17 ) [KR] => Array ( [1] => 17 ) [NET] => Array ( [3] => 17 [5] => 20 ) [ORG] => Array ( [6] => 17 ) [TW] => Array ( [1] => 20 ) [ایران] => Array ( [1] => 30 ) [中国] => Array ( [1] => 20 ) [公司] => Array ( [1] => 20 ) [网络] => Array ( [1] => 20 ) ) [_options:protected] => Array ( [allow] => 1 [idn] => 1 [tld] => 1 [ip] => Zend_Validate_Ip Object ( [_messageTemplates:protected] => Array ( [ipInvalid] => Invalid type given. String expected [notIpAddress] => '%value%' does not appear to be a valid IP address ) [_options:protected] => Array ( [allowipv6] => 1 [allowipv4] => 1 ) [_value:protected] => [_messageVariables:protected] => Array ( ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_obscureValue:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => ) ) [_value:protected] => [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_obscureValue:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => ) ) [_value:protected] => [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_obscureValue:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [zfBreakChainOnFailure] => ) ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => email [placeholder] => Mail [class] => form-control ) [telephone] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object ( [helper] => formText [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Array ( [decorator] => ViewHelper [options] => ) [Errors] => Array ( [decorator] => Errors [options] => ) [Description] => Array ( [decorator] => Description [options] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Array ( [filter] => StringTrim [options] => Array ( ) ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Téléphone [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => telephone [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => 1 [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( [Custom_Validate_Nombre] => Custom_Validate_Nombre Object ( [_messageTemplates:protected] => Array ( [invalidUrl] => '%value%' n'est pas un nombre. ) [_value:protected] => [_messageVariables:protected] => Array ( ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_obscureValue:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [zfBreakChainOnFailure] => ) ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => telephone [placeholder] => Téléphone [class] => form-control ) [marque] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object ( [helper] => formText [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Array ( [decorator] => ViewHelper [options] => ) [Errors] => Array ( [decorator] => Errors [options] => ) [Description] => Array ( [decorator] => Description [options] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Array ( [filter] => StringTrim [options] => Array ( ) ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Marque [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => marque [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => 1 [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => marque [placeholder] => Marque [class] => form-control ) [modele] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object ( [helper] => formText [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Array ( [decorator] => ViewHelper [options] => ) [Errors] => Array ( [decorator] => Errors [options] => ) [Description] => Array ( [decorator] => Description [options] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Array ( [filter] => StringTrim [options] => Array ( ) ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Modèle [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => modele [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => 1 [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => modele [placeholder] => Modèle [class] => form-control ) [oparateur] => Zend_Form_Element_Select Object ( [multiple] => [helper] => formSelect [options] => Array ( [16799] => Oui [16800] => Non ) [_registerInArrayValidator:protected] => 1 [_separator:protected] =>
[_translated:protected] => Array ( ) [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Array ( [decorator] => ViewHelper [options] => ) [Errors] => Array ( [decorator] => Errors [options] => ) [Description] => Array ( [decorator] => Description [options] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Array ( [filter] => StringTrim [options] => Array ( ) ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Debloqué tout oparateur [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => oparateur [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => 1 [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => oparateur [class] => form-control ) [etatecran] => Zend_Form_Element_Select Object ( [multiple] => [helper] => formSelect [options] => Array ( [16801] => intact [16802] => micro-rayure [16803] => rayures [16804] => cassé ) [_registerInArrayValidator:protected] => 1 [_separator:protected] =>
[_translated:protected] => Array ( ) [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Array ( [decorator] => ViewHelper [options] => ) [Errors] => Array ( [decorator] => Errors [options] => ) [Description] => Array ( [decorator] => Description [options] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Array ( [filter] => StringTrim [options] => Array ( ) ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Dans quel état est l’écran ? [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => etatecran [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => 1 [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => etatecran [class] => form-control ) [etatcoque] => Zend_Form_Element_Select Object ( [multiple] => [helper] => formSelect [options] => Array ( [16805] => intact [16806] => micro-rayure [16807] => rayures [16808] => cassé ) [_registerInArrayValidator:protected] => 1 [_separator:protected] =>
[_translated:protected] => Array ( ) [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Array ( [decorator] => ViewHelper [options] => ) [Errors] => Array ( [decorator] => Errors [options] => ) [Description] => Array ( [decorator] => Description [options] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Array ( [filter] => StringTrim [options] => Array ( ) ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Quel est l'état de la coque ? [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => etatcoque [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => 1 [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => etatcoque [class] => form-control ) [produit] => Zend_Form_Element_Select Object ( [multiple] => [helper] => formSelect [options] => Array ( [16809] => Oui [16810] => Non ) [_registerInArrayValidator:protected] => 1 [_separator:protected] =>
[_translated:protected] => Array ( ) [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Array ( [decorator] => ViewHelper [options] => ) [Errors] => Array ( [decorator] => Errors [options] => ) [Description] => Array ( [decorator] => Description [options] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Array ( [filter] => StringTrim [options] => Array ( ) ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Votre produit est-il fonctionnel ? [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => produit [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => 1 [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => produit [class] => form-control ) [capacite] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object ( [helper] => formText [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Array ( [decorator] => ViewHelper [options] => ) [Errors] => Array ( [decorator] => Errors [options] => ) [Description] => Array ( [decorator] => Description [options] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Array ( [filter] => StringTrim [options] => Array ( ) ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Capacité [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => capacite [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => 1 [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => capacite [placeholder] => Capacité [class] => form-control ) [g-recaptcha-response] => Cgsmith\Form\Element\Recaptcha Object ( [helper] => formRecaptcha [_siteKey:protected] => 6LeBsB0TAAAAAJiVJzXaYzz7nK2dF1fyMOjitWqZ [_secretKey:protected] => 6LeBsB0TAAAAAP8dwt_Q9kvnryFvO0P1xHyg44el [_allowEmpty:protected] => [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Array ( [decorator] => ViewHelper [options] => ) [Errors] => Array ( [decorator] => Errors [options] => ) [Description] => Array ( [decorator] => Description [options] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => grecaptcharesponse [_order:protected] => 40 [_required:protected] => [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( [Recaptcha] => Array ( [validator] => Recaptcha [breakChainOnFailure] => [options] => Array ( [secretKey] => 6LeBsB0TAAAAAP8dwt_Q9kvnryFvO0P1xHyg44el ) ) ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [siteKey] => 6LeBsB0TAAAAAJiVJzXaYzz7nK2dF1fyMOjitWqZ [secretKey] => 6LeBsB0TAAAAAP8dwt_Q9kvnryFvO0P1xHyg44el [messages] => Array ( [invalidCaptcha] => Code invalide [captchaEmpty] => Code Vide ) ) [formulaire_id] => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden Object ( [helper] => formHidden [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Array ( [decorator] => ViewHelper [options] => ) [Errors] => Array ( [decorator] => Errors [options] => ) [Description] => Array ( [decorator] => Description [options] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( ) [_ignore:protected] => 1 [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => formulaire_id [_order:protected] => [_required:protected] => [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => 2133 [_view:protected] => [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => ) [mnst_id] => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden Object ( [helper] => formHidden [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Array ( [decorator] => ViewHelper [options] => ) [Errors] => Array ( [decorator] => Errors [options] => ) [Description] => Array ( [decorator] => Description [options] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( ) [_ignore:protected] => 1 [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => mnst_id [_order:protected] => [_required:protected] => [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => ) [submit] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit Object ( [helper] => formSubmit [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [Tooltip] => Array ( [decorator] => Tooltip [options] => ) [ViewHelper] => Array ( [decorator] => ViewHelper [options] => ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( ) [_ignore:protected] => 1 [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Envoyer [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => submit [_order:protected] => 50 [_required:protected] => [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => searchsubmit [class] => searchsubmit ) ) [_elementsBelongTo:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorsExist:protected] => [_errorsForced:protected] => [_formOrder:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_legend:protected] => [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [ELEMENT] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [Recaptcha] => Cgsmith\Form\Element\Recaptcha [Hidden] => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden [Submit] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Element_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Element/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Element_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Element/ ) [Cgsmith\Form\Element\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Form/Element/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_methods:protected] => Array ( [0] => delete [1] => get [2] => post [3] => put ) [_order:protected] => Array ( [nom] => 0 [email] => 0 [telephone] => 0 [marque] => 0 [modele] => 0 [oparateur] => 0 [etatecran] => 0 [etatcoque] => 0 [produit] => 0 [capacite] => 0 [g-recaptcha-response] => [formulaire_id] => [mnst_id] => [submit] => 50 ) [_orderUpdated:protected] => 1 [_subFormPrefixPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_subForms:protected] => Array ( ) [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_view:protected] => Zend_View Object ( [_useViewStream:Zend_View:private] => [_useStreamWrapper:Zend_View:private] => [_path:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [script] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/build/modules/default/ ) [helper] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( ) ) [_file:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/build/modules/default/popup.phtml [_helper:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_helperLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_helperLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filter:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterClass:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_escape:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => htmlspecialchars [_encoding:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => UTF-8 [_lfiProtectionOn:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => 1 [_loaders:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [filter] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [helper] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Helper/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/View/Helper/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_loaderTypes:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [0] => filter [1] => helper ) [_strictVars:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => [publisite] => Array ( [publisite_id] => 3031 [publisite_nom] => PressMike [publisite_domaine] => atelier-phone-44.fr [publisite_mail_contact] => [email protected] [publisite_telephone] => 0185532785 [publisite_telephone_config] => [{"Tracking_id":"","publisite_appel_source":4,"publisite_telephone":"0185532785","publisite_numero_direction":"0984541914","publisite_enregistrement":null,"publisite_zone_indicatif":"fr_01","publisite_label_sip":"","sonnerie_cliqphone":"25 s","publisite_num_dispo":"0185532785","message_enregistrement_cliqeo_waze":"230","message_introduction":"245","publisite_pays":"fr","publisite_enregistrement_cliqphone":null,"publisite_pays_saved":"0185532785","libelle_cliqphone":"","Numero_debordement":null,"pays_debordement":"fr","pays_direction":"fr","publisite_ajout_horaire":"","publisite_transfert_fermeture":false,"pays_transfert":"fr","listHoraires":[]}] [publisite_analytics_compte] => compte1 [publisite_analytics_id] => 176895355 [publisite_analyticsaccountid] => 119756258 [publisite_analyticspropertyid] => UA-119756258-42 [publisite_adwords_id] => 0 [publisite_calendar_id] => [publisite_mcc] => 1 [publisite_etat] => 1 [publisite_etat_modif_date] => [publisite_client] => 2924 [publisite_logo] => publisite_logo_1528445057.png [publisite_activite] => 102 [publisite_franchise] => 0 [publisite_region] => 25 [publisite_budget] => 200 [publisite_dossier] => 3624 [publisite_rt30] => 33 [publisite_rc] => 1320 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[formulaire_mail] => 0 [formulaire_mail_destination] => pressmike[44]@hotmail.com [formulaire_icon] => la-th-large [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_sidebar] => 0 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_adwords] => 0 [formulaire_facebook] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_index] => 0 [publisite_nom] => PressMike ) ) [gmaps] => Array ( [gmaps_id] => 3406 [gmaps_lat] => 48.8834836 [gmaps_long] => 2.3144852000000355 [gmaps_zoom] => 10 [gmaps_popup] => [gmaps_lat2] => [gmaps_long2] => [gmaps_titre2] => [gmaps_titre] => GOOGLE MAP [gmaps_plan] => 1 [gmaps_address] => 44 rue Levis [gmaps_postal_code] => 75017 [gmaps_locality] => Paris [gmaps_radius] => 0 [gmaps_description] => [gmaps_presentation] => [gmaps_image] => [gmaps_googleplus] => [gmaps_facebook] => [gmaps_horaire] => [gmaps_etat_marker] => 1 [gmaps_publisite] => 3031 ) ) [_isRendered:protected] => ) [arr] => Array ( [0] => form ) [CalcDemenagement] => Array ( ) [gmapss] => Array ( [gmaps_id] => 3406 [gmaps_lat] => 48.8834836 [gmaps_long] => 2.3144852000000355 [gmaps_zoom] => 10 [gmaps_popup] => [gmaps_lat2] => [gmaps_long2] => [gmaps_titre2] => [gmaps_titre] => GOOGLE MAP [gmaps_plan] => 1 [gmaps_address] => 44 rue Levis [gmaps_postal_code] => 75017 [gmaps_locality] => Paris [gmaps_radius] => 0 [gmaps_description] => [gmaps_presentation] => [gmaps_image] => [gmaps_googleplus] => [gmaps_facebook] => [gmaps_horaire] => [gmaps_etat_marker] => 1 [gmaps_publisite] => 3031 ) [mapContact] =>

Plan d'accès



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[publisite_activite_primaire] => Réparation mobiles [publisite_ferme] => 0 [publisite_ferme_date] => [publisite_ferme_valide] => 0 [publisite_appel_source] => [publisite_sip_hash] => [publisite_campain] => [publisite_adgroup] => [publisite_account] => [publisite_campain_status] => [publisite_landing] => 0 [publisite_label_sip] => [publisite_mybusiness_location] => 793802640596497700 [publisite_mybusiness_account] => 108337422416691105497 [publisite_mybusiness_placedid] => ChIJXxbd6rBv5kcRcQtq-wHREBM [publisite_google_search] => 0 [publisite_date] => 2018-06-05 12:29:12 [publisite_financement] => 3 [publisite_domaine_validation] => atelier-phone-44.fr [publisite_validation] => 2 [publisite_ssl] => 0 [publisite_date_fin_campagne] => [publisite_org_id] => [publisite_bus_id] => [publisite_user_id] => [publisite_userid_cp] => [publisite_userid_tm] => [publisite_type_support] => 0 [publisite_offre_cliqeo] => 0 [publisite_duree] => 0 [publisite_second_mail] => [publisite_search_email] => -1 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=> publisite_logo_1528445057.png [publisite_activite] => 102 [publisite_franchise] => 0 [publisite_region] => 25 [publisite_budget] => 200 [publisite_dossier] => 3624 [publisite_rt30] => 33 [publisite_rc] => 1320 [publisite_activite_primaire] => Réparation mobiles [publisite_ferme] => 0 [publisite_ferme_date] => [publisite_ferme_valide] => 0 [publisite_appel_source] => [publisite_sip_hash] => [publisite_campain] => [publisite_adgroup] => [publisite_account] => [publisite_campain_status] => [publisite_landing] => 0 [publisite_label_sip] => [publisite_mybusiness_location] => 793802640596497700 [publisite_mybusiness_account] => 108337422416691105497 [publisite_mybusiness_placedid] => ChIJXxbd6rBv5kcRcQtq-wHREBM [publisite_google_search] => 0 [publisite_date] => 2018-06-05 12:29:12 [publisite_financement] => 3 [publisite_domaine_validation] => atelier-phone-44.fr [publisite_validation] => 2 [publisite_ssl] => 0 [publisite_date_fin_campagne] => [publisite_org_id] => [publisite_bus_id] => [publisite_user_id] => [publisite_userid_cp] => [publisite_userid_tm] => [publisite_type_support] => 0 [publisite_offre_cliqeo] => 0 [publisite_duree] => 0 [publisite_second_mail] => [publisite_search_email] => -1 [publisite_offre] => [publisite_Responsable_SEO] => [email protected] [publisite_index] => 0 [publisite_annuaire] => [publisite_builder_id] => [publisite_compte_builder] => [publisite_url_builder] => [publisite_rest_id] => 2d9d10abbb7954a6 [publisite_Referenceur] => [copyright_text] => Agence digitale Paris [copyright_url] => https://www.b-forbiz.com/nos-bureaux/paris/ [copyright_title] => Agence digitale Paris [wp_backoffice] => ) ) [lafourchette] => Array ( [fourchette] => [lafourchette] => logo lafourchette / 10 ) [allPage] => Array ( [20248] => [20251] => reparation-telephone [20253] => reparation-tablette-ordinateur [20254] => accessoires [20255] => achat-vente-mobile [20275] => mentions-legales [35287] => contact ) [listeBloc] => Array ( [20248] => Array ( ) [20251] => Array ( ) [20253] => Array ( ) [20254] => Array ( ) [20255] => Array ( ) [20275] => Array ( ) [35287] => Array ( ) ) [tripadvisor] => Array ( [tripadvisor] => logo TripAdvisor 5 / 5 ) [mangeznotez] => Array ( [mangeznotez] => logo mangeznotez ) [plansite] => Array ( [plansite] =>
  • Plan du site
  • [res] => ) [planacces] => Array ( [postinfo] => Array ( ) [planacces] =>

    Plan d'accès

    44 rue Levis
    75017 Paris
    ) [mentions] => Array ( [mentions] =>
  • Mentions Légales
  • [res] => Array ( [page_id] => 20275 [page_title] => PressMike : Réparateur mobile - 75017 Paris [page_contenu] =>

    Mentions légales du site www.atelier-phone-44.fr

    Ce site est édité par :
    La société PressMike dit «L'éditeur», domicilié au 44 rue Levis 75017 Paris .
    SIREN : 803939651
    Téléphone : 01 85 53 27 85
    Email : pressmike44[@]hotmail.com

    Ce site est hébergé par :
    La société OVH, dit "L'hébergeur", domicilié au 2 Rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix.
    SIREN : 424 761 419
    Téléphone : 0 899 701 761

    Art. 1 Conditions d'utilisation

    Toute personne qui accède au site www.atelier-phone-44.fr s'engage à respecter les présentes conditions générales d'utilisation, qui pourront pour certains services être complétées par des conditions particulières.

    L’éditeur se réserve le droit de modifier et de mettre à jour à tout moment l'accès au Site ainsi que les Conditions Générales. Ces modifications et mises à jour s'imposent à l'utilisateur qui doit en conséquence se référer régulièrement à cette rubrique pour vérifier les Conditions Générales en vigueur.

    Art. 2 Données personnelles et autres données

    2.1 Les données sont exclusivement destinées à l’éditeur à des fins d’enquêtes, d’analyses, de communications institutionnelles ou d’opérations relatives à la gestion clients. Ces informations sont confidentielles et conservées par l’éditeur. Conformément à la loi « Informatique et Libertés » du 06/01/78, vous disposez d'un droit d'accès, de rectification et de suppression de ces données ainsi que d’un droit de vous opposer à ce que ces données fassent l'objet d'un traitement en nous contactant par e-mail à l’adresse suivante :  pressmike44[@]hotmail.com .

    Vos demandes devront être signées et accompagnées de la photocopie d’un titre d’identité portant la signature du titulaire. La demande devra préciser l’adresse à laquelle devra parvenir la réponse. L’éditeur disposera d’un délai de 2 mois pour répondre suivant réception de la demande.

    Dans l’hypothèse où vous avez accepté, dans nos formulaires, de recevoir par email des informations et sollicitations émanant de notre société, vous aurez à tout moment la faculté de revenir sur cette décision en envoyant un mail avec pour objet « désabonnement » à l’adresse suivante : pressmike44[@]hotmail.com .

    2.2 Conformément à l’article 6 de la Loi du 21 juin 2004 pour la confiance en l’économie numérique, l'hébergeur conservera vos données de connexion, couvertes par le secret professionnel et traitées dans le respect des dispositions légales en matière de données personnelles.

    Art.3 Liens hypertextes

    Si vous souhaitez mettre en place un lien hypertexte vers notre Site, vous devez en conséquence prendre contact avec le Responsable du Site. L’éditeur ne peut en aucun cas être tenu (e) pour responsable du contenu des sites qui font l'objet d'un lien hypertexte à partir du présent Site.

    Art. 4 Cookies

    Lors de la navigation sur le Site, des cookies sont implantés dans votre ordinateur. Un cookie ne nous permet pas de vous identifier : en revanche, il enregistre des informations relatives à la navigation de votre ordinateur sur notre Site (les pages que vous avez consultées, la date et l'heure de la consultation, etc.) que nous pourrons lire lors de vos visites ultérieures. La durée de conservation de ces informations dans votre ordinateur est de six mois.

    De plus, le site utilise Google Analytics, un service d'analyse de site Internet fourni par Google Inc. (ci-après « Google »). Google Analytics utilise des cookies pour aider l’éditeuret l’hébergeur à analyser l'utilisation du Site par ses utilisateurs. Les données générées par les cookies concernant votre utilisation du Site (y compris votre adresse IP) seront transmises et stockées par Google sur des serveurs situés aux Etats-Unis. Google utilisera cette information dans le but d'évaluer votre utilisation du Site, de compiler des rapports sur l'activité du Site à destination de l’éditeuret de l’hébergeur et de fournir d'autres services relatifs à l'activité du site et à l'utilisation d'Internet. Google est susceptible de communiquer ces données à des tiers en cas d'obligation légale ou lorsque ces tiers traitent ces données pour le compte de Google, y compris notamment l’éditeur et l’hébergeur. Google ne recoupera pas votre adresse IP avec toute autre donnée détenue par Google. En utilisant le Site, vous consentez expressément au traitement de vos données nominatives par Google dans les conditions et pour les finalités décrites ci-dessus.

    Nous vous informons que vous pouvez vous opposer à l'enregistrement de cookies en configurant votre navigateur de la manière suivante :

    Pour Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 et suivant :
    1. Dans la barre de menu, choisir le menu outils,
    2. Dans le menu déroulant, choisir options internet,
    3. Cliquer sur l'onglet confidentialité,
    4. Cliquer sur le bouton avancé de la section paramètres,
    5. Dans la fenêtre paramètres de confidentialité avances vérifier que l'option ignorer la gestion automatique des cookies n'est pas cochée.

    Pour Firefox 3 et suivant
    1. Dans la barre de menu, choisir le menu outils,
    2. Dans le menu déroulant, choisir options,
    3. Cliquer sur l'icone vie privée,
    4. Cliquer sur le bouton effacer mes traces maintenant… de la section vie privée,
    5. Cocher l'option cookies dans la fenêtre effacer mes traces et cliquer le bouton effacer mes traces maintenant.

    Pour Opéra 6.0 suivant
    1. Choisissez le menu fichier,
    2. Cliquer sur l’onglet préférences,
    3. Cliquer sur l’onglet vie privée.

    Pour Google Chrome
    1. Cliquer sur l'icone,
    2. Dans le menu déroulant, choisir options,
    3. Dans la fenêtre options de Google Chrome, choisir l'onglet options avancées,
    4. Dans la section confidentialité, à la rubrique paramètre des cookies, choisir autoriser tous les cookies,
    5. Dans la fenêtre cookies, cliquer sur le bouton « tout supprimer ».

    Nous vous informons néanmoins que l’accès à certains services et rubriques du Site pourra être altéré voire impossible du fait de la suppression des cookies

    Art. 5 Contenu du Site

    L’éditeur, l’hébergeur et, plus généralement, toute société contribuant à la conception, à la réalisation et à la mise en ligne de ce Site s’efforcent d’assurer l’exactitude et la mise à jour régulière des informations diffusées sur ce Site. L’éditeur et les prestataires précités se réservent le droit de corriger et modifier à tout moment le contenu du Site sans que leur responsabilité puisse être engagée de ce fait, l’éditeurpouvant apporter à tout moment des améliorations et/ou changements au(x) service(s) décrits sur ce Site.

    Art. 6 Contenu manifestement illicite

    Conformément à la loi du 21 juin 2004 pour la confiance dans l’économie, vous pouvez alerter l’hébergeur de la présence d’un contenu que vous considérez comme illicite en envoyant un courrier à l'adresse figurant en haut de l'article. L’hébergeur appréciera le caractère illicite des contenus portés à sa connaissance.

    Le fait, pour toute personne, de présenter un contenu ou une activité comme étant illicite dans le but d'en obtenir le retrait ou d'en faire cesser la diffusion, alors qu'elle sait cette information inexacte, est puni d'un an d'emprisonnement et de 15 000 euros d'amende.

    Art. 7 Droit applicable

    Les présentes Conditions Générales sont soumises au droit interne français.
      [page_meta_keywords] => PressMike : Réparateur mobile , Mentions légales , 75017 Paris [page_meta_description] => PressMike : Réparateur mobile | Mentions légales | 75017 Paris [page_menu] => 0 [page_menu_footer] => 1 [page_menu_label] => Mentions légales [page_menu_link] => mentions-legales [page_menu_poid] => 8 [page_ishomepage] => 0 [page_iscontactpage] => 0 [page_index] => 0 [page_popup] => 0 [page_lang] => fr_FR [page_publisite] => 3031 [page_modified_by] => 2859 [page_modification_date] => 1528726782 [page_landing] => 0 [page_sitemap] => 1 [page_type] => 0 [page_categorie] => [page_externe_link] => ) ) [politique] => Array ( [politique] => [res] => ) [topcat] => Array ( [topcat] =>
    ) [instagram] => [galerienew] => [menu-haut] =>
  • Accueil
  • Réparation téléphone
  • Réparation tablette / ordinateur
  • Accessoires
  • Achat | Vente mobile
  • ) [params] => Array ( [sips] => Array ( ) [sipss] => Array ( ) [dcss] => [djs] => [gmaps] => Array ( [gmaps_id] => 3406 [gmaps_lat] => 48.8834836 [gmaps_long] => 2.3144852000000355 [gmaps_zoom] => 10 [gmaps_popup] => [gmaps_lat2] => [gmaps_long2] => [gmaps_titre2] => [gmaps_titre] => GOOGLE MAP [gmaps_plan] => 1 [gmaps_address] => 44 rue Levis [gmaps_postal_code] => 75017 [gmaps_locality] => Paris [gmaps_radius] => 0 [gmaps_description] => [gmaps_presentation] => [gmaps_image] => [gmaps_googleplus] => [gmaps_facebook] => [gmaps_horaire] => [gmaps_etat_marker] => 1 [gmaps_publisite] => 3031 ) [cpages] => Array ( [] => Array ( [page_id] => 20248 [page_menu_label] => Accueil [page_contenu] =>

    Magasin telephone paris 17

    Spécialisé en réparation telephone paris 17, tablette et ordinateur, le magasin Atelier Phone 44 est situé dans le quartier des Batignolles, au 44 rue de Lévis à Paris. Il vous accueille le lundi (de 10h30 à 20h) et du mardi au samedi (de 10h à 20h) et au 28 rue legendre, ouvert du lundi au samedi de 10h30 à 20h. Il est facilement accessible par le métro (lignes 2 et 3, arrêt Villiers) et le bus (ligne 53 - arrêt Legendre et ligne 66 – arrêt Square des Batignolles).

    Magasin en réparation de mobile, tablette & ordinateur à Paris (75017)
    Le technicien prend en charge :
    • Réparation de mobile
    • Réparation de tablette
    • Réparation d’ordinateur (fixe et portable)
    • Reprise de téléphone d’occasion
    • Vente de téléphone reconditionné

    Atelier Phone 44 : le dépannage mobile et ordinateur toutes marques

    Vous cherchez un réparateur informatique qualifié ? Le magasin de réparation mobile, tablette et ordinateur à Paris, Atelier Phone 44, réalise toutes les réparations nécessaires pour le bon fonctionnement de votre appareil mobile. Il vous propose également la vente et l'achat de téléphones reconditionnés, à des prix concurrentiels.

    La réparation de téléphone portable iPhone et Androïd

    Le magasin de réparation de mobile (iPhone et Androïd) à Paris vous propose des services sur-mesure.
    • Réparation de bouton
    • Réparation d’écran et vitre tactile
    • Remplacement de batterie
    • Réparation de caméra
    • Déblocage de téléphone
    • Désoxydation
    • Recherche de panne

    La réparation de tablette et ordinateur Windows et Mac

    Ecran, clavier, connecteur de charge, alimentation, virus… Atelier Phone 44 présente des services de réparation de tablette et d'ordinateur (Mac et Windows). Le technicien assure la réparation logicielle (défaut de logiciel, réinstallation système, déblocage…) ainsi que la réparation matérielle (écran ou bouton cassé, remplacement de batterie ou de connecteur de charge…).

    La réparation de tablette et ordinateur Windows et Mac

    La vente d’accessoires pour mobile

    Besoin d'un accessoire pour votre téléphone portable ? Le magasin Atelier Phone 44 offre des services de vente d'accessoires pour mobile et tablette. Vous trouverez ici une gamme complète d’équipements et d’accessoires pour votre appareil.
    • Accessoire de protection (housse, coque…)
    • Chargeur
    • Batterie
    • Câble
    • Adaptateur…
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    Reparation téléphone  paris 17 

    Votre téléphone portable ne s’allume plus ? Magasin de réparation de mobile à Paris, Atelier Phone 44 intervient pour prendre en charge différents modèles et marques d’appareils. Le technicien veille ainsi au bon fonctionnement de votre mobile, qu’il s’agisse d’une réparation matérielle (écran LCD, vitre tactile, batterie, connecteur de charge, bouton…) ou d’une réparation logicielle (désoxydation, déblocage, problème système…).

    Réparation de téléphone portable à Paris (75017)
    • IPhone
    • Samsung
    • LG
    • HTC
    • Nokia
    • Sony Ericsson…
    Le magasin de réparation mobile est installé dans le quartier des Batignolles, au 44 rue de Lévis à Paris. Il est ouvert le lundi (de 12h à 20h) et du mardi au samedi (de 10h30 à 20h).

    La réparation matérielle de mobile iPhone et Androïd

    Le magasin Atelier Phone 44 prend en charge la réparation de téléphone portable de toute marque et modèle. De l’écran et la vitre fissurée à la batterie ne tenant plus la charge, le technicien assure le dépannage et la réparation de votre téléphone cassé. Il réalise ainsi les opérations nécessaires à la remise en état de votre appareil dans les plus brefs délais.
    • Changement LCD et vitre tactile
    • Changement vitre arrière
    • Remplacement de caméra
    • Remplacement de batterie
    • Réparation de connecteur
    • Réparation de bouton…

    Le dépannage logiciel de Smartphone iPhone et Androïd

    Spécialisé dans la réparation et le dépannage de mobile, les techniciens experts en téléphonie de Atelier Phone 44 disposent d’une connaissance et d’une maîtrise des différents systèmes (Android et iPhone). Ils vous garantissent une réparation optimale de vos appareils, quelles que soient leurs marques. Ils réalisent ainsi la réparation logicielle de votre Smartphone.

    Le dépannage logiciel de Smartphone iPhone et Androïd;
    • Réinstallation de système
    • Déblocage de mobile
    • Désoxydation…
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    Reparation tablette paris 17 | Réparation de tablette et ordinateur à Paris (75017)

    Expert en dépannage de tablette et ordinateur, le magasin Atelier Phonne 44 est situé dans le quartier des Batignolles. Les techniciens en informatique réalisent toutes les opérations et réparations utiles pour le bon fonctionnement de vos appareils, de toutes les marques et modèles. L’intervention se fait en express pour vous permettre de retrouver un ordinateur (fixe et portable) ou une tablette optimale dans les plus brefs délais.

    Réparation de tablette et ordinateur à Paris (75017)
    Le magasin prend en charge les tablettes :
    • IPad
    • Samsung
    • ASUS
    • Archos
    • Androïd…
    Il s’occupe également de la réparation des ordinateurs, de bureau ou portable :
    • Mac
    • HP
    • Lenovo
    • ASUS
    • Acer
    • DELL…

    La réparation de tablette iPad et Androïd

    Le magasin de réparation de tablette à Paris est en mesure d'effectuer la réparation de tablette iPad et Android. Les techniciens réalisent les réparations de toute forme. Ainsi, en cas d’écran fissuré ou de vitre tactile cassée, de bouton défectueux ou de problème lié à la charge de la batterie, ils procèdent à l’intervention nécessaire pour la remise en état de votre appareil.
    Le magasin intervient en cas de :
    • Écran cassé
    • Bouton cassé
    • Remplacement de batterie
    • Remplacement de connecteur de charge
    • Réinstallation du système
    • Récupération de données
    • Désoxydation…

    La réparation d’ordinateur Windows et Mac

    Le magasin Atelier Phone 44 est également habilité à réaliser la réparation d'ordinateur, portable et fixe. Les techniciens interviennent dans les meilleurs délais pour assurer le dépannage de votre PC (Mac et Windows). De la réparation matérielle au dépannage logiciel, ils effectuent toutes les manipulations et changements de pièce nécessaire au bon fonctionnement de votre matériel informatique. Écran cassé, problème de rétro-éclairage ou changement de connecteur, mais aussi réinstallation du système ou récupération de données, ils interviennent rapidement et efficacement.

    La réparation d’ordinateur Windows et Mac
    • Vitre cassée
    • Remplacement de batterie
    • Problème du connecteur de charge
    • Changement de clavier
    • Problème du rétro-éclairage
    • Réinitialisation du système
    • Réinstallation du système
    • Récupération de données
    • Désoxydation…
    [page_menu_link] => reparation-tablette-ordinateur [page_ishomepage] => 0 [page_menu_poid] => 2 [page_lang] => fr_FR [page_externe_link] => 8704 [page_type] => 0 [publisite_id] => 3031 [publisite_nom] => PressMike [publisite_domaine] => atelier-phone-44.fr [publisite_mail_contact] => [email protected] [publisite_telephone] => 0185532785 [publisite_telephone_config] => [{"Tracking_id":"","publisite_appel_source":4,"publisite_telephone":"0185532785","publisite_numero_direction":"0984541914","publisite_enregistrement":null,"publisite_zone_indicatif":"fr_01","publisite_label_sip":"","sonnerie_cliqphone":"25 s","publisite_num_dispo":"0185532785","message_enregistrement_cliqeo_waze":"230","message_introduction":"245","publisite_pays":"fr","publisite_enregistrement_cliqphone":null,"publisite_pays_saved":"0185532785","libelle_cliqphone":"","Numero_debordement":null,"pays_debordement":"fr","pays_direction":"fr","publisite_ajout_horaire":"","publisite_transfert_fermeture":false,"pays_transfert":"fr","listHoraires":[]}] [publisite_analytics_compte] => compte1 [publisite_analytics_id] => 176895355 [publisite_analyticsaccountid] => 119756258 [publisite_analyticspropertyid] => UA-119756258-42 [publisite_adwords_id] => 0 [publisite_calendar_id] => [publisite_mcc] => 1 [publisite_etat] => 1 [publisite_etat_modif_date] => [publisite_client] => 2924 [publisite_logo] => publisite_logo_1528445057.png [publisite_activite] => 102 [publisite_franchise] => 0 [publisite_region] => 25 [publisite_budget] => 200 [publisite_dossier] => 3624 [publisite_rt30] => 33 [publisite_rc] => 1320 [publisite_activite_primaire] => Réparation mobiles [publisite_ferme] => 0 [publisite_ferme_date] => [publisite_ferme_valide] => 0 [publisite_appel_source] => [publisite_sip_hash] => [publisite_campain] => [publisite_adgroup] => [publisite_account] => [publisite_campain_status] => [publisite_landing] => 0 [publisite_label_sip] => [publisite_mybusiness_location] => 793802640596497700 [publisite_mybusiness_account] => 108337422416691105497 [publisite_mybusiness_placedid] => ChIJXxbd6rBv5kcRcQtq-wHREBM [publisite_google_search] => 0 [publisite_date] => 2018-06-05 12:29:12 [publisite_financement] => 3 [publisite_domaine_validation] => atelier-phone-44.fr [publisite_validation] => 2 [publisite_ssl] => 0 [publisite_date_fin_campagne] => [publisite_org_id] => [publisite_bus_id] => [publisite_user_id] => [publisite_userid_cp] => [publisite_userid_tm] => [publisite_type_support] => 0 [publisite_offre_cliqeo] => 0 [publisite_duree] => 0 [publisite_second_mail] => [publisite_search_email] => -1 [publisite_offre] => [publisite_Responsable_SEO] => [email protected] [publisite_index] => 0 [publisite_annuaire] => [publisite_builder_id] => [publisite_compte_builder] => [publisite_url_builder] => [publisite_rest_id] => 2d9d10abbb7954a6 [publisite_Referenceur] => [copyright_text] => Agence digitale Paris [copyright_url] => https://www.b-forbiz.com/nos-bureaux/paris/ [copyright_title] => Agence digitale Paris [wp_backoffice] => ) [accessoires] => Array ( [page_id] => 20254 [page_menu_label] => Accessoires [page_contenu] =>

    accessoire telephone paris 17 |Vente d’accessoires mobile à Paris (75017)

    Le magasin de mobile vous accueille dans le quartier des Batignolles. De la réparation des appareils mobiles à la vente d’accessoires et d’équipements, Atelier Phonne 44 vous assure une intervention complète. Pour protéger votre téléphone portable (film protecteur, coque de protection, housse et étui…) ou pour l’équiper comme il se doit (chargeur, batterie, mémoire, écouteurs…), vous trouver ici tout ce dont vous avez besoin.

    Vente d’accessoires mobile à Paris (75017)
    Le magasin propose du matériel pour les mobiles de toutes les marques.
    • IPhone
    • Samsung
    • Nokia
    • Sony Ericsson
    • Huawei
    • LG…
    Les tablettes ne sont pas en reste.
    • IPad
    • Samsung
    • ASUS
    • Archos
    • Androïd…

    Les accessoires pour téléphone portable et tablette

    Vous êtes à la recherche d'un spécialiste de vente d'accessoires pour tablette et téléphone portable ? Le magasin de mobile à Paris met à votre disposition des équipements et des accessoires divers. Il vous propose des accessoires de protection (film protecteur, coque de protection, housses et étuis), chargeur et batterie (chargeur secteur, chargeur allume-cigare, batterie interne et batterie externe), des câbles et des adaptateurs (câble de charge et de synchronisation, câbles et adaptateurs audio, câbles et adaptateurs vidéo), de la mémoire.

    Les accessoires pour téléphone portable et tablette

    Les équipements pour Smartphone et tablette

    Soucieux de vous proposer une prestation à la hauteur de vos attentes, le magasin de vente d’accessoires pour mobile et tablette met à votre disposition des accessoires et équipements audio et Bluetooth (casques, écouteurs, enceintes, kit mains libres), chargeurs (station d’accueil, chargeur sans fil), loisirs (brassard sport, housse étanche, perche à selfie), supports (support bureau, support vélo et moto, support voiture. [page_menu_link] => accessoires [page_ishomepage] => 0 [page_menu_poid] => 3 [page_lang] => fr_FR [page_externe_link] => 8704 [page_type] => 0 [publisite_id] => 3031 [publisite_nom] => PressMike [publisite_domaine] => atelier-phone-44.fr [publisite_mail_contact] => [email protected] [publisite_telephone] => 0185532785 [publisite_telephone_config] => [{"Tracking_id":"","publisite_appel_source":4,"publisite_telephone":"0185532785","publisite_numero_direction":"0984541914","publisite_enregistrement":null,"publisite_zone_indicatif":"fr_01","publisite_label_sip":"","sonnerie_cliqphone":"25 s","publisite_num_dispo":"0185532785","message_enregistrement_cliqeo_waze":"230","message_introduction":"245","publisite_pays":"fr","publisite_enregistrement_cliqphone":null,"publisite_pays_saved":"0185532785","libelle_cliqphone":"","Numero_debordement":null,"pays_debordement":"fr","pays_direction":"fr","publisite_ajout_horaire":"","publisite_transfert_fermeture":false,"pays_transfert":"fr","listHoraires":[]}] [publisite_analytics_compte] => compte1 [publisite_analytics_id] => 176895355 [publisite_analyticsaccountid] => 119756258 [publisite_analyticspropertyid] => UA-119756258-42 [publisite_adwords_id] => 0 [publisite_calendar_id] => [publisite_mcc] => 1 [publisite_etat] => 1 [publisite_etat_modif_date] => [publisite_client] => 2924 [publisite_logo] => publisite_logo_1528445057.png [publisite_activite] => 102 [publisite_franchise] => 0 [publisite_region] => 25 [publisite_budget] => 200 [publisite_dossier] => 3624 [publisite_rt30] => 33 [publisite_rc] => 1320 [publisite_activite_primaire] => Réparation mobiles [publisite_ferme] => 0 [publisite_ferme_date] => [publisite_ferme_valide] => 0 [publisite_appel_source] => [publisite_sip_hash] => [publisite_campain] => [publisite_adgroup] => [publisite_account] => [publisite_campain_status] => [publisite_landing] => 0 [publisite_label_sip] => [publisite_mybusiness_location] => 793802640596497700 [publisite_mybusiness_account] => 108337422416691105497 [publisite_mybusiness_placedid] => ChIJXxbd6rBv5kcRcQtq-wHREBM [publisite_google_search] => 0 [publisite_date] => 2018-06-05 12:29:12 [publisite_financement] => 3 [publisite_domaine_validation] => atelier-phone-44.fr [publisite_validation] => 2 [publisite_ssl] => 0 [publisite_date_fin_campagne] => [publisite_org_id] => [publisite_bus_id] => [publisite_user_id] => [publisite_userid_cp] => [publisite_userid_tm] => [publisite_type_support] => 0 [publisite_offre_cliqeo] => 0 [publisite_duree] => 0 [publisite_second_mail] => [publisite_search_email] => -1 [publisite_offre] => [publisite_Responsable_SEO] => [email protected] [publisite_index] => 0 [publisite_annuaire] => [publisite_builder_id] => [publisite_compte_builder] => [publisite_url_builder] => [publisite_rest_id] => 2d9d10abbb7954a6 [publisite_Referenceur] => [copyright_text] => Agence digitale Paris [copyright_url] => https://www.b-forbiz.com/nos-bureaux/paris/ [copyright_title] => Agence digitale Paris [wp_backoffice] => ) [achat-vente-mobile] => Array ( [page_id] => 20255 [page_menu_label] => Achat | Vente mobile [page_contenu] =>

    Rachat  téléphone   à Paris (75017)

    Spécialisé en réparation de mobile, le magasin PressMike est situé dans le quartier des Batignolles, au 44 rue de Lévis à Paris. Pour compléter ses prestations, il prend en charge l'achat et la vente de téléphone d'occasion de toutes les marques (iPhone, Samsung, Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Huawei, LG…). A ce titre, vous pourrez bénéficier ici d’un vaste choix de smartphone reconditionné. Économique et fiabilité assurée (chaque téléphone est soumis à un diagnostic et aux réparations / réinitialisations nécessaires), les téléphones d’occasion sont remis à neuf avant la revente.

    Achat et vente de Smartphone à Paris (75017)

    La vente de Smartphone reconditionné

    Le magasin PressMike vous propose la vente de téléphone reconditionné. Les produits reconditionnés proposés sont dans un état comme neuf. Les techniciens réalisent des tests, tant sur l’aspect esthétique que fonctionnel, pour s’assurer du bon fonctionnement du téléphone. De l’état de l’écran et du boitier au bon fonctionnement de toutes les applications, ils assurent une veille minutieuse de tous les mobiles.

    La vente de Smartphone reconditionné

    Le rachat de téléphone mobile

    Spécialiste en reprise de téléphone, le magasin de mobile à Paris vous propose le rachat de téléphone d’occasion. Une estimation du téléphone est alors réalisée. L’état général du téléphone, sa marque et sa date de mise en vente sont pris en compte. Les techniciens veillent à effectuer un diagnostic poussé de votre appareil avant de vous proposer la reprise. Les téléphones portables d’occasion et reconditionnés sont, par la suite, proposés à des prix avantageux. [page_menu_link] => achat-vente-mobile [page_ishomepage] => 0 [page_menu_poid] => 4 [page_lang] => fr_FR [page_externe_link] => 8704 [page_type] => 0 [publisite_id] => 3031 [publisite_nom] => PressMike [publisite_domaine] => atelier-phone-44.fr [publisite_mail_contact] => [email protected] [publisite_telephone] => 0185532785 [publisite_telephone_config] => [{"Tracking_id":"","publisite_appel_source":4,"publisite_telephone":"0185532785","publisite_numero_direction":"0984541914","publisite_enregistrement":null,"publisite_zone_indicatif":"fr_01","publisite_label_sip":"","sonnerie_cliqphone":"25 s","publisite_num_dispo":"0185532785","message_enregistrement_cliqeo_waze":"230","message_introduction":"245","publisite_pays":"fr","publisite_enregistrement_cliqphone":null,"publisite_pays_saved":"0185532785","libelle_cliqphone":"","Numero_debordement":null,"pays_debordement":"fr","pays_direction":"fr","publisite_ajout_horaire":"","publisite_transfert_fermeture":false,"pays_transfert":"fr","listHoraires":[]}] [publisite_analytics_compte] => compte1 [publisite_analytics_id] => 176895355 [publisite_analyticsaccountid] => 119756258 [publisite_analyticspropertyid] => UA-119756258-42 [publisite_adwords_id] => 0 [publisite_calendar_id] => [publisite_mcc] => 1 [publisite_etat] => 1 [publisite_etat_modif_date] => [publisite_client] => 2924 [publisite_logo] => publisite_logo_1528445057.png [publisite_activite] => 102 [publisite_franchise] => 0 [publisite_region] => 25 [publisite_budget] => 200 [publisite_dossier] => 3624 [publisite_rt30] => 33 [publisite_rc] => 1320 [publisite_activite_primaire] => Réparation mobiles [publisite_ferme] => 0 [publisite_ferme_date] => [publisite_ferme_valide] => 0 [publisite_appel_source] => [publisite_sip_hash] => [publisite_campain] => [publisite_adgroup] => [publisite_account] => [publisite_campain_status] => [publisite_landing] => 0 [publisite_label_sip] => [publisite_mybusiness_location] => 793802640596497700 [publisite_mybusiness_account] => 108337422416691105497 [publisite_mybusiness_placedid] => ChIJXxbd6rBv5kcRcQtq-wHREBM [publisite_google_search] => 0 [publisite_date] => 2018-06-05 12:29:12 [publisite_financement] => 3 [publisite_domaine_validation] => atelier-phone-44.fr [publisite_validation] => 2 [publisite_ssl] => 0 [publisite_date_fin_campagne] => [publisite_org_id] => [publisite_bus_id] => [publisite_user_id] => [publisite_userid_cp] => [publisite_userid_tm] => [publisite_type_support] => 0 [publisite_offre_cliqeo] => 0 [publisite_duree] => 0 [publisite_second_mail] => [publisite_search_email] => -1 [publisite_offre] => [publisite_Responsable_SEO] => [email protected] [publisite_index] => 0 [publisite_annuaire] => [publisite_builder_id] => [publisite_compte_builder] => [publisite_url_builder] => [publisite_rest_id] => 2d9d10abbb7954a6 [publisite_Referenceur] => [copyright_text] => Agence digitale Paris [copyright_url] => https://www.b-forbiz.com/nos-bureaux/paris/ [copyright_title] => Agence digitale Paris [wp_backoffice] => ) [mentions-legales] => Array ( [page_id] => 20275 [page_menu_label] => Mentions légales [page_contenu] =>

    Mentions légales du site www.atelier-phone-44.fr

    Ce site est édité par :
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    Vous appréciez, partagez !
    PressMike Phone01 85 53 27 85
    Adresse44 rue Levis
    75017 Paris
    ) [titre] => Devis [formsp] => Form_CustomData Object ( [form] => 2133 [laction] => [formulaire] => Array ( [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [dir] => 2d9d10abbb7954a6 [agendas] => [types] => Array ( [0] => text [1] => textarea [2] => file [3] => radio [4] => checkbox [5] => select [6] => multicheckbox [7] => hidden [8] => html ) [fChamps] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16460 [champ_nom] => nom [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Nom [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16461 [champ_nom] => email [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Mail [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [2] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16462 [champ_nom] => telephone [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Téléphone [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [3] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16463 [champ_nom] => marque [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Marque [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [4] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16464 [champ_nom] => modele [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Modèle [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [5] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16465 [champ_nom] => oparateur [champ_type] => 5 [champ_label] => Debloqué tout oparateur [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [6] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16466 [champ_nom] => etatecran [champ_type] => 5 [champ_label] => Dans quel état est l’écran ? [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [7] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16467 [champ_nom] => etatcoque [champ_type] => 5 [champ_label] => Quel est l'état de la coque ? [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [8] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16468 [champ_nom] => produit [champ_type] => 5 [champ_label] => Votre produit est-il fonctionnel ? [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [9] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16500 [champ_nom] => capacite [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Capacité [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) ) [fMultichoix] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Oui] => 16799 [Non] => 16800 ) [1] => Array ( [intact] => 16801 [micro-rayure] => 16802 [rayures] => 16803 [cassé] => 16804 ) [2] => Array ( [intact] => 16805 [micro-rayure] => 16806 [rayures] => 16807 [cassé] => 16808 ) [3] => Array ( [Oui] => 16809 [Non] => 16810 ) ) [politique] => [_attribs:protected] => Array ( [method] => post [enctype] => multipart/form-data [action] => soumettre-un-dossier [id] => soumettre-un-dossier [name] => Soumettreundossier ) [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_File] => Zend_Form_Decorator_File Object ( [_attribBlacklist:protected] => Array ( [0] => helper [1] => placement [2] => separator [3] => value ) [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Form_CustomData Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewScript] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewScript Object ( [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_viewScript:protected] => soumettre-un-dossier.phtml [_viewModule:protected] => [_element:protected] => Form_CustomData Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( [fChamps] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16460 [champ_nom] => nom [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Nom [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16461 [champ_nom] => email [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Mail [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [2] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16462 [champ_nom] => telephone [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Téléphone [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [3] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16463 [champ_nom] => marque [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Marque [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [4] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16464 [champ_nom] => modele [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Modèle [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [5] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16465 [champ_nom] => oparateur [champ_type] => 5 [champ_label] => Debloqué tout oparateur [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [6] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16466 [champ_nom] => etatecran [champ_type] => 5 [champ_label] => Dans quel état est l’écran ? [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [7] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16467 [champ_nom] => etatcoque [champ_type] => 5 [champ_label] => Quel est l'état de la coque ? [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [8] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16468 [champ_nom] => produit [champ_type] => 5 [champ_label] => Votre produit est-il fonctionnel ? [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [9] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16500 [champ_nom] => capacite [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Capacité [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) ) [fMultichoix] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Oui] => 16799 [Non] => 16800 ) [1] => Array ( [intact] => 16801 [micro-rayure] => 16802 [rayures] => 16803 [cassé] => 16804 ) [2] => Array ( [intact] => 16805 [micro-rayure] => 16806 [rayures] => 16807 [cassé] => 16808 ) [3] => Array ( [Oui] => 16809 [Non] => 16810 ) ) [myForm] => Array ( [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) ) [_separator:protected] => ) ) [_defaultDisplayGroupClass:protected] => Zend_Form_DisplayGroup [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => 1 [_displayGroupPrefixPaths:protected] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [prefix] => ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator [path] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator ) ) [_displayGroups:protected] => Array ( ) [_elementDecorators:protected] => [_elementPrefixPaths:protected] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [prefix] => ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator [path] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator [type] => decorator ) [1] => Array ( [prefix] => Cgsmith\Validate\ [path] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ [type] => VALIDATE ) ) [_elements:protected] => Array ( [nom] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object ( [helper] => formText [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper Object ( [_buttonTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Form_Element_Button [1] => Zend_Form_Element_Reset [2] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit ) [_helper:protected] => formText [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors Object ( [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description Object ( [_escape:protected] => [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_tag:protected] => [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) [_separator:protected] => ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim Object ( [_charList:protected] => ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Nom [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper [Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors [Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [FILTER] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => nom [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => 1 [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => Zend_View Object ( [_useViewStream:Zend_View:private] => [_useStreamWrapper:Zend_View:private] => [_path:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [script] => Array ( ) [helper] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( ) ) [_file:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => [_helper:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype Object ( [_defaultDoctype:protected] => HTML4_LOOSE [_registry:protected] => ArrayObject Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [doctypes] => Array ( [XHTML11] => [XHTML1_STRICT] => [XHTML1_TRANSITIONAL] => [XHTML1_FRAMESET] => [XHTML1_RDFA] => [XHTML1_RDFA11] => [XHTML_BASIC1] => [XHTML5] => [HTML4_STRICT] => [HTML4_LOOSE] => [HTML4_FRAMESET] => [HTML5] => ) [doctype] => HTML5 ) ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta Object ( [_typeKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => name [1] => http-equiv [2] => charset [3] => property ) [_requiredKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => content ) [_modifierKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => lang [1] => scheme ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate Object ( [_translator:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea Object ( [rows] => 24 [cols] => 80 [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) ) [_helperLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_helperLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filter:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterClass:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_escape:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => htmlspecialchars [_encoding:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => UTF-8 [_lfiProtectionOn:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => 1 [_loaders:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [filter] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [helper] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Helper/ ) [Custom_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Custom/View/Helper/ ) [Cgsmith_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Cgsmith/View/Helper/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/View/Helper/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_loaderTypes:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [0] => filter [1] => helper ) [_strictVars:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => ) [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => nom [placeholder] => Nom [class] => form-control ) [email] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object ( [helper] => formText [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper Object ( [_buttonTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Form_Element_Button [1] => Zend_Form_Element_Reset [2] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit ) [_helper:protected] => formText [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors Object ( [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description Object ( [_escape:protected] => [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_tag:protected] => [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) [_separator:protected] => ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim Object ( [_charList:protected] => ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Mail [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper [Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors [Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [FILTER] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => email [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => 1 [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_EmailAddress] => Zend_Validate_EmailAddress Object ( [_messageTemplates:protected] => Array ( [emailAddressInvalid] => Invalid type given. String expected [emailAddressInvalidFormat] => '%value%' is not a valid email address in the basic format local-part@hostname [emailAddressInvalidHostname] => '%hostname%' is not a valid hostname for email address '%value%' [emailAddressInvalidMxRecord] => '%hostname%' does not appear to have a valid MX record for the email address '%value%' [emailAddressInvalidSegment] => '%hostname%' is not in a routable network segment. The email address '%value%' should not be resolved from public network [emailAddressDotAtom] => '%localPart%' can not be matched against dot-atom format [emailAddressQuotedString] => '%localPart%' can not be matched against quoted-string format [emailAddressInvalidLocalPart] => '%localPart%' is not a valid local part for email address '%value%' [emailAddressLengthExceeded] => '%value%' exceeds the allowed length ) [_invalidIp:protected] => Array ( [0] => [10] => [100] => [127] => [169] => [172] => [192] => Array ( [0] => [1] => [2] => [3] => ) [198] => [224] => [240] => ) [_messageVariables:protected] => Array ( [hostname] => _hostname [localPart] => _localPart ) [_hostname:protected] => [_localPart:protected] => [_options:protected] => Array ( [mx] => [deep] => [domain] => 1 [allow] => 1 [hostname] => Zend_Validate_Hostname Object ( [_messageTemplates:protected] => Array ( [hostnameCannotDecodePunycode] => '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but the given punycode notation cannot be decoded [hostnameInvalid] => Invalid type given. String expected [hostnameDashCharacter] => '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but contains a dash in an invalid position [hostnameInvalidHostname] => '%value%' does not match the expected structure for a DNS hostname [hostnameInvalidHostnameSchema] => '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match against hostname schema for TLD '%tld%' [hostnameInvalidLocalName] => '%value%' does not appear to be a valid local network name [hostnameInvalidUri] => '%value%' does not appear to be a valid URI hostname [hostnameIpAddressNotAllowed] => '%value%' appears to be an IP address, but IP addresses are not allowed [hostnameLocalNameNotAllowed] => '%value%' appears to be a local network name but local network names are not allowed [hostnameUndecipherableTld] => '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot extract TLD part [hostnameUnknownTld] => '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match TLD against known list ) [_messageVariables:protected] => Array ( [tld] => _tld ) [_validTlds:protected] => Array ( [0] => aaa [1] => abb [2] => abbott [3] => abogado [4] => ac [5] => academy [6] => accenture [7] => accountant [8] => accountants [9] => aco [10] => active [11] => actor [12] => ad [13] => ads [14] => adult [15] => ae [16] => aeg [17] => aero [18] => af [19] => afl [20] => ag [21] => agency [22] => ai [23] => aig [24] => airforce [25] => airtel [26] => al [27] => allfinanz [28] => alsace [29] => am [30] => amica [31] => amsterdam [32] => android [33] => ao [34] => apartments [35] => app [36] => aq [37] => aquarelle [38] => ar [39] => aramco [40] => archi [41] => army [42] => arpa [43] => arte [44] => as [45] => asia [46] => associates [47] => at [48] => attorney [49] => au [50] => auction [51] => audio [52] => auto [53] => autos [54] => aw [55] => ax [56] => axa [57] => az [58] => azure [59] => ba [60] => band [61] => bank [62] => bar [63] => barcelona [64] => barclaycard [65] => barclays [66] => bargains [67] => bauhaus [68] => bayern [69] => bb [70] => bbc [71] => bbva [72] => bcn [73] => bd [74] => be [75] => beer [76] => bentley [77] => berlin [78] => best [79] => bet [80] => bf [81] => bg [82] => bh [83] => bharti [84] => bi [85] => bible [86] => bid [87] => bike [88] => bing [89] => bingo [90] => bio [91] => biz [92] => bj [93] => black [94] => blackfriday [95] => bloomberg [96] => blue [97] => bm [98] => bms [99] => bmw [100] => bn [101] => bnl [102] => bnpparibas [103] => bo [104] => boats [105] => bom [106] => bond [107] => boo [108] => boots [109] => boutique [110] => br [111] => bradesco [112] => bridgestone [113] => broker [114] => brother [115] => brussels [116] => bs [117] => bt [118] => budapest [119] => build [120] => builders [121] => business [122] => buzz [123] => bv [124] => bw [125] => by [126] => bz [127] => bzh [128] => ca [129] => cab [130] => cafe [131] => cal [132] => camera [133] => camp [134] => cancerresearch [135] => canon [136] => capetown [137] => capital [138] => car [139] => caravan [140] => cards [141] => care [142] => career [143] => careers [144] => cars [145] => cartier [146] => casa [147] => cash [148] => casino [149] => cat [150] => catering [151] => cba [152] => cbn [153] => cc [154] => cd [155] => ceb [156] => center [157] => ceo [158] => cern [159] => cf [160] => cfa [161] => cfd [162] => cg [163] => ch [164] => chanel [165] => channel [166] => chat [167] => cheap [168] => chloe [169] => christmas [170] => chrome [171] => church [172] => ci [173] => cipriani [174] => cisco [175] => citic [176] => city [177] => ck [178] => cl [179] => claims [180] => cleaning [181] => click [182] => clinic [183] => clothing [184] => cloud [185] => club [186] => clubmed [187] => cm [188] => cn [189] => co [190] => coach [191] => codes [192] => coffee [193] => college [194] => cologne [195] => com [196] => commbank [197] => community [198] => company [199] => computer [200] => condos [201] => construction [202] => consulting [203] => contractors [204] => cooking [205] => cool [206] => coop [207] => corsica [208] => country [209] => coupons [210] => courses [211] => cr [212] => credit [213] => creditcard [214] => cricket [215] => crown [216] => crs [217] => cruises [218] => csc [219] => cu [220] => cuisinella [221] => cv [222] => cw [223] => cx [224] => cy [225] => cymru [226] => cyou [227] => cz [228] => dabur [229] => dad [230] => dance [231] => date [232] => dating [233] => datsun [234] => day [235] => dclk [236] => de [237] => deals [238] => degree [239] => delivery [240] => dell [241] => delta [242] => democrat [243] => dental [244] => dentist [245] => desi [246] => design [247] => dev [248] => diamonds [249] => diet [250] => digital [251] => direct [252] => directory [253] => discount [254] => dj [255] => dk [256] => dm [257] => dnp [258] => do [259] => docs [260] => dog [261] => doha [262] => domains [263] => doosan [264] => download [265] => drive [266] => durban [267] => dvag [268] => dz [269] => earth [270] => eat [271] => ec [272] => edu [273] => education [274] => ee [275] => eg [276] => email [277] => emerck [278] => energy [279] => engineer [280] => engineering [281] => enterprises [282] => epson [283] => equipment [284] => er [285] => erni [286] => es [287] => esq [288] => estate [289] => et [290] => eu [291] => eurovision [292] => eus [293] => events [294] => everbank [295] => exchange [296] => expert [297] => exposed [298] => express [299] => fage [300] => fail [301] => faith [302] => family [303] => fan [304] => fans [305] => farm [306] => fashion [307] => feedback [308] => fi [309] => film [310] => final [311] => finance [312] => financial [313] => firmdale [314] => fish [315] => fishing [316] => fit [317] => fitness [318] => fj [319] => fk [320] => flights [321] => florist [322] => flowers [323] => flsmidth [324] => fly [325] => fm [326] => fo [327] => foo [328] => football [329] => forex [330] => forsale [331] => forum [332] => foundation [333] => fr [334] => frl [335] => frogans [336] => fund [337] => furniture [338] => futbol [339] => fyi [340] => ga [341] => gal [342] => gallery [343] => game [344] => garden [345] => gb [346] => gbiz [347] => gd [348] => gdn [349] => ge [350] => gea [351] => gent [352] => genting [353] => gf [354] => gg [355] => ggee [356] => gh [357] => gi [358] => gift [359] => gifts [360] => gives [361] => giving [362] => gl [363] => glass [364] => gle [365] => global [366] => globo [367] => gm [368] => gmail [369] => gmo [370] => gmx [371] => gn [372] => gold [373] => goldpoint [374] => golf [375] => goo [376] => goog [377] => google [378] => gop [379] => gov [380] => gp [381] => gq [382] => gr [383] => graphics [384] => gratis [385] => green [386] => gripe [387] => group [388] => gs [389] => gt [390] => gu [391] => gucci [392] => guge [393] => guide [394] => guitars [395] => guru [396] => gw [397] => gy [398] => hamburg [399] => hangout [400] => haus [401] => healthcare [402] => help [403] => here [404] => hermes [405] => hiphop [406] => hitachi [407] => hiv [408] => hk [409] => hm [410] => hn [411] => hockey [412] => holdings [413] => holiday [414] => homedepot [415] => homes [416] => honda [417] => horse [418] => host [419] => hosting [420] => hoteles [421] => hotmail [422] => house [423] => how [424] => hr [425] => hsbc [426] => ht [427] => hu [428] => hyundai [429] => ibm [430] => icbc [431] => ice [432] => icu [433] => id [434] => ie [435] => ifm [436] => iinet [437] => il [438] => im [439] => immo [440] => immobilien [441] => in [442] => industries [443] => infiniti [444] => info [445] => ing [446] => ink [447] => institute [448] => insure [449] => int [450] => international [451] => investments [452] => io [453] => ipiranga [454] => iq [455] => ir [456] => irish [457] => is [458] => ist [459] => istanbul [460] => it [461] => itau [462] => iwc [463] => jaguar [464] => java [465] => jcb [466] => je [467] => jetzt [468] => jewelry [469] => jlc [470] => jll [471] => jm [472] => jo [473] => jobs [474] => joburg [475] => jp [476] => jprs [477] => juegos [478] => kaufen [479] => kddi [480] => ke [481] => kg [482] => kh [483] => ki [484] => kia [485] => kim [486] => kinder [487] => kitchen [488] => kiwi [489] => km [490] => kn [491] => koeln [492] => komatsu [493] => kp [494] => kr [495] => krd [496] => kred [497] => kw [498] => ky [499] => kyoto [500] => kz [501] => la [502] => lacaixa [503] => lancaster [504] => land [505] => landrover [506] => lasalle [507] => lat [508] => latrobe [509] => law [510] => lawyer [511] => lb [512] => lc [513] => lds [514] => lease [515] => leclerc [516] => legal [517] => lexus [518] => lgbt [519] => li [520] => liaison [521] => lidl [522] => life [523] => lighting [524] => limited [525] => limo [526] => linde [527] => link [528] => live [529] => lixil [530] => lk [531] => loan [532] => loans [533] => lol [534] => london [535] => lotte [536] => lotto [537] => love [538] => lr [539] => ls [540] => lt [541] => ltd [542] => ltda [543] => lu [544] => lupin [545] => luxe [546] => luxury [547] => lv [548] => ly [549] => ma [550] => madrid [551] => maif [552] => maison [553] => man [554] => management [555] => mango [556] => market [557] => marketing [558] => markets [559] => marriott [560] => mba [561] => mc [562] => md [563] => me [564] => media [565] => meet [566] => melbourne [567] => meme [568] => memorial [569] => men [570] => menu [571] => mg [572] => mh [573] => miami [574] => microsoft [575] => mil [576] => mini [577] => mk [578] => ml [579] => mm [580] => mma [581] => mn [582] => mo [583] => mobi [584] => moda [585] => moe [586] => moi [587] => mom [588] => monash [589] => money [590] => montblanc [591] => mormon [592] => mortgage [593] => moscow [594] => motorcycles [595] => mov [596] => movie [597] => movistar [598] => mp [599] => mq [600] => mr [601] => ms [602] => mt [603] => mtn [604] => mtpc [605] => mtr [606] => mu [607] => museum [608] => mutuelle [609] => mv [610] => mw [611] => mx [612] => my [613] => mz [614] => na [615] => nadex [616] => nagoya [617] => name [618] => navy [619] => nc [620] => ne [621] => nec [622] => net [623] => netbank [624] => network [625] => neustar [626] => new [627] => news [628] => nexus [629] => nf [630] => ng [631] => ngo [632] => nhk [633] => ni [634] => nico [635] => ninja [636] => nissan [637] => nl [638] => no [639] => nokia [640] => np [641] => nr [642] => nra [643] => nrw [644] => ntt [645] => nu [646] => nyc [647] => nz [648] => obi [649] => office [650] => okinawa [651] => om [652] => omega [653] => one [654] => ong [655] => onl [656] => online [657] => ooo [658] => oracle [659] => orange [660] => org [661] => organic [662] => osaka [663] => otsuka [664] => ovh [665] => pa [666] => page [667] => panerai [668] => paris [669] => partners [670] => parts [671] => party [672] => pe [673] => pet [674] => pf [675] => pg [676] => ph [677] => pharmacy [678] => philips [679] => photo [680] => photography [681] => photos [682] => physio [683] => piaget [684] => pics [685] => pictet [686] => pictures [687] => pink [688] => pizza [689] => pk [690] => pl [691] => place [692] => play [693] => plumbing [694] => plus [695] => pm [696] => pn [697] => pohl [698] => poker [699] => porn [700] => post [701] => pr [702] => praxi [703] => press [704] => pro [705] => prod [706] => productions [707] => prof [708] => properties [709] => property [710] => protection [711] => ps [712] => pt [713] => pub [714] => pw [715] => py [716] => qa [717] => qpon [718] => quebec [719] => racing [720] => re [721] => realtor [722] => realty [723] => recipes [724] => red [725] => redstone [726] => rehab [727] => reise [728] => reisen [729] => reit [730] => ren [731] => rent [732] => rentals [733] => repair [734] => report [735] => republican [736] => rest [737] => restaurant [738] => review [739] => reviews [740] => rich [741] => ricoh [742] => rio [743] => rip [744] => ro [745] => rocks [746] => rodeo [747] => rs [748] => rsvp [749] => ru [750] => ruhr [751] => run [752] => rw [753] => rwe [754] => ryukyu [755] => sa [756] => saarland [757] => sakura [758] => sale [759] => samsung [760] => sandvik [761] => sandvikcoromant [762] => sanofi [763] => sap [764] => sarl [765] => saxo [766] => sb [767] => sc [768] => sca [769] => scb [770] => schmidt [771] => scholarships [772] => school [773] => schule [774] => schwarz [775] => science [776] => scor [777] => scot [778] => sd [779] => se [780] => seat [781] => security [782] => seek [783] => sener [784] => services [785] => seven [786] => sew [787] => sex [788] => sexy [789] => sg [790] => sh [791] => shiksha [792] => shoes [793] => show [794] => shriram [795] => si [796] => singles [797] => site [798] => sj [799] => sk [800] => ski [801] => sky [802] => skype [803] => sl [804] => sm [805] => sn [806] => sncf [807] => so [808] => soccer [809] => social [810] => software [811] => sohu [812] => solar [813] => solutions [814] => sony [815] => soy [816] => space [817] => spiegel [818] => spreadbetting [819] => sr [820] => srl [821] => st [822] => stada [823] => starhub [824] => statoil [825] => stc [826] => stcgroup [827] => stockholm [828] => studio [829] => study [830] => style [831] => su [832] => sucks [833] => supplies [834] => supply [835] => support [836] => surf [837] => surgery [838] => suzuki [839] => sv [840] => swatch [841] => swiss [842] => sx [843] => sy [844] => sydney [845] => systems [846] => sz [847] => taipei [848] => tatamotors [849] => tatar [850] => tattoo [851] => tax [852] => taxi [853] => tc [854] => td [855] => team [856] => tech [857] => technology [858] => tel [859] => telefonica [860] => temasek [861] => tennis [862] => tf [863] => tg [864] => th [865] => thd [866] => theater [867] => theatre [868] => tickets [869] => tienda [870] => tips [871] => tires [872] => tirol [873] => tj [874] => tk [875] => tl [876] => tm [877] => tn [878] => to [879] => today [880] => tokyo [881] => tools [882] => top [883] => toray [884] => toshiba [885] => tours [886] => town [887] => toyota [888] => toys [889] => tr [890] => trade [891] => trading [892] => training [893] => travel [894] => trust [895] => tt [896] => tui [897] => tv [898] => tw [899] => tz [900] => ua [901] => ubs [902] => ug [903] => uk [904] => university [905] => uno [906] => uol [907] => us [908] => uy [909] => uz [910] => va [911] => vacations [912] => vc [913] => ve [914] => vegas [915] => ventures [916] => versicherung [917] => vet [918] => vg [919] => vi [920] => viajes [921] => video [922] => villas [923] => vin [924] => virgin [925] => vision [926] => vista [927] => vistaprint [928] => viva [929] => vlaanderen [930] => vn [931] => vodka [932] => vote [933] => voting [934] => voto [935] => voyage [936] => vu [937] => wales [938] => walter [939] => wang [940] => watch [941] => webcam [942] => website [943] => wed [944] => wedding [945] => weir [946] => wf [947] => whoswho [948] => wien [949] => wiki [950] => williamhill [951] => win [952] => windows [953] => wine [954] => wme [955] => work [956] => works [957] => world [958] => ws [959] => wtc [960] => wtf [961] => xbox [962] => xerox [963] => xin [964] => xn--11b4c3d [965] => xn--1qqw23a [966] => xn--30rr7y [967] => xn--3bst00m [968] => xn--3ds443g [969] => xn--3e0b707e [970] => xn--3pxu8k [971] => xn--42c2d9a [972] => xn--45brj9c [973] => xn--45q11c [974] => xn--4gbrim [975] => xn--55qw42g [976] => xn--55qx5d [977] => xn--6frz82g [978] => xn--6qq986b3xl [979] => xn--80adxhks [980] => xn--80ao21a [981] => xn--80asehdb [982] => xn--80aswg [983] => xn--90a3ac [984] => xn--90ais [985] => xn--9dbq2a [986] => xn--9et52u [987] => xn--b4w605ferd [988] => xn--c1avg [989] => xn--c2br7g [990] => xn--cg4bki [991] => xn--clchc0ea0b2g2a9gcd [992] => xn--czr694b [993] => xn--czrs0t [994] => xn--czru2d [995] => xn--d1acj3b [996] => xn--d1alf [997] => xn--efvy88h [998] => xn--estv75g [999] => xn--fhbei [1000] => xn--fiq228c5hs [1001] => xn--fiq64b [1002] => xn--fiqs8s [1003] => xn--fiqz9s [1004] => xn--fjq720a [1005] => xn--flw351e [1006] => xn--fpcrj9c3d [1007] => xn--fzc2c9e2c [1008] => xn--gecrj9c [1009] => xn--h2brj9c [1010] => xn--hxt814e [1011] => xn--i1b6b1a6a2e [1012] => xn--imr513n [1013] => xn--io0a7i [1014] => xn--j1aef [1015] => xn--j1amh [1016] => xn--j6w193g [1017] => xn--kcrx77d1x4a [1018] => xn--kprw13d [1019] => xn--kpry57d [1020] => xn--kput3i [1021] => xn--l1acc [1022] => xn--lgbbat1ad8j [1023] => xn--mgb9awbf [1024] => xn--mgba3a3ejt [1025] => xn--mgba3a4f16a [1026] => xn--mgbaam7a8h [1027] => xn--mgbab2bd [1028] => xn--mgbayh7gpa [1029] => xn--mgbbh1a71e [1030] => xn--mgbc0a9azcg [1031] => xn--mgberp4a5d4ar [1032] => xn--mgbpl2fh [1033] => xn--mgbx4cd0ab [1034] => xn--mk1bu44c [1035] => xn--mxtq1m [1036] => xn--ngbc5azd [1037] => xn--node [1038] => xn--nqv7f [1039] => xn--nqv7fs00ema [1040] => xn--nyqy26a [1041] => xn--o3cw4h [1042] => xn--ogbpf8fl [1043] => xn--p1acf [1044] => xn--p1ai [1045] => xn--pgbs0dh [1046] => xn--pssy2u [1047] => xn--q9jyb4c [1048] => xn--qcka1pmc [1049] => xn--rhqv96g [1050] => xn--s9brj9c [1051] => xn--ses554g [1052] => xn--t60b56a [1053] => xn--tckwe [1054] => xn--unup4y [1055] => xn--vermgensberater-ctb [1056] => xn--vermgensberatung-pwb [1057] => xn--vhquv [1058] => xn--vuq861b [1059] => xn--wgbh1c [1060] => xn--wgbl6a [1061] => xn--xhq521b [1062] => xn--xkc2al3hye2a [1063] => xn--xkc2dl3a5ee0h [1064] => xn--y9a3aq [1065] => xn--yfro4i67o [1066] => xn--ygbi2ammx [1067] => xn--zfr164b [1068] => xperia [1069] => xxx [1070] => xyz [1071] => yachts [1072] => yamaxun [1073] => yandex [1074] => ye [1075] => yodobashi [1076] => yoga [1077] => yokohama [1078] => youtube [1079] => yt [1080] => za [1081] => zara [1082] => zip [1083] => zm [1084] => zone [1085] => zuerich [1086] => zw [1087] => 测试 [1088] => परीक्षा [1089] => 佛山 [1090] => 集团 [1091] => 在线 [1092] => 한국 [1093] => ভারত [1094] => 八卦 [1095] => موقع [1096] => বাংলা [1097] => 公益 [1098] => 公司 [1099] => 移动 [1100] => 我爱你 [1101] => москва [1102] => испытание [1103] => қаз [1104] => онлайн [1105] => сайт [1106] => срб [1107] => бел [1108] => 테스트 [1109] => орг [1110] => 삼성 [1111] => சிங்கப்பூர் [1112] => 商标 [1113] => 商城 [1114] => дети [1115] => мкд [1116] => טעסט [1117] => 中文网 [1118] => 中信 [1119] => 中国 [1120] => 中國 [1121] => 谷歌 [1122] => భారత్ [1123] => ලංකා [1124] => 測試 [1125] => ભારત [1126] => भारत [1127] => آزمایشی [1128] => பரிட்சை [1129] => संगठन [1130] => 网络 [1131] => укр [1132] => 香港 [1133] => δοκιμή [1134] => إختبار [1135] => 台湾 [1136] => 台灣 [1137] => 手机 [1138] => мон [1139] => الجزائر [1140] => عمان [1141] => ایران [1142] => امارات [1143] => بازار [1144] => پاکستان [1145] => الاردن [1146] => بھارت [1147] => المغرب [1148] => السعودية [1149] => سودان [1150] => عراق [1151] => مليسيا [1152] => شبكة [1153] => გე [1154] => 机构 [1155] => 组织机构 [1156] => ไทย [1157] => سورية [1158] => рус [1159] => рф [1160] => تونس [1161] => みんな [1162] => グーグル [1163] => 世界 [1164] => ਭਾਰਤ [1165] => 网址 [1166] => 游戏 [1167] => vermögensberater [1168] => vermögensberatung [1169] => 企业 [1170] => مصر [1171] => قطر [1172] => 广东 [1173] => இலங்கை [1174] => இந்தியா [1175] => հայ [1176] => 新加坡 [1177] => فلسطين [1178] => テスト [1179] => 政务 ) [_tld:protected] => [_validIdns:protected] => Array ( [AC] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿāăąćĉċčďđēėęěĝġģĥħīįĵķĺļľŀłńņňŋőœŕŗřśŝşšţťŧūŭůűųŵŷźżž]{1,63}$/iu ) [AR] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-ãç-êìíñ-õü]{1,63}$/iu ) [AS] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿāăąćĉċčďđēĕėęěĝğġģĥħĩīĭįıĵķĸĺļľłńņňŋōŏőœŕŗřśŝşšţťŧũūŭůűųŵŷźż]{1,63}$/iu ) [AT] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿœšž]{1,63}$/iu ) [BIZ] => Hostname/Biz.php [BR] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-ãçéíó-õúü]{1,63}$/iu ) [BV] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáä-éêñ-ôöøüčđńŋšŧž]{1,63}$/iu ) [CA] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàâæçéèêëîïôœùûüÿ\x{00E0}\x{00E2}\x{00E7}\x{00E8}\x{00E9}\x{00EA}\x{00EB}\x{00EE}\x{00EF}\x{00F4}\x{00F9}\x{00FB}\x{00FC}\x{00E6}\x{0153}\x{00FF}]{1,63}$/iu ) [CAT] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-z·àç-éíïòóúü]{1,63}$/iu ) [CH] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿœ]{1,63}$/iu ) [CL] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíñóúü]{1,63}$/iu ) [CN] => Hostname/Cn.php [COM] => Hostname/Com.php [DE] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿăąāćĉčċďđĕěėęēğĝġģĥħĭĩįīıĵķĺľļłńňņŋŏőōœĸŕřŗśŝšşťßţŧŭůűũųūŵŷźžż]{1,63}$/iu ) [DK] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäéöüæøå]{1,63}$/iu ) [ES] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáçèéíïñòóúü·]{1,63}$/iu ) [EU] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿ]{1,63}$/iu [2] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zāăąćĉċčďđēĕėęěĝğġģĥħĩīĭįıĵķĺļľŀłńņňʼnŋōŏőœŕŗřśŝšťŧũūŭůűųŵŷźżž]{1,63}$/iu [3] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zșț]{1,63}$/iu [4] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zΐάέήίΰαβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψωϊϋόύώ]{1,63}$/iu [5] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя]{1,63}$/iu [6] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zἀ-ἇἐ-ἕἠ-ἧἰ-ἷὀ-ὅὐ-ὗὠ-ὧὰ-ὼώᾀ-ᾇᾐ-ᾗᾠ-ᾧᾰ-ᾴᾶᾷῂῃῄῆῇῐ-ῒΐῖῗῠ-ῧῲῳῴῶῷ]{1,63}$/iu ) [FI] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäåö]{1,63}$/iu ) [GR] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zΆΈΉΊΌΎ-ΡΣ-ώἀ-ἕἘ-Ἕἠ-ὅὈ-Ὅὐ-ὗὙὛὝὟ-ώᾀ-ᾴᾶ-ᾼῂῃῄῆ-ῌῐ-ΐῖ-Ίῠ-Ῥῲῳῴῶ-ῼ]{1,63}$/iu ) [HK] => Hostname/Cn.php [HU] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíóöúüőű]{1,63}$/iu ) [IL] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9\x{05D0}-\x{05EA}]{1,63}$/iu [2] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-z]{1,63}$/i ) [INFO] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäåæéöøü]{1,63}$/iu [2] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíóöúüőű]{1,63}$/iu [3] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záæéíðóöúýþ]{1,63}$/iu [4] => /^[\x{AC00}-\x{D7A3}]{1,17}$/iu [5] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zāčēģīķļņōŗšūž]{1,63}$/iu [6] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-ząčėęįšūųž]{1,63}$/iu [7] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zóąćęłńśźż]{1,63}$/iu [8] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíñóúü]{1,63}$/iu ) [IO] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿăąāćĉčċďđĕěėęēğĝġģĥħĭĩįīıĵķĺľļłńňņŋŏőōœĸŕřŗśŝšşťţŧŭůűũųūŵŷźžż]{1,63}$/iu ) [IS] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéýúíóþæöð]{1,63}$/iu ) [IT] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàâäèéêëìîïòôöùûüæœçÿß-]{1,63}$/iu ) [JP] => Hostname/Jp.php [KR] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{AC00}-\x{D7A3}]{1,17}$/iu ) [LI] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿœ]{1,63}$/iu ) [LT] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9ąčęėįšųūž]{1,63}$/iu ) [MD] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9ăâîşţ]{1,63}$/iu ) [MUSEUM] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿāăąćċčďđēėęěğġģħīįıķĺļľłńņňŋōőœŕŗřśşšţťŧūůűųŵŷźżžǎǐǒǔ\x{01E5}\x{01E7}\x{01E9}\x{01EF}ə\x{0292}ẁẃẅỳ]{1,63}$/iu ) [NET] => Hostname/Com.php [NO] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáä-éêñ-ôöøüčđńŋšŧž]{1,63}$/iu ) [NU] => Hostname/Com.php [ORG] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíñóúü]{1,63}$/iu [2] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zóąćęłńśźż]{1,63}$/iu [3] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záäåæéëíðóöøúüýþ]{1,63}$/iu [4] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíóöúüőű]{1,63}$/iu [5] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-ząčėęįšūųž]{1,63}$/iu [6] => /^[\x{AC00}-\x{D7A3}]{1,17}$/iu [7] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zāčēģīķļņōŗšūž]{1,63}$/iu ) [PE] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zñáéíóúü]{1,63}$/iu ) [PL] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zāčēģīķļņōŗšūž]{1,63}$/iu [2] => /^[\x{002d}а-ик-ш\x{0450}ѓѕјљњќџ]{1,63}$/iu [3] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zâîăşţ]{1,63}$/iu [4] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-яё\x{04C2}]{1,63}$/iu [5] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáâèéêìíîòóôùúûċġħż]{1,63}$/iu [6] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàäåæéêòóôöøü]{1,63}$/iu [7] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zóąćęłńśźż]{1,63}$/iu [8] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáâãçéêíòóôõúü]{1,63}$/iu [9] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zâîăşţ]{1,63}$/iu [10] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záäéíóôúýčďĺľňŕšťž]{1,63}$/iu [11] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zçë]{1,63}$/iu [12] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-ик-шђјљњћџ]{1,63}$/iu [13] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zćčđšž]{1,63}$/iu [14] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zâçöûüğış]{1,63}$/iu [15] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíñóúü]{1,63}$/iu [16] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäõöüšž]{1,63}$/iu [17] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zĉĝĥĵŝŭ]{1,63}$/iu [18] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zâäéëîô]{1,63}$/iu [19] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáâäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòôöøùúûüýćčłńřśš]{1,63}$/iu [20] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäåæõöøüšž]{1,63}$/iu [21] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáçèéìíòóùú]{1,63}$/iu [22] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáéíóöúüőű]{1,63}$/iu [23] => /^[\x{002d}0-9ΐά-ώ]{1,63}$/iu [24] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáâåæçèéêëðóôöøüþœ]{1,63}$/iu [25] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záäéíóöúüýčďěňřšťůž]{1,63}$/iu [26] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-z·àçèéíïòóúü]{1,63}$/iu [27] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-ъьюя\x{0450}\x{045D}]{1,63}$/iu [28] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-яёіў]{1,63}$/iu [29] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-ząčėęįšūųž]{1,63}$/iu [30] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záäåæéëíðóöøúüýþ]{1,63}$/iu [31] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàâæçèéêëîïñôùûüÿœ]{1,63}$/iu [32] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-щъыьэюяёєіїґ]{1,63}$/iu [33] => /^[\x{002d}0-9א-ת]{1,63}$/iu ) [PR] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíóúñäëïüöâêîôûàèùæçœãõ]{1,63}$/iu ) [PT] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záàâãçéêíóôõú]{1,63}$/iu ) [RS] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002D}\x{0030}-\x{0039}\x{0061}-\x{007A}\x{0107}\x{010D}\x{0111}\x{0161}\x{017E}]{1,63}$/iu) ) [RU] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-яё]{1,63}$/iu ) [SA] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}.0-9\x{0621}-\x{063A}\x{0641}-\x{064A}\x{0660}-\x{0669}]{1,63}$/iu ) [SE] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäåéöü]{1,63}$/iu ) [SH] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿăąāćĉčċďđĕěėęēğĝġģĥħĭĩįīıĵķĺľļłńňņŋŏőōœĸŕřŗśŝšşťţŧŭůűũųūŵŷźžż]{1,63}$/iu ) [SI] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿ]{1,63}$/iu [2] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zāăąćĉċčďđēĕėęěĝğġģĥħĩīĭįıĵķĺļľŀłńņňʼnŋōŏőœŕŗřśŝšťŧũūŭůűųŵŷźżž]{1,63}$/iu [3] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zșț]{1,63}$/iu ) [SJ] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáä-éêñ-ôöøüčđńŋšŧž]{1,63}$/iu ) [TH] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-z\x{0E01}-\x{0E3A}\x{0E40}-\x{0E4D}\x{0E50}-\x{0E59}]{1,63}$/iu ) [TM] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿāăąćĉċčďđēėęěĝġģĥħīįĵķĺļľŀłńņňŋőœŕŗřśŝşšţťŧūŭůűųŵŷźżž]{1,63}$/iu ) [TW] => Hostname/Cn.php [TR] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zğıüşöç]{1,63}$/iu ) [UA] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюяѐёђѓєѕіїјљњћќѝўџґӂʼ]{1,63}$/iu ) [VE] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíóúüñ]{1,63}$/iu ) [VN] => Array ( [1] => /^[ÀÁÂÃÈÉÊÌÍÒÓÔÕÙÚÝàáâãèéêìíòóôõùúýĂăĐđĨĩŨũƠơƯư\x{1EA0}-\x{1EF9}]{1,63}$/iu ) [мон] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9\x{0430}-\x{044F}]{1,63}$/iu ) [срб] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-ик-шђјљњћџ]{1,63}$/iu ) [сайт] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-яёіїѝйўґг]{1,63}$/iu ) [онлайн] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-яёіїѝйўґг]{1,63}$/iu ) [中国] => Hostname/Cn.php [中國] => Hostname/Cn.php [ලංකා] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0d80}-\x{0dff}]{1,63}$/iu ) [香港] => Hostname/Cn.php [台湾] => Hostname/Cn.php [台灣] => Hostname/Cn.php [امارات] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu ) [الاردن] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu ) [السعودية] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu ) [ไทย] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-z\x{0E01}-\x{0E3A}\x{0E40}-\x{0E4D}\x{0E50}-\x{0E59}]{1,63}$/iu ) [рф] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-яё]{1,63}$/iu ) [تونس] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu ) [مصر] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu ) [இலங்கை] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0b80}-\x{0bff}]{1,63}$/iu ) [فلسطين] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu ) [شبكة] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu ) ) [_idnLength:protected] => Array ( [BIZ] => Array ( [5] => 17 [11] => 15 [12] => 20 ) [CN] => Array ( [1] => 20 ) [COM] => Array ( [3] => 17 [5] => 20 ) [HK] => Array ( [1] => 15 ) [INFO] => Array ( [4] => 17 ) [KR] => Array ( [1] => 17 ) [NET] => Array ( [3] => 17 [5] => 20 ) [ORG] => Array ( [6] => 17 ) [TW] => Array ( [1] => 20 ) [ایران] => Array ( [1] => 30 ) [中国] => Array ( [1] => 20 ) [公司] => Array ( [1] => 20 ) [网络] => Array ( [1] => 20 ) ) [_options:protected] => Array ( [allow] => 1 [idn] => 1 [tld] => 1 [ip] => Zend_Validate_Ip Object ( [_messageTemplates:protected] => Array ( [ipInvalid] => Invalid type given. String expected [notIpAddress] => '%value%' does not appear to be a valid IP address ) [_options:protected] => Array ( [allowipv6] => 1 [allowipv4] => 1 ) [_value:protected] => [_messageVariables:protected] => Array ( ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_obscureValue:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => ) ) [_value:protected] => [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_obscureValue:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => ) ) [_value:protected] => [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_obscureValue:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [zfBreakChainOnFailure] => ) ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => Zend_View Object ( [_useViewStream:Zend_View:private] => [_useStreamWrapper:Zend_View:private] => [_path:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [script] => Array ( ) [helper] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( ) ) [_file:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => [_helper:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype Object ( [_defaultDoctype:protected] => HTML4_LOOSE [_registry:protected] => ArrayObject Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [doctypes] => Array ( [XHTML11] => [XHTML1_STRICT] => [XHTML1_TRANSITIONAL] => [XHTML1_FRAMESET] => [XHTML1_RDFA] => [XHTML1_RDFA11] => [XHTML_BASIC1] => [XHTML5] => [HTML4_STRICT] => [HTML4_LOOSE] => [HTML4_FRAMESET] => [HTML5] => ) [doctype] => HTML5 ) ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta Object ( [_typeKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => name [1] => http-equiv [2] => charset [3] => property ) [_requiredKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => content ) [_modifierKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => lang [1] => scheme ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate Object ( [_translator:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea Object ( [rows] => 24 [cols] => 80 [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) ) [_helperLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_helperLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filter:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterClass:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_escape:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => htmlspecialchars [_encoding:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => UTF-8 [_lfiProtectionOn:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => 1 [_loaders:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [filter] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [helper] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Helper/ ) [Custom_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Custom/View/Helper/ ) [Cgsmith_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Cgsmith/View/Helper/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/View/Helper/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_loaderTypes:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [0] => filter [1] => helper ) [_strictVars:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => ) [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => email [placeholder] => Mail [class] => form-control ) [telephone] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object ( [helper] => formText [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper Object ( [_buttonTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Form_Element_Button [1] => Zend_Form_Element_Reset [2] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit ) [_helper:protected] => formText [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors Object ( [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description Object ( [_escape:protected] => [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_tag:protected] => [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) [_separator:protected] => ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim Object ( [_charList:protected] => ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Téléphone [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper [Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors [Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [FILTER] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => telephone [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => 1 [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( [Custom_Validate_Nombre] => Custom_Validate_Nombre Object ( [_messageTemplates:protected] => Array ( [invalidUrl] => '%value%' n'est pas un nombre. ) [_value:protected] => [_messageVariables:protected] => Array ( ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_obscureValue:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [zfBreakChainOnFailure] => ) ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => Zend_View Object ( [_useViewStream:Zend_View:private] => [_useStreamWrapper:Zend_View:private] => [_path:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [script] => Array ( ) [helper] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( ) ) [_file:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => [_helper:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype Object ( [_defaultDoctype:protected] => HTML4_LOOSE [_registry:protected] => ArrayObject Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [doctypes] => Array ( [XHTML11] => [XHTML1_STRICT] => [XHTML1_TRANSITIONAL] => [XHTML1_FRAMESET] => [XHTML1_RDFA] => [XHTML1_RDFA11] => [XHTML_BASIC1] => [XHTML5] => [HTML4_STRICT] => [HTML4_LOOSE] => [HTML4_FRAMESET] => [HTML5] => ) [doctype] => HTML5 ) ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta Object ( [_typeKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => name [1] => http-equiv [2] => charset [3] => property ) [_requiredKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => content ) [_modifierKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => lang [1] => scheme ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate Object ( [_translator:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea Object ( [rows] => 24 [cols] => 80 [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) ) [_helperLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_helperLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filter:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterClass:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_escape:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => htmlspecialchars [_encoding:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => UTF-8 [_lfiProtectionOn:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => 1 [_loaders:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [filter] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [helper] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Helper/ ) [Custom_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Custom/View/Helper/ ) [Cgsmith_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Cgsmith/View/Helper/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/View/Helper/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_loaderTypes:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [0] => filter [1] => helper ) [_strictVars:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => ) [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => telephone [placeholder] => Téléphone [class] => form-control ) [marque] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object ( [helper] => formText [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper Object ( [_buttonTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Form_Element_Button [1] => Zend_Form_Element_Reset [2] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit ) [_helper:protected] => formText [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors Object ( [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description Object ( [_escape:protected] => [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_tag:protected] => [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) [_separator:protected] => ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim Object ( [_charList:protected] => ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Marque [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper [Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors [Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [FILTER] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => marque [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => 1 [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => Zend_View Object ( [_useViewStream:Zend_View:private] => [_useStreamWrapper:Zend_View:private] => [_path:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [script] => Array ( ) [helper] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( ) ) [_file:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => [_helper:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype Object ( [_defaultDoctype:protected] => HTML4_LOOSE [_registry:protected] => ArrayObject Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [doctypes] => Array ( [XHTML11] => [XHTML1_STRICT] => [XHTML1_TRANSITIONAL] => [XHTML1_FRAMESET] => [XHTML1_RDFA] => [XHTML1_RDFA11] => [XHTML_BASIC1] => [XHTML5] => [HTML4_STRICT] => [HTML4_LOOSE] => [HTML4_FRAMESET] => [HTML5] => ) [doctype] => HTML5 ) ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta Object ( [_typeKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => name [1] => http-equiv [2] => charset [3] => property ) [_requiredKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => content ) [_modifierKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => lang [1] => scheme ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate Object ( [_translator:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea Object ( [rows] => 24 [cols] => 80 [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) ) [_helperLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_helperLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filter:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterClass:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_escape:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => htmlspecialchars [_encoding:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => UTF-8 [_lfiProtectionOn:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => 1 [_loaders:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [filter] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [helper] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Helper/ ) [Custom_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Custom/View/Helper/ ) [Cgsmith_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Cgsmith/View/Helper/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/View/Helper/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_loaderTypes:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [0] => filter [1] => helper ) [_strictVars:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => ) [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => marque [placeholder] => Marque [class] => form-control ) [modele] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object ( [helper] => formText [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper Object ( [_buttonTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Form_Element_Button [1] => Zend_Form_Element_Reset [2] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit ) [_helper:protected] => formText [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors Object ( [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description Object ( [_escape:protected] => [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_tag:protected] => [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) [_separator:protected] => ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim Object ( [_charList:protected] => ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Modèle [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper [Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors [Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [FILTER] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => modele [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => 1 [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => Zend_View Object ( [_useViewStream:Zend_View:private] => [_useStreamWrapper:Zend_View:private] => [_path:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [script] => Array ( ) [helper] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( ) ) [_file:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => [_helper:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype Object ( [_defaultDoctype:protected] => HTML4_LOOSE [_registry:protected] => ArrayObject Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [doctypes] => Array ( [XHTML11] => [XHTML1_STRICT] => [XHTML1_TRANSITIONAL] => [XHTML1_FRAMESET] => [XHTML1_RDFA] => [XHTML1_RDFA11] => [XHTML_BASIC1] => [XHTML5] => [HTML4_STRICT] => [HTML4_LOOSE] => [HTML4_FRAMESET] => [HTML5] => ) [doctype] => HTML5 ) ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta Object ( [_typeKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => name [1] => http-equiv [2] => charset [3] => property ) [_requiredKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => content ) [_modifierKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => lang [1] => scheme ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate Object ( [_translator:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea Object ( [rows] => 24 [cols] => 80 [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) ) [_helperLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_helperLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filter:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterClass:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_escape:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => htmlspecialchars [_encoding:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => UTF-8 [_lfiProtectionOn:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => 1 [_loaders:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [filter] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [helper] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Helper/ ) [Custom_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Custom/View/Helper/ ) [Cgsmith_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Cgsmith/View/Helper/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/View/Helper/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_loaderTypes:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [0] => filter [1] => helper ) [_strictVars:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => ) [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => modele [placeholder] => Modèle [class] => form-control ) [oparateur] => Zend_Form_Element_Select Object ( [multiple] => [helper] => formSelect [options] => Array ( [16799] => Oui [16800] => Non ) [_registerInArrayValidator:protected] => 1 [_separator:protected] =>
    [_translated:protected] => Array ( ) [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper Object ( [_buttonTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Form_Element_Button [1] => Zend_Form_Element_Reset [2] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit ) [_helper:protected] => formSelect [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Select Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors Object ( [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Select Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description Object ( [_escape:protected] => [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_tag:protected] => [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Select Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) [_separator:protected] => ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim Object ( [_charList:protected] => ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Debloqué tout oparateur [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper [Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors [Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [FILTER] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => oparateur [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => 1 [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => Zend_View Object ( [_useViewStream:Zend_View:private] => [_useStreamWrapper:Zend_View:private] => [_path:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [script] => Array ( ) [helper] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( ) ) [_file:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => [_helper:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype Object ( [_defaultDoctype:protected] => HTML4_LOOSE [_registry:protected] => ArrayObject Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [doctypes] => Array ( [XHTML11] => [XHTML1_STRICT] => [XHTML1_TRANSITIONAL] => [XHTML1_FRAMESET] => [XHTML1_RDFA] => [XHTML1_RDFA11] => [XHTML_BASIC1] => [XHTML5] => [HTML4_STRICT] => [HTML4_LOOSE] => [HTML4_FRAMESET] => [HTML5] => ) [doctype] => HTML5 ) ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta Object ( [_typeKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => name [1] => http-equiv [2] => charset [3] => property ) [_requiredKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => content ) [_modifierKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => lang [1] => scheme ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate Object ( [_translator:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea Object ( [rows] => 24 [cols] => 80 [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) ) [_helperLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_helperLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filter:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterClass:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_escape:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => htmlspecialchars [_encoding:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => UTF-8 [_lfiProtectionOn:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => 1 [_loaders:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [filter] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [helper] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Helper/ ) [Custom_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Custom/View/Helper/ ) [Cgsmith_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Cgsmith/View/Helper/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/View/Helper/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_loaderTypes:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [0] => filter [1] => helper ) [_strictVars:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => ) [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => oparateur [class] => form-control ) [etatecran] => Zend_Form_Element_Select Object ( [multiple] => [helper] => formSelect [options] => Array ( [16801] => intact [16802] => micro-rayure [16803] => rayures [16804] => cassé ) [_registerInArrayValidator:protected] => 1 [_separator:protected] =>
    [_translated:protected] => Array ( ) [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper Object ( [_buttonTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Form_Element_Button [1] => Zend_Form_Element_Reset [2] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit ) [_helper:protected] => formSelect [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Select Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors Object ( [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Select Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description Object ( [_escape:protected] => [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_tag:protected] => [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Select Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) [_separator:protected] => ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim Object ( [_charList:protected] => ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Dans quel état est l’écran ? [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper [Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors [Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [FILTER] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => etatecran [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => 1 [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => Zend_View Object ( [_useViewStream:Zend_View:private] => [_useStreamWrapper:Zend_View:private] => [_path:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [script] => Array ( ) [helper] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( ) ) [_file:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => [_helper:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype Object ( [_defaultDoctype:protected] => HTML4_LOOSE [_registry:protected] => ArrayObject Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [doctypes] => Array ( [XHTML11] => [XHTML1_STRICT] => [XHTML1_TRANSITIONAL] => [XHTML1_FRAMESET] => [XHTML1_RDFA] => [XHTML1_RDFA11] => [XHTML_BASIC1] => [XHTML5] => [HTML4_STRICT] => [HTML4_LOOSE] => [HTML4_FRAMESET] => [HTML5] => ) [doctype] => HTML5 ) ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta Object ( [_typeKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => name [1] => http-equiv [2] => charset [3] => property ) [_requiredKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => content ) [_modifierKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => lang [1] => scheme ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate Object ( [_translator:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea Object ( [rows] => 24 [cols] => 80 [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) ) [_helperLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_helperLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filter:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterClass:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_escape:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => htmlspecialchars [_encoding:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => UTF-8 [_lfiProtectionOn:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => 1 [_loaders:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [filter] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [helper] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Helper/ ) [Custom_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Custom/View/Helper/ ) [Cgsmith_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Cgsmith/View/Helper/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/View/Helper/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_loaderTypes:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [0] => filter [1] => helper ) [_strictVars:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => ) [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => etatecran [class] => form-control ) [etatcoque] => Zend_Form_Element_Select Object ( [multiple] => [helper] => formSelect [options] => Array ( [16805] => intact [16806] => micro-rayure [16807] => rayures [16808] => cassé ) [_registerInArrayValidator:protected] => 1 [_separator:protected] =>
    [_translated:protected] => Array ( ) [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper Object ( [_buttonTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Form_Element_Button [1] => Zend_Form_Element_Reset [2] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit ) [_helper:protected] => formSelect [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Select Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors Object ( [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Select Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description Object ( [_escape:protected] => [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_tag:protected] => [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Select Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) [_separator:protected] => ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim Object ( [_charList:protected] => ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Quel est l'état de la coque ? [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper [Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors [Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [FILTER] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => etatcoque [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => 1 [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => Zend_View Object ( [_useViewStream:Zend_View:private] => [_useStreamWrapper:Zend_View:private] => [_path:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [script] => Array ( ) [helper] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( ) ) [_file:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => [_helper:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype Object ( [_defaultDoctype:protected] => HTML4_LOOSE [_registry:protected] => ArrayObject Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [doctypes] => Array ( [XHTML11] => [XHTML1_STRICT] => [XHTML1_TRANSITIONAL] => [XHTML1_FRAMESET] => [XHTML1_RDFA] => [XHTML1_RDFA11] => [XHTML_BASIC1] => [XHTML5] => [HTML4_STRICT] => [HTML4_LOOSE] => [HTML4_FRAMESET] => [HTML5] => ) [doctype] => HTML5 ) ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta Object ( [_typeKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => name [1] => http-equiv [2] => charset [3] => property ) [_requiredKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => content ) [_modifierKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => lang [1] => scheme ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate Object ( [_translator:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea Object ( [rows] => 24 [cols] => 80 [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) ) [_helperLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_helperLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filter:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterClass:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_escape:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => htmlspecialchars [_encoding:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => UTF-8 [_lfiProtectionOn:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => 1 [_loaders:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [filter] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [helper] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Helper/ ) [Custom_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Custom/View/Helper/ ) [Cgsmith_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Cgsmith/View/Helper/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/View/Helper/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_loaderTypes:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [0] => filter [1] => helper ) [_strictVars:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => ) [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => etatcoque [class] => form-control ) [produit] => Zend_Form_Element_Select Object ( [multiple] => [helper] => formSelect [options] => Array ( [16809] => Oui [16810] => Non ) [_registerInArrayValidator:protected] => 1 [_separator:protected] =>
    [_translated:protected] => Array ( ) [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper Object ( [_buttonTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Form_Element_Button [1] => Zend_Form_Element_Reset [2] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit ) [_helper:protected] => formSelect [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Select Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors Object ( [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Select Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description Object ( [_escape:protected] => [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_tag:protected] => [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Select Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) [_separator:protected] => ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim Object ( [_charList:protected] => ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Votre produit est-il fonctionnel ? [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper [Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors [Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [FILTER] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => produit [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => 1 [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => Zend_View Object ( [_useViewStream:Zend_View:private] => [_useStreamWrapper:Zend_View:private] => [_path:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [script] => Array ( ) [helper] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( ) ) [_file:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => [_helper:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype Object ( [_defaultDoctype:protected] => HTML4_LOOSE [_registry:protected] => ArrayObject Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [doctypes] => Array ( [XHTML11] => [XHTML1_STRICT] => [XHTML1_TRANSITIONAL] => [XHTML1_FRAMESET] => [XHTML1_RDFA] => [XHTML1_RDFA11] => [XHTML_BASIC1] => [XHTML5] => [HTML4_STRICT] => [HTML4_LOOSE] => [HTML4_FRAMESET] => [HTML5] => ) [doctype] => HTML5 ) ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta Object ( [_typeKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => name [1] => http-equiv [2] => charset [3] => property ) [_requiredKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => content ) [_modifierKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => lang [1] => scheme ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate Object ( [_translator:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea Object ( [rows] => 24 [cols] => 80 [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) ) [_helperLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_helperLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filter:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterClass:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_escape:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => htmlspecialchars [_encoding:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => UTF-8 [_lfiProtectionOn:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => 1 [_loaders:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [filter] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [helper] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Helper/ ) [Custom_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Custom/View/Helper/ ) [Cgsmith_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Cgsmith/View/Helper/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/View/Helper/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_loaderTypes:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [0] => filter [1] => helper ) [_strictVars:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => ) [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => produit [class] => form-control ) [capacite] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object ( [helper] => formText [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper Object ( [_buttonTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Form_Element_Button [1] => Zend_Form_Element_Reset [2] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit ) [_helper:protected] => formText [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors Object ( [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description Object ( [_escape:protected] => [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_tag:protected] => [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) [_separator:protected] => ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim Object ( [_charList:protected] => ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Capacité [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper [Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors [Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [FILTER] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => capacite [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => 1 [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => Zend_View Object ( [_useViewStream:Zend_View:private] => [_useStreamWrapper:Zend_View:private] => [_path:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [script] => Array ( ) [helper] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( ) ) [_file:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => [_helper:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype Object ( [_defaultDoctype:protected] => HTML4_LOOSE [_registry:protected] => ArrayObject Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [doctypes] => Array ( [XHTML11] => [XHTML1_STRICT] => [XHTML1_TRANSITIONAL] => [XHTML1_FRAMESET] => [XHTML1_RDFA] => [XHTML1_RDFA11] => [XHTML_BASIC1] => [XHTML5] => [HTML4_STRICT] => [HTML4_LOOSE] => [HTML4_FRAMESET] => [HTML5] => ) [doctype] => HTML5 ) ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta Object ( [_typeKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => name [1] => http-equiv [2] => charset [3] => property ) [_requiredKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => content ) [_modifierKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => lang [1] => scheme ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate Object ( [_translator:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea Object ( [rows] => 24 [cols] => 80 [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) ) [_helperLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_helperLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filter:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterClass:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_escape:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => htmlspecialchars [_encoding:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => UTF-8 [_lfiProtectionOn:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => 1 [_loaders:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [filter] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [helper] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Helper/ ) [Custom_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Custom/View/Helper/ ) [Cgsmith_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Cgsmith/View/Helper/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/View/Helper/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_loaderTypes:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [0] => filter [1] => helper ) [_strictVars:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => ) [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => capacite [placeholder] => Capacité [class] => form-control ) [g-recaptcha-response] => Cgsmith\Form\Element\Recaptcha Object ( [helper] => formRecaptcha [_siteKey:protected] => 6LeBsB0TAAAAAJiVJzXaYzz7nK2dF1fyMOjitWqZ [_secretKey:protected] => 6LeBsB0TAAAAAP8dwt_Q9kvnryFvO0P1xHyg44el [_allowEmpty:protected] => [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper Object ( [_buttonTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Form_Element_Button [1] => Zend_Form_Element_Reset [2] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit ) [_helper:protected] => formRecaptcha [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Cgsmith\Form\Element\Recaptcha Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors Object ( [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Cgsmith\Form\Element\Recaptcha Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description Object ( [_escape:protected] => [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_tag:protected] => [_element:protected] => Cgsmith\Form\Element\Recaptcha Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) [_separator:protected] => ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper [Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors [Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => grecaptcharesponse [_order:protected] => 40 [_required:protected] => [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( [Recaptcha] => Array ( [validator] => Recaptcha [breakChainOnFailure] => [options] => Array ( [secretKey] => 6LeBsB0TAAAAAP8dwt_Q9kvnryFvO0P1xHyg44el ) ) ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => Zend_View Object ( [_useViewStream:Zend_View:private] => [_useStreamWrapper:Zend_View:private] => [_path:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [script] => Array ( ) [helper] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( ) ) [_file:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => [_helper:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype Object ( [_defaultDoctype:protected] => HTML4_LOOSE [_registry:protected] => ArrayObject Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [doctypes] => Array ( [XHTML11] => [XHTML1_STRICT] => [XHTML1_TRANSITIONAL] => [XHTML1_FRAMESET] => [XHTML1_RDFA] => [XHTML1_RDFA11] => [XHTML_BASIC1] => [XHTML5] => [HTML4_STRICT] => [HTML4_LOOSE] => [HTML4_FRAMESET] => [HTML5] => ) [doctype] => HTML5 ) ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta Object ( [_typeKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => name [1] => http-equiv [2] => charset [3] => property ) [_requiredKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => content ) [_modifierKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => lang [1] => scheme ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate Object ( [_translator:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea Object ( [rows] => 24 [cols] => 80 [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) ) [_helperLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_helperLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filter:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterClass:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_escape:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => htmlspecialchars [_encoding:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => UTF-8 [_lfiProtectionOn:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => 1 [_loaders:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [filter] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [helper] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Helper/ ) [Custom_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Custom/View/Helper/ ) [Cgsmith_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Cgsmith/View/Helper/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/View/Helper/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_loaderTypes:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [0] => filter [1] => helper ) [_strictVars:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => ) [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [siteKey] => 6LeBsB0TAAAAAJiVJzXaYzz7nK2dF1fyMOjitWqZ [secretKey] => 6LeBsB0TAAAAAP8dwt_Q9kvnryFvO0P1xHyg44el [messages] => Array ( [invalidCaptcha] => Code invalide [captchaEmpty] => Code Vide ) [id] => grecaptcharesponse ) [formulaire_id] => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden Object ( [helper] => formHidden [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper Object ( [_buttonTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Form_Element_Button [1] => Zend_Form_Element_Reset [2] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit ) [_helper:protected] => formHidden [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors Object ( [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description Object ( [_escape:protected] => [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_tag:protected] => [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) [_separator:protected] => ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( ) [_ignore:protected] => 1 [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper [Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors [Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => formulaire_id [_order:protected] => [_required:protected] => [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => 2133 [_view:protected] => Zend_View Object ( [_useViewStream:Zend_View:private] => [_useStreamWrapper:Zend_View:private] => [_path:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [script] => Array ( ) [helper] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( ) ) [_file:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => [_helper:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype Object ( [_defaultDoctype:protected] => HTML4_LOOSE [_registry:protected] => ArrayObject Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [doctypes] => Array ( [XHTML11] => [XHTML1_STRICT] => [XHTML1_TRANSITIONAL] => [XHTML1_FRAMESET] => [XHTML1_RDFA] => [XHTML1_RDFA11] => [XHTML_BASIC1] => [XHTML5] => [HTML4_STRICT] => [HTML4_LOOSE] => [HTML4_FRAMESET] => [HTML5] => ) [doctype] => HTML5 ) ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta Object ( [_typeKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => name [1] => http-equiv [2] => charset [3] => property ) [_requiredKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => content ) [_modifierKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => lang [1] => scheme ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate Object ( [_translator:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea Object ( [rows] => 24 [cols] => 80 [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) ) [_helperLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_helperLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filter:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterClass:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_escape:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => htmlspecialchars [_encoding:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => UTF-8 [_lfiProtectionOn:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => 1 [_loaders:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [filter] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [helper] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Helper/ ) [Custom_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Custom/View/Helper/ ) [Cgsmith_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Cgsmith/View/Helper/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/View/Helper/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_loaderTypes:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [0] => filter [1] => helper ) [_strictVars:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => ) [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => formulaire_id ) [mnst_id] => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden Object ( [helper] => formHidden [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper Object ( [_buttonTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Form_Element_Button [1] => Zend_Form_Element_Reset [2] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit ) [_helper:protected] => formHidden [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors Object ( [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description Object ( [_escape:protected] => [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_tag:protected] => [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) [_separator:protected] => ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( ) [_ignore:protected] => 1 [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper [Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors [Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => mnst_id [_order:protected] => [_required:protected] => [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => Zend_View Object ( [_useViewStream:Zend_View:private] => [_useStreamWrapper:Zend_View:private] => [_path:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [script] => Array ( ) [helper] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( ) ) [_file:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => [_helper:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype Object ( [_defaultDoctype:protected] => HTML4_LOOSE [_registry:protected] => ArrayObject Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [doctypes] => Array ( [XHTML11] => [XHTML1_STRICT] => [XHTML1_TRANSITIONAL] => [XHTML1_FRAMESET] => [XHTML1_RDFA] => [XHTML1_RDFA11] => [XHTML_BASIC1] => [XHTML5] => [HTML4_STRICT] => [HTML4_LOOSE] => [HTML4_FRAMESET] => [HTML5] => ) [doctype] => HTML5 ) ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta Object ( [_typeKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => name [1] => http-equiv [2] => charset [3] => property ) [_requiredKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => content ) [_modifierKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => lang [1] => scheme ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate Object ( [_translator:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea Object ( [rows] => 24 [cols] => 80 [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) ) [_helperLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_helperLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filter:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterClass:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_escape:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => htmlspecialchars [_encoding:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => UTF-8 [_lfiProtectionOn:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => 1 [_loaders:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [filter] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [helper] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Helper/ ) [Custom_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Custom/View/Helper/ ) [Cgsmith_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Cgsmith/View/Helper/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/View/Helper/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_loaderTypes:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [0] => filter [1] => helper ) [_strictVars:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => ) [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => mnst_id ) [submit] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit Object ( [helper] => formSubmit [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_Tooltip] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Tooltip Object ( [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper Object ( [_buttonTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Form_Element_Button [1] => Zend_Form_Element_Reset [2] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit ) [_helper:protected] => formSubmit [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( ) [_ignore:protected] => 1 [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Envoyer [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [Tooltip] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Tooltip [ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => submit [_order:protected] => 50 [_required:protected] => [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => Zend_View Object ( [_useViewStream:Zend_View:private] => [_useStreamWrapper:Zend_View:private] => [_path:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [script] => Array ( ) [helper] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( ) ) [_file:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => [_helper:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype Object ( [_defaultDoctype:protected] => HTML4_LOOSE [_registry:protected] => ArrayObject Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [doctypes] => Array ( [XHTML11] => [XHTML1_STRICT] => [XHTML1_TRANSITIONAL] => [XHTML1_FRAMESET] => [XHTML1_RDFA] => [XHTML1_RDFA11] => [XHTML_BASIC1] => [XHTML5] => [HTML4_STRICT] => [HTML4_LOOSE] => [HTML4_FRAMESET] => [HTML5] => ) [doctype] => HTML5 ) ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta Object ( [_typeKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => name [1] => http-equiv [2] => charset [3] => property ) [_requiredKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => content ) [_modifierKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => lang [1] => scheme ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate Object ( [_translator:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea Object ( [rows] => 24 [cols] => 80 [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) ) [_helperLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_helperLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filter:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterClass:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_escape:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => htmlspecialchars [_encoding:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => UTF-8 [_lfiProtectionOn:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => 1 [_loaders:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [filter] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [helper] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Helper/ ) [Custom_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Custom/View/Helper/ ) [Cgsmith_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Cgsmith/View/Helper/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/View/Helper/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_loaderTypes:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [0] => filter [1] => helper ) [_strictVars:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => ) [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => searchsubmit [class] => searchsubmit ) ) [_elementsBelongTo:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorsExist:protected] => [_errorsForced:protected] => [_formOrder:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_legend:protected] => [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [File] => Zend_Form_Decorator_File [ViewScript] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewScript ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [ELEMENT] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [Recaptcha] => Cgsmith\Form\Element\Recaptcha [Hidden] => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden [Submit] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Element_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Element/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Element_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Element/ ) [Cgsmith\Form\Element\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Form/Element/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_methods:protected] => Array ( [0] => delete [1] => get [2] => post [3] => put ) [_order:protected] => Array ( [nom] => 0 [email] => 0 [telephone] => 0 [marque] => 0 [modele] => 0 [oparateur] => 0 [etatecran] => 0 [etatcoque] => 0 [produit] => 0 [capacite] => 0 [g-recaptcha-response] => [formulaire_id] => [mnst_id] => [submit] => 50 ) [_orderUpdated:protected] => 1 [_subFormPrefixPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_subForms:protected] => Array ( ) [_translator:protected] => Zend_Translate_Adapter_Array Object ( [_data:Zend_Translate_Adapter_Array:private] => Array ( ) [_automatic:Zend_Translate_Adapter:private] => [_routed:Zend_Translate_Adapter:private] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( [clear] => [content] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/build/modules/default/libs/ [disableNotices] => [ignore] => . [locale] => fr [log] => [logMessage] => Untranslated message within '%locale%': %message% [logPriority] => 5 [logUntranslated] => [reload] => [route] => [scan] => directory [tag] => Zend_Translate ) [_translate:protected] => Array ( [de] => Array ( [Invalid type given. String, integer or float expected] => Ungültiger Typ angegeben. String, Integer oder Float erwartet ['%value%' contains characters which are non alphabetic and no digits] => '%value%' enthält Zeichen welche keine Buchstaben und keine Ziffern sind ['%value%' is an empty string] => '%value%' ist ein leerer String [Invalid type given. String expected] => Ungültiger Typ angegeben. String erwartet ['%value%' contains non alphabetic characters] => '%value%' enthält Zeichen welche keine Buchstaben sind ['%value%' failed checksum validation] => '%value%' hat die Prüfung der Checksumme nicht bestanden ['%value%' contains invalid characters] => '%value%' enthält ungültige Zeichen ['%value%' should have a length of %length% characters] => '%value%' sollte eine Länge von %length% Zeichen haben ['%value%' is not between '%min%' and '%max%', inclusively] => '%value%' ist nicht zwischen '%min%' und '%max%', inklusive diesen Werten ['%value%' is not strictly between '%min%' and '%max%'] => '%value%' ist nicht strikt zwischen '%min%' und '%max%' ['%value%' is not valid] => '%value%' ist nicht gültig [An exception has been raised within the callback] => Eine Exception wurde im Callback geworfen ['%value%' must contain between 13 and 19 digits] => '%value%' muss zwischen 13 und 19 Ziffern enthalten [Luhn algorithm (mod-10 checksum) failed on '%value%'] => Der Luhn Algorithmus (Mod-10 Checksumme) ist auf '%value%' fehlgeschlagen ['%value%' seems to contain an invalid checksum] => '%value%' scheint eine ungültige Prüfsumme zu enthalten ['%value%' must contain only digits] => '%value%' darf nur Ziffern enthalten ['%value%' contains an invalid amount of digits] => '%value%' enthält eine ungültige Anzahl an Ziffern ['%value%' is not from an allowed institute] => '%value%' ist nicht von einem der erlaubten Institute ['%value%' seems to be an invalid creditcard number] => '%value%' scheint eine ungültige Kreditkarten-Nummer zu sein [An exception has been raised while validating '%value%'] => Eine Exception wurde wärend der Prüfung von '%value%' geworfen [Invalid type given. String, integer, array or Zend_Date expected] => Ungültiger Typ angegeben. String, Integer, Array oder Zend_Date erwartet ['%value%' does not appear to be a valid date] => '%value%' scheint kein gültiges Datum zu sein ['%value%' does not fit the date format '%format%'] => '%value%' passt nicht in das angegebene Datumsformat '%format%' [No record matching '%value%' was found] => Es wurde kein Eintrag gefunden der '%value%' entspricht [A record matching '%value%' was found] => Ein Eintrag der '%value%' entspricht wurde gefunden ['%value%' is not a valid email address in the basic format local-part@hostname] => '%value%' ist keine gültige Emailadresse im Basisformat local-part@hostname ['%hostname%' is not a valid hostname for email address '%value%'] => '%hostname%' ist kein gültiger Hostname für die Emailadresse '%value%' ['%hostname%' does not appear to have a valid MX record for the email address '%value%'] => '%hostname%' scheint keinen gültigen MX Eintrag für die Emailadresse '%value%' zu haben ['%hostname%' is not in a routable network segment. The email address '%value%' should not be resolved from public network] => '%hostname%' ist in keinem routebaren Netzwerksegment. Die Emailadresse '%value%' sollte nicht vom öffentlichen Netz aus aufgelöst werden ['%localPart%' can not be matched against dot-atom format] => '%localPart%' passt nicht auf das dot-atom Format ['%localPart%' can not be matched against quoted-string format] => '%localPart%' passt nicht auf das quoted-string Format ['%localPart%' is not a valid local part for email address '%value%'] => '%localPart%' ist kein gültiger lokaler Teil für die Emailadresse '%value%' ['%value%' exceeds the allowed length] => '%value%' ist länger als erlaubt [Too many files, maximum '%max%' are allowed but '%count%' are given] => Zu viele Dateien. Maximal '%max%' sind erlaubt aber '%count%' wurden angegeben [Too few files, minimum '%min%' are expected but '%count%' are given] => Zu wenige Dateien. Minimal '%min%' wurden erwartet aber nur '%count%' wurden angegeben [File '%value%' does not match the given crc32 hashes] => Die Datei '%value%' passt nicht auf die angegebenen Crc32 Hashes [A crc32 hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => Für die angegebene Datei konnte kein Crc32 Hash evaluiert werden [File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist] => Die Datei '%value%' konnte nicht gelesen werden oder existiert nicht [File '%value%' has a false extension] => Die Datei '%value%' hat eine falsche Erweiterung [File '%value%' has a false mimetype of '%type%'] => Die Datei '%value%' hat einen falschen Mimetyp von '%type%' [The mimetype of file '%value%' could not be detected] => Der Mimetyp der Datei '%value%' konnte nicht erkannt werden [File '%value%' does not exist] => Die Datei '%value%' existiert nicht [All files in sum should have a maximum size of '%max%' but '%size%' were detected] => Alle Dateien sollten in Summe eine maximale Größe von '%max%' haben, aber es wurde '%size%' erkannt [All files in sum should have a minimum size of '%min%' but '%size%' were detected] => Alle Dateien sollten in Summe eine minimale Größe von '%min%' haben, aber es wurde '%size%' erkannt [One or more files can not be read] => Ein oder mehrere Dateien konnten nicht gelesen werden [File '%value%' does not match the given hashes] => Die Datei '%value%' passt nicht auf die angegebenen Hashes [A hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => Für die angegebene Datei konnte kein Hash evaluiert werden [Maximum allowed width for image '%value%' should be '%maxwidth%' but '%width%' detected] => Die maximal erlaubte Breite für das Bild '%value%' ist '%maxwidth%', aber es wurde '%width%' erkannt [Minimum expected width for image '%value%' should be '%minwidth%' but '%width%' detected] => Die minimal erlaubte Breite für das Bild '%value%' ist '%minwidth%', aber es wurde '%width%' erkannt [Maximum allowed height for image '%value%' should be '%maxheight%' but '%height%' detected] => Die maximal erlaubte Höhe für das Bild '%value%' ist '%maxheight%', aber es wurde '%height%' erkannt [Minimum expected height for image '%value%' should be '%minheight%' but '%height%' detected] => Die minimal erlaubte Höhe für das Bild '%value%' ist '%minheight%', aber es wurde '%height%' erkannt [The size of image '%value%' could not be detected] => Die Größe des Bildes '%value%' konnte nicht erkannt werden [File '%value%' is not compressed, '%type%' detected] => Die Datei '%value%' ist nicht komprimiert. Es wurde '%type%' erkannt [File '%value%' is no image, '%type%' detected] => Die Datei '%value%' ist kein Bild. Es wurde '%type%' erkannt [File '%value%' does not match the given md5 hashes] => Die Datei '%value%' passt nicht auf die angegebenen Md5 Hashes [A md5 hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => Für die angegebene Datei konnte kein Md5 Hash evaluiert werden [File '%value%' exists] => Die Datei '%value%' existiert bereits [File '%value%' does not match the given sha1 hashes] => Die Datei '%value%' passt nicht auf die angegebenen Sha1 Hashes [A sha1 hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => Für die angegebene Datei konnte kein Sha1 Hash evaluiert werden [Maximum allowed size for file '%value%' is '%max%' but '%size%' detected] => Die maximal erlaubte Größe für die Datei '%value%' ist '%max%', aber es wurde '%size%' entdeckt [Minimum expected size for file '%value%' is '%min%' but '%size%' detected] => Die mindestens erwartete Größe für die Datei '%value%' ist '%min%', aber es wurde '%size%' entdeckt [File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size] => Die Datei '%value%' übersteigt die definierte Größe in der Konfiguration [File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size] => Die Datei '%value%' übersteigt die definierte Größe des Formulars [File '%value%' was only partially uploaded] => Die Datei '%value%' wurde nur teilweise hochgeladen [File '%value%' was not uploaded] => Die Datei '%value%' wurde nicht hochgeladen [No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'] => Für die Datei '%value%' wurde kein temporäres Verzeichnis gefunden [File '%value%' can't be written] => Die Datei '%value%' konnte nicht geschrieben werden [A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'] => Eine PHP Erweiterung retournierte einen Fehler wärend die Datei '%value%' hochgeladen wurde [File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack] => Die Datei '%value%' wurde illegal hochgeladen. Dies könnte eine mögliche Attacke sein [File '%value%' was not found] => Die Datei '%value%' wurde nicht gefunden [Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'] => Ein unbekannter Fehler ist aufgetreten wärend die Datei '%value%' hochgeladen wurde [Too much words, maximum '%max%' are allowed but '%count%' were counted] => Zu viele Wörter. Maximal '%max%' sind erlaubt, aber '%count%' wurden gezählt [Too less words, minimum '%min%' are expected but '%count%' were counted] => Zu wenige Wörter. Mindestens '%min%' wurden erwartet, aber '%count%' wurden gezählt ['%value%' does not appear to be a float] => '%value%' scheint kein Float zu sein ['%value%' is not greater than '%min%'] => '%value%' ist nicht größer als '%min%' ['%value%' has not only hexadecimal digit characters] => '%value%' enthält nicht nur hexadezimale Ziffern ['%value%' appears to be an IP address, but IP addresses are not allowed] => '%value%' scheint eine IP Adresse zu sein, aber IP Adressen sind nicht erlaubt ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match TLD against known list] => '%value%' scheint ein DNS Hostname zu sein, aber die TLD wurde in der bekannten Liste nicht gefunden ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but contains a dash in an invalid position] => '%value%' scheint ein DNS Hostname zu sein, enthält aber einen Bindestrich an einer ungültigen Position ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match against hostname schema for TLD '%tld%'] => '%value%' scheint ein DNS Hostname zu sein, passt aber nicht in das Hostname Schema für die TLD '%tld%' ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot extract TLD part] => '%value%' scheint ein DNS Hostname zu sein, aber der TLD Teil konnte nicht extrahiert werden ['%value%' does not match the expected structure for a DNS hostname] => '%value%' passt nicht in die erwartete Struktur für einen DNS Hostname ['%value%' does not appear to be a valid local network name] => '%value%' scheint kein gültiger lokaler Netzerkname zu sein ['%value%' appears to be a local network name but local network names are not allowed] => '%value%' scheint ein lokaler Netzwerkname zu sein, aber lokale Netzwerknamen sind nicht erlaubt ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but the given punycode notation cannot be decoded] => '%value%' scheint ein DNS Hostname zu sein, aber die angegebene Punycode Schreibweise konnte nicht dekodiert werden [Unknown country within the IBAN '%value%'] => Unbekanntes Land in der IBAN '%value%' ['%value%' has a false IBAN format] => '%value%' enthält ein falsches IBAN Format ['%value%' has failed the IBAN check] => Die IBAN Prüfung ist für '%value%' fehlgeschlagen [The two given tokens do not match] => Die zwei angegebenen Token stimmen nicht überein [No token was provided to match against] => Es wurde kein Token angegeben gegen den geprüft werden kann ['%value%' was not found in the haystack] => '%value%' wurde im Haystack nicht gefunden [Invalid type given. String or integer expected] => Ungültiger Typ angegeben. String oder Integer erwartet ['%value%' does not appear to be an integer] => '%value%' scheint kein Integer zu sein ['%value%' does not appear to be a valid IP address] => '%value%' scheint keine gültige IP Adresse zu sein ['%value%' is not a valid ISBN number] => '%value%' ist keine gültige ISBN Nummer ['%value%' is not less than '%max%'] => '%value%' ist nicht weniger als '%max%' [Invalid type given. String, integer, float, boolean or array expected] => Ungültiger Typ angegeben. String, Integer, Float, Boolean oder Array erwartet [Value is required and can't be empty] => Es wird ein Wert benötigt. Dieser darf nicht leer sein ['%value%' does not appear to be a postal code] => '%value%' scheint keine gültige Postleitzahl zu sein ['%value%' does not match against pattern '%pattern%'] => '%value%' scheint nicht auf das Pattern '%pattern%' zu passen [There was an internal error while using the pattern '%pattern%'] => Es gab einen internen Fehler bei der Verwendung des Patterns '%pattern%' ['%value%' is not a valid sitemap changefreq] => '%value%' ist keine gültige Changefreq für Sitemap ['%value%' is not a valid sitemap lastmod] => '%value%' ist keine gültige Lastmod für Sitemap ['%value%' is not a valid sitemap location] => '%value%' ist keine gültige Location für Sitemap ['%value%' is not a valid sitemap priority] => '%value%' ist keine gültige Priority für Sitemap [Invalid type given. Numeric string, integer or float expected] => Ungültiger Typ angegeben. Nummerischer String, Integer oder Float erwartet ['%value%' is less than %min% characters long] => '%value%' ist weniger als %min% Zeichen lang ['%value%' is more than %max% characters long] => '%value%' ist mehr als %max% Zeichen lang ) [en] => Array ( [Invalid type given. String, integer or float expected] => Invalid type given. String, integer or float expected ['%value%' contains characters which are non alphabetic and no digits] => '%value%' contains characters which are non alphabetic and no digits ['%value%' is an empty string] => '%value%' is an empty string [Captcha vide] => Empty Captcha [Invalid type given. String expected] => Invalid type given. String expected ['%value%' contains non alphabetic characters] => '%value%' contains non alphabetic characters ['%value%' failed checksum validation] => '%value%' failed checksum validation ['%value%' contains invalid characters] => '%value%' contains invalid characters ['%value%' should have a length of %length% characters] => '%value%' should have a length of %length% characters ['%value%' is not between '%min%' and '%max%', inclusively] => '%value%' is not between '%min%' and '%max%', inclusively ['%value%' is not strictly between '%min%' and '%max%'] => '%value%' is not strictly between '%min%' and '%max%' ['%value%' is not valid] => '%value%' is not valid [An exception has been raised within the callback] => An exception has been raised within the callback ['%value%' must contain between 13 and 19 digits] => '%value%' must contain between 13 and 19 digits [Luhn algorithm (mod-10 checksum) failed on '%value%'] => Luhn algorithm (mod-10 checksum) failed on '%value%' ['%value%' seems to contain an invalid checksum] => '%value%' seems to contain an invalid checksum ['%value%' must contain only digits] => '%value%' must contain only digits ['%value%' contains an invalid amount of digits] => '%value%' contains an invalid amount of digits ['%value%' is not from an allowed institute] => '%value%' is not from an allowed institute ['%value%' seems to be an invalid creditcard number] => '%value%' seems to be an invalid creditcard number [An exception has been raised while validating '%value%'] => An exception has been raised while validating '%value%' [Invalid type given. String, integer, array or Zend_Date expected] => Invalid type given. String, integer, array or Zend_Date expected ['%value%' does not appear to be a valid date] => '%value%' does not appear to be a valid date ['%value%' does not fit the date format '%format%'] => '%value%' does not fit the date format '%format%' [No record matching '%value%' was found] => No record matching '%value%' was found [A record matching '%value%' was found] => A record matching '%value%' was found ['%value%' is not a valid email address in the basic format local-part@hostname] => '%value%' is not a valid email address in the basic format local-part@hostname ['%hostname%' is not a valid hostname for email address '%value%'] => '%hostname%' is not a valid hostname for email address '%value%' ['%hostname%' does not appear to have a valid MX record for the email address '%value%'] => '%hostname%' does not appear to have a valid MX record for the email address '%value%' ['%hostname%' is not in a routable network segment. The email address '%value%' should not be resolved from public network] => '%hostname%' is not in a routable network segment. The email address '%value%' should not be resolved from public network ['%localPart%' can not be matched against dot-atom format] => '%localPart%' can not be matched against dot-atom format ['%localPart%' can not be matched against quoted-string format] => '%localPart%' can not be matched against quoted-string format ['%localPart%' is not a valid local part for email address '%value%'] => '%localPart%' is not a valid local part for email address '%value%' ['%value%' exceeds the allowed length] => '%value%' exceeds the allowed length [Too many files, maximum '%max%' are allowed but '%count%' are given] => Too many files, maximum '%max%' are allowed but '%count%' are given [Too few files, minimum '%min%' are expected but '%count%' are given] => Too few files, minimum '%min%' are expected but '%count%' are given [File '%value%' does not match the given crc32 hashes] => File '%value%' does not match the given crc32 hashes [A crc32 hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => A crc32 hash could not be evaluated for the given file [File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist] => File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist [File '%value%' has a false extension] => File '%value%' has a false extension [File '%value%' has a false mimetype of '%type%'] => File '%value%' has a false mimetype of '%type%' [The mimetype of file '%value%' could not be detected] => The mimetype of file '%value%' could not be detected [File '%value%' does not exist] => File '%value%' does not exist [All files in sum should have a maximum size of '%max%' but '%size%' were detected] => All files in sum should have a maximum size of '%max%' but '%size%' were detected [All files in sum should have a minimum size of '%min%' but '%size%' were detected] => All files in sum should have a minimum size of '%min%' but '%size%' were detected [One or more files can not be read] => One or more files can not be read [File '%value%' does not match the given hashes] => File '%value%' does not match the given hashes [A hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => A hash could not be evaluated for the given file [Maximum allowed width for image '%value%' should be '%maxwidth%' but '%width%' detected] => Maximum allowed width for image '%value%' should be '%maxwidth%' but '%width%' detected [Minimum expected width for image '%value%' should be '%minwidth%' but '%width%' detected] => Minimum expected width for image '%value%' should be '%minwidth%' but '%width%' detected [Maximum allowed height for image '%value%' should be '%maxheight%' but '%height%' detected] => Maximum allowed height for image '%value%' should be '%maxheight%' but '%height%' detected [Minimum expected height for image '%value%' should be '%minheight%' but '%height%' detected] => Minimum expected height for image '%value%' should be '%minheight%' but '%height%' detected [The size of image '%value%' could not be detected] => The size of image '%value%' could not be detected [File '%value%' is not compressed, '%type%' detected] => File '%value%' is not compressed, '%type%' detected [File '%value%' is no image, '%type%' detected] => File '%value%' is no image, '%type%' detected [File '%value%' does not match the given md5 hashes] => File '%value%' does not match the given md5 hashes [A md5 hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => A md5 hash could not be evaluated for the given file [File '%value%' exists] => File '%value%' exists [File '%value%' does not match the given sha1 hashes] => File '%value%' does not match the given sha1 hashes [A sha1 hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => A sha1 hash could not be evaluated for the given file [Maximum allowed size for file '%value%' is '%max%' but '%size%' detected] => Maximum allowed size for file '%value%' is '%max%' but '%size%' detected [Minimum expected size for file '%value%' is '%min%' but '%size%' detected] => Minimum expected size for file '%value%' is '%min%' but '%size%' detected [File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size] => File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size [File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size] => File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size [File '%value%' was only partially uploaded] => File '%value%' was only partially uploaded [File '%value%' was not uploaded] => File '%value%' was not uploaded [No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'] => No temporary directory was found for file '%value%' [File '%value%' can't be written] => File '%value%' can't be written [A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'] => A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%' [File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack] => File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack [File '%value%' was not found] => File '%value%' was not found [Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'] => Unknown error while uploading file '%value%' [Too much words, maximum '%max%' are allowed but '%count%' were counted] => Too much words, maximum '%max%' are allowed but '%count%' were counted [Too less words, minimum '%min%' are expected but '%count%' were counted] => Too less words, minimum '%min%' are expected but '%count%' were counted ['%value%' does not appear to be a float] => '%value%' does not appear to be a float ['%value%' is not greater than '%min%'] => '%value%' is not greater than '%min%' ['%value%' has not only hexadecimal digit characters] => '%value%' has not only hexadecimal digit characters ['%value%' appears to be an IP address, but IP addresses are not allowed] => '%value%' appears to be an IP address, but IP addresses are not allowed ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match TLD against known list] => '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match TLD against known list ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but contains a dash in an invalid position] => '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but contains a dash in an invalid position ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match against hostname schema for TLD '%tld%'] => '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match against hostname schema for TLD '%tld%' ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot extract TLD part] => '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot extract TLD part ['%value%' does not match the expected structure for a DNS hostname] => '%value%' does not match the expected structure for a DNS hostname ['%value%' does not appear to be a valid local network name] => '%value%' does not appear to be a valid local network name ['%value%' appears to be a local network name but local network names are not allowed] => '%value%' appears to be a local network name but local network names are not allowed ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but the given punycode notation cannot be decoded] => '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but the given punycode notation cannot be decoded [Unknown country within the IBAN '%value%'] => Unknown country within the IBAN '%value%' ['%value%' has a false IBAN format] => '%value%' has a false IBAN format ['%value%' has failed the IBAN check] => '%value%' has failed the IBAN check [The two given tokens do not match] => The two given tokens do not match [No token was provided to match against] => No token was provided to match against ['%value%' was not found in the haystack] => '%value%' was not found in the haystack [Invalid type given. String or integer expected] => Invalid type given. String or integer expected ['%value%' does not appear to be an integer] => '%value%' does not appear to be an integer ['%value%' does not appear to be a valid IP address] => '%value%' does not appear to be a valid IP address ['%value%' is not a valid ISBN number] => '%value%' is not a valid ISBN number ['%value%' is not less than '%max%'] => '%value%' is not less than '%max%' [Invalid type given. String, integer, float, boolean or array expected] => Invalid type given. String, integer, float, boolean or array expected [Value is required and can't be empty] => Value is required and can't be empty ['%value%' does not appear to be a postal code] => '%value%' does not appear to be a postal code ['%value%' does not match against pattern '%pattern%'] => '%value%' does not match against pattern '%pattern%' [There was an internal error while using the pattern '%pattern%'] => There was an internal error while using the pattern '%pattern%' ['%value%' is not a valid sitemap changefreq] => '%value%' is not a valid sitemap changefreq ['%value%' is not a valid sitemap lastmod] => '%value%' is not a valid sitemap lastmod ['%value%' is not a valid sitemap location] => '%value%' is not a valid sitemap location ['%value%' is not a valid sitemap priority] => '%value%' is not a valid sitemap priority [Invalid type given. Numeric string, integer or float expected] => Invalid type given. Numeric string, integer or float expected ['%value%' is less than %min% characters long] => '%value%' is less than %min% characters long ['%value%' is more than %max% characters long] => '%value%' is more than %max% characters long ) [en_US] => Array ( [Invalid type given. String, integer or float expected] => Invalid type given. String, integer or float expected ['%value%' contains characters which are non alphabetic and no digits] => '%value%' contains characters which are non alphabetic and no digits ['%value%' is an empty string] => '%value%' is an empty string [Invalid type given. String expected] => Invalid type given. String expected ['%value%' contains non alphabetic characters] => '%value%' contains non alphabetic characters ['%value%' failed checksum validation] => '%value%' failed checksum validation ['%value%' contains invalid characters] => '%value%' contains invalid characters ['%value%' should have a length of %length% characters] => '%value%' should have a length of %length% characters ['%value%' is not between '%min%' and '%max%', inclusively] => '%value%' is not between '%min%' and '%max%', inclusively ['%value%' is not strictly between '%min%' and '%max%'] => '%value%' is not strictly between '%min%' and '%max%' ['%value%' is not valid] => '%value%' is not valid [An exception has been raised within the callback] => An exception has been raised within the callback ['%value%' must contain between 13 and 19 digits] => '%value%' must contain between 13 and 19 digits [Luhn algorithm (mod-10 checksum) failed on '%value%'] => Luhn algorithm (mod-10 checksum) failed on '%value%' ['%value%' seems to contain an invalid checksum] => '%value%' seems to contain an invalid checksum ['%value%' must contain only digits] => '%value%' must contain only digits ['%value%' contains an invalid amount of digits] => '%value%' contains an invalid amount of digits ['%value%' is not from an allowed institute] => '%value%' is not from an allowed institute ['%value%' seems to be an invalid creditcard number] => '%value%' seems to be an invalid creditcard number [An exception has been raised while validating '%value%'] => An exception has been raised while validating '%value%' [Invalid type given. String, integer, array or Zend_Date expected] => Invalid type given. String, integer, array or Zend_Date expected ['%value%' does not appear to be a valid date] => '%value%' does not appear to be a valid date ['%value%' does not fit the date format '%format%'] => '%value%' does not fit the date format '%format%' [No record matching '%value%' was found] => No record matching '%value%' was found [A record matching '%value%' was found] => A record matching '%value%' was found ['%value%' is not a valid email address in the basic format local-part@hostname] => '%value%' is not a valid email address in the basic format local-part@hostname ['%hostname%' is not a valid hostname for email address '%value%'] => '%hostname%' is not a valid hostname for email address '%value%' ['%hostname%' does not appear to have a valid MX record for the email address '%value%'] => '%hostname%' does not appear to have a valid MX record for the email address '%value%' ['%hostname%' is not in a routable network segment. The email address '%value%' should not be resolved from public network] => '%hostname%' is not in a routable network segment. The email address '%value%' should not be resolved from public network ['%localPart%' can not be matched against dot-atom format] => '%localPart%' can not be matched against dot-atom format ['%localPart%' can not be matched against quoted-string format] => '%localPart%' can not be matched against quoted-string format ['%localPart%' is not a valid local part for email address '%value%'] => '%localPart%' is not a valid local part for email address '%value%' ['%value%' exceeds the allowed length] => '%value%' exceeds the allowed length [Too many files, maximum '%max%' are allowed but '%count%' are given] => Too many files, maximum '%max%' are allowed but '%count%' are given [Too few files, minimum '%min%' are expected but '%count%' are given] => Too few files, minimum '%min%' are expected but '%count%' are given [File '%value%' does not match the given crc32 hashes] => File '%value%' does not match the given crc32 hashes [A crc32 hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => A crc32 hash could not be evaluated for the given file [File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist] => File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist [File '%value%' has a false extension] => File '%value%' has a false extension [File '%value%' has a false mimetype of '%type%'] => File '%value%' has a false mimetype of '%type%' [The mimetype of file '%value%' could not be detected] => The mimetype of file '%value%' could not be detected [File '%value%' does not exist] => File '%value%' does not exist [All files in sum should have a maximum size of '%max%' but '%size%' were detected] => All files in sum should have a maximum size of '%max%' but '%size%' were detected [All files in sum should have a minimum size of '%min%' but '%size%' were detected] => All files in sum should have a minimum size of '%min%' but '%size%' were detected [One or more files can not be read] => One or more files can not be read [File '%value%' does not match the given hashes] => File '%value%' does not match the given hashes [A hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => A hash could not be evaluated for the given file [Maximum allowed width for image '%value%' should be '%maxwidth%' but '%width%' detected] => Maximum allowed width for image '%value%' should be '%maxwidth%' but '%width%' detected [Minimum expected width for image '%value%' should be '%minwidth%' but '%width%' detected] => Minimum expected width for image '%value%' should be '%minwidth%' but '%width%' detected [Maximum allowed height for image '%value%' should be '%maxheight%' but '%height%' detected] => Maximum allowed height for image '%value%' should be '%maxheight%' but '%height%' detected [Minimum expected height for image '%value%' should be '%minheight%' but '%height%' detected] => Minimum expected height for image '%value%' should be '%minheight%' but '%height%' detected [The size of image '%value%' could not be detected] => The size of image '%value%' could not be detected [File '%value%' is not compressed, '%type%' detected] => File '%value%' is not compressed, '%type%' detected [File '%value%' is no image, '%type%' detected] => File '%value%' is no image, '%type%' detected [File '%value%' does not match the given md5 hashes] => File '%value%' does not match the given md5 hashes [A md5 hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => A md5 hash could not be evaluated for the given file [File '%value%' exists] => File '%value%' exists [File '%value%' does not match the given sha1 hashes] => File '%value%' does not match the given sha1 hashes [A sha1 hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => A sha1 hash could not be evaluated for the given file [Maximum allowed size for file '%value%' is '%max%' but '%size%' detected] => Maximum allowed size for file '%value%' is '%max%' but '%size%' detected [Minimum expected size for file '%value%' is '%min%' but '%size%' detected] => Minimum expected size for file '%value%' is '%min%' but '%size%' detected [File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size] => File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size [File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size] => File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size [File '%value%' was only partially uploaded] => File '%value%' was only partially uploaded [File '%value%' was not uploaded] => File '%value%' was not uploaded [No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'] => No temporary directory was found for file '%value%' [File '%value%' can't be written] => File '%value%' can't be written [A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'] => A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%' [File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack] => File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack [File '%value%' was not found] => File '%value%' was not found [Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'] => Unknown error while uploading file '%value%' [Too much words, maximum '%max%' are allowed but '%count%' were counted] => Too much words, maximum '%max%' are allowed but '%count%' were counted [Too less words, minimum '%min%' are expected but '%count%' were counted] => Too less words, minimum '%min%' are expected but '%count%' were counted ['%value%' does not appear to be a float] => '%value%' does not appear to be a float ['%value%' is not greater than '%min%'] => '%value%' is not greater than '%min%' ['%value%' has not only hexadecimal digit characters] => '%value%' has not only hexadecimal digit characters ['%value%' appears to be an IP address, but IP addresses are not allowed] => '%value%' appears to be an IP address, but IP addresses are not allowed ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match TLD against known list] => '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match TLD against known list ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but contains a dash in an invalid position] => '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but contains a dash in an invalid position ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match against hostname schema for TLD '%tld%'] => '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match against hostname schema for TLD '%tld%' ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot extract TLD part] => '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot extract TLD part ['%value%' does not match the expected structure for a DNS hostname] => '%value%' does not match the expected structure for a DNS hostname ['%value%' does not appear to be a valid local network name] => '%value%' does not appear to be a valid local network name ['%value%' appears to be a local network name but local network names are not allowed] => '%value%' appears to be a local network name but local network names are not allowed ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but the given punycode notation cannot be decoded] => '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but the given punycode notation cannot be decoded [Unknown country within the IBAN '%value%'] => Unknown country within the IBAN '%value%' ['%value%' has a false IBAN format] => '%value%' has a false IBAN format ['%value%' has failed the IBAN check] => '%value%' has failed the IBAN check [The two given tokens do not match] => The two given tokens do not match [No token was provided to match against] => No token was provided to match against ['%value%' was not found in the haystack] => '%value%' was not found in the haystack [Invalid type given. String or integer expected] => Invalid type given. String or integer expected ['%value%' does not appear to be an integer] => '%value%' does not appear to be an integer ['%value%' does not appear to be a valid IP address] => '%value%' does not appear to be a valid IP address ['%value%' is not a valid ISBN number] => '%value%' is not a valid ISBN number ['%value%' is not less than '%max%'] => '%value%' is not less than '%max%' [Invalid type given. String, integer, float, boolean or array expected] => Invalid type given. String, integer, float, boolean or array expected [Value is required and can't be empty] => Value is required and can't be empty ['%value%' does not appear to be a postal code] => '%value%' does not appear to be a postal code ['%value%' does not match against pattern '%pattern%'] => '%value%' does not match against pattern '%pattern%' [There was an internal error while using the pattern '%pattern%'] => There was an internal error while using the pattern '%pattern%' ['%value%' is not a valid sitemap changefreq] => '%value%' is not a valid sitemap changefreq ['%value%' is not a valid sitemap lastmod] => '%value%' is not a valid sitemap lastmod ['%value%' is not a valid sitemap location] => '%value%' is not a valid sitemap location ['%value%' is not a valid sitemap priority] => '%value%' is not a valid sitemap priority [Invalid type given. Numeric string, integer or float expected] => Invalid type given. Numeric string, integer or float expected ['%value%' is less than %min% characters long] => '%value%' is less than %min% characters long ['%value%' is more than %max% characters long] => '%value%' is more than %max% characters long ) [es] => Array ( [Invalid type given, value should be float, string, or integer] => El tipo especificado no es válido, el valor deberí­a ser de tipo float, una cadena de texto o un entero ['%value%' contains characters which are non alphabetic and no digits] => '%value%' contiene caracteres que no son alfabéticos ni dígitos ['%value%' is an empty string] => '%value%' es una cadena vacía [Invalid type given, value should be a string] => El tipo especificado es incorrecto, el valor deberí­a ser una cadena de texto ['%value%' contains non alphabetic characters] => '%value%' contiene caracteres no alfabéticos ['%value%' failed checksum validation] => '%value%' Fallo la validación de checksum ['%value%' contains invalid characters] => '%value%' contiene caracteres no válidos ['%value%' should have a length of %length% characters] => '%value%' debe tener una longitud de %length% caracteres [Invalid type given, value should be string] => El tipo especificado no es válido, el valor debe ser una cadena de texto ['%value%' is not between '%min%' and '%max%', inclusively] => '%value%' no está incluido entre '%min%' y '%max%' ['%value%' is not strictly between '%min%' and '%max%'] => '%value%' no está exactamente entre '%min%' y '%max%' ['%value%' is not valid] => '%value%' no es válido [Failure within the callback, exception returned] => Falló dentro de la llamada de retorno, ha devuelto una excepción ['%value%' must contain between 13 and 19 digits] => '%value%' debe contener entre 13 y 19 dígitos [Luhn algorithm (mod-10 checksum) failed on '%value%'] => El algoritmo de Luhn (checksum del módulo 10) fallo en '%value%' ['%value%' must contain only digits] => '%value%' debe contener solo dígitos ['%value%' contains an invalid amount of digits] => '%value%' contiene una cantidad inválida de dígitos ['%value%' is not from an allowed institute] => '%value%' no es de una institución autorizada [Validation of '%value%' has been failed by the service] => La validación de '%value%' fallo por causa del servicio [The service returned a failure while validating '%value%'] => El servicio devolvió un fallo durante la validación de '%value%' [Invalid type given, value should be string, integer, array or Zend_Date] => El tipo especificado no es válido, el valor debe ser una cadena de texto, entero, array o un objeto Zend_Date ['%value%' does not appear to be a valid date] => '%value%' no parece ser una fecha válida ['%value%' does not fit the date format '%format%'] => '%value%' no se ajusta al formato de fecha '%format%' [No record matching %value% was found] => No fue encontrado ningun registro que coincida con %value% [A record matching %value% was found] => Se encontro un registro coincidente con %value% [Invalid type given, value should be string, integer or float] => El tipo especificado es incorrecto, el valor deberí­a ser de tipo float, una cadena de texto o un entero ['%value%' contains characters which are not digits; but only digits are allowed] => '%value%' contiene caracteres que no son dígitos, solo se permiten dígitos ['%value%' is no valid email address in the basic format local-part@hostname] => '%value%' no es una dirección de correo electrónico válido en el formato local-part@hostname ['%hostname%' is no valid hostname for email address '%value%'] => '%hostname%' no es un nombre de host válido para la dirección de correo electrónico '%value%' ['%hostname%' does not appear to have a valid MX record for the email address '%value%'] => '%hostname%' no parece tener un registro MX válido para la dirección de correo electrónico '%value%' ['%hostname%' is not in a routable network segment. The email address '%value%' should not be resolved from public network.] => '%hostname%' no esta en un segmento de red ruteable. La dirección de correo electrónico '%value%' no se debe poder resolver desde una red pública. ['%localPart%' can not be matched against dot-atom format] => '%localPart%' no es igual al formato dot-atom ['%localPart%' can not be matched against quoted-string format] => '%localPart%' no es igual al formato quoted-string ['%localPart%' is no valid local part for email address '%value%'] => '%localPart%' no es una parte local válida para la dirección de correo electrónico '%value%' ['%value%' exceeds the allowed length] => '%value%' excede la longitud permitida [Too many files, maximum '%max%' are allowed but '%count%' are given] => Demasiados archivos, se permiten un máximo de '%max%' pero se han especificado '%count%' [Too few files, minimum '%min%' are expected but '%count%' are given] => Muy pocos archivos, se esperaba un mí­nimo de '%min%' pero sólo se han especificado '%count%' [File '%value%' does not match the given crc32 hashes] => El CRC32 del archivo '%value%' es incorrecto [A crc32 hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => No se ha podido calcular el CRC32 del archivo especificado [File '%value%' could not be found] => No se ha podido encontrar el archivo '%value%' [File '%value%' has a false extension] => El archivo '%value%' tiene una extensión incorrecta [File '%value%' has a false mimetype of '%type%'] => El archivo '%value%' tiene un tipo MIME '%type%' falso [The mimetype of file '%value%' could not be detected] => No se ha podido determinar el tipo MIME del archivo '%value%' [File '%value%' can not be read] => El archivo '%value%' no se puede leer [File '%value%' does not exist] => El archivo '%value%' no existe [All files in sum should have a maximum size of '%max%' but '%size%' were detected] => Todos los archivos deberí­an tener un tamaño máximo de '%max%' pero tiene un tamaño de '%size%' [All files in sum should have a minimum size of '%min%' but '%size%' were detected] => Todos los archivos deberí­an tener un tamaño mí­nimo de '%min%' pero tiene un tamaño de '%size%' [One or more files can not be read] => Uno o más archivos no se pueden leer [File '%value%' does not match the given hashes] => El archivo '%value%' no se corresponde con los códigos hash especificados [A hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => No se ha podido evaluar ningún código hash para el archivo especificado [Maximum allowed width for image '%value%' should be '%maxwidth%' but '%width%' detected] => El ancho máxima para la imagen '%value%' deberí­a ser '%maxwidth%' pero es de '%width%' [Minimum expected width for image '%value%' should be '%minwidth%' but '%width%' detected] => El ancho mí­nima para la imagen '%value%' deberí­a ser '%minwidth%' pero es de '%width%' [Maximum allowed height for image '%value%' should be '%maxheight%' but '%height%' detected] => La altura máxima para la imagen '%value%' deberí­a ser '%maxheight%' pero es de '%height%' [Minimum expected height for image '%value%' should be '%minheight%' but '%height%' detected] => La altura mí­nima para la imagen '%value%' deberí­a ser '%minheight%' pero es de '%height%' [The size of image '%value%' could not be detected] => No se ha podido determinar el tamaño de la imagen '%value%' [File '%value%' is not compressed, '%type%' detected] => El archivo '%value%' no está comprimido, '%type%' detectado [File '%value%' is no image, '%type%' detected] => El archivo '%value%' no es una imagen, '%type%' detectado [File '%value%' does not match the given md5 hashes] => El archivo '%value%' no se corresponde con el MD5 especificado [A md5 hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => No se ha podido calcular el MD5 del archivo especificado [File '%value%' exists] => El archivo '%value%' existe [File '%value%' does not match the given sha1 hashes] => El archivo '%value%' no es igual al SHA1 especificado [A sha1 hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => No se ha podido calcular el SHA1 del archivo especificado [Maximum allowed size for file '%value%' is '%max%' but '%size%' detected] => El tamaño máximo permitido para el archivo '%value%' es '%max%' pero se ha detectado un tamaño de '%size%' [Minimum expected size for file '%value%' is '%min%' but '%size%' detected] => El tamaño mí­nimo permitido para el archivo '%value%' es '%min%' pero se ha detectado un tamaño de '%size%' [File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size] => El tamaño del archivo '%value%' excede el valor definido en el ini [File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size] => El archivo '%value%' excede el tamaño definido en el formulario [File '%value%' was only partially uploaded] => El archivo '%value%' ha sido sólo parcialmente subido [File '%value%' was not uploaded] => El archivo '%value%' no ha sido subido [No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'] => No se ha encontrado el directorio temporal para el archivo '%value%' [File '%value%' can't be written] => No se puede escribir en el archivo '%value%' [A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'] => Una extensión PHP devolvió un error mientras se subí­a el archivo '%value%' [File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack] => El archivo '%value%' ha sido subido ilegalmente, lo cual podrí­a ser un ataque [File '%value%' was not found] => Archivo '%value%' no encontrado [Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'] => error desconocido al intentar subir el archivo '%value%' [Too much words, maximum '%max%' are allowed but '%count%' were counted] => Demasiadas palabras, sólo se permiten '%max%' pero se han contado '%count%' [Too less words, minimum '%min%' are expected but '%count%' were counted] => Demasiado pocas palabras, se esperaban al menos '%min%' pero se han contado '%count%' ['%value%' does not appear to be a float] => '%value%' no parece ser un float ['%value%' is not greater than '%min%'] => '%value%' no es mayor que '%min%' ['%value%' has not only hexadecimal digit characters] => '%value%' no consta únicamente de dí­gitos y caracteres hexadecimales ['%value%' appears to be an IP address, but IP addresses are not allowed] => '%value%' parece una dirección IP, pero éstas no están permitidas ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match TLD against known list] => '%value%' parece ser un nombre de dominio DNS pero el TLD no es válido ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but contains a dash in an invalid position] => '%value%' parece ser un nombre de dominio DNS pero contiene una barra en una posición inválida ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match against hostname schema for TLD '%tld%'] => '%value%' parece ser un nombre de dominio DNS pero su formato no se corresponde con el correcto para el TLD '%tld%' ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot extract TLD part] => '%value%' parece ser un nombre de dominio DNS pero no se puede extraer la parte del TLD ['%value%' does not match the expected structure for a DNS hostname] => '%value%' no se corresponde con la estructura esperada para un nombre de dominio DNS ['%value%' does not appear to be a valid local network name] => '%value%' no parece ser un nombre de área local válido ['%value%' appears to be a local network name but local network names are not allowed] => '%value%' parece ser un nombre de área local pero no se permiten nombres de área local ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but the given punycode notation cannot be decoded] => '%value%' parece ser un nombre de dominio DNS pero no se puede decodificar la notación de punycode [Unknown country within the IBAN '%value%'] => Paí­s desconocido dentro del IBAN '%value%' ['%value%' has a false IBAN format] => '%value%' tiene un formato falso de IBAN ['%value%' has failed the IBAN check] => La prueba de validación de IBAN de '%value%' ha fallado [The two given tokens do not match] => Las dos muestras especificados no concuerdan [No token was provided to match against] => No se ha especificado ninguna muestra a comprobar ['%value%' was not found in the haystack] => No se ha encontrado '%value%' en el argumento especificado [Invalid type given, value should be string or integer] => El tipo especificado es inválido, el valor deberí­a ser una cadena de texto o un entero ['%value%' does not appear to be an integer] => '%value%' no parece ser un entero ['%value%' does not appear to be a valid IP address] => '%value%' no parece ser una dirección IP válida ['%value%' is not a valid ISBN number] => El número ISBN especificado ('%value%') no es válido ['%value%' is not less than '%max%'] => '%value%' no es menor que '%max%' [Invalid type given, value should be float, string, array, boolean or integer] => El tipo especificado es inválido, el valor deberí­a ser un float, una cadena de texto, un array, un boolean o un entero [Value is required and can't be empty] => Se requiere un valor y éste no puede estar vací­o [Invalid type given. The value should be a string or a integer] => El tipo especificado es incorrecto, el valor deberí­a ser una cadena de texto ['%value%' does not appear to be a postal code] => '%value%' no parece ser un código postal ['%value%' does not match against pattern '%pattern%'] => '%value%' no concuerda con el patrón '%pattern%' especificado [There was an internal error while using the pattern '%pattern%'] => Se ha producido un error interno al usar el patrón '%pattern%' especificado ['%value%' is not a valid sitemap changefreq] => '%value%' no es una especificación válida de frecuencia de cambio [Invalid type given, the value should be a string] => El tipo especificado es inválido, el valor deberí­a ser una cadena de texto ['%value%' is not a valid sitemap lastmod] => '%value%' no es un lastmod de mapa web válido ['%value%' is not a valid sitemap location] => '%value%' no es una ubicación de mapa web válida ['%value%' is not a valid sitemap priority] => '%value%' no es una prioridad de mapa web válida [Invalid type given, the value should be a integer, a float or a numeric string] => El tipo especificado es inválido, el valor deberí­a ser un entero, un float o una cadena de texto numérica ['%value%' is less than %min% characters long] => '%value%' tiene menos de '%min%' caracteres ['%value%' is more than %max% characters long] => '%value%' tiene más de '%max%' caracteres ) [fr] => Array ( ['%hostname%' does not appear to have a valid MX record for the email address '%value%'] => '%hostname%' ne semble pas avoir d'enregistrement MX valide pour l'adresse email '%value%' ['%hostname%' is not a valid hostname for email address '%value%'] => '%hostname%' n'est pas un nom d'hôte valide pour l'adresse email '%value%' ['%hostname%' is not in a routable network segment. The email address '%value%' should not be resolved from public network] => '%hostname%' n'est pas dans un segment réseau routable. L'adresse email '%value%' ne devrait pas être résolue depuis un réseau public. ['%localPart%' can not be matched against dot-atom format] => '%localPart%' ne correspond pas au format dot-atom ['%localPart%' can not be matched against quoted-string format] => '%localPart%' ne correspond pas au format quoted-string ['%localPart%' is not a valid local part for email address '%value%'] => '%localPart%' n'est pas une partie locale valide pour l'adresse email '%value%' ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot extract TLD part] => '%value%' semble être un nom d'hôte DNS mais l'extension TLD ne peut être extraite ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match TLD against known list] => '%value%' semble être un nom d'hôte DNS mais son extension TLD semble inconnue ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match against hostname schema for TLD '%tld%'] => '%value%' semble être un nom d'hôte DNS valide mais ne correspond pas au schéma de l'extension TLD '%tld%' ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but contains a dash in an invalid position] => '%value%' semble être un nom d'hôte DNS mais il contient un tiret à une position invalide ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but the given punycode notation cannot be decoded] => '%value%' semble être un DNS valide mais le code n'a pu être décodé ['%value%' appears to be a local network name but local network names are not allowed] => '%value%' semble être un nom réseau local mais les noms locaux sont interdits ['%value%' appears to be an IP address, but IP addresses are not allowed] => '%value%' semble être une IP valide mais celles-ci ne sont pas autorisées ['%value%' contains an invalid amount of digits] => '%value%' contient un nombre incorrect de chiffres ['%value%' contains characters which are non alphabetic and no digits] => '%value%' contient des caractères non alphabétiques et non numériques ['%value%' contains invalid characters] => '%value%' contient des caractères invalides ['%value%' contains non alphabetic characters] => '%value%' contient des caractères non alphabétiques ['%value%' does not appear to be a float] => '%value%' ne semble pas être de type flottant ['%value%' does not appear to be a postal code] => '%value%' ne semble pas être un code postal valide ['%value%' does not appear to be a valid IP address] => '%value%' n'est pas une IP valide ['%value%' does not appear to be a valid date] => '%value%' ne semble pas être une date valide ['%value%' does not appear to be a valid local network name] => '%value%' ne semble pas être une adresse réseau local valide ['%value%' does not appear to be an integer] => '%value%' n'est pas un entier ['%value%' does not fit the date format '%format%'] => '%value%' ne correspond pas au format de date '%format%' ['%value%' does not match against pattern '%pattern%'] => '%value%' n'a pas de correspondance avec le motif '%pattern%' ['%value%' does not match the expected structure for a DNS hostname] => '%value%' ne correspond pas à la structure d'un nom d'hôte DNS valide ['%value%' exceeds the allowed length] => '%value%' excède la taille autorisée ['%value%' failed checksum validation] => '%value%' ne passe pas la validation de somme de contrôle ['%value%' has a false IBAN format] => '%value%' n'a pas un format IBAN valide ['%value%' has failed the IBAN check] => '%value%' n'a pas passé la validation IBAN ['%value%' has not only hexadecimal digit characters] => '%value%' ne contient pas uniquement des caractères héxadécimaux ['%value%' is an empty string] => '%value%' est une chaîne vide ['%value%' is less than %min% characters long] => La taille de '%value%' est inférieure à %min% caractères ['%value%' is more than %max% characters long] => La taille de '%value%' est supérieure à %max% caractères ['%value%' is not a valid ISBN number] => '%value%' n'est pas un ISBN valide ['%value%' is not a valid email address in the basic format local-part@hostname] => '%value%' n'est pas un email valide ['%value%' is not a valid sitemap changefreq] => '%value%' n'est pas une valeur de fréquence de sitemap valide ['%value%' is not a valid sitemap lastmod] => '%value%' n'est pas une date de modification de sitemap valide ['%value%' is not a valid sitemap location] => '%value%' n'est pas un emplacement valide pour une sitemap ['%value%' is not a valid sitemap priority] => '%value%' n'est pas une priorité sitemap valide ['%value%' is not between '%min%' and '%max%', inclusively] => '%value%' n'est pas comprise entre '%min%' et '%max%', inclusivement ['%value%' is not from an allowed institute] => '%value%' ne provient pas d'une institution autorisée ['%value%' is not greater than '%min%'] => '%value%' n'est pas plus grand que '%min%' ['%value%' is not less than '%max%'] => '%value%' n'est pas plus petit que '%max%' ['%value%' is not strictly between '%min%' and '%max%'] => '%value%' n'est pas strictement comprise entre '%min%' et '%max%' ['%value%' is not valid] => '%value%' n'est pas valide ['%value%' must contain between 13 and 19 digits] => '%value%' doit contenir entre 13 et 19 chiffres ['%value%' must contain only digits] => '%value%' ne doit contenir que des chiffres ['%value%' seems to be an invalid creditcard number] => '%value%' ne semble pas être une carte de crédit valide ['%value%' seems to contain an invalid checksum] => '%value%' semble contenir un somme de vérification invalide ['%value%' should have a length of %length% characters] => '%value%' devrait avoir une taille de %length% caractères ['%value%' was not found in the haystack] => '%value%' ne fait pas partie des valeurs attendues [A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'] => Une extension PHP a retourné une erreur lors de l'envoi du fichier '%value%' [A crc32 hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => La somme de contrôle crc32 n'a pas pu être évaluée pour le fichier [A hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => Une somme de contrôle n'a pas pu être calculée pour le fichier [A md5 hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => Une somme de contrôle MD5 n'a pas pu être calculée pour le fichier [A record matching '%value%' was found] => Un enregistrement a été trouvé pour '%value%' [A sha1 hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => La valeur de somme de contrôle SHA-1 n'a pas pu être calculée pour le fichier [An exception has been raised within the callback] => Une exception a été levée par la fonction de rappel [An exception has been raised while validating '%value%'] => Une exception a été levée lors de la validation de '%value%' [All files in sum should have a maximum size of '%max%' but '%size%' were detected] => Tous les fichiers devraient avoir une taille maximale de '%max%' mais une taille de '%size%' a été détectée [All files in sum should have a minimum size of '%min%' but '%size%' were detected] => Tous les fichiers devraient avoir une taille minimale de '%min%' mais une taille de '%size%' a été détectée [File '%value%' can't be written] => Le fichier '%value%' ne peut être écrit [File '%value%' does not exist] => Le fichier '%value%' n'existe pas [File '%value%' does not match the given crc32 hashes] => Le fichier '%value%' ne correspond pas à la somme de contrôle crc32 [File '%value%' does not match the given hashes] => Le fichier '%value%' ne correspond pas à la somme de contrôle [File '%value%' does not match the given md5 hashes] => Le fichier '%value%' ne correspond pas à la somme de contrôle MD5 [File '%value%' does not match the given sha1 hashes] => Le fichier '%value%' ne correspond pas à la somme de contrôle SHA-1 [File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size] => Le fichier '%value%' excède la taille requise par le formulaire [File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size] => Le fichier '%value%' excède la taille requise par le fichier ini [File '%value%' exists] => Le fichier '%value%' existe déja [File '%value%' has a false extension] => Le fichier '%value%' n'a pas la bonne extension [File '%value%' has a false mimetype of '%type%'] => Le fichier '%value%' a un mauvais type MIME : '%type%' [File '%value%' is no image, '%type%' detected] => Le fichier '%value%' n'est pas une image : '%type%' détecté [File '%value%' is not compressed, '%type%' detected] => Le fichier '%value%' n'est pas compressé : '%type%' détecté [File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist] => Le fichier '%value%' n'est pas lisible ou n'existe pas [File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack] => Fichier '%value%' mal envoyé. Ceci peut être possiblement une attaque [File '%value%' was not found] => Fichier '%value%' introuvable [File '%value%' was not uploaded] => Le fichier '%value%' n'a pas été envoyé [File '%value%' was only partially uploaded] => Le fichier '%value%' n'a été que partiellement envoyé [Invalid type given. Numeric string, integer or float expected] => Type invalide. Chaîne numérique, entier ou flottant attendu [Invalid type given. String expected] => Type invalide. Chaîne attendue [Invalid type given. String or integer expected] => Type invalide. Chaîne ou entier attendu [Invalid type given. String, integer, array or Zend_Date expected] => Type invalide. Chaîne, entier, tableau ou Zend_Date attendu [Invalid type given. String, integer, float, boolean or array expected] => Type invalide. Chaîne, entier, flottant, booléen ou tableau attendu [Invalid type given. String, integer or float expected] => Type invalide. Chaîne, entier ou flottant attendu [Luhn algorithm (mod-10 checksum) failed on '%value%'] => L'algorithme Luhn (somme de contrôle mod-10) a échoué pour '%value%' [Maximum allowed height for image '%value%' should be '%maxheight%' but '%height%' detected] => La hauteur maximale de l'image '%value%' devrait être '%maxheight%' mais '%height%' a été détectée [Maximum allowed size for file '%value%' is '%max%' but '%size%' detected] => La taille maximale requise pour le fichier '%value%' est de '%max%' mais '%size%' a été détecté [Maximum allowed width for image '%value%' should be '%maxwidth%' but '%width%' detected] => La largeur maximale de l'image '%value%' devrait être '%maxwidth%' mais '%width%' a été détectée [Minimum expected height for image '%value%' should be '%minheight%' but '%height%' detected] => La hauteur minimale de l'image '%value%' devrait être '%minheight%' mais '%height%' a été détectée [Minimum expected size for file '%value%' is '%min%' but '%size%' detected] => La taille minimale requise pour le fichier '%value%' est de '%min%' mais '%size%' a été détecté [Minimum expected width for image '%value%' should be '%minwidth%' but '%width%' detected] => La largeur minimale de l'image '%value%' devrait être '%minwidth%' mais '%width%' a été détectée [No record matching '%value%' was found] => Aucun enregistrement trouvé pour '%value%' [No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'] => Pas de dossier temporaire trouvé pour le fichier '%value%' [No token was provided to match against] => Aucun jeton de correspondance n'a été donné [One or more files can not be read] => Un ou plusieurs fichiers n'est pas lisible [The mimetype of file '%value%' could not be detected] => Le type MIME du fichier '%value%' n'a pu être détecté [The size of image '%value%' could not be detected] => La taille de l'image '%value%' n'a pas pu être détectée [The two given tokens do not match] => Les deux jetons passés ne correspondent pas [There was an internal error while using the pattern '%pattern%'] => Il y a eu une erreur interne lors de l'utilisation du motif '%pattern%' [Too few files, minimum '%min%' are expected but '%count%' are given] => Trop peu de fichiers : un minimum de '%min%' est autorisé mais '%count%' ont été fournis [Too less words, minimum '%min%' are expected but '%count%' were counted] => Trop peu de mots, un minimum de '%min%' est requis, '%count%' ont été fournis [Too many files, maximum '%max%' are allowed but '%count%' are given] => Trop de fichiers : un maximum de'%max%' est autorisé mais '%count%' ont été fournis [Too much words, maximum '%max%' are allowed but '%count%' were counted] => Trop de mots, un maximum de '%max%' est requis, '%count%' ont été fournis [Unknown country within the IBAN '%value%'] => Pays inconnu pour l'IBAN '%value%' [Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'] => Erreur inconnue lors de l'envoi du fichier '%value%' [Value is required and can't be empty] => Champ obligatoire ) [it] => Array ( [Invalid type given, value should be float, string, or integer] => Tipo di dato non valido: il dato dev'essere di tipo float, stringa o intero. ['%value%' contains characters which are non alphabetic and no digits] => '%value%' contine caratteri che non sono alfanumerici ['%value%' is an empty string] => '%value%' è una stringa vuota [Invalid type given, value should be a string] => Tipo di dato non valido, il dato dev'essere una stringa ['%value%' contains non alphabetic characters] => '%value%' contiene caratteri non alfabetici ['%value%' failed checksum validation] => '%value%' non ha un checksum valido ['%value%' contains invalid characters] => '%value%' contiene caratteri non permessi ['%value%' should have a length of %length% characters] => '%value%' non ha la lunghezza corretta di %length% caratteri ['%value%' is not between '%min%' and '%max%', inclusively] => '%value%' non è compreso tra '%min%' e '%max%', inclusi ['%value%' is not strictly between '%min%' and '%max%'] => '%value%' non è strettamente compreso tra '%min%' e '%max%' ['%value%' is not valid] => '%value%' non è valido [Failure within the callback, exception returned] => Callback fallita, eccezione ritornata ['%value%' must contain between 13 and 19 digits] => '%value%' deve contenere tra 13 e 19 cifre [Luhn algorithm (mod-10 checksum) failed on '%value%'] => L'algoritmo di Luhn (checksum mod-10) è fallito su '%value%' ['%value%' must contain only digits] => '%value%' deve contenere solo cifre ['%value%' contains an invalid amount of digits] => '%value%' contiene un numero non valido di cifre ['%value%' is not from an allowed institute] => '%value%' proviene da un istituto non supportato [Validation of '%value%' has been failed by the service] => '%value%' non è stato validato dal servizio [The service returned a failure while validating '%value%'] => Il servizio ha ritornato validazione negativa per '%value%' [Invalid type given, value should be string, integer, array or Zend_Date] => Tipo di dato non valido, il dato dev'essere di tipo stringa, intero, array o Zend_Date ['%value%' does not appear to be a valid date] => '%value%' non sembra essere una data valida ['%value%' does not fit the date format '%format%'] => '%value%' non corrisponde al formato data '%format%' [No record matching %value% was found] => Non è stato trovato una riga con valore %value% [A record matching %value% was found] => E' già stata trovata una riga con valore %value% ['%value%' contains characters which are not digits; but only digits are allowed] => '%value%' contiene caratteri che non sono cifre, ma solo le cifre sono ammesse ['%value%' is not a valid email address in the basic format local-part@hostname] => '%value%' non è un indirizzo email valido nel formato base local-part@hostname ['%hostname%' is not a valid hostname for email address '%value%'] => '%hostname%' non è un hostname valido nell'indirizzo email '%value%' ['%hostname%' does not appear to have a valid MX record for the email address '%value%'] => '%hostname%' non sembra avere un record MX DNS valido nell'indirizzo email %value%' ['%hostname%' is not in a routable network segment. The email address '%value%' should not be resolved from public network.] => '%hostname%' non è in un segmento di rete routabile. L'indirizzo email '%value%' non può essere risolto nella rete pubblica. ['%localPart%' can not be matched against dot-atom format] => '%localPart%' non può essere validato nel formato dot-atom ['%localPart%' can not be matched against quoted-string format] => '%localPart%' non può essere validato nel formato quoted-string ['%localPart%' is not a valid local part for email address '%value%'] => '%localPart%' non è una local part valida nell'indirizzo email '%value%' ['%value%' exceeds the allowed length] => '%value%' supera la lunghezza consentita [Too many files, maximum '%max%' are allowed but '%count%' are given] => Troppi file, sono consentiti massimo '%max%' file ma ne sono stati passati '%count%' [Too few files, minimum '%min%' are expected but '%count%' are given] => Troppi pochi file, sono attesi minimo '%min%' file ma ne sono stato passati solo '%count%' [File '%value%' does not match the given crc32 hashes] => Il file '%value%' non ha un hash crc32 tra quelli consentiti [A crc32 hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => L'hash crc32 non può essere calcolato per il file dato [File '%value%' could not be found] => Il file '%value%' non può essere trovato [File '%value%' has a false extension] => Il file '%value%' ha un'estensione invalida [File '%value%' has a false mimetype of '%type%'] => Il file '%value%' ha un mimetype invalido: '%type%' [The mimetype of file '%value%' could not be detected] => Il mimetype del file '%value%' non può essere rilevato [File '%value%' can not be read] => Il file '%value%' non può essere letto [File '%value%' does not exist] => Il file '%value%' non esiste [All files in sum should have a maximum size of '%max%' but '%size%' were detected] => I file devono avere in totale una dimensione massima di '%max%' ma è stata rilevata una dimensione di '%size%' [All files in sum should have a minimum size of '%min%' but '%size%' were detected] => I file devono avere in totale una dimensione minima di '%min%' ma è stata rilevata una dimensione di '%size%' [One or more files can not be read] => Uno o più file non possono essere letti [File '%value%' does not match the given hashes] => I file '%value%' non corrisponde agli hash dati [A hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => Un hash non può essere valutato per il file dato [Maximum allowed width for image '%value%' should be '%maxwidth%' but '%width%' detected] => La larghezza massima consentita per l'immagine '%value%' è '%maxwidth%' ma è stata rilevata una larghezza di '%width%' [Minimum expected width for image '%value%' should be '%minwidth%' but '%width%' detected] => La larghezza minima consentita per l'immagine '%value%' è '%minwidth%' ma è stata rilevata una larghezza di '%width%' [Maximum allowed height for image '%value%' should be '%maxheight%' but '%height%' detected] => L'altezza massima consentita per l'immagine '%value%' è '%maxheight%' ma è stata rilevata un'altezza di '%height%' [Minimum expected height for image '%value%' should be '%minheight%' but '%height%' detected] => L'altezza minima consentita per l'immagine '%value%' è '%minheight%' ma è stata rilevata un'altezza di '%height%' [The size of image '%value%' could not be detected] => Le dimensioni dell'immagine '%value%' non possono essere rilevate [File '%value%' is not compressed, '%type%' detected] => Il file '%value%' non è un file compresso, ma un file di tipo '%type%' [File '%value%' is no image, '%type%' detected] => Il file '%value%' non è un'immagine, ma un file di tipo '%type%' [File '%value%' does not match the given md5 hashes] => Il file '%value%' non corrisponde agli hash md5 dati [A md5 hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => Un hash md5 non può essere valutato per il file dato [File '%value%' exists] => Il file '%value%' esiste già [File '%value%' does not match the given sha1 hashes] => Il file '%value%' non corrisponde agli hash sha1 dati [A sha1 hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => Un hash sha1 non può essere valutato per il file dato [Maximum allowed size for file '%value%' is '%max%' but '%size%' detected] => La dimensione massima consentita per il file '%value%' è '%max%' ma è stata rilevata una dimensione di '%size%' [Minimum expected size for file '%value%' is '%min%' but '%size%' detected] => La dimensione minima consentita per il file '%value%' è '%min%' ma è stata rilevata una dimensione di '%size%' [File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size] => Il file '%value%' eccede la dimensione definita nell'ini [File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size] => Il file '%value%' eccede la dimensione definita nella form [File '%value%' was only partially uploaded] => Il file '%value%' è stato caricato solo parzialmente [File '%value%' was not uploaded] => Il file '%value%' non è stato caricato [No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'] => Non è stata trovata una directory temporanea per il file '%value%' [File '%value%' can't be written] => Il file '%value%' non può essere scritto [A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'] => Un'estensione di PHP ha generato un errore durante il caricamento del file '%value%' [File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack] => Il file '%value%' è stato caricato irregolarmente. Potrebbe trattarsi di un attacco [File '%value%' was not found] => Il file '%value%' non è stato trovato [Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'] => Errore sconosciuto durante il caricamento del file '%value%' [Too much words, maximum '%max%' are allowed but '%count%' were counted] => Il file contiene troppe parole, ne sono consentite massimo '%max%' ma ne sono state contate '%count%' [Too less words, minimum '%min%' are expected but '%count%' were counted] => Il file contiene troppe poche parole, ne sono consentite minimo '%min%' ma ne sono state contate '%count%' ['%value%' does not appear to be a float] => '%value%' non sembra essere un dato di tipo float ['%value%' is not greater than '%min%'] => '%value%' non è maggiore di '%min%' ['%value%' has not only hexadecimal digit characters] => '%value%' non è composto solo da caratteri esadecimali ['%value%' appears to be an IP address, but IP addresses are not allowed] => '%value%' sembra essere un indirizzo IP, ma gli indirizzi IP non sono consentiti ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match TLD against known list] => '%value%' sembra essere un hostname DNS ma il suo TLD è sconosciuto ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but contains a dash in an invalid position] => '%value%' sembra essere un hostname DNS ma contiene un trattino in una posizione non valida ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match against hostname schema for TLD '%tld%'] => '%value%' sembra essere un hostname DNS ma non rispetta lo schema per il TLD '%tld%' ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot extract TLD part] => '%value%' sembra essere un hostname DNS ma non è possibile estrarne il TLD ['%value%' does not match the expected structure for a DNS hostname] => '%value%' non sembra rispettare la struttura attesa per un hostname DNS ['%value%' does not appear to be a valid local network name] => '%value%' non sembra essere un local network name valido ['%value%' appears to be a local network name but local network names are not allowed] => '%value%' sembra essere un local network name, ma i local network names non sono consentiti ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but the given punycode notation cannot be decoded] => '%value%' sembra essere un hostname DNS ma la notazione punycode data non può essere decodificata [Unknown country within the IBAN '%value%'] => Country Code sconosciuto nell'IBAN '%value%' ['%value%' has a false IBAN format] => '%value%' ha un formato IBAN non valido ['%value%' has failed the IBAN check] => '%value%' ha fallito il controllo IBAN [The token '%token%' does not match the given token '%value%'] => Il token '%token%' non corrisponde al token dato '%value%' [No token was provided to match against] => Non è stato dato nessun token per il confronto ['%value%' was not found in the haystack] => '%value%' non è stato trovato nell'array [Invalid type given, value should be string or integer] => Tipo di dato non valido, il dato dev'essere una stringa o un intero ['%value%' does not appear to be an integer] => '%value%' non sembra essere un intero ['%value%' does not appear to be a valid IP address] => '%value%' non sembra essere un indirizzo IP valido ['%value%' is not a valid ISBN number] => '%value%' non è un numero ISBN valido ['%value%' is not less than '%max%'] => '%value%' non è minore di '%max%' [Invalid type given, value should be float, string, array, boolean or integer] => Tipo di dato non valido, il dato dev'essere di tipo float, stringa, array, booleano o intero [Value is required and can't be empty] => Il dato è richiesto e non può essere vuoto [Invalid type given. The value should be a string or a integer] => Tipo di dato non valido. Il dato dev'essere una stringa o un intero ['%value%' does not appear to be a postal code] => '%value%' non sembra essere un codice postale [Invalid type given, value should be string, integer or float] => Tipo di dato non valido: il dato dev'essere di tipo stringa, intero o float. ['%value%' does not match against pattern '%pattern%'] => '%value%' non corrisponde al pattern '%pattern%' [There was an internal error while using the pattern '%pattern%'] => Si è verificato un errore interno usando il pattern '%pattern%' ['%value%' is not a valid sitemap changefreq] => '%value%' non è una sitemap changefreq valida [Invalid type given, the value should be a string] => Tipo di dato non valido, il dato dev'essere una stringa ['%value%' is not a valid sitemap lastmod] => '%value%' non è un sitemap lastmod valido ['%value%' is not a valid sitemap location] => '%value%' non è una sitemap location valida ['%value%' is not a valid sitemap priority] => '%value%' non è una sitemap priority valida [Invalid type given, the value should be a integer, a float or a numeric string] => Tipo di dato non valido, il dato dev'essere di tipo intero, float o una stringa numerica ['%value%' is less than %min% characters long] => '%value%' è meno lungo di %min% caratteri ['%value%' is more than %max% characters long] => '%value%' è più lungo di %max% caratteri ) [ja] => Array ( [Invalid type given. String, integer or float expected] => 不正な形式です。文字列、整数、もしくは小数が期待されています ['%value%' contains characters which are non alphabetic and no digits] => '%value%' にアルファベットと数字以外の文字が含まれています ['%value%' is an empty string] => '%value%' は空の文字列です [Invalid type given. String expected] => 不正な形式です。文字列が期待されています ['%value%' contains non alphabetic characters] => '%value%' にアルファベット以外の文字が含まれています ['%value%' failed checksum validation] => '%value%' はチェックサムが一致していません ['%value%' contains invalid characters] => '%value%' は不正な文字を含んでいます ['%value%' should have a length of %length% characters] => '%value%' は %length% 文字である必要があります ['%value%' is not between '%min%' and '%max%', inclusively] => '%value%' は '%min%' 以上 '%max%' 以下ではありません ['%value%' is not strictly between '%min%' and '%max%'] => '%value%' は '%min%' 以下か '%max%' 以上です ['%value%' is not valid] => '%value%' は正しくありません [An exception has been raised within the callback] => コールバック内で例外が発生しました ['%value%' must contain between 13 and 19 digits] => '%value%' は 13 桁から 19 桁の数字でなければなりません [Luhn algorithm (mod-10 checksum) failed on '%value%'] => '%value%' でルーンアルゴリズム(mod-10 チェックサム)に失敗しました [%value%' seems to contain an invalid checksum] => '%value%' は不正なチェックサムを含んでいるようです ['%value%' must contain only digits] => '%value%' は数値だけで構成される必要があります ['%value%' contains an invalid amount of digits] => '%value%' は不正な桁数です ['%value%' is not from an allowed institute] => '%value%' は認可機関から許可されていません [%value%' seems to be an invalid creditcard number] => '%value%' は不正なクレジットカード番号を含んでいるようです [An exception has been raised while validating '%value%] => '%value%' を検証中に例外が発生しました [Invalid type given, value should be string, integer, array or Zend_Date] => 不正な形式です。値は文字列、整数、配列もしくは Zend_Date 形式である必要があります ['%value%' does not appear to be a valid date] => '%value%' は正しい日付ではないようです ['%value%' does not fit the date format '%format%'] => '%value%' は '%format%' フォーマットに一致していません [No record matching '%value%' was found] => '%value%' に一致するレコードは見つかりませんでした [A record matching '%value%' was found] => '%value%' に一致するレコードが見つかりました [%value%' must contain only digits] => '%value%' は数字のみである必要があります ['%value%' is no valid email address in the basic format local-part@hostname] => '%value%' はメールアドレスの基本的な形式 local-part@hostname ではありません ['%hostname%' is no valid hostname for email address '%value%'] => メールアドレス '%value%' 内の '%hostname%' は有効なホスト名ではありません ['%hostname%' does not appear to have a valid MX record for the email address '%value%'] => メールアドレス '%value%' 内の '%hostname%' は有効な MX レコードではないようです ['%hostname%' is not in a routable network segment. The email address '%value%' should not be resolved from public network] => '%hostname%' はネットワークセグメントにありません。メールアドレス '%value%' はパブリックなネットワークから名前解決できませんでした ['%localPart%' can not be matched against dot-atom format] => '%localPart%' はドットアトム形式ではありません ['%localPart%' can not be matched against quoted-string format] => '%localPart%' は引用文字列形式ではありません ['%localPart%' is no valid local part for email address '%value%'] => メールアドレス '%value%' 内の '%localPart%' は有効なローカルパートではありません ['%value%' exceeds the allowed length] => '%value%' は許された長さを超えています [Too many files, maximum '%max%' are allowed but '%count%' are given] => ファイル数が多すぎます。最大 '%max%' まで許されていますが、 '%count%' 個指定しました [Too few files, minimum '%min%' are expected but '%count%' are given] => ファイル数が少なすぎます。最小 '%min%' 以上の必要がありますが、 '%count%' 個指定されていません [File '%value%' does not match the given crc32 hashes] => ファイル '%value%' は crc32 ハッシュ値と一致しませんでした [A crc32 hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => ファイルに crc32 ハッシュ値が見つかりませんでした [File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist] => ファイル '%value%' は読み込めないかもしくは存在しません [File '%value%' has a false extension] => ファイル '%value%' は誤った拡張子です [File '%value%' has a false mimetype of '%type%'] => ファイル '%value%' は誤った MimeType '%type%' です [The mimetype of file '%value%' could not be detected] => ファイル '%value%' の Mimetype は見つかりませんでした [File '%value%' does not exist] => ファイル '%value%' は存在しません [All files in sum should have a maximum size of '%max%' but '%size%' were detected] => 全てのファイルの合計は最大 '%max%' より小さい必要があります。しかしファイルサイズは '%size%' でした [All files in sum should have a minimum size of '%min%' but '%size%' were detected] => 全てのファイルの合計は最小 '%min%' より大きい必要があります。しかしファイルサイズは '%size%' でした [One or more files can not be read] => ファイルを読み込めませんでした [File '%value%' does not match the given hashes] => ファイル '%value%' は設定されたハッシュ値と一致しませんでした [A hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => 渡されたファイルのハッシュ値を評価できませんでした [Maximum allowed width for image '%value%' should be '%maxwidth%' but '%width%' detected] => 画像 '%value%' の横幅は '%width%' でした。横幅は最大 '%maxwidth%' まで許されています [Minimum expected width for image '%value%' should be '%minwidth%' but '%width%' detected] => 画像 '%value%' の横幅は '%width%' でした。横幅は最小 '%minwidth%' 以上である必要があります [Maximum allowed height for image '%value%' should be '%maxheight%' but '%height%' detected] => 画像 '%value%' の高さは '%height%' でした。高さは最大 '%maxheight%' まで許されています [Minimum expected height for image '%value%' should be '%minheight%' but '%height%' detected] => 画像 '%value%' の高さは '%height%' でした。高さは最小 '%minheight%' 以上である必要があります [The size of image '%value%' could not be detected] => 画像 '%value%' の大きさを取得できませんでした [File '%value%' is not compressed, '%type%' detected] => '%type%' が見つかりました。ファイル '%value%' は圧縮されていません [File '%value%' is no image, '%type%' detected] => ファイル '%value%' は画像ではありません。 '%type%' です [File '%value%' does not match the given md5 hashes] => ファイル '%value%' は md5 ハッシュ値と一致していません [A md5 hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => 渡されたファイルの md5 ハッシュ値を評価できませんでした [File '%value%' exists] => ファイル '%value%' は存在しています [File '%value%' does not match the given sha1 hashes] => ファイル '%value%' は sha1 ハッシュ値と一致していません [A sha1 hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => 渡されたファイルの sha1 ハッシュ値を評価できませんでした [Maximum allowed size for file '%value%' is '%max%' but '%size%' detected] => ファイルサイズは '%size%' です。ファイル '%value%' のサイズは最大 '%max%' まで許されています [Minimum expected size for file '%value%' is '%min%' but '%size%' detected] => ファイルサイズは '%size%' です。ファイル '%value%' のサイズは最小 '%min%' 以上必要です [File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size] => ファイル '%value%' は ini で定義されたサイズを超えています [File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size] => ファイル '%value%' はフォームで定義されたサイズを超えています [File '%value%' was only partially uploaded] => ファイル '%value%' は一部のみしかアップロードされていません [File '%value%' was not uploaded] => ファイル '%value%' はアップロードされませんでした [No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'] => ファイル '%value%' をアップロードする一時ディレクトリが見つかりませんでした [File '%value%' can't be written] => ファイル '%value%' は書き込めませんでした [A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'] => ファイル '%value%' をアップロード中に拡張モジュールがエラーを応答しました [File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack] => ファイル '%value%' は不正なアップロードでした。攻撃の可能性があります [File '%value%' was not found] => ファイル '%value%' は見つかりませんでした [Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'] => ファイル '%value%' をアップロード中に未知のエラーが発生しました [Too much words, maximum '%max%' are allowed but '%count%' were counted] => 単語数 '%count%' が多過ぎます。最大で '%max%' 個が許されます [Too less words, minimum '%min%' are expected but '%count%' were counted] => 単語数 '%count%' が少な過ぎます。少なくとも '%min%' 個必要です ['%value%' does not appear to be a float] => '%value%' は小数ではないようです ['%value%' is not greater than '%min%'] => '%value%' は '%min%' より大きくありません ['%value%' has not only hexadecimal digit characters] => '%value%' は 16 進文字列以外を含んでいます ['%value%' appears to be an IP address, but IP addresses are not allowed] => '%value%' は IP アドレスのようですが、 IP アドレスは許されていません ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match TLD against known list] => '%value%' は DNS ホスト名のようですが、 TLD が一覧に見つかりません ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but contains a dash in an invalid position] => '%value%' は DNS ホスト名のようですが不正な位置にダッシュがあります ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match against hostname schema for TLD '%tld%'] => '%value%' は DNS ホスト名のようですが TLD '%tld%' のホスト名スキーマと一致していません ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot extract TLD part] => '%value%' は DNS ホスト名のようですが TLD 部を展開できません ['%value%' does not match the expected structure for a DNS hostname] => '%value%' は DNS ホスト名の構造に一致していません ['%value%' does not appear to be a valid local network name] => '%value%' は有効なローカルネットワーク名ではないようです ['%value%' appears to be a local network name but local network names are not allowed] => '%value%' はローカルネットワーク名のようですがローカルネットワーク名は許されていません ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but the given punycode notation cannot be decoded] => '%value%' は DNS ホスト名のようですが、 punycode 変換ができませんでした [Unknown country within the IBAN '%value%'] => IBAN コード '%value%' に未知の国があります ['%value%' has a false IBAN format] => '%value%' は誤った IBAN 書式です ['%value%' has failed the IBAN check] => '%value%' は IBAN コードチェックに失敗しました [The two given tokens do not match] => 2 つのトークンは一致しませんでした [No token was provided to match against] => チェックを行うためのトークンがありませんでした ['%value%' was not found in the haystack] => '%value%' が haystack の中に見つかりませんでした [Invalid type given. String or integer expected] => 不正な形式です。文字列もしくは整数が期待されています ['%value%' does not appear to be an integer] => '%value%' は整数ではないようです ['%value%' does not appear to be a valid IP address] => '%value%' は IP アドレスではないようです ['%value%' is no valid ISBN number] => '%value%' は ISBN 番号ではありません ['%value%' is not less than '%max%'] => '%value%' は '%max%' 未満ではありません [Invalid type given. String, integer, float, boolean or array expected] => 不正な形式です。文字列、整数、小数、真偽値もしくは配列が期待されています [Value is required and can't be empty] => 値は必須です。空値は許可されていません ['%value%' does not appear to be a postal code] => '%value%' は郵便番号でないようです ['%value%' does not match against pattern '%pattern%'] => '%value%' はパターン '%pattern%' と一致していません [There was an internal error while using the pattern '%pattern%'] => 正規表現パターン '%pattern%' を使用中に内部エラーが発生しました。 ['%value%' is no valid sitemap changefreq] => '%value%' は正しいサイトマップの更新頻度ではありません ['%value%' is no valid sitemap lastmod] => '%value%' は正しいサイトマップの最終更新日ではありません ['%value%' is no valid sitemap location] => '%value%' は正しいサイトマップの位置ではありません ['%value%' is no valid sitemap priority] => '%value%' は正しいサイトマップの優先度ではありません [Invalid type given. Numeric string, integer or float expected] => 不正な形式です。数字、整数もしくは小数が期待されています ['%value%' is less than %min% characters long] => '%value%' は %min% 文字より短いです ['%value%' is more than %max% characters long] => '%value%' は %max% 文字より長いです ) [nl] => Array ( [Invalid type given, value should be float, string, or integer] => Ongeldig type opgegeven, waarde moet een float, string, of integer zijn ['%value%' contains characters which are non alphabetic and no digits] => '%value%' bevat tekens welke alfabetisch, noch numeriek zijn ['%value%' is an empty string] => '%value%' is een lege string [Captcha vide] => lege Captcha [Invalid type given, value should be a string] => Ongeldig type opgegeven, waarde dient een string te zijn ['%value%' contains non alphabetic characters] => '%value%' bevat tekens welke niet alfabetisch zijn ['%value%' failed checksum validation] => '%value%' slaagde niet in de checksum validatie ['%value%' contains invalid characters] => '%value%' bevat ongeldige tekens ['%value%' should have a length of %length% characters] => '%value%' moet een lengte hebben van %length% tekens [Invalid type given, value should be string] => Ongeldig type opgegeven, waarde moet een string zijn ['%value%' is not between '%min%' and '%max%', inclusively] => '%value%' is niet tussen of gelijk aan '%min%' en '%max%' ['%value%' is not strictly between '%min%' and '%max%'] => '%value%' is niet tussen '%min%' en '%max%' ['%value%' is not valid] => '%value%' is ongeldig [Failure within the callback, exception returned] => Fout opgetreden in de callback, exceptie teruggegeven ['%value%' must contain between 13 and 19 digits] => '%value%' moet 13 tot 19 cijfers bevatten [Luhn algorithm (mod-10 checksum) failed on '%value%'] => Het Luhn algoritme (mod-10 checksum) is niet geslaagd op '%value%' ['%value%' must contain only digits] => '%value%' kan alleen cijfers bevatten ['%value%' contains an invalid amount of digits] => '%value%' bevat een ongeldige hoeveelheid cijfers ['%value%' is not from an allowed institute] => '%value%' is niet afkomstig van een toegestaan instituut [Validation of '%value%' has been failed by the service] => Validatie door de service van '%value%' is mislukt [The service returned a failure while validating '%value%'] => De service heeft een foutmelding teruggegeven bij het valideren van '%value%' [Invalid type given, value should be string, integer, array or Zend_Date] => Ongeldig type opgegeven, waarde moet een string, integer, array of Zend_Date zijn ['%value%' does not appear to be a valid date] => '%value%' lijkt geen geldige datum te zijn ['%value%' does not fit the date format '%format%'] => '%value%' past niet in het datumformaat '%format%' [No record matching %value% was found] => Er kon geen record gevonden wat overeenkomt met %value% [A record matching %value% was found] => Een record wat overeenkomt met %value% is gevonden [Invalid type given, value should be string, integer or float] => Ongeldig type opgegeven, waarde dient een string, integer of float te zijn ['%value%' contains characters which are not digits; but only digits are allowed] => '%value%' bevat niet enkel numerieke karakters ['%value%' is not a valid email address in the basic format local-part@hostname] => '%value%' is geen geldig e-mail adres in het basis formaat lokaal-gedeelte@hostname ['%hostname%' is not a valid hostname for email address '%value%'] => '%hostname%' is geen geldige hostnaam voor e-mail adres '%value%' ['%hostname%' does not appear to have a valid MX record for the email address '%value%'] => '%hostname%' lijkt geen geldig MX record te hebben voor e-mail adres '%value%' ['%hostname%' is not in a routable network segment. The email address '%value%' should not be resolved from public network.] => '%hostname%' bevindt zich niet in een routeerbaar netwerk segment. Het e-mail adres '%value%' zou niet naar mogen worden verwezen vanaf een publiek netwerk. ['%localPart%' can not be matched against dot-atom format] => '%localPart%' kan niet worden gematched met het dot-atom formaat ['%localPart%' can not be matched against quoted-string format] => '%localPart%' kan niet worden gematched met het quoted-string formaat ['%localPart%' is not a valid local part for email address '%value%'] => '%localPart%' is geen geldig lokaal gedeelte voor e-mail adres '%value%' ['%value%' exceeds the allowed length] => '%value%' overschrijdt de toegestane lengte [Too many files, maximum '%max%' are allowed but '%count%' are given] => Te veel bestanden, maximaal '%max%' zijn toegestaan, maar '%count%' werd opgegeven [Too few files, minimum '%min%' are expected but '%count%' are given] => Te weinig bestanden, er worden er minimaal '%min%' verwacht, maar er waren er '%count%' opgegeven [File '%value%' does not match the given crc32 hashes] => File '%value%' matcht niet met de opgegeven crc32 hashes [A crc32 hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => Fout tijdens het genereren van een crc32 hash van het opgegeven bestand [File '%value%' could not be found] => Het bestand '%value%' kon niet worden gevonden [File '%value%' has a false extension] => Het bestand '%value%' heeft een ongeldige extensie [File '%value%' has a false mimetype of '%type%'] => Het bestand '%value%' heeft een ongeldig mimetype: '%type%' [The mimetype of file '%value%' could not be detected] => Het mimetype van bestand '%value%' kon niet worden gedetecteerd [File '%value%' can not be read] => Het bestand '%value%' kon niet worden gelezen [File '%value%' does not exist] => Bestand '%value%' bestaat niet [All files in sum should have a maximum size of '%max%' but '%size%' were detected] => Alle bestanden tesamen hebben een maximale grootte van '%max%' maar '%size%' was gedetecteerd [All files in sum should have a minimum size of '%min%' but '%size%' were detected] => Alle bestanden tesamen hebben een minimum grotte van '%min%' maar '%size%' was gedetecteerd [One or more files can not be read] => Eén of meer bestanden konden niet worden gelezen [File '%value%' does not match the given hashes] => Het bestand '%value%' matcht niet met de opgegeven hashes [A hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => Een hash kon niet worden gegenereerd voor het opgegeven bestand [Maximum allowed width for image '%value%' should be '%maxwidth%' but '%width%' detected] => Maximum breedte voor afbeelding '%value%' is '%maxwidth%' maar '%width%' werd gedetecteerd [Minimum expected width for image '%value%' should be '%minwidth%' but '%width%' detected] => Minimum breedte voor afbeelding '%value%' is '%minwidth%' maar '%width%' werd gedetecteerd [Maximum allowed height for image '%value%' should be '%maxheight%' but '%height%' detected] => Maximum hoogte voor afbeelding '%value%' is '%maxheight%' maar '%height%' werd gedetecteerd [Minimum expected height for image '%value%' should be '%minheight%' but '%height%' detected] => Minimum hoogte voor afbeelding '%value%' is '%minheight%' maar '%height%' werd gedetecteerd [The size of image '%value%' could not be detected] => De grootte van afbeelding '%value%' kon niet worden gedetecteerd [File '%value%' is not compressed, '%type%' detected] => Het bestand '%value%' is niet gecomprimeerd, '%type%' gedetecteerd [File '%value%' is no image, '%type%' detected] => Het bestand '%value%' is geen afbeelding, '%type%' gedetecteerd [File '%value%' does not match the given md5 hashes] => Het bestand '%value%' matcht niet met de opgegeven md5-hashes [A md5 hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => Een md5-hash kon niet gegenereerd worden voor het opgegeven bestand [File '%value%' exists] => Het bestand '%value%' bestaat [File '%value%' does not match the given sha1 hashes] => Het bestand '%value%' matcht niet met de opgegeven sha1-hashes [A sha1 hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => Een sha1-hash kon niet worden gegenereerd voor het opgegeven bestand [Maximum allowed size for file '%value%' is '%max%' but '%size%' detected] => Maximum grootte voor bestand '%value%' is '%max%' maar '%size%' werd gedetecteerd [Minimum expected size for file '%value%' is '%min%' but '%size%' detected] => Minimum grootte voor bestand '%value%' is '%min%' maar '%size%' werd gedetecteerd [File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size] => Het bestand '%value%' overschrijdt de ini grootte [File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size] => Het bestand '%value%' overschrijdt de formulier grootte [File '%value%' was only partially uploaded] => Het bestand '%value%' was slechts gedeeltelijk geüpload [File '%value%' was not uploaded] => Het bestand '%value%' was niet geüpload [No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'] => Geen tijdelijke map was gevonden voor bestand '%value%' [File '%value%' can't be written] => Het bestand '%value%' kan niet worden geschreven [A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'] => Een PHP-extensie gaf een foutmelding terug tijdens het uploaden van het bestand '%value%' [File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack] => Het bestand '%value%' was illegaal geüpload. Dit kan een aanval zijn [File '%value%' was not found] => Het bestand '%value%' kon niet worden gevonden [Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'] => Er is een onbekende fout opgetreden tijdens het uploaden van '%value%' [Too much words, maximum '%max%' are allowed but '%count%' were counted] => Te veel woorden, er is een maximum van '%max%', maar er waren '%count%' geteld [Too less words, minimum '%min%' are expected but '%count%' were counted] => Te weinig worden, er is een minimum van '%min%' maar er waren '%count%' geteld ['%value%' does not appear to be a float] => '%value%' lijkt geen float te zijn ['%value%' is not greater than '%min%'] => '%value%' is niet groter dan '%min%' ['%value%' has not only hexadecimal digit characters] => '%value%' bestaat niet enkel uit acht hexadecimale cijfers ['%value%' appears to be an IP address, but IP addresses are not allowed] => '%value%' lijkt een IP adres te zijn, maar IP adressen zijn niet toegestaan ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match TLD against known list] => '%value%' lijkt een DNS hostnaam te zijn, maar het TLD bestaat niet in de lijst met bekende TLD's ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but contains a dash in an invalid position] => '%value%' lijkt een DNS hostnaam te zijn, maar bevat een streep op een ongeldige plek ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match against hostname schema for TLD '%tld%'] => '%value%' lijkt een DNS hostnaam te zijn, maar past niet in het hostnaam-schema voor TLD '%tld%' ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot extract TLD part] => '%value%' lijkt een DNS hostnaam te zijn, maar kan niet het TLD gedeelte bepalen ['%value%' does not match the expected structure for a DNS hostname] => '%value%' matcht niet met de verwachte structuur voor een DNS hostnaam ['%value%' does not appear to be a valid local network name] => '%value%' lijkt geen geldige lokale netwerknaam te zijn ['%value%' appears to be a local network name but local network names are not allowed] => '%value%' lijkt een lokale netwerknaam te zijn, welke niet zijn toegestaan ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but the given punycode notation cannot be decoded] => '%value%' lijkt een geldige DNS hostnaam te zijn, maar de opgegeven punnycode notatie kan niet worden gedecodeerd [Unknown country within the IBAN '%value%'] => Onbekend land in de IBAN '%value%' ['%value%' has a false IBAN format] => '%value%' heeft een ongeldig IBAN formaat ['%value%' has failed the IBAN check] => '%value%' is geen geldige IBAN [The two given tokens do not match] => De twee tokens komen niet overeen [No token was provided to match against] => Er is geen token opgegeven om mee te matchen ['%value%' was not found in the haystack] => '%value%' kon niet worden gevonden in lijst met beschikbare waardes [Invalid type given, value should be string or integer] => Ongeldig type opgegeven, waarde moet een string of integer zijn ['%value%' does not appear to be an integer] => '%value%' lijkt geen integer te zijn ['%value%' does not appear to be a valid IP address] => '%value%' lijkt geen geldig IP adres te zijn ['%value%' is not a valid ISBN number] => '%value%' is geen geldig ISBN nummer ['%value%' is not less than '%max%'] => '%value%' is niet minder dan '%max%' [Invalid type given, value should be float, string, array, boolean or integer] => Ongeldig type opgegeven, waarde dient een float, string, array, boolean of integer te zijn [Value is required and can't be empty] => Waarde is vereist en kan niet leeg worden gelaten [Invalid type given. The value should be a string or a integer] => Ongeldig type opgegeven, waarde moet een string of integer zijn ['%value%' does not appear to be a postal code] => '%value%' lijkt geen geldige postcode te zijn ['%value%' does not match against pattern '%pattern%'] => '%value%' matcht niet met het patroon '%pattern%' [There was an internal error while using the pattern '%pattern%'] => Er is een interne fout opgetreden tijdens het gebruik van het patroon '%pattern%' ['%value%' is not a valid sitemap changefreq] => '%value%' is geen geldige sitemap changefreq [Invalid type given, the value should be a string] => Ongeldig type opgegeven, waarde dient een string te zijn ['%value%' is not a valid sitemap lastmod] => '%value%' is geen geldige sitemap lastmod ['%value%' is not a valid sitemap location] => '%value%' is geen geldige sitemap locatie ['%value%' is not a valid sitemap priority] => '%value%' is geen geldige sitemap prioriteit [Invalid type given, the value should be a integer, a float or a numeric string] => Ongeldig type opgegeven, waarde dient een integer, float of een numerieke string te zijn ['%value%' is less than %min% characters long] => '%value%' is minder dan %min% tekens lang ['%value%' is more than %max% characters long] => '%value%' is meer dan %max% tekens lang ) [pt] => Array ( [Invalid type given, value should be float, string, array, boolean or integer] => Ongeldig type opgegeven, waarde dient een float, string, array, boolean of integer te zijn [Value is required and can't be empty] => Campo obrigatório ) [ru] => Array ( [Invalid type given, value should be float, string, or integer] => Недопустимый тип данных, значение должно быть числом с плавающей точкой, строкой, или целым числом ['%value%' contains characters which are non alphabetic and no digits] => '%value%' содержит недопустимые символы. Разрешены только буквенные символы и цифры ['%value%' is an empty string] => '%value%' - пустая строка [Invalid type given, value should be a string] => Недопустимый тип данных, значение должно быть строкой ['%value%' contains non alphabetic characters] => '%value%' содержит не буквенные символы ['%value%' failed checksum validation] => '%value%' ошибка проверки контрольной суммы ['%value%' contains invalid characters] => '%value%' содержит недопустимые символы ['%value%' should have a length of %length% characters] => Длина '%value%' должна составлять %length% символов [Invalid type given, value should be string] => Недопустимый тип данных, значение должно быть строкой ['%value%' is not between '%min%' and '%max%', inclusively] => '%value%' не в диапазоне от '%min%' до '%max%', включительно ['%value%' is not strictly between '%min%' and '%max%'] => '%value%' не в диапазоне от '%min%' до '%max%' ['%value%' is not valid] => '%value%' недопустимое значение [Failure within the callback, exception returned] => Ошибка в обратном вызове, возвращено исключение ['%value%' must contain between 13 and 19 digits] => '%value%' должно содержать от 13 до 19 цифр [Luhn algorithm (mod-10 checksum) failed on '%value%'] => Алгоритм Луна (вычисление контрольной цифры) вернул ошибку для '%value%' ['%value%' must contain only digits] => '%value%' должно содержать только цифры ['%value%' contains an invalid amount of digits] => '%value%' содержит недопустимое количество цифр ['%value%' is not from an allowed institute] => '%value%' не входит в список разрешенных платежных систем [Validation of '%value%' has been failed by the service] => Проверка '%value%' закончилась ошибкой сервиса [The service returned a failure while validating '%value%'] => Сервис возвратил ошибку во время проверки '%value%' [Invalid type given, value should be string, integer, array or Zend_Date] => Недопустимый тип данных, значение должно быть строкой, целым числом, массивом или объектом Zend_Date ['%value%' does not appear to be a valid date] => '%value%' не является корректной датой ['%value%' does not fit the date format '%format%'] => '%value%' не соответствует формату даты '%format%' [No record matching %value% was found] => Не найдено записей, совпадающих с '%value%' [A record matching %value% was found] => Найдена запись, совпадающая со значением '%value%' [Invalid type given, value should be string, integer or float] => Недопустимый тип данных, значение должно быть числом с плавающей точкой, строкой, или целым числом ['%value%' contains not only digit characters] => Значение '%value%' должно содержать только цифровые символы ['%value%' is not a valid email address in the basic format local-part@hostname] => '%value%' недопустимый адрес электронной почты. Введите его в формате имя@домен ['%hostname%' is not a valid hostname for email address '%value%'] => '%hostname%' недопустимое имя хоста для адреса '%value%' ['%hostname%' does not appear to have a valid MX record for the email address '%value%'] => '%hostname%' не имеет корректной MX-записи об адресе '%value%' ['%hostname%' is not in a routable network segment. The email address '%value%' should not be resolved from public network.] => '%hostname%' не является маршрутизируемым сегментом сети. Адрес электронной почты '%value%' не может быть получен из публичной сети. ['%localPart%' can not be matched against dot-atom format] => '%localPart% не соответствует формату dot-atom ['%localPart%' can not be matched against quoted-string format] => '%localPart%' не соответствует формату quoted-string ['%localPart%' is not a valid local part for email address '%value%'] => '%localPart%' недопустимое имя для адреса '%value%' ['%value%' exceeds the allowed length] => '%value%' превышает допустимую длину [Too many files, maximum '%max%' are allowed but '%count%' are given] => Слишком много файлов, максимально разрешено - '%max%', а получено - '%count%' [Too few files, minimum '%min%' are expected but '%count%' are given] => Слишком мало файлов, минимально разрешено - '%min%', а получено - '%count%' [File '%value%' does not match the given crc32 hashes] => Файл '%value%' не соответствует заданному crc32 хешу [A crc32 hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => crc32 хеш не может быть вычислен для данного файла [File '%value%' could not be found] => Файл '%value%' не найден [File '%value%' has a false extension] => Файл '%value%' имеет недопустимое расширение [File '%value%' has a false mimetype of '%type%'] => MIME-тип '%type%' файла '%value%' недопустим [The mimetype of file '%value%' could not be detected] => Не удается определить MIME-тип файла '%value%' [File '%value%' can not be read] => Файл '%value%' не может быть прочитан [File '%value%' does not exist] => Файл '%value%' не существует [All files in sum should have a maximum size of '%max%' but '%size%' were detected] => Общий размер файлов не должен превышать '%max%', сейчас - '%size%' [All files in sum should have a minimum size of '%min%' but '%size%' were detected] => Общий размер файлов не должен быть менее '%min%', сейчас - '%size%' [One or more files can not be read] => Один или более файлов не могут быть прочитаны [File '%value%' does not match the given hashes] => Файл '%value%' не соответствует указанному хешу [A hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => Хеш не может быть подсчитан для указанного файла [Maximum allowed width for image '%value%' should be '%maxwidth%' but '%width%' detected] => Максимально разрешённая ширина изображения '%value%' должна быть '%maxwidth%', сейчас - '%width%' [Minimum expected width for image '%value%' should be '%minwidth%' but '%width%' detected] => Минимально ожидаемая ширина изображения '%value%' должна быть '%minwidth%', сейчас - '%width%' [Maximum allowed height for image '%value%' should be '%maxheight%' but '%height%' detected] => Максимально разрешённая высота изображения '%value%' должна быть '%maxheight%', сейчас - '%height%' [Minimum expected height for image '%value%' should be '%minheight%' but '%height%' detected] => Минимально ожидаемая высота изображения '%value%' должна быть '%minheight%', сейчас - '%height%' [The size of image '%value%' could not be detected] => Невозможно определить размер изображения '%value%' [File '%value%' is not compressed, '%type%' detected] => Файл '%value%' не является сжатым. MIME-тип файла - '%type%' [File '%value%' is no image, '%type%' detected] => Файл '%value%' не является изображением. MIME-тип файла - '%type%' [File '%value%' does not match the given md5 hashes] => Файл '%value%' не соответствует указанному md5 хешу [A md5 hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => md5 хеш не может быть вычислен для указанного файла [File '%value%' exists] => Файл '%value%' уже существует [File '%value%' does not match the given sha1 hashes] => Файл '%value%' не соответствует указаному хешу sha1 [A sha1 hash could not be evaluated for the given file] => Хеш sha1 не может быть подсчитан для указанного файла [Maximum allowed size for file '%value%' is '%max%' but '%size%' detected] => Максимальный разрешенный размер файла '%value%' это '%max%', сейчас - '%size%' [Minimum expected size for file '%value%' is '%min%' but '%size%' detected] => Минимальный разрешенный размер файла '%value%' это '%min%', сейчас - '%size%' [File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size] => Размер файла '%value%' превышает допустимый размер, указанный в php.ini [File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size] => Размер файла '%value%' превышает допустимый размер, указанный в форме [File '%value%' was only partially uploaded] => Файл '%value%' был загружен только частично [File '%value%' was not uploaded] => Файл '%value%' не был загружен [No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'] => Не найдена временная директория для файла '%value%' [File '%value%' can't be written] => Файл '%value%' не может быть записан [A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'] => PHP расширение возвратило ошибку во время загрузки файла '%value%' [File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack] => Файл '%value%' загружен некорректно. Возможна атака [File '%value%' was not found] => Файл '%value%' не найден [Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'] => Произошла неизвестная ошибка во время загрузки файла '%value%' [Too much words, maximum '%max%' are allowed but '%count%' were counted] => Слишком много слов, разрешено максимум '%max%' слов, но сейчас - '%count%' [Too less words, minimum '%min%' are expected but '%count%' were counted] => Слишком мало слов, разрешено минимум '%min%' слов, но сейчас - '%count%' ['%value%' does not appear to be a float] => '%value%' не является числом с плавающей точкой ['%value%' is not greater than '%min%'] => '%value%' не превышает '%min%' ['%value%' has not only hexadecimal digit characters] => Значение '%value%' должно содержать только шестнадцатиричные символы ['%value%' appears to be an IP address, but IP addresses are not allowed] => Значение '%value%' выглядит как IP-адрес, но IP-адреса не разрешены ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match TLD against known list] => '%value%' выглядит как DNS имя хоста, но оно не дожно быть из списка доменов верхнего уровня ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but contains a dash in an invalid position] => '%value%' выглядит как DNS имя хоста, но знак '-' находится в недопустимом месте ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match against hostname schema for TLD '%tld%'] => '%value%' выглядит как DNS имя хоста, но оно не соответствует шаблону для доменных имен верхнего уровня '%tld%' ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot extract TLD part] => '%value%' выглядит как DNS имя хоста, но не удаётся извлечь домен верхнего уровня ['%value%' does not match the expected structure for a DNS hostname] => '%value%' не соответствует ожидаемой структуре для DNS имени хоста ['%value%' does not appear to be a valid local network name] => '%value%' является недопустимым локальным сетевым адресом ['%value%' appears to be a local network name but local network names are not allowed] => '%value%' выглядит как локальный сетевой адрес, но локальные сетевые адреса не разрешены ['%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but the given punycode notation cannot be decoded] => '%value%' выглядит как DNS имя хоста, но указанное значение не может быть преобразованно в допустимый для DNS набор символов [Unknown country within the IBAN '%value%'] => Не известная страна IBAN '%value%' ['%value%' has a false IBAN format] => '%value%' имеет недопустимый IBAN формат ['%value%' has failed the IBAN check] => '%value%' не прошло IBAN проверку [The token '%token%' does not match the given token '%value%'] => Значение '%token%' не совпадает с указанным значением '%value%' [No token was provided to match against] => Не было указано значение для проверки на идентичность ['%value%' was not found in the haystack] => '%value%' не найдено в перечисленных допустимых значениях [Invalid type given, value should be string or integer] => Недопустимый тип данных, значение должно быть строкой или целым числом ['%value%' does not appear to be an integer] => '%value%' не является целым числом ['%value%' does not appear to be a valid IP address] => '%value%' не является корректным IP-адресом ['%value%' is not a valid ISBN number] => '%value%' не является корректным номером ISBN ['%value%' is not less than '%max%'] => '%value%' не меньше, чем '%max%' [Invalid type given, value should be float, string, array, boolean or integer] => Недопустимый тип данных, значение должно быть числом с плавающей точкой, строкой, массивом, булевым значением или целым числом [Value is required and can't be empty] => Значение обязательно для заполнения и не может быть пустым ['%value%' does not appear to be an postal code] => '%value%' не является корректным почтовым кодом ['%value%' does not match against pattern '%pattern%'] => '%value%' не соответствует шаблону '%pattern%' ['%value%' is not a valid sitemap changefreq] => '%value%' недопустимое значение для sitemap changefreq ['%value%' is not a valid sitemap lastmod] => '%value%' недопустимое значение для sitemap lastmod ['%value%' is not a valid sitemap location] => '%value%' недопустимое значение для sitemap location ['%value%' is not a valid sitemap priority] => '%value%' недопустимое значение для sitemap priority ['%value%' is less than %min% characters long] => '%value%' меньше разрешенной минимальной длины в %min% символов ['%value%' is more than %max% characters long] => '%value%' больше разрешенной максимальной длины в %max% символов ) ) ) [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_view:protected] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* [_isRendered:protected] => 1 ) [arr] => Array ( ) [form] => Form_CustomData Object ( [form] => 2134 [laction] => [formulaire] => Array ( [formulaire_id] => 2134 [formulaire_nom] => Devis [formulaire_url] => devis [formulaire_titre] => Devis [formulaire_meta_description] => Devis [formulaire_objet] => Devis [formulaire_mail] => 0 [formulaire_mail_destination] => pressmike[44]@hotmail.com [formulaire_meta_title] => Devis [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => la-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 0 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => 0 [formulaire_facebook] => 0 [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => 0 [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [dir] => 2d9d10abbb7954a6 [agendas] => [types] => Array ( [0] => text [1] => textarea [2] => file [3] => radio [4] => checkbox [5] => select [6] => multicheckbox [7] => hidden [8] => html ) [fChamps] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16469 [champ_nom] => appareil [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Type d’appareil [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 0 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2134 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2134 [formulaire_nom] => Devis [formulaire_url] => devis [formulaire_titre] => Devis [formulaire_meta_description] => Devis [formulaire_objet] => Devis [formulaire_mail] => 0 [formulaire_mail_destination] => pressmike[44]@hotmail.com [formulaire_meta_title] => Devis [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => la-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 0 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => 0 [formulaire_facebook] => 0 [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => 0 [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16470 [champ_nom] => marque [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Marque [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 0 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2134 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2134 [formulaire_nom] => Devis [formulaire_url] => devis [formulaire_titre] => Devis [formulaire_meta_description] => Devis [formulaire_objet] => Devis [formulaire_mail] => 0 [formulaire_mail_destination] => pressmike[44]@hotmail.com [formulaire_meta_title] => Devis [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => la-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 0 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => 0 [formulaire_facebook] => 0 [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => 0 [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [2] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16476 [champ_nom] => modele [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Modèle [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 0 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2134 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2134 [formulaire_nom] => Devis [formulaire_url] => devis [formulaire_titre] => Devis [formulaire_meta_description] => Devis [formulaire_objet] => Devis [formulaire_mail] => 0 [formulaire_mail_destination] => pressmike[44]@hotmail.com [formulaire_meta_title] => Devis [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => la-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 0 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => 0 [formulaire_facebook] => 0 [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => 0 [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [3] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16477 [champ_nom] => probleme [champ_type] => 1 [champ_label] => Précisez votre problème : [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 0 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2134 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2134 [formulaire_nom] => Devis [formulaire_url] => devis [formulaire_titre] => Devis [formulaire_meta_description] => Devis [formulaire_objet] => Devis [formulaire_mail] => 0 [formulaire_mail_destination] => pressmike[44]@hotmail.com [formulaire_meta_title] => Devis [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => la-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 0 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => 0 [formulaire_facebook] => 0 [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => 0 [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [4] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16478 [champ_nom] => nom [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Nom [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2134 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2134 [formulaire_nom] => Devis [formulaire_url] => devis [formulaire_titre] => Devis [formulaire_meta_description] => Devis [formulaire_objet] => Devis [formulaire_mail] => 0 [formulaire_mail_destination] => pressmike[44]@hotmail.com [formulaire_meta_title] => Devis [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => la-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 0 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => 0 [formulaire_facebook] => 0 [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => 0 [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [5] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16479 [champ_nom] => telephone [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Tél [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2134 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2134 [formulaire_nom] => Devis [formulaire_url] => devis [formulaire_titre] => Devis [formulaire_meta_description] => Devis [formulaire_objet] => Devis [formulaire_mail] => 0 [formulaire_mail_destination] => pressmike[44]@hotmail.com [formulaire_meta_title] => Devis [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => la-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 0 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => 0 [formulaire_facebook] => 0 [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => 0 [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [6] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16480 [champ_nom] => email [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Mail [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2134 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2134 [formulaire_nom] => Devis [formulaire_url] => devis [formulaire_titre] => Devis [formulaire_meta_description] => Devis [formulaire_objet] => Devis [formulaire_mail] => 0 [formulaire_mail_destination] => pressmike[44]@hotmail.com [formulaire_meta_title] => Devis [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => la-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 0 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => 0 [formulaire_facebook] => 0 [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => 0 [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [7] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16481 [champ_nom] => codepostal [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Code postal [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2134 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2134 [formulaire_nom] => Devis [formulaire_url] => devis [formulaire_titre] => Devis [formulaire_meta_description] => Devis [formulaire_objet] => Devis [formulaire_mail] => 0 [formulaire_mail_destination] => pressmike[44]@hotmail.com [formulaire_meta_title] => Devis [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => la-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 0 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => 0 [formulaire_facebook] => 0 [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => 0 [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [8] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16482 [champ_nom] => informations [champ_type] => 1 [champ_label] => Informations complémentaires : [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 0 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2134 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2134 [formulaire_nom] => Devis [formulaire_url] => devis [formulaire_titre] => Devis [formulaire_meta_description] => Devis [formulaire_objet] => Devis [formulaire_mail] => 0 [formulaire_mail_destination] => pressmike[44]@hotmail.com [formulaire_meta_title] => Devis [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => la-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 0 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => 0 [formulaire_facebook] => 0 [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => 0 [formulaire_index] => 0 ) ) [fMultichoix] => Array ( ) [politique] => [_attribs:protected] => Array ( [method] => post [enctype] => multipart/form-data [action] => devis [id] => devis [name] => Devis ) [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_File] => Zend_Form_Decorator_File Object ( [_attribBlacklist:protected] => Array ( [0] => helper [1] => placement [2] => separator [3] => value ) [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Form_CustomData Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewScript] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewScript Object ( [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_viewScript:protected] => devis.phtml [_viewModule:protected] => [_element:protected] => Form_CustomData Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( [fChamps] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16469 [champ_nom] => appareil [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Type d’appareil [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 0 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2134 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2134 [formulaire_nom] => Devis [formulaire_url] => devis [formulaire_titre] => Devis [formulaire_meta_description] => Devis [formulaire_objet] => Devis [formulaire_mail] => 0 [formulaire_mail_destination] => pressmike[44]@hotmail.com [formulaire_meta_title] => Devis [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => la-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 0 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => 0 [formulaire_facebook] => 0 [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => 0 [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16470 [champ_nom] => marque [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Marque [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 0 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2134 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2134 [formulaire_nom] => Devis [formulaire_url] => devis [formulaire_titre] => Devis [formulaire_meta_description] => Devis [formulaire_objet] => Devis [formulaire_mail] => 0 [formulaire_mail_destination] => pressmike[44]@hotmail.com [formulaire_meta_title] => Devis [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => la-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 0 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => 0 [formulaire_facebook] => 0 [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => 0 [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [2] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16476 [champ_nom] => modele [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Modèle [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 0 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2134 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2134 [formulaire_nom] => Devis [formulaire_url] => devis [formulaire_titre] => Devis [formulaire_meta_description] => Devis [formulaire_objet] => Devis [formulaire_mail] => 0 [formulaire_mail_destination] => pressmike[44]@hotmail.com [formulaire_meta_title] => Devis [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => la-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 0 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => 0 [formulaire_facebook] => 0 [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => 0 [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [3] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16477 [champ_nom] => probleme [champ_type] => 1 [champ_label] => Précisez votre problème : [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 0 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2134 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2134 [formulaire_nom] => Devis [formulaire_url] => devis [formulaire_titre] => Devis [formulaire_meta_description] => Devis [formulaire_objet] => Devis [formulaire_mail] => 0 [formulaire_mail_destination] => pressmike[44]@hotmail.com [formulaire_meta_title] => Devis [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => la-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 0 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => 0 [formulaire_facebook] => 0 [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => 0 [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [4] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16478 [champ_nom] => nom [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Nom [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2134 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2134 [formulaire_nom] => Devis [formulaire_url] => devis [formulaire_titre] => Devis [formulaire_meta_description] => Devis [formulaire_objet] => Devis [formulaire_mail] => 0 [formulaire_mail_destination] => pressmike[44]@hotmail.com [formulaire_meta_title] => Devis [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => la-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 0 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => 0 [formulaire_facebook] => 0 [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => 0 [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [5] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16479 [champ_nom] => telephone [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Tél [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2134 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2134 [formulaire_nom] => Devis [formulaire_url] => devis [formulaire_titre] => Devis [formulaire_meta_description] => Devis [formulaire_objet] => Devis [formulaire_mail] => 0 [formulaire_mail_destination] => pressmike[44]@hotmail.com [formulaire_meta_title] => Devis [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => la-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 0 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => 0 [formulaire_facebook] => 0 [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => 0 [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [6] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16480 [champ_nom] => email [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Mail [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2134 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2134 [formulaire_nom] => Devis [formulaire_url] => devis [formulaire_titre] => Devis [formulaire_meta_description] => Devis [formulaire_objet] => Devis [formulaire_mail] => 0 [formulaire_mail_destination] => pressmike[44]@hotmail.com [formulaire_meta_title] => Devis [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => la-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 0 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => 0 [formulaire_facebook] => 0 [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => 0 [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [7] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16481 [champ_nom] => codepostal [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Code postal [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2134 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2134 [formulaire_nom] => Devis [formulaire_url] => devis [formulaire_titre] => Devis [formulaire_meta_description] => Devis [formulaire_objet] => Devis [formulaire_mail] => 0 [formulaire_mail_destination] => pressmike[44]@hotmail.com [formulaire_meta_title] => Devis [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => la-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 0 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => 0 [formulaire_facebook] => 0 [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => 0 [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [8] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16482 [champ_nom] => informations [champ_type] => 1 [champ_label] => Informations complémentaires : [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 0 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2134 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2134 [formulaire_nom] => Devis [formulaire_url] => devis [formulaire_titre] => Devis [formulaire_meta_description] => Devis [formulaire_objet] => Devis [formulaire_mail] => 0 [formulaire_mail_destination] => pressmike[44]@hotmail.com [formulaire_meta_title] => Devis [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => la-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 0 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => 0 [formulaire_facebook] => 0 [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => 0 [formulaire_index] => 0 ) ) [fMultichoix] => Array ( ) [myForm] => Array ( [formulaire_id] => 2134 [formulaire_nom] => Devis [formulaire_url] => devis [formulaire_titre] => Devis [formulaire_meta_description] => Devis [formulaire_objet] => Devis [formulaire_mail] => 0 [formulaire_mail_destination] => pressmike[44]@hotmail.com [formulaire_meta_title] => Devis [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => la-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 0 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => 0 [formulaire_facebook] => 0 [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => 0 [formulaire_index] => 0 ) ) [_separator:protected] => ) ) [_defaultDisplayGroupClass:protected] => Zend_Form_DisplayGroup [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => 1 [_displayGroupPrefixPaths:protected] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [prefix] => ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator [path] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator ) ) [_displayGroups:protected] => Array ( ) [_elementDecorators:protected] => [_elementPrefixPaths:protected] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [prefix] => ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator [path] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator [type] => decorator ) [1] => Array ( [prefix] => Cgsmith\Validate\ [path] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ [type] => VALIDATE ) ) [_elements:protected] => Array ( [appareil] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object ( [helper] => formText [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper Object ( [_buttonTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Form_Element_Button [1] => Zend_Form_Element_Reset [2] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit ) [_helper:protected] => formText [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors Object ( [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description Object ( [_escape:protected] => [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_tag:protected] => [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) [_separator:protected] => ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim Object ( [_charList:protected] => ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Type d’appareil [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper [Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors [Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [FILTER] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => appareil [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => Zend_View Object ( [_useViewStream:Zend_View:private] => [_useStreamWrapper:Zend_View:private] => [_path:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [script] => Array ( ) [helper] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( ) ) [_file:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => [_helper:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype Object ( [_defaultDoctype:protected] => HTML4_LOOSE [_registry:protected] => ArrayObject Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [doctypes] => Array ( [XHTML11] => [XHTML1_STRICT] => [XHTML1_TRANSITIONAL] => [XHTML1_FRAMESET] => [XHTML1_RDFA] => [XHTML1_RDFA11] => [XHTML_BASIC1] => [XHTML5] => [HTML4_STRICT] => [HTML4_LOOSE] => [HTML4_FRAMESET] => [HTML5] => ) [doctype] => HTML5 ) ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta Object ( [_typeKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => name [1] => http-equiv [2] => charset [3] => property ) [_requiredKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => content ) [_modifierKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => lang [1] => scheme ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate Object ( [_translator:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea Object ( [rows] => 24 [cols] => 80 [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) ) [_helperLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_helperLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filter:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterClass:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_escape:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => htmlspecialchars [_encoding:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => UTF-8 [_lfiProtectionOn:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => 1 [_loaders:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [filter] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [helper] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Helper/ ) [Custom_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Custom/View/Helper/ ) [Cgsmith_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Cgsmith/View/Helper/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/View/Helper/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_loaderTypes:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [0] => filter [1] => helper ) [_strictVars:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => ) [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => appareil [placeholder] => Type d’appareil [class] => form-control ) [marque] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object ( [helper] => formText [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper Object ( [_buttonTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Form_Element_Button [1] => Zend_Form_Element_Reset [2] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit ) [_helper:protected] => formText [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors Object ( [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description Object ( [_escape:protected] => [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_tag:protected] => [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) [_separator:protected] => ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim Object ( [_charList:protected] => ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Marque [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper [Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors [Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [FILTER] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => marque [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => Zend_View Object ( [_useViewStream:Zend_View:private] => [_useStreamWrapper:Zend_View:private] => [_path:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [script] => Array ( ) [helper] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( ) ) [_file:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => [_helper:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype Object ( [_defaultDoctype:protected] => HTML4_LOOSE [_registry:protected] => ArrayObject Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [doctypes] => Array ( [XHTML11] => [XHTML1_STRICT] => [XHTML1_TRANSITIONAL] => [XHTML1_FRAMESET] => [XHTML1_RDFA] => [XHTML1_RDFA11] => [XHTML_BASIC1] => [XHTML5] => [HTML4_STRICT] => [HTML4_LOOSE] => [HTML4_FRAMESET] => [HTML5] => ) [doctype] => HTML5 ) ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta Object ( [_typeKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => name [1] => http-equiv [2] => charset [3] => property ) [_requiredKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => content ) [_modifierKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => lang [1] => scheme ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate Object ( [_translator:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea Object ( [rows] => 24 [cols] => 80 [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) ) [_helperLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_helperLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filter:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterClass:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_escape:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => htmlspecialchars [_encoding:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => UTF-8 [_lfiProtectionOn:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => 1 [_loaders:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [filter] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [helper] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Helper/ ) [Custom_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Custom/View/Helper/ ) [Cgsmith_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Cgsmith/View/Helper/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/View/Helper/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_loaderTypes:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [0] => filter [1] => helper ) [_strictVars:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => ) [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => marque [placeholder] => Marque [class] => form-control ) [modele] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object ( [helper] => formText [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper Object ( [_buttonTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Form_Element_Button [1] => Zend_Form_Element_Reset [2] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit ) [_helper:protected] => formText [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors Object ( [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description Object ( [_escape:protected] => [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_tag:protected] => [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) [_separator:protected] => ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim Object ( [_charList:protected] => ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Modèle [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper [Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors [Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [FILTER] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => modele [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => Zend_View Object ( [_useViewStream:Zend_View:private] => [_useStreamWrapper:Zend_View:private] => [_path:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [script] => Array ( ) [helper] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( ) ) [_file:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => [_helper:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype Object ( [_defaultDoctype:protected] => HTML4_LOOSE [_registry:protected] => ArrayObject Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [doctypes] => Array ( [XHTML11] => [XHTML1_STRICT] => [XHTML1_TRANSITIONAL] => [XHTML1_FRAMESET] => [XHTML1_RDFA] => [XHTML1_RDFA11] => [XHTML_BASIC1] => [XHTML5] => [HTML4_STRICT] => [HTML4_LOOSE] => [HTML4_FRAMESET] => [HTML5] => ) [doctype] => HTML5 ) ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta Object ( [_typeKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => name [1] => http-equiv [2] => charset [3] => property ) [_requiredKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => content ) [_modifierKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => lang [1] => scheme ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate Object ( [_translator:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea Object ( [rows] => 24 [cols] => 80 [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) ) [_helperLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_helperLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filter:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterClass:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_escape:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => htmlspecialchars [_encoding:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => UTF-8 [_lfiProtectionOn:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => 1 [_loaders:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [filter] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [helper] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Helper/ ) [Custom_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Custom/View/Helper/ ) [Cgsmith_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Cgsmith/View/Helper/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/View/Helper/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_loaderTypes:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [0] => filter [1] => helper ) [_strictVars:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => ) [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => modele [placeholder] => Modèle [class] => form-control ) [probleme] => Zend_Form_Element_Textarea Object ( [helper] => formTextarea [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper Object ( [_buttonTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Form_Element_Button [1] => Zend_Form_Element_Reset [2] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit ) [_helper:protected] => formTextarea [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Textarea Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors Object ( [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Textarea Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description Object ( [_escape:protected] => [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_tag:protected] => [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Textarea Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) [_separator:protected] => ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim Object ( [_charList:protected] => ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Précisez votre problème : [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper [Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors [Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [FILTER] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => probleme [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => Zend_View Object ( [_useViewStream:Zend_View:private] => [_useStreamWrapper:Zend_View:private] => [_path:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [script] => Array ( ) [helper] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( ) ) [_file:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => [_helper:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype Object ( [_defaultDoctype:protected] => HTML4_LOOSE [_registry:protected] => ArrayObject Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [doctypes] => Array ( [XHTML11] => [XHTML1_STRICT] => [XHTML1_TRANSITIONAL] => [XHTML1_FRAMESET] => [XHTML1_RDFA] => [XHTML1_RDFA11] => [XHTML_BASIC1] => [XHTML5] => [HTML4_STRICT] => [HTML4_LOOSE] => [HTML4_FRAMESET] => [HTML5] => ) [doctype] => HTML5 ) ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta Object ( [_typeKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => name [1] => http-equiv [2] => charset [3] => property ) [_requiredKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => content ) [_modifierKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => lang [1] => scheme ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate Object ( [_translator:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea Object ( [rows] => 24 [cols] => 80 [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) ) [_helperLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_helperLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filter:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterClass:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_escape:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => htmlspecialchars [_encoding:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => UTF-8 [_lfiProtectionOn:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => 1 [_loaders:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [filter] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [helper] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Helper/ ) [Custom_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Custom/View/Helper/ ) [Cgsmith_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Cgsmith/View/Helper/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/View/Helper/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_loaderTypes:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [0] => filter [1] => helper ) [_strictVars:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => ) [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => probleme [class] => form-control ) [nom] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object ( [helper] => formText [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper Object ( [_buttonTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Form_Element_Button [1] => Zend_Form_Element_Reset [2] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit ) [_helper:protected] => formText [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors Object ( [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description Object ( [_escape:protected] => [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_tag:protected] => [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) [_separator:protected] => ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim Object ( [_charList:protected] => ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Nom [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper [Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors [Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [FILTER] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => nom [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => 1 [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => Zend_View Object ( [_useViewStream:Zend_View:private] => [_useStreamWrapper:Zend_View:private] => [_path:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [script] => Array ( ) [helper] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( ) ) [_file:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => [_helper:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype Object ( [_defaultDoctype:protected] => HTML4_LOOSE [_registry:protected] => ArrayObject Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [doctypes] => Array ( [XHTML11] => [XHTML1_STRICT] => [XHTML1_TRANSITIONAL] => [XHTML1_FRAMESET] => [XHTML1_RDFA] => [XHTML1_RDFA11] => [XHTML_BASIC1] => [XHTML5] => [HTML4_STRICT] => [HTML4_LOOSE] => [HTML4_FRAMESET] => [HTML5] => ) [doctype] => HTML5 ) ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta Object ( [_typeKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => name [1] => http-equiv [2] => charset [3] => property ) [_requiredKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => content ) [_modifierKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => lang [1] => scheme ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate Object ( [_translator:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea Object ( [rows] => 24 [cols] => 80 [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) ) [_helperLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_helperLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filter:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterClass:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_escape:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => htmlspecialchars [_encoding:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => UTF-8 [_lfiProtectionOn:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => 1 [_loaders:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [filter] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [helper] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Helper/ ) [Custom_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Custom/View/Helper/ ) [Cgsmith_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Cgsmith/View/Helper/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/View/Helper/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_loaderTypes:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [0] => filter [1] => helper ) [_strictVars:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => ) [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => nom [placeholder] => Nom [class] => form-control ) [telephone] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object ( [helper] => formText [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper Object ( [_buttonTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Form_Element_Button [1] => Zend_Form_Element_Reset [2] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit ) [_helper:protected] => formText [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors Object ( [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description Object ( [_escape:protected] => [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_tag:protected] => [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) [_separator:protected] => ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim Object ( [_charList:protected] => ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Tél [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper [Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors [Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [FILTER] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => telephone [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => 1 [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( [Custom_Validate_Nombre] => Custom_Validate_Nombre Object ( [_messageTemplates:protected] => Array ( [invalidUrl] => '%value%' n'est pas un nombre. ) [_value:protected] => [_messageVariables:protected] => Array ( ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_obscureValue:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [zfBreakChainOnFailure] => ) ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => Zend_View Object ( [_useViewStream:Zend_View:private] => [_useStreamWrapper:Zend_View:private] => [_path:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [script] => Array ( ) [helper] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( ) ) [_file:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => [_helper:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype Object ( [_defaultDoctype:protected] => HTML4_LOOSE [_registry:protected] => ArrayObject Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [doctypes] => Array ( [XHTML11] => [XHTML1_STRICT] => [XHTML1_TRANSITIONAL] => [XHTML1_FRAMESET] => [XHTML1_RDFA] => [XHTML1_RDFA11] => [XHTML_BASIC1] => [XHTML5] => [HTML4_STRICT] => [HTML4_LOOSE] => [HTML4_FRAMESET] => [HTML5] => ) [doctype] => HTML5 ) ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta Object ( [_typeKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => name [1] => http-equiv [2] => charset [3] => property ) [_requiredKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => content ) [_modifierKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => lang [1] => scheme ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate Object ( [_translator:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea Object ( [rows] => 24 [cols] => 80 [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) ) [_helperLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_helperLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filter:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterClass:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_escape:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => htmlspecialchars [_encoding:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => UTF-8 [_lfiProtectionOn:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => 1 [_loaders:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [filter] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [helper] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Helper/ ) [Custom_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Custom/View/Helper/ ) [Cgsmith_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Cgsmith/View/Helper/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/View/Helper/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_loaderTypes:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [0] => filter [1] => helper ) [_strictVars:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => ) [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => telephone [placeholder] => Tél [class] => form-control ) [email] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object ( [helper] => formText [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper Object ( [_buttonTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Form_Element_Button [1] => Zend_Form_Element_Reset [2] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit ) [_helper:protected] => formText [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors Object ( [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description Object ( [_escape:protected] => [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_tag:protected] => [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) [_separator:protected] => ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim Object ( [_charList:protected] => ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Mail [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper [Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors [Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [FILTER] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => email [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => 1 [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_EmailAddress] => Zend_Validate_EmailAddress Object ( [_messageTemplates:protected] => Array ( [emailAddressInvalid] => Invalid type given. String expected [emailAddressInvalidFormat] => '%value%' is not a valid email address in the basic format local-part@hostname [emailAddressInvalidHostname] => '%hostname%' is not a valid hostname for email address '%value%' [emailAddressInvalidMxRecord] => '%hostname%' does not appear to have a valid MX record for the email address '%value%' [emailAddressInvalidSegment] => '%hostname%' is not in a routable network segment. The email address '%value%' should not be resolved from public network [emailAddressDotAtom] => '%localPart%' can not be matched against dot-atom format [emailAddressQuotedString] => '%localPart%' can not be matched against quoted-string format [emailAddressInvalidLocalPart] => '%localPart%' is not a valid local part for email address '%value%' [emailAddressLengthExceeded] => '%value%' exceeds the allowed length ) [_invalidIp:protected] => Array ( [0] => [10] => [100] => [127] => [169] => [172] => [192] => Array ( [0] => [1] => [2] => [3] => ) [198] => [224] => [240] => ) [_messageVariables:protected] => Array ( [hostname] => _hostname [localPart] => _localPart ) [_hostname:protected] => [_localPart:protected] => [_options:protected] => Array ( [mx] => [deep] => [domain] => 1 [allow] => 1 [hostname] => Zend_Validate_Hostname Object ( [_messageTemplates:protected] => Array ( [hostnameCannotDecodePunycode] => '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but the given punycode notation cannot be decoded [hostnameInvalid] => Invalid type given. String expected [hostnameDashCharacter] => '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but contains a dash in an invalid position [hostnameInvalidHostname] => '%value%' does not match the expected structure for a DNS hostname [hostnameInvalidHostnameSchema] => '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match against hostname schema for TLD '%tld%' [hostnameInvalidLocalName] => '%value%' does not appear to be a valid local network name [hostnameInvalidUri] => '%value%' does not appear to be a valid URI hostname [hostnameIpAddressNotAllowed] => '%value%' appears to be an IP address, but IP addresses are not allowed [hostnameLocalNameNotAllowed] => '%value%' appears to be a local network name but local network names are not allowed [hostnameUndecipherableTld] => '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot extract TLD part [hostnameUnknownTld] => '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match TLD against known list ) [_messageVariables:protected] => Array ( [tld] => _tld ) [_validTlds:protected] => Array ( [0] => aaa [1] => abb [2] => abbott [3] => abogado [4] => ac [5] => academy [6] => accenture [7] => accountant [8] => accountants [9] => aco [10] => active [11] => actor [12] => ad [13] => ads [14] => adult [15] => ae [16] => aeg [17] => aero [18] => af [19] => afl [20] => ag [21] => agency [22] => ai [23] => aig [24] => airforce [25] => airtel [26] => al [27] => allfinanz [28] => alsace [29] => am [30] => amica [31] => amsterdam [32] => android [33] => ao [34] => apartments [35] => app [36] => aq [37] => aquarelle [38] => ar [39] => aramco [40] => archi [41] => army [42] => arpa [43] => arte [44] => as [45] => asia [46] => associates [47] => at [48] => attorney [49] => au [50] => auction [51] => audio [52] => auto [53] => autos [54] => aw [55] => ax [56] => axa [57] => az [58] => azure [59] => ba [60] => band [61] => bank [62] => bar [63] => barcelona [64] => barclaycard [65] => barclays [66] => bargains [67] => bauhaus [68] => bayern [69] => bb [70] => bbc [71] => bbva [72] => bcn [73] => bd [74] => be [75] => beer [76] => bentley [77] => berlin [78] => best [79] => bet [80] => bf [81] => bg [82] => bh [83] => bharti [84] => bi [85] => bible [86] => bid [87] => bike [88] => bing [89] => bingo [90] => bio [91] => biz [92] => bj [93] => black [94] => blackfriday [95] => bloomberg [96] => blue [97] => bm [98] => bms [99] => bmw [100] => bn [101] => bnl [102] => bnpparibas [103] => bo [104] => boats [105] => bom [106] => bond [107] => boo [108] => boots [109] => boutique [110] => br [111] => bradesco [112] => bridgestone [113] => broker [114] => brother [115] => brussels [116] => bs [117] => bt [118] => budapest [119] => build [120] => builders [121] => business [122] => buzz [123] => bv [124] => bw [125] => by [126] => bz [127] => bzh [128] => ca [129] => cab [130] => cafe [131] => cal [132] => camera [133] => camp [134] => cancerresearch [135] => canon [136] => capetown [137] => capital [138] => car [139] => caravan [140] => cards [141] => care [142] => career [143] => careers [144] => cars [145] => cartier [146] => casa [147] => cash [148] => casino [149] => cat [150] => catering [151] => cba [152] => cbn [153] => cc [154] => cd [155] => ceb [156] => center [157] => ceo [158] => cern [159] => cf [160] => cfa [161] => cfd [162] => cg [163] => ch [164] => chanel [165] => channel [166] => chat [167] => cheap [168] => chloe [169] => christmas [170] => chrome [171] => church [172] => ci [173] => cipriani [174] => cisco [175] => citic [176] => city [177] => ck [178] => cl [179] => claims [180] => cleaning [181] => click [182] => clinic [183] => clothing [184] => cloud [185] => club [186] => clubmed [187] => cm [188] => cn [189] => co [190] => coach [191] => codes [192] => coffee [193] => college [194] => cologne [195] => com [196] => commbank [197] => community [198] => company [199] => computer [200] => condos [201] => construction [202] => consulting [203] => contractors [204] => cooking [205] => cool [206] => coop [207] => corsica [208] => country [209] => coupons [210] => courses [211] => cr [212] => credit [213] => creditcard [214] => cricket [215] => crown [216] => crs [217] => cruises [218] => csc [219] => cu [220] => cuisinella [221] => cv [222] => cw [223] => cx [224] => cy [225] => cymru [226] => cyou [227] => cz [228] => dabur [229] => dad [230] => dance [231] => date [232] => dating [233] => datsun [234] => day [235] => dclk [236] => de [237] => deals [238] => degree [239] => delivery [240] => dell [241] => delta [242] => democrat [243] => dental [244] => dentist [245] => desi [246] => design [247] => dev [248] => diamonds [249] => diet [250] => digital [251] => direct [252] => directory [253] => discount [254] => dj [255] => dk [256] => dm [257] => dnp [258] => do [259] => docs [260] => dog [261] => doha [262] => domains [263] => doosan [264] => download [265] => drive [266] => durban [267] => dvag [268] => dz [269] => earth [270] => eat [271] => ec [272] => edu [273] => education [274] => ee [275] => eg [276] => email [277] => emerck [278] => energy [279] => engineer [280] => engineering [281] => enterprises [282] => epson [283] => equipment [284] => er [285] => erni [286] => es [287] => esq [288] => estate [289] => et [290] => eu [291] => eurovision [292] => eus [293] => events [294] => everbank [295] => exchange [296] => expert [297] => exposed [298] => express [299] => fage [300] => fail [301] => faith [302] => family [303] => fan [304] => fans [305] => farm [306] => fashion [307] => feedback [308] => fi [309] => film [310] => final [311] => finance [312] => financial [313] => firmdale [314] => fish [315] => fishing [316] => fit [317] => fitness [318] => fj [319] => fk [320] => flights [321] => florist [322] => flowers [323] => flsmidth [324] => fly [325] => fm [326] => fo [327] => foo [328] => football [329] => forex [330] => forsale [331] => forum [332] => foundation [333] => fr [334] => frl [335] => frogans [336] => fund [337] => furniture [338] => futbol [339] => fyi [340] => ga [341] => gal [342] => gallery [343] => game [344] => garden [345] => gb [346] => gbiz [347] => gd [348] => gdn [349] => ge [350] => gea [351] => gent [352] => genting [353] => gf [354] => gg [355] => ggee [356] => gh [357] => gi [358] => gift [359] => gifts [360] => gives [361] => giving [362] => gl [363] => glass [364] => gle [365] => global [366] => globo [367] => gm [368] => gmail [369] => gmo [370] => gmx [371] => gn [372] => gold [373] => goldpoint [374] => golf [375] => goo [376] => goog [377] => google [378] => gop [379] => gov [380] => gp [381] => gq [382] => gr [383] => graphics [384] => gratis [385] => green [386] => gripe [387] => group [388] => gs [389] => gt [390] => gu [391] => gucci [392] => guge [393] => guide [394] => guitars [395] => guru [396] => gw [397] => gy [398] => hamburg [399] => hangout [400] => haus [401] => healthcare [402] => help [403] => here [404] => hermes [405] => hiphop [406] => hitachi [407] => hiv [408] => hk [409] => hm [410] => hn [411] => hockey [412] => holdings [413] => holiday [414] => homedepot [415] => homes [416] => honda [417] => horse [418] => host [419] => hosting [420] => hoteles [421] => hotmail [422] => house [423] => how [424] => hr [425] => hsbc [426] => ht [427] => hu [428] => hyundai [429] => ibm [430] => icbc [431] => ice [432] => icu [433] => id [434] => ie [435] => ifm [436] => iinet [437] => il [438] => im [439] => immo [440] => immobilien [441] => in [442] => industries [443] => infiniti [444] => info [445] => ing [446] => ink [447] => institute [448] => insure [449] => int [450] => international [451] => investments [452] => io [453] => ipiranga [454] => iq [455] => ir [456] => irish [457] => is [458] => ist [459] => istanbul [460] => it [461] => itau [462] => iwc [463] => jaguar [464] => java [465] => jcb [466] => je [467] => jetzt [468] => jewelry [469] => jlc [470] => jll [471] => jm [472] => jo [473] => jobs [474] => joburg [475] => jp [476] => jprs [477] => juegos [478] => kaufen [479] => kddi [480] => ke [481] => kg [482] => kh [483] => ki [484] => kia [485] => kim [486] => kinder [487] => kitchen [488] => kiwi [489] => km [490] => kn [491] => koeln [492] => komatsu [493] => kp [494] => kr [495] => krd [496] => kred [497] => kw [498] => ky [499] => kyoto [500] => kz [501] => la [502] => lacaixa [503] => lancaster [504] => land [505] => landrover [506] => lasalle [507] => lat [508] => latrobe [509] => law [510] => lawyer [511] => lb [512] => lc [513] => lds [514] => lease [515] => leclerc [516] => legal [517] => lexus [518] => lgbt [519] => li [520] => liaison [521] => lidl [522] => life [523] => lighting [524] => limited [525] => limo [526] => linde [527] => link [528] => live [529] => lixil [530] => lk [531] => loan [532] => loans [533] => lol [534] => london [535] => lotte [536] => lotto [537] => love [538] => lr [539] => ls [540] => lt [541] => ltd [542] => ltda [543] => lu [544] => lupin [545] => luxe [546] => luxury [547] => lv [548] => ly [549] => ma [550] => madrid [551] => maif [552] => maison [553] => man [554] => management [555] => mango [556] => market [557] => marketing [558] => markets [559] => marriott [560] => mba [561] => mc [562] => md [563] => me [564] => media [565] => meet [566] => melbourne [567] => meme [568] => memorial [569] => men [570] => menu [571] => mg [572] => mh [573] => miami [574] => microsoft [575] => mil [576] => mini [577] => mk [578] => ml [579] => mm [580] => mma [581] => mn [582] => mo [583] => mobi [584] => moda [585] => moe [586] => moi [587] => mom [588] => monash [589] => money [590] => montblanc [591] => mormon [592] => mortgage [593] => moscow [594] => motorcycles [595] => mov [596] => movie [597] => movistar [598] => mp [599] => mq [600] => mr [601] => ms [602] => mt [603] => mtn [604] => mtpc [605] => mtr [606] => mu [607] => museum [608] => mutuelle [609] => mv [610] => mw [611] => mx [612] => my [613] => mz [614] => na [615] => nadex [616] => nagoya [617] => name [618] => navy [619] => nc [620] => ne [621] => nec [622] => net [623] => netbank [624] => network [625] => neustar [626] => new [627] => news [628] => nexus [629] => nf [630] => ng [631] => ngo [632] => nhk [633] => ni [634] => nico [635] => ninja [636] => nissan [637] => nl [638] => no [639] => nokia [640] => np [641] => nr [642] => nra [643] => nrw [644] => ntt [645] => nu [646] => nyc [647] => nz [648] => obi [649] => office [650] => okinawa [651] => om [652] => omega [653] => one [654] => ong [655] => onl [656] => online [657] => ooo [658] => oracle [659] => orange [660] => org [661] => organic [662] => osaka [663] => otsuka [664] => ovh [665] => pa [666] => page [667] => panerai [668] => paris [669] => partners [670] => parts [671] => party [672] => pe [673] => pet [674] => pf [675] => pg [676] => ph [677] => pharmacy [678] => philips [679] => photo [680] => photography [681] => photos [682] => physio [683] => piaget [684] => pics [685] => pictet [686] => pictures [687] => pink [688] => pizza [689] => pk [690] => pl [691] => place [692] => play [693] => plumbing [694] => plus [695] => pm [696] => pn [697] => pohl [698] => poker [699] => porn [700] => post [701] => pr [702] => praxi [703] => press [704] => pro [705] => prod [706] => productions [707] => prof [708] => properties [709] => property [710] => protection [711] => ps [712] => pt [713] => pub [714] => pw [715] => py [716] => qa [717] => qpon [718] => quebec [719] => racing [720] => re [721] => realtor [722] => realty [723] => recipes [724] => red [725] => redstone [726] => rehab [727] => reise [728] => reisen [729] => reit [730] => ren [731] => rent [732] => rentals [733] => repair [734] => report [735] => republican [736] => rest [737] => restaurant [738] => review [739] => reviews [740] => rich [741] => ricoh [742] => rio [743] => rip [744] => ro [745] => rocks [746] => rodeo [747] => rs [748] => rsvp [749] => ru [750] => ruhr [751] => run [752] => rw [753] => rwe [754] => ryukyu [755] => sa [756] => saarland [757] => sakura [758] => sale [759] => samsung [760] => sandvik [761] => sandvikcoromant [762] => sanofi [763] => sap [764] => sarl [765] => saxo [766] => sb [767] => sc [768] => sca [769] => scb [770] => schmidt [771] => scholarships [772] => school [773] => schule [774] => schwarz [775] => science [776] => scor [777] => scot [778] => sd [779] => se [780] => seat [781] => security [782] => seek [783] => sener [784] => services [785] => seven [786] => sew [787] => sex [788] => sexy [789] => sg [790] => sh [791] => shiksha [792] => shoes [793] => show [794] => shriram [795] => si [796] => singles [797] => site [798] => sj [799] => sk [800] => ski [801] => sky [802] => skype [803] => sl [804] => sm [805] => sn [806] => sncf [807] => so [808] => soccer [809] => social [810] => software [811] => sohu [812] => solar [813] => solutions [814] => sony [815] => soy [816] => space [817] => spiegel [818] => spreadbetting [819] => sr [820] => srl [821] => st [822] => stada [823] => starhub [824] => statoil [825] => stc [826] => stcgroup [827] => stockholm [828] => studio [829] => study [830] => style [831] => su [832] => sucks [833] => supplies [834] => supply [835] => support [836] => surf [837] => surgery [838] => suzuki [839] => sv [840] => swatch [841] => swiss [842] => sx [843] => sy [844] => sydney [845] => systems [846] => sz [847] => taipei [848] => tatamotors [849] => tatar [850] => tattoo [851] => tax [852] => taxi [853] => tc [854] => td [855] => team [856] => tech [857] => technology [858] => tel [859] => telefonica [860] => temasek [861] => tennis [862] => tf [863] => tg [864] => th [865] => thd [866] => theater [867] => theatre [868] => tickets [869] => tienda [870] => tips [871] => tires [872] => tirol [873] => tj [874] => tk [875] => tl [876] => tm [877] => tn [878] => to [879] => today [880] => tokyo [881] => tools [882] => top [883] => toray [884] => toshiba [885] => tours [886] => town [887] => toyota [888] => toys [889] => tr [890] => trade [891] => trading [892] => training [893] => travel [894] => trust [895] => tt [896] => tui [897] => tv [898] => tw [899] => tz [900] => ua [901] => ubs [902] => ug [903] => uk [904] => university [905] => uno [906] => uol [907] => us [908] => uy [909] => uz [910] => va [911] => vacations [912] => vc [913] => ve [914] => vegas [915] => ventures [916] => versicherung [917] => vet [918] => vg [919] => vi [920] => viajes [921] => video [922] => villas [923] => vin [924] => virgin [925] => vision [926] => vista [927] => vistaprint [928] => viva [929] => vlaanderen [930] => vn [931] => vodka [932] => vote [933] => voting [934] => voto [935] => voyage [936] => vu [937] => wales [938] => walter [939] => wang [940] => watch [941] => webcam [942] => website [943] => wed [944] => wedding [945] => weir [946] => wf [947] => whoswho [948] => wien [949] => wiki [950] => williamhill [951] => win [952] => windows [953] => wine [954] => wme [955] => work [956] => works [957] => world [958] => ws [959] => wtc [960] => wtf [961] => xbox [962] => xerox [963] => xin [964] => xn--11b4c3d [965] => xn--1qqw23a [966] => xn--30rr7y [967] => xn--3bst00m [968] => xn--3ds443g [969] => xn--3e0b707e [970] => xn--3pxu8k [971] => xn--42c2d9a [972] => xn--45brj9c [973] => xn--45q11c [974] => xn--4gbrim [975] => xn--55qw42g [976] => xn--55qx5d [977] => xn--6frz82g [978] => xn--6qq986b3xl [979] => xn--80adxhks [980] => xn--80ao21a [981] => xn--80asehdb [982] => xn--80aswg [983] => xn--90a3ac [984] => xn--90ais [985] => xn--9dbq2a [986] => xn--9et52u [987] => xn--b4w605ferd [988] => xn--c1avg [989] => xn--c2br7g [990] => xn--cg4bki [991] => xn--clchc0ea0b2g2a9gcd [992] => xn--czr694b [993] => xn--czrs0t [994] => xn--czru2d [995] => xn--d1acj3b [996] => xn--d1alf [997] => xn--efvy88h [998] => xn--estv75g [999] => xn--fhbei [1000] => xn--fiq228c5hs [1001] => xn--fiq64b [1002] => xn--fiqs8s [1003] => xn--fiqz9s [1004] => xn--fjq720a [1005] => xn--flw351e [1006] => xn--fpcrj9c3d [1007] => xn--fzc2c9e2c [1008] => xn--gecrj9c [1009] => xn--h2brj9c [1010] => xn--hxt814e [1011] => xn--i1b6b1a6a2e [1012] => xn--imr513n [1013] => xn--io0a7i [1014] => xn--j1aef [1015] => xn--j1amh [1016] => xn--j6w193g [1017] => xn--kcrx77d1x4a [1018] => xn--kprw13d [1019] => xn--kpry57d [1020] => xn--kput3i [1021] => xn--l1acc [1022] => xn--lgbbat1ad8j [1023] => xn--mgb9awbf [1024] => xn--mgba3a3ejt [1025] => xn--mgba3a4f16a [1026] => xn--mgbaam7a8h [1027] => xn--mgbab2bd [1028] => xn--mgbayh7gpa [1029] => xn--mgbbh1a71e [1030] => xn--mgbc0a9azcg [1031] => xn--mgberp4a5d4ar [1032] => xn--mgbpl2fh [1033] => xn--mgbx4cd0ab [1034] => xn--mk1bu44c [1035] => xn--mxtq1m [1036] => xn--ngbc5azd [1037] => xn--node [1038] => xn--nqv7f [1039] => xn--nqv7fs00ema [1040] => xn--nyqy26a [1041] => xn--o3cw4h [1042] => xn--ogbpf8fl [1043] => xn--p1acf [1044] => xn--p1ai [1045] => xn--pgbs0dh [1046] => xn--pssy2u [1047] => xn--q9jyb4c [1048] => xn--qcka1pmc [1049] => xn--rhqv96g [1050] => xn--s9brj9c [1051] => xn--ses554g [1052] => xn--t60b56a [1053] => xn--tckwe [1054] => xn--unup4y [1055] => xn--vermgensberater-ctb [1056] => xn--vermgensberatung-pwb [1057] => xn--vhquv [1058] => xn--vuq861b [1059] => xn--wgbh1c [1060] => xn--wgbl6a [1061] => xn--xhq521b [1062] => xn--xkc2al3hye2a [1063] => xn--xkc2dl3a5ee0h [1064] => xn--y9a3aq [1065] => xn--yfro4i67o [1066] => xn--ygbi2ammx [1067] => xn--zfr164b [1068] => xperia [1069] => xxx [1070] => xyz [1071] => yachts [1072] => yamaxun [1073] => yandex [1074] => ye [1075] => yodobashi [1076] => yoga [1077] => yokohama [1078] => youtube [1079] => yt [1080] => za [1081] => zara [1082] => zip [1083] => zm [1084] => zone [1085] => zuerich [1086] => zw [1087] => 测试 [1088] => परीक्षा [1089] => 佛山 [1090] => 集团 [1091] => 在线 [1092] => 한국 [1093] => ভারত [1094] => 八卦 [1095] => موقع [1096] => বাংলা [1097] => 公益 [1098] => 公司 [1099] => 移动 [1100] => 我爱你 [1101] => москва [1102] => испытание [1103] => қаз [1104] => онлайн [1105] => сайт [1106] => срб [1107] => бел [1108] => 테스트 [1109] => орг [1110] => 삼성 [1111] => சிங்கப்பூர் [1112] => 商标 [1113] => 商城 [1114] => дети [1115] => мкд [1116] => טעסט [1117] => 中文网 [1118] => 中信 [1119] => 中国 [1120] => 中國 [1121] => 谷歌 [1122] => భారత్ [1123] => ලංකා [1124] => 測試 [1125] => ભારત [1126] => भारत [1127] => آزمایشی [1128] => பரிட்சை [1129] => संगठन [1130] => 网络 [1131] => укр [1132] => 香港 [1133] => δοκιμή [1134] => إختبار [1135] => 台湾 [1136] => 台灣 [1137] => 手机 [1138] => мон [1139] => الجزائر [1140] => عمان [1141] => ایران [1142] => امارات [1143] => بازار [1144] => پاکستان [1145] => الاردن [1146] => بھارت [1147] => المغرب [1148] => السعودية [1149] => سودان [1150] => عراق [1151] => مليسيا [1152] => شبكة [1153] => გე [1154] => 机构 [1155] => 组织机构 [1156] => ไทย [1157] => سورية [1158] => рус [1159] => рф [1160] => تونس [1161] => みんな [1162] => グーグル [1163] => 世界 [1164] => ਭਾਰਤ [1165] => 网址 [1166] => 游戏 [1167] => vermögensberater [1168] => vermögensberatung [1169] => 企业 [1170] => مصر [1171] => قطر [1172] => 广东 [1173] => இலங்கை [1174] => இந்தியா [1175] => հայ [1176] => 新加坡 [1177] => فلسطين [1178] => テスト [1179] => 政务 ) [_tld:protected] => [_validIdns:protected] => Array ( [AC] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿāăąćĉċčďđēėęěĝġģĥħīįĵķĺļľŀłńņňŋőœŕŗřśŝşšţťŧūŭůűųŵŷźżž]{1,63}$/iu ) [AR] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-ãç-êìíñ-õü]{1,63}$/iu ) [AS] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿāăąćĉċčďđēĕėęěĝğġģĥħĩīĭįıĵķĸĺļľłńņňŋōŏőœŕŗřśŝşšţťŧũūŭůűųŵŷźż]{1,63}$/iu ) [AT] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿœšž]{1,63}$/iu ) [BIZ] => Hostname/Biz.php [BR] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-ãçéíó-õúü]{1,63}$/iu ) [BV] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáä-éêñ-ôöøüčđńŋšŧž]{1,63}$/iu ) [CA] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàâæçéèêëîïôœùûüÿ\x{00E0}\x{00E2}\x{00E7}\x{00E8}\x{00E9}\x{00EA}\x{00EB}\x{00EE}\x{00EF}\x{00F4}\x{00F9}\x{00FB}\x{00FC}\x{00E6}\x{0153}\x{00FF}]{1,63}$/iu ) [CAT] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-z·àç-éíïòóúü]{1,63}$/iu ) [CH] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿœ]{1,63}$/iu ) [CL] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíñóúü]{1,63}$/iu ) [CN] => Hostname/Cn.php [COM] => Hostname/Com.php [DE] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿăąāćĉčċďđĕěėęēğĝġģĥħĭĩįīıĵķĺľļłńňņŋŏőōœĸŕřŗśŝšşťßţŧŭůűũųūŵŷźžż]{1,63}$/iu ) [DK] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäéöüæøå]{1,63}$/iu ) [ES] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáçèéíïñòóúü·]{1,63}$/iu ) [EU] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿ]{1,63}$/iu [2] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zāăąćĉċčďđēĕėęěĝğġģĥħĩīĭįıĵķĺļľŀłńņňʼnŋōŏőœŕŗřśŝšťŧũūŭůűųŵŷźżž]{1,63}$/iu [3] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zșț]{1,63}$/iu [4] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zΐάέήίΰαβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψωϊϋόύώ]{1,63}$/iu [5] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя]{1,63}$/iu [6] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zἀ-ἇἐ-ἕἠ-ἧἰ-ἷὀ-ὅὐ-ὗὠ-ὧὰ-ὼώᾀ-ᾇᾐ-ᾗᾠ-ᾧᾰ-ᾴᾶᾷῂῃῄῆῇῐ-ῒΐῖῗῠ-ῧῲῳῴῶῷ]{1,63}$/iu ) [FI] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäåö]{1,63}$/iu ) [GR] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zΆΈΉΊΌΎ-ΡΣ-ώἀ-ἕἘ-Ἕἠ-ὅὈ-Ὅὐ-ὗὙὛὝὟ-ώᾀ-ᾴᾶ-ᾼῂῃῄῆ-ῌῐ-ΐῖ-Ίῠ-Ῥῲῳῴῶ-ῼ]{1,63}$/iu ) [HK] => Hostname/Cn.php [HU] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíóöúüőű]{1,63}$/iu ) [IL] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9\x{05D0}-\x{05EA}]{1,63}$/iu [2] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-z]{1,63}$/i ) [INFO] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäåæéöøü]{1,63}$/iu [2] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíóöúüőű]{1,63}$/iu [3] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záæéíðóöúýþ]{1,63}$/iu [4] => /^[\x{AC00}-\x{D7A3}]{1,17}$/iu [5] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zāčēģīķļņōŗšūž]{1,63}$/iu [6] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-ząčėęįšūųž]{1,63}$/iu [7] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zóąćęłńśźż]{1,63}$/iu [8] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíñóúü]{1,63}$/iu ) [IO] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿăąāćĉčċďđĕěėęēğĝġģĥħĭĩįīıĵķĺľļłńňņŋŏőōœĸŕřŗśŝšşťţŧŭůűũųūŵŷźžż]{1,63}$/iu ) [IS] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéýúíóþæöð]{1,63}$/iu ) [IT] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàâäèéêëìîïòôöùûüæœçÿß-]{1,63}$/iu ) [JP] => Hostname/Jp.php [KR] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{AC00}-\x{D7A3}]{1,17}$/iu ) [LI] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿœ]{1,63}$/iu ) [LT] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9ąčęėįšųūž]{1,63}$/iu ) [MD] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9ăâîşţ]{1,63}$/iu ) [MUSEUM] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿāăąćċčďđēėęěğġģħīįıķĺļľłńņňŋōőœŕŗřśşšţťŧūůűųŵŷźżžǎǐǒǔ\x{01E5}\x{01E7}\x{01E9}\x{01EF}ə\x{0292}ẁẃẅỳ]{1,63}$/iu ) [NET] => Hostname/Com.php [NO] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáä-éêñ-ôöøüčđńŋšŧž]{1,63}$/iu ) [NU] => Hostname/Com.php [ORG] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíñóúü]{1,63}$/iu [2] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zóąćęłńśźż]{1,63}$/iu [3] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záäåæéëíðóöøúüýþ]{1,63}$/iu [4] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíóöúüőű]{1,63}$/iu [5] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-ząčėęįšūųž]{1,63}$/iu [6] => /^[\x{AC00}-\x{D7A3}]{1,17}$/iu [7] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zāčēģīķļņōŗšūž]{1,63}$/iu ) [PE] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zñáéíóúü]{1,63}$/iu ) [PL] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zāčēģīķļņōŗšūž]{1,63}$/iu [2] => /^[\x{002d}а-ик-ш\x{0450}ѓѕјљњќџ]{1,63}$/iu [3] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zâîăşţ]{1,63}$/iu [4] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-яё\x{04C2}]{1,63}$/iu [5] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáâèéêìíîòóôùúûċġħż]{1,63}$/iu [6] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàäåæéêòóôöøü]{1,63}$/iu [7] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zóąćęłńśźż]{1,63}$/iu [8] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáâãçéêíòóôõúü]{1,63}$/iu [9] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zâîăşţ]{1,63}$/iu [10] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záäéíóôúýčďĺľňŕšťž]{1,63}$/iu [11] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zçë]{1,63}$/iu [12] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-ик-шђјљњћџ]{1,63}$/iu [13] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zćčđšž]{1,63}$/iu [14] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zâçöûüğış]{1,63}$/iu [15] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíñóúü]{1,63}$/iu [16] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäõöüšž]{1,63}$/iu [17] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zĉĝĥĵŝŭ]{1,63}$/iu [18] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zâäéëîô]{1,63}$/iu [19] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáâäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòôöøùúûüýćčłńřśš]{1,63}$/iu [20] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäåæõöøüšž]{1,63}$/iu [21] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáçèéìíòóùú]{1,63}$/iu [22] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáéíóöúüőű]{1,63}$/iu [23] => /^[\x{002d}0-9ΐά-ώ]{1,63}$/iu [24] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáâåæçèéêëðóôöøüþœ]{1,63}$/iu [25] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záäéíóöúüýčďěňřšťůž]{1,63}$/iu [26] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-z·àçèéíïòóúü]{1,63}$/iu [27] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-ъьюя\x{0450}\x{045D}]{1,63}$/iu [28] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-яёіў]{1,63}$/iu [29] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-ząčėęįšūųž]{1,63}$/iu [30] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záäåæéëíðóöøúüýþ]{1,63}$/iu [31] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàâæçèéêëîïñôùûüÿœ]{1,63}$/iu [32] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-щъыьэюяёєіїґ]{1,63}$/iu [33] => /^[\x{002d}0-9א-ת]{1,63}$/iu ) [PR] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíóúñäëïüöâêîôûàèùæçœãõ]{1,63}$/iu ) [PT] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záàâãçéêíóôõú]{1,63}$/iu ) [RS] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002D}\x{0030}-\x{0039}\x{0061}-\x{007A}\x{0107}\x{010D}\x{0111}\x{0161}\x{017E}]{1,63}$/iu) ) [RU] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-яё]{1,63}$/iu ) [SA] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}.0-9\x{0621}-\x{063A}\x{0641}-\x{064A}\x{0660}-\x{0669}]{1,63}$/iu ) [SE] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäåéöü]{1,63}$/iu ) [SH] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿăąāćĉčċďđĕěėęēğĝġģĥħĭĩįīıĵķĺľļłńňņŋŏőōœĸŕřŗśŝšşťţŧŭůűũųūŵŷźžż]{1,63}$/iu ) [SI] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿ]{1,63}$/iu [2] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zāăąćĉċčďđēĕėęěĝğġģĥħĩīĭįıĵķĺļľŀłńņňʼnŋōŏőœŕŗřśŝšťŧũūŭůűųŵŷźżž]{1,63}$/iu [3] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zșț]{1,63}$/iu ) [SJ] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáä-éêñ-ôöøüčđńŋšŧž]{1,63}$/iu ) [TH] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-z\x{0E01}-\x{0E3A}\x{0E40}-\x{0E4D}\x{0E50}-\x{0E59}]{1,63}$/iu ) [TM] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿāăąćĉċčďđēėęěĝġģĥħīįĵķĺļľŀłńņňŋőœŕŗřśŝşšţťŧūŭůűųŵŷźżž]{1,63}$/iu ) [TW] => Hostname/Cn.php [TR] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zğıüşöç]{1,63}$/iu ) [UA] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюяѐёђѓєѕіїјљњћќѝўџґӂʼ]{1,63}$/iu ) [VE] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíóúüñ]{1,63}$/iu ) [VN] => Array ( [1] => /^[ÀÁÂÃÈÉÊÌÍÒÓÔÕÙÚÝàáâãèéêìíòóôõùúýĂăĐđĨĩŨũƠơƯư\x{1EA0}-\x{1EF9}]{1,63}$/iu ) [мон] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9\x{0430}-\x{044F}]{1,63}$/iu ) [срб] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-ик-шђјљњћџ]{1,63}$/iu ) [сайт] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-яёіїѝйўґг]{1,63}$/iu ) [онлайн] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-яёіїѝйўґг]{1,63}$/iu ) [中国] => Hostname/Cn.php [中國] => Hostname/Cn.php [ලංකා] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0d80}-\x{0dff}]{1,63}$/iu ) [香港] => Hostname/Cn.php [台湾] => Hostname/Cn.php [台灣] => Hostname/Cn.php [امارات] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu ) [الاردن] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu ) [السعودية] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu ) [ไทย] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-z\x{0E01}-\x{0E3A}\x{0E40}-\x{0E4D}\x{0E50}-\x{0E59}]{1,63}$/iu ) [рф] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-яё]{1,63}$/iu ) [تونس] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu ) [مصر] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu ) [இலங்கை] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0b80}-\x{0bff}]{1,63}$/iu ) [فلسطين] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu ) [شبكة] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu ) ) [_idnLength:protected] => Array ( [BIZ] => Array ( [5] => 17 [11] => 15 [12] => 20 ) [CN] => Array ( [1] => 20 ) [COM] => Array ( [3] => 17 [5] => 20 ) [HK] => Array ( [1] => 15 ) [INFO] => Array ( [4] => 17 ) [KR] => Array ( [1] => 17 ) [NET] => Array ( [3] => 17 [5] => 20 ) [ORG] => Array ( [6] => 17 ) [TW] => Array ( [1] => 20 ) [ایران] => Array ( [1] => 30 ) [中国] => Array ( [1] => 20 ) [公司] => Array ( [1] => 20 ) [网络] => Array ( [1] => 20 ) ) [_options:protected] => Array ( [allow] => 1 [idn] => 1 [tld] => 1 [ip] => Zend_Validate_Ip Object ( [_messageTemplates:protected] => Array ( [ipInvalid] => Invalid type given. String expected [notIpAddress] => '%value%' does not appear to be a valid IP address ) [_options:protected] => Array ( [allowipv6] => 1 [allowipv4] => 1 ) [_value:protected] => [_messageVariables:protected] => Array ( ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_obscureValue:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => ) ) [_value:protected] => [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_obscureValue:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => ) ) [_value:protected] => [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_obscureValue:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [zfBreakChainOnFailure] => ) ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => Zend_View Object ( [_useViewStream:Zend_View:private] => [_useStreamWrapper:Zend_View:private] => [_path:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [script] => Array ( ) [helper] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( ) ) [_file:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => [_helper:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype Object ( [_defaultDoctype:protected] => HTML4_LOOSE [_registry:protected] => ArrayObject Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [doctypes] => Array ( [XHTML11] => [XHTML1_STRICT] => [XHTML1_TRANSITIONAL] => [XHTML1_FRAMESET] => [XHTML1_RDFA] => [XHTML1_RDFA11] => [XHTML_BASIC1] => [XHTML5] => [HTML4_STRICT] => [HTML4_LOOSE] => [HTML4_FRAMESET] => [HTML5] => ) [doctype] => HTML5 ) ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta Object ( [_typeKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => name [1] => http-equiv [2] => charset [3] => property ) [_requiredKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => content ) [_modifierKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => lang [1] => scheme ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate Object ( [_translator:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea Object ( [rows] => 24 [cols] => 80 [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) ) [_helperLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_helperLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filter:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterClass:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_escape:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => htmlspecialchars [_encoding:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => UTF-8 [_lfiProtectionOn:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => 1 [_loaders:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [filter] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [helper] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Helper/ ) [Custom_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Custom/View/Helper/ ) [Cgsmith_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Cgsmith/View/Helper/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/View/Helper/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_loaderTypes:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [0] => filter [1] => helper ) [_strictVars:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => ) [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => email [placeholder] => Mail [class] => form-control ) [codepostal] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object ( [helper] => formText [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper Object ( [_buttonTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Form_Element_Button [1] => Zend_Form_Element_Reset [2] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit ) [_helper:protected] => formText [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors Object ( [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description Object ( [_escape:protected] => [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_tag:protected] => [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) [_separator:protected] => ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim Object ( [_charList:protected] => ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Code postal [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper [Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors [Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [FILTER] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => codepostal [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => 1 [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => Zend_View Object ( [_useViewStream:Zend_View:private] => [_useStreamWrapper:Zend_View:private] => [_path:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [script] => Array ( ) [helper] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( ) ) [_file:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => [_helper:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype Object ( [_defaultDoctype:protected] => HTML4_LOOSE [_registry:protected] => ArrayObject Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [doctypes] => Array ( [XHTML11] => [XHTML1_STRICT] => [XHTML1_TRANSITIONAL] => [XHTML1_FRAMESET] => [XHTML1_RDFA] => [XHTML1_RDFA11] => [XHTML_BASIC1] => [XHTML5] => [HTML4_STRICT] => [HTML4_LOOSE] => [HTML4_FRAMESET] => [HTML5] => ) [doctype] => HTML5 ) ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta Object ( [_typeKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => name [1] => http-equiv [2] => charset [3] => property ) [_requiredKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => content ) [_modifierKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => lang [1] => scheme ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate Object ( [_translator:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea Object ( [rows] => 24 [cols] => 80 [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) ) [_helperLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_helperLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filter:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterClass:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_escape:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => htmlspecialchars [_encoding:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => UTF-8 [_lfiProtectionOn:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => 1 [_loaders:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [filter] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [helper] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Helper/ ) [Custom_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Custom/View/Helper/ ) [Cgsmith_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Cgsmith/View/Helper/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/View/Helper/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_loaderTypes:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [0] => filter [1] => helper ) [_strictVars:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => ) [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => codepostal [placeholder] => Code postal [class] => form-control ) [informations] => Zend_Form_Element_Textarea Object ( [helper] => formTextarea [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper Object ( [_buttonTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Form_Element_Button [1] => Zend_Form_Element_Reset [2] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit ) [_helper:protected] => formTextarea [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Textarea Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors Object ( [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Textarea Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description Object ( [_escape:protected] => [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_tag:protected] => [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Textarea Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) [_separator:protected] => ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim Object ( [_charList:protected] => ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Informations complémentaires : [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper [Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors [Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [FILTER] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Zend_Filter_StringTrim ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => informations [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => Zend_View Object ( [_useViewStream:Zend_View:private] => [_useStreamWrapper:Zend_View:private] => [_path:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [script] => Array ( ) [helper] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( ) ) [_file:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => [_helper:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype Object ( [_defaultDoctype:protected] => HTML4_LOOSE [_registry:protected] => ArrayObject Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [doctypes] => Array ( [XHTML11] => [XHTML1_STRICT] => [XHTML1_TRANSITIONAL] => [XHTML1_FRAMESET] => [XHTML1_RDFA] => [XHTML1_RDFA11] => [XHTML_BASIC1] => [XHTML5] => [HTML4_STRICT] => [HTML4_LOOSE] => [HTML4_FRAMESET] => [HTML5] => ) [doctype] => HTML5 ) ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta Object ( [_typeKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => name [1] => http-equiv [2] => charset [3] => property ) [_requiredKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => content ) [_modifierKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => lang [1] => scheme ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate Object ( [_translator:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea Object ( [rows] => 24 [cols] => 80 [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) ) [_helperLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_helperLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filter:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterClass:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_escape:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => htmlspecialchars [_encoding:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => UTF-8 [_lfiProtectionOn:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => 1 [_loaders:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [filter] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [helper] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Helper/ ) [Custom_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Custom/View/Helper/ ) [Cgsmith_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Cgsmith/View/Helper/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/View/Helper/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_loaderTypes:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [0] => filter [1] => helper ) [_strictVars:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => ) [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => informations [class] => form-control ) [g-recaptcha-response] => Cgsmith\Form\Element\Recaptcha Object ( [helper] => formRecaptcha [_siteKey:protected] => 6LeBsB0TAAAAAJiVJzXaYzz7nK2dF1fyMOjitWqZ [_secretKey:protected] => 6LeBsB0TAAAAAP8dwt_Q9kvnryFvO0P1xHyg44el [_allowEmpty:protected] => [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper Object ( [_buttonTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Form_Element_Button [1] => Zend_Form_Element_Reset [2] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit ) [_helper:protected] => formRecaptcha [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Cgsmith\Form\Element\Recaptcha Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors Object ( [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Cgsmith\Form\Element\Recaptcha Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description Object ( [_escape:protected] => [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_tag:protected] => [_element:protected] => Cgsmith\Form\Element\Recaptcha Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) [_separator:protected] => ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper [Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors [Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => grecaptcharesponse [_order:protected] => 40 [_required:protected] => [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( [Recaptcha] => Array ( [validator] => Recaptcha [breakChainOnFailure] => [options] => Array ( [secretKey] => 6LeBsB0TAAAAAP8dwt_Q9kvnryFvO0P1xHyg44el ) ) ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => Zend_View Object ( [_useViewStream:Zend_View:private] => [_useStreamWrapper:Zend_View:private] => [_path:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [script] => Array ( ) [helper] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( ) ) [_file:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => [_helper:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype Object ( [_defaultDoctype:protected] => HTML4_LOOSE [_registry:protected] => ArrayObject Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [doctypes] => Array ( [XHTML11] => [XHTML1_STRICT] => [XHTML1_TRANSITIONAL] => [XHTML1_FRAMESET] => [XHTML1_RDFA] => [XHTML1_RDFA11] => [XHTML_BASIC1] => [XHTML5] => [HTML4_STRICT] => [HTML4_LOOSE] => [HTML4_FRAMESET] => [HTML5] => ) [doctype] => HTML5 ) ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta Object ( [_typeKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => name [1] => http-equiv [2] => charset [3] => property ) [_requiredKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => content ) [_modifierKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => lang [1] => scheme ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate Object ( [_translator:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea Object ( [rows] => 24 [cols] => 80 [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) ) [_helperLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_helperLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filter:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterClass:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_escape:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => htmlspecialchars [_encoding:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => UTF-8 [_lfiProtectionOn:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => 1 [_loaders:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [filter] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [helper] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Helper/ ) [Custom_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Custom/View/Helper/ ) [Cgsmith_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Cgsmith/View/Helper/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/View/Helper/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_loaderTypes:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [0] => filter [1] => helper ) [_strictVars:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => ) [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [siteKey] => 6LeBsB0TAAAAAJiVJzXaYzz7nK2dF1fyMOjitWqZ [secretKey] => 6LeBsB0TAAAAAP8dwt_Q9kvnryFvO0P1xHyg44el [messages] => Array ( [invalidCaptcha] => Code invalide [captchaEmpty] => Code Vide ) [id] => grecaptcharesponse ) [formulaire_id] => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden Object ( [helper] => formHidden [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper Object ( [_buttonTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Form_Element_Button [1] => Zend_Form_Element_Reset [2] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit ) [_helper:protected] => formHidden [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors Object ( [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description Object ( [_escape:protected] => [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_tag:protected] => [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) [_separator:protected] => ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( ) [_ignore:protected] => 1 [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper [Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors [Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => formulaire_id [_order:protected] => [_required:protected] => [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => 2134 [_view:protected] => Zend_View Object ( [_useViewStream:Zend_View:private] => [_useStreamWrapper:Zend_View:private] => [_path:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [script] => Array ( ) [helper] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( ) ) [_file:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => [_helper:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype Object ( [_defaultDoctype:protected] => HTML4_LOOSE [_registry:protected] => ArrayObject Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [doctypes] => Array ( [XHTML11] => [XHTML1_STRICT] => [XHTML1_TRANSITIONAL] => [XHTML1_FRAMESET] => [XHTML1_RDFA] => [XHTML1_RDFA11] => [XHTML_BASIC1] => [XHTML5] => [HTML4_STRICT] => [HTML4_LOOSE] => [HTML4_FRAMESET] => [HTML5] => ) [doctype] => HTML5 ) ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta Object ( [_typeKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => name [1] => http-equiv [2] => charset [3] => property ) [_requiredKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => content ) [_modifierKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => lang [1] => scheme ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate Object ( [_translator:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea Object ( [rows] => 24 [cols] => 80 [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) ) [_helperLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_helperLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filter:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterClass:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_escape:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => htmlspecialchars [_encoding:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => UTF-8 [_lfiProtectionOn:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => 1 [_loaders:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [filter] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [helper] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Helper/ ) [Custom_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Custom/View/Helper/ ) [Cgsmith_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Cgsmith/View/Helper/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/View/Helper/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_loaderTypes:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [0] => filter [1] => helper ) [_strictVars:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => ) [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => formulaire_id ) [mnst_id] => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden Object ( [helper] => formHidden [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper Object ( [_buttonTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Form_Element_Button [1] => Zend_Form_Element_Reset [2] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit ) [_helper:protected] => formHidden [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors Object ( [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description Object ( [_escape:protected] => [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_tag:protected] => [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) [_separator:protected] => ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( ) [_ignore:protected] => 1 [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper [Errors] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Errors [Description] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Description ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => mnst_id [_order:protected] => [_required:protected] => [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => Zend_View Object ( [_useViewStream:Zend_View:private] => [_useStreamWrapper:Zend_View:private] => [_path:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [script] => Array ( ) [helper] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( ) ) [_file:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => [_helper:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype Object ( [_defaultDoctype:protected] => HTML4_LOOSE [_registry:protected] => ArrayObject Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [doctypes] => Array ( [XHTML11] => [XHTML1_STRICT] => [XHTML1_TRANSITIONAL] => [XHTML1_FRAMESET] => [XHTML1_RDFA] => [XHTML1_RDFA11] => [XHTML_BASIC1] => [XHTML5] => [HTML4_STRICT] => [HTML4_LOOSE] => [HTML4_FRAMESET] => [HTML5] => ) [doctype] => HTML5 ) ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta Object ( [_typeKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => name [1] => http-equiv [2] => charset [3] => property ) [_requiredKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => content ) [_modifierKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => lang [1] => scheme ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate Object ( [_translator:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea Object ( [rows] => 24 [cols] => 80 [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) ) [_helperLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_helperLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filter:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterClass:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_escape:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => htmlspecialchars [_encoding:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => UTF-8 [_lfiProtectionOn:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => 1 [_loaders:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [filter] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [helper] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Helper/ ) [Custom_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Custom/View/Helper/ ) [Cgsmith_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Cgsmith/View/Helper/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/View/Helper/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_loaderTypes:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [0] => filter [1] => helper ) [_strictVars:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => ) [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => mnst_id ) [submit] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit Object ( [helper] => formSubmit [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_Tooltip] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Tooltip Object ( [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) [Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper Object ( [_buttonTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Form_Element_Button [1] => Zend_Form_Element_Reset [2] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit ) [_helper:protected] => formSubmit [_placement:protected] => APPEND [_element:protected] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit Object *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_separator:protected] => ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( ) [_ignore:protected] => 1 [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Envoyer [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [Tooltip] => Zend_Form_Decorator_Tooltip [ViewHelper] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelper ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => submit [_order:protected] => 50 [_required:protected] => [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => Zend_View Object ( [_useViewStream:Zend_View:private] => [_useStreamWrapper:Zend_View:private] => [_path:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [script] => Array ( ) [helper] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( ) ) [_file:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => [_helper:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype Object ( [_defaultDoctype:protected] => HTML4_LOOSE [_registry:protected] => ArrayObject Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [doctypes] => Array ( [XHTML11] => [XHTML1_STRICT] => [XHTML1_TRANSITIONAL] => [XHTML1_FRAMESET] => [XHTML1_RDFA] => [XHTML1_RDFA11] => [XHTML_BASIC1] => [XHTML5] => [HTML4_STRICT] => [HTML4_LOOSE] => [HTML4_FRAMESET] => [HTML5] => ) [doctype] => HTML5 ) ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta Object ( [_typeKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => name [1] => http-equiv [2] => charset [3] => property ) [_requiredKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => content ) [_modifierKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => lang [1] => scheme ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => charset [charset] => UTF-8 [content] => [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => http-equiv [http-equiv] => Content-Type [content] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate Object ( [_translator:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit Object ( [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => > [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea Object ( [rows] => 24 [cols] => 80 [_translator:protected] => [_closingBracket:protected] => [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) ) [_helperLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_helperLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filter:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterClass:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_escape:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => htmlspecialchars [_encoding:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => UTF-8 [_lfiProtectionOn:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => 1 [_loaders:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [filter] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [helper] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [Translate] => Zend_View_Helper_Translate [FormText] => Zend_View_Helper_FormText [FormSelect] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSelect [FormRecaptcha] => Cgsmith_View_Helper_FormRecaptcha [FormHidden] => Zend_View_Helper_FormHidden [FormSubmit] => Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit [FormTextarea] => Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Helper/ ) [Custom_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Custom/View/Helper/ ) [Cgsmith_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Cgsmith/View/Helper/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/View/Helper/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_loaderTypes:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [0] => filter [1] => helper ) [_strictVars:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => ) [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => searchsubmit [class] => searchsubmit ) ) [_elementsBelongTo:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorsExist:protected] => [_errorsForced:protected] => [_formOrder:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_legend:protected] => [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [File] => Zend_Form_Decorator_File [ViewScript] => Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewScript ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => 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[formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [4] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16464 [champ_nom] => modele [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Modèle [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => 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[formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [6] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16466 [champ_nom] => etatecran [champ_type] => 5 [champ_label] => Dans quel état est l’écran ? [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [7] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16467 [champ_nom] => etatcoque [champ_type] => 5 [champ_label] => Quel est l'état de la coque ? [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [8] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16468 [champ_nom] => produit [champ_type] => 5 [champ_label] => Votre produit est-il fonctionnel ? [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [9] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16500 [champ_nom] => capacite [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Capacité [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) ) [fMultichoix] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Oui] => 16799 [Non] => 16800 ) [1] => Array ( [intact] => 16801 [micro-rayure] => 16802 [rayures] => 16803 [cassé] => 16804 ) [2] => Array ( [intact] => 16805 [micro-rayure] => 16806 [rayures] => 16807 [cassé] => 16808 ) [3] => Array ( [Oui] => 16809 [Non] => 16810 ) ) [politique] => [_attribs:protected] => Array ( [method] => post [enctype] => multipart/form-data [action] => soumettre-un-dossier [id] => soumettre-un-dossier [name] => Soumettreundossier ) [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [File] => Array ( [decorator] => File [options] => ) [ViewScript] => Array ( [decorator] => ViewScript [options] => Array ( [viewScript] => soumettre-un-dossier.phtml [fChamps] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16460 [champ_nom] => nom [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Nom [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 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[champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [2] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16462 [champ_nom] => telephone [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Téléphone [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 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1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [4] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16464 [champ_nom] => modele [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Modèle [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [5] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16465 [champ_nom] => oparateur [champ_type] => 5 [champ_label] => Debloqué tout oparateur [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [6] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16466 [champ_nom] => etatecran [champ_type] => 5 [champ_label] => Dans quel état est l’écran ? [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [7] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16467 [champ_nom] => etatcoque [champ_type] => 5 [champ_label] => Quel est l'état de la coque ? [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [8] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16468 [champ_nom] => produit [champ_type] => 5 [champ_label] => Votre produit est-il fonctionnel ? [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) [9] => Array ( [champ_id] => 16500 [champ_nom] => capacite [champ_type] => 0 [champ_label] => Capacité [champ_etat] => 1 [champ_obligatoire] => 1 [champ_html] => 1 [champ_formulaire] => 2133 [champ_ordre] => 0 [champ_array] => 0 [champ_equivalence] => [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) ) [fMultichoix] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Oui] => 16799 [Non] => 16800 ) [1] => Array ( [intact] => 16801 [micro-rayure] => 16802 [rayures] => 16803 [cassé] => 16804 ) [2] => Array ( [intact] => 16805 [micro-rayure] => 16806 [rayures] => 16807 [cassé] => 16808 ) [3] => Array ( [Oui] => 16809 [Non] => 16810 ) ) [myForm] => Array ( [formulaire_id] => 2133 [formulaire_nom] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_url] => soumettre-un-dossier [formulaire_titre] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_meta_description] => [formulaire_objet] => Soumettre un dossier [formulaire_mail] => [formulaire_mail_destination] => [formulaire_meta_title] => [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_icon] => icon-th-large [formulaire_sidebar] => 1 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_sms] => 0 [formulaire_mobile] => 0 [formulaire_module] => 0 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_contact] => 0 [formulaire_adwords] => [formulaire_facebook] => [formulaire_sitemap] => 1 [formulaire_plan] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_hook] => [formulaire_index] => 0 ) ) ) ) [_defaultDisplayGroupClass:protected] => Zend_Form_DisplayGroup [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => 1 [_displayGroupPrefixPaths:protected] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [prefix] => ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator [path] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator ) ) [_displayGroups:protected] => Array ( ) [_elementDecorators:protected] => [_elementPrefixPaths:protected] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [prefix] => ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator [path] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator [type] => decorator ) [1] => Array ( [prefix] => Cgsmith\Validate\ [path] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ [type] => VALIDATE ) ) [_elements:protected] => Array ( [nom] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object ( [helper] => formText [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Array ( [decorator] => ViewHelper [options] => ) [Errors] => Array ( [decorator] => Errors [options] => ) [Description] => Array ( [decorator] => Description [options] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Array ( [filter] => StringTrim [options] => Array ( ) ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Nom [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => nom [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => 1 [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => nom [placeholder] => Nom [class] => form-control ) [email] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object ( [helper] => formText [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Array ( [decorator] => ViewHelper [options] => ) [Errors] => Array ( [decorator] => Errors [options] => ) [Description] => Array ( [decorator] => Description [options] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Array ( [filter] => StringTrim [options] => Array ( ) ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Mail [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => email [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => 1 [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_EmailAddress] => Zend_Validate_EmailAddress Object ( [_messageTemplates:protected] => Array ( [emailAddressInvalid] => Invalid type given. String expected [emailAddressInvalidFormat] => '%value%' is not a valid email address in the basic format local-part@hostname [emailAddressInvalidHostname] => '%hostname%' is not a valid hostname for email address '%value%' [emailAddressInvalidMxRecord] => '%hostname%' does not appear to have a valid MX record for the email address '%value%' [emailAddressInvalidSegment] => '%hostname%' is not in a routable network segment. The email address '%value%' should not be resolved from public network [emailAddressDotAtom] => '%localPart%' can not be matched against dot-atom format [emailAddressQuotedString] => '%localPart%' can not be matched against quoted-string format [emailAddressInvalidLocalPart] => '%localPart%' is not a valid local part for email address '%value%' [emailAddressLengthExceeded] => '%value%' exceeds the allowed length ) [_invalidIp:protected] => Array ( [0] => [10] => [100] => [127] => [169] => [172] => [192] => Array ( [0] => [1] => [2] => [3] => ) [198] => [224] => [240] => ) [_messageVariables:protected] => Array ( [hostname] => _hostname [localPart] => _localPart ) [_hostname:protected] => [_localPart:protected] => [_options:protected] => Array ( [mx] => [deep] => [domain] => 1 [allow] => 1 [hostname] => Zend_Validate_Hostname Object ( [_messageTemplates:protected] => Array ( [hostnameCannotDecodePunycode] => '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but the given punycode notation cannot be decoded [hostnameInvalid] => Invalid type given. String expected [hostnameDashCharacter] => '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but contains a dash in an invalid position [hostnameInvalidHostname] => '%value%' does not match the expected structure for a DNS hostname [hostnameInvalidHostnameSchema] => '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match against hostname schema for TLD '%tld%' [hostnameInvalidLocalName] => '%value%' does not appear to be a valid local network name [hostnameInvalidUri] => '%value%' does not appear to be a valid URI hostname [hostnameIpAddressNotAllowed] => '%value%' appears to be an IP address, but IP addresses are not allowed [hostnameLocalNameNotAllowed] => '%value%' appears to be a local network name but local network names are not allowed [hostnameUndecipherableTld] => '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot extract TLD part [hostnameUnknownTld] => '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match TLD against known list ) [_messageVariables:protected] => Array ( [tld] => _tld ) [_validTlds:protected] => Array ( [0] => aaa [1] => abb [2] => abbott [3] => abogado [4] => ac [5] => academy [6] => accenture [7] => accountant [8] => accountants [9] => aco [10] => active [11] => actor [12] => ad [13] => ads [14] => adult [15] => ae [16] => aeg [17] => aero [18] => af [19] => afl [20] => ag [21] => agency [22] => ai [23] => aig [24] => airforce [25] => airtel [26] => al [27] => allfinanz [28] => alsace [29] => am [30] => amica [31] => amsterdam [32] => android [33] => ao [34] => apartments [35] => app [36] => aq [37] => aquarelle [38] => ar [39] => aramco [40] => archi [41] => army [42] => arpa [43] => arte [44] => as [45] => asia [46] => associates [47] => at [48] => attorney [49] => au [50] => auction [51] => audio [52] => auto [53] => autos [54] => aw [55] => ax [56] => axa [57] => az [58] => azure [59] => ba [60] => band [61] => bank [62] => bar [63] => barcelona [64] => barclaycard [65] => barclays [66] => bargains [67] => bauhaus [68] => bayern [69] => bb [70] => bbc [71] => bbva [72] => bcn [73] => bd [74] => be [75] => beer [76] => bentley [77] => berlin [78] => best [79] => bet [80] => bf [81] => bg [82] => bh [83] => bharti [84] => bi [85] => bible [86] => bid [87] => bike [88] => bing [89] => bingo [90] => bio [91] => biz [92] => bj [93] => black [94] => blackfriday [95] => bloomberg [96] => blue [97] => bm [98] => bms [99] => bmw [100] => bn [101] => bnl [102] => bnpparibas [103] => bo [104] => boats [105] => bom [106] => bond [107] => boo [108] => boots [109] => boutique [110] => br [111] => bradesco [112] => bridgestone [113] => broker [114] => brother [115] => brussels [116] => bs [117] => bt [118] => budapest [119] => build [120] => builders [121] => business [122] => buzz [123] => bv [124] => bw [125] => by [126] => bz [127] => bzh [128] => ca [129] => cab [130] => cafe [131] => cal [132] => camera [133] => camp [134] => cancerresearch [135] => canon [136] => capetown [137] => capital [138] => car [139] => caravan [140] => cards [141] => care [142] => career [143] => careers [144] => cars [145] => cartier [146] => casa [147] => cash [148] => casino [149] => cat [150] => catering [151] => cba [152] => cbn [153] => cc [154] => cd [155] => ceb [156] => center [157] => ceo [158] => cern [159] => cf [160] => cfa [161] => cfd [162] => cg [163] => ch [164] => chanel [165] => channel [166] => chat [167] => cheap [168] => chloe [169] => christmas [170] => chrome [171] => church [172] => ci [173] => cipriani [174] => cisco [175] => citic [176] => city [177] => ck [178] => cl [179] => claims [180] => cleaning [181] => click [182] => clinic [183] => clothing [184] => cloud [185] => club [186] => clubmed [187] => cm [188] => cn [189] => co [190] => coach [191] => codes [192] => coffee [193] => college [194] => cologne [195] => com [196] => commbank [197] => community [198] => company [199] => computer [200] => condos [201] => construction [202] => consulting [203] => contractors [204] => cooking [205] => cool [206] => coop [207] => corsica [208] => country [209] => coupons [210] => courses [211] => cr [212] => credit [213] => creditcard [214] => cricket [215] => crown [216] => crs [217] => cruises [218] => csc [219] => cu [220] => cuisinella [221] => cv [222] => cw [223] => cx [224] => cy [225] => cymru [226] => cyou [227] => cz [228] => dabur [229] => dad [230] => dance [231] => date [232] => dating [233] => datsun [234] => day [235] => dclk [236] => de [237] => deals [238] => degree [239] => delivery [240] => dell [241] => delta [242] => democrat [243] => dental [244] => dentist [245] => desi [246] => design [247] => dev [248] => diamonds [249] => diet [250] => digital [251] => direct [252] => directory [253] => discount [254] => dj [255] => dk [256] => dm [257] => dnp [258] => do [259] => docs [260] => dog [261] => doha [262] => domains [263] => doosan [264] => download [265] => drive [266] => durban [267] => dvag [268] => dz [269] => earth [270] => eat [271] => ec [272] => edu [273] => education [274] => ee [275] => eg [276] => email [277] => emerck [278] => energy [279] => engineer [280] => engineering [281] => enterprises [282] => epson [283] => equipment [284] => er [285] => erni [286] => es [287] => esq [288] => estate [289] => et [290] => eu [291] => eurovision [292] => eus [293] => events [294] => everbank [295] => exchange [296] => expert [297] => exposed [298] => express [299] => fage [300] => fail [301] => faith [302] => family [303] => fan [304] => fans [305] => farm [306] => fashion [307] => feedback [308] => fi [309] => film [310] => final [311] => finance [312] => financial [313] => firmdale [314] => fish [315] => fishing [316] => fit [317] => fitness [318] => fj [319] => fk [320] => flights [321] => florist [322] => flowers [323] => flsmidth [324] => fly [325] => fm [326] => fo [327] => foo [328] => football [329] => forex [330] => forsale [331] => forum [332] => foundation [333] => fr [334] => frl [335] => frogans [336] => fund [337] => furniture [338] => futbol [339] => fyi [340] => ga [341] => gal [342] => gallery [343] => game [344] => garden [345] => gb [346] => gbiz [347] => gd [348] => gdn [349] => ge [350] => gea [351] => gent [352] => genting [353] => gf [354] => gg [355] => ggee [356] => gh [357] => gi [358] => gift [359] => gifts [360] => gives [361] => giving [362] => gl [363] => glass [364] => gle [365] => global [366] => globo [367] => gm [368] => gmail [369] => gmo [370] => gmx [371] => gn [372] => gold [373] => goldpoint [374] => golf [375] => goo [376] => goog [377] => google [378] => gop [379] => gov [380] => gp [381] => gq [382] => gr [383] => graphics [384] => gratis [385] => green [386] => gripe [387] => group [388] => gs [389] => gt [390] => gu [391] => gucci [392] => guge [393] => guide [394] => guitars [395] => guru [396] => gw [397] => gy [398] => hamburg [399] => hangout [400] => haus [401] => healthcare [402] => help [403] => here [404] => hermes [405] => hiphop [406] => hitachi [407] => hiv [408] => hk [409] => hm [410] => hn [411] => hockey [412] => holdings [413] => holiday [414] => homedepot [415] => homes [416] => honda [417] => horse [418] => host [419] => hosting [420] => hoteles [421] => hotmail [422] => house [423] => how [424] => hr [425] => hsbc [426] => ht [427] => hu [428] => hyundai [429] => ibm [430] => icbc [431] => ice [432] => icu [433] => id [434] => ie [435] => ifm [436] => iinet [437] => il [438] => im [439] => immo [440] => immobilien [441] => in [442] => industries [443] => infiniti [444] => info [445] => ing [446] => ink [447] => institute [448] => insure [449] => int [450] => international [451] => investments [452] => io [453] => ipiranga [454] => iq [455] => ir [456] => irish [457] => is [458] => ist [459] => istanbul [460] => it [461] => itau [462] => iwc [463] => jaguar [464] => java [465] => jcb [466] => je [467] => jetzt [468] => jewelry [469] => jlc [470] => jll [471] => jm [472] => jo [473] => jobs [474] => joburg [475] => jp [476] => jprs [477] => juegos [478] => kaufen [479] => kddi [480] => ke [481] => kg [482] => kh [483] => ki [484] => kia [485] => kim [486] => kinder [487] => kitchen [488] => kiwi [489] => km [490] => kn [491] => koeln [492] => komatsu [493] => kp [494] => kr [495] => krd [496] => kred [497] => kw [498] => ky [499] => kyoto [500] => kz [501] => la [502] => lacaixa [503] => lancaster [504] => land [505] => landrover [506] => lasalle [507] => lat [508] => latrobe [509] => law [510] => lawyer [511] => lb [512] => lc [513] => lds [514] => lease [515] => leclerc [516] => legal [517] => lexus [518] => lgbt [519] => li [520] => liaison [521] => lidl [522] => life [523] => lighting [524] => limited [525] => limo [526] => linde [527] => link [528] => live [529] => lixil [530] => lk [531] => loan [532] => loans [533] => lol [534] => london [535] => lotte [536] => lotto [537] => love [538] => lr [539] => ls [540] => lt [541] => ltd [542] => ltda [543] => lu [544] => lupin [545] => luxe [546] => luxury [547] => lv [548] => ly [549] => ma [550] => madrid [551] => maif [552] => maison [553] => man [554] => management [555] => mango [556] => market [557] => marketing [558] => markets [559] => marriott [560] => mba [561] => mc [562] => md [563] => me [564] => media [565] => meet [566] => melbourne [567] => meme [568] => memorial [569] => men [570] => menu [571] => mg [572] => mh [573] => miami [574] => microsoft [575] => mil [576] => mini [577] => mk [578] => ml [579] => mm [580] => mma [581] => mn [582] => mo [583] => mobi [584] => moda [585] => moe [586] => moi [587] => mom [588] => monash [589] => money [590] => montblanc [591] => mormon [592] => mortgage [593] => moscow [594] => motorcycles [595] => mov [596] => movie [597] => movistar [598] => mp [599] => mq [600] => mr [601] => ms [602] => mt [603] => mtn [604] => mtpc [605] => mtr [606] => mu [607] => museum [608] => mutuelle [609] => mv [610] => mw [611] => mx [612] => my [613] => mz [614] => na [615] => nadex [616] => nagoya [617] => name [618] => navy [619] => nc [620] => ne [621] => nec [622] => net [623] => netbank [624] => network [625] => neustar [626] => new [627] => news [628] => nexus [629] => nf [630] => ng [631] => ngo [632] => nhk [633] => ni [634] => nico [635] => ninja [636] => nissan [637] => nl [638] => no [639] => nokia [640] => np [641] => nr [642] => nra [643] => nrw [644] => ntt [645] => nu [646] => nyc [647] => nz [648] => obi [649] => office [650] => okinawa [651] => om [652] => omega [653] => one [654] => ong [655] => onl [656] => online [657] => ooo [658] => oracle [659] => orange [660] => org [661] => organic [662] => osaka [663] => otsuka [664] => ovh [665] => pa [666] => page [667] => panerai [668] => paris [669] => partners [670] => parts [671] => party [672] => pe [673] => pet [674] => pf [675] => pg [676] => ph [677] => pharmacy [678] => philips [679] => photo [680] => photography [681] => photos [682] => physio [683] => piaget [684] => pics [685] => pictet [686] => pictures [687] => pink [688] => pizza [689] => pk [690] => pl [691] => place [692] => play [693] => plumbing [694] => plus [695] => pm [696] => pn [697] => pohl [698] => poker [699] => porn [700] => post [701] => pr [702] => praxi [703] => press [704] => pro [705] => prod [706] => productions [707] => prof [708] => properties [709] => property [710] => protection [711] => ps [712] => pt [713] => pub [714] => pw [715] => py [716] => qa [717] => qpon [718] => quebec [719] => racing [720] => re [721] => realtor [722] => realty [723] => recipes [724] => red [725] => redstone [726] => rehab [727] => reise [728] => reisen [729] => reit [730] => ren [731] => rent [732] => rentals [733] => repair [734] => report [735] => republican [736] => rest [737] => restaurant [738] => review [739] => reviews [740] => rich [741] => ricoh [742] => rio [743] => rip [744] => ro [745] => rocks [746] => rodeo [747] => rs [748] => rsvp [749] => ru [750] => ruhr [751] => run [752] => rw [753] => rwe [754] => ryukyu [755] => sa [756] => saarland [757] => sakura [758] => sale [759] => samsung [760] => sandvik [761] => sandvikcoromant [762] => sanofi [763] => sap [764] => sarl [765] => saxo [766] => sb [767] => sc [768] => sca [769] => scb [770] => schmidt [771] => scholarships [772] => school [773] => schule [774] => schwarz [775] => science [776] => scor [777] => scot [778] => sd [779] => se [780] => seat [781] => security [782] => seek [783] => sener [784] => services [785] => seven [786] => sew [787] => sex [788] => sexy [789] => sg [790] => sh [791] => shiksha [792] => shoes [793] => show [794] => shriram [795] => si [796] => singles [797] => site [798] => sj [799] => sk [800] => ski [801] => sky [802] => skype [803] => sl [804] => sm [805] => sn [806] => sncf [807] => so [808] => soccer [809] => social [810] => software [811] => sohu [812] => solar [813] => solutions [814] => sony [815] => soy [816] => space [817] => spiegel [818] => spreadbetting [819] => sr [820] => srl [821] => st [822] => stada [823] => starhub [824] => statoil [825] => stc [826] => stcgroup [827] => stockholm [828] => studio [829] => study [830] => style [831] => su [832] => sucks [833] => supplies [834] => supply [835] => support [836] => surf [837] => surgery [838] => suzuki [839] => sv [840] => swatch [841] => swiss [842] => sx [843] => sy [844] => sydney [845] => systems [846] => sz [847] => taipei [848] => tatamotors [849] => tatar [850] => tattoo [851] => tax [852] => taxi [853] => tc [854] => td [855] => team [856] => tech [857] => technology [858] => tel [859] => telefonica [860] => temasek [861] => tennis [862] => tf [863] => tg [864] => th [865] => thd [866] => theater [867] => theatre [868] => tickets [869] => tienda [870] => tips [871] => tires [872] => tirol [873] => tj [874] => tk [875] => tl [876] => tm [877] => tn [878] => to [879] => today [880] => tokyo [881] => tools [882] => top [883] => toray [884] => toshiba [885] => tours [886] => town [887] => toyota [888] => toys [889] => tr [890] => trade [891] => trading [892] => training [893] => travel [894] => trust [895] => tt [896] => tui [897] => tv [898] => tw [899] => tz [900] => ua [901] => ubs [902] => ug [903] => uk [904] => university [905] => uno [906] => uol [907] => us [908] => uy [909] => uz [910] => va [911] => vacations [912] => vc [913] => ve [914] => vegas [915] => ventures [916] => versicherung [917] => vet [918] => vg [919] => vi [920] => viajes [921] => video [922] => villas [923] => vin [924] => virgin [925] => vision [926] => vista [927] => vistaprint [928] => viva [929] => vlaanderen [930] => vn [931] => vodka [932] => vote [933] => voting [934] => voto [935] => voyage [936] => vu [937] => wales [938] => walter [939] => wang [940] => watch [941] => webcam [942] => website [943] => wed [944] => wedding [945] => weir [946] => wf [947] => whoswho [948] => wien [949] => wiki [950] => williamhill [951] => win [952] => windows [953] => wine [954] => wme [955] => work [956] => works [957] => world [958] => ws [959] => wtc [960] => wtf [961] => xbox [962] => xerox [963] => xin [964] => xn--11b4c3d [965] => xn--1qqw23a [966] => xn--30rr7y [967] => xn--3bst00m [968] => xn--3ds443g [969] => xn--3e0b707e [970] => xn--3pxu8k [971] => xn--42c2d9a [972] => xn--45brj9c [973] => xn--45q11c [974] => xn--4gbrim [975] => xn--55qw42g [976] => xn--55qx5d [977] => xn--6frz82g [978] => xn--6qq986b3xl [979] => xn--80adxhks [980] => xn--80ao21a [981] => xn--80asehdb [982] => xn--80aswg [983] => xn--90a3ac [984] => xn--90ais [985] => xn--9dbq2a [986] => xn--9et52u [987] => xn--b4w605ferd [988] => xn--c1avg [989] => xn--c2br7g [990] => xn--cg4bki [991] => xn--clchc0ea0b2g2a9gcd [992] => xn--czr694b [993] => xn--czrs0t [994] => xn--czru2d [995] => xn--d1acj3b [996] => xn--d1alf [997] => xn--efvy88h [998] => xn--estv75g [999] => xn--fhbei [1000] => xn--fiq228c5hs [1001] => xn--fiq64b [1002] => xn--fiqs8s [1003] => xn--fiqz9s [1004] => xn--fjq720a [1005] => xn--flw351e [1006] => xn--fpcrj9c3d [1007] => xn--fzc2c9e2c [1008] => xn--gecrj9c [1009] => xn--h2brj9c [1010] => xn--hxt814e [1011] => xn--i1b6b1a6a2e [1012] => xn--imr513n [1013] => xn--io0a7i [1014] => xn--j1aef [1015] => xn--j1amh [1016] => xn--j6w193g [1017] => xn--kcrx77d1x4a [1018] => xn--kprw13d [1019] => xn--kpry57d [1020] => xn--kput3i [1021] => xn--l1acc [1022] => xn--lgbbat1ad8j [1023] => xn--mgb9awbf [1024] => xn--mgba3a3ejt [1025] => xn--mgba3a4f16a [1026] => xn--mgbaam7a8h [1027] => xn--mgbab2bd [1028] => xn--mgbayh7gpa [1029] => xn--mgbbh1a71e [1030] => xn--mgbc0a9azcg [1031] => xn--mgberp4a5d4ar [1032] => xn--mgbpl2fh [1033] => xn--mgbx4cd0ab [1034] => xn--mk1bu44c [1035] => xn--mxtq1m [1036] => xn--ngbc5azd [1037] => xn--node [1038] => xn--nqv7f [1039] => xn--nqv7fs00ema [1040] => xn--nyqy26a [1041] => xn--o3cw4h [1042] => xn--ogbpf8fl [1043] => xn--p1acf [1044] => xn--p1ai [1045] => xn--pgbs0dh [1046] => xn--pssy2u [1047] => xn--q9jyb4c [1048] => xn--qcka1pmc [1049] => xn--rhqv96g [1050] => xn--s9brj9c [1051] => xn--ses554g [1052] => xn--t60b56a [1053] => xn--tckwe [1054] => xn--unup4y [1055] => xn--vermgensberater-ctb [1056] => xn--vermgensberatung-pwb [1057] => xn--vhquv [1058] => xn--vuq861b [1059] => xn--wgbh1c [1060] => xn--wgbl6a [1061] => xn--xhq521b [1062] => xn--xkc2al3hye2a [1063] => xn--xkc2dl3a5ee0h [1064] => xn--y9a3aq [1065] => xn--yfro4i67o [1066] => xn--ygbi2ammx [1067] => xn--zfr164b [1068] => xperia [1069] => xxx [1070] => xyz [1071] => yachts [1072] => yamaxun [1073] => yandex [1074] => ye [1075] => yodobashi [1076] => yoga [1077] => yokohama [1078] => youtube [1079] => yt [1080] => za [1081] => zara [1082] => zip [1083] => zm [1084] => zone [1085] => zuerich [1086] => zw [1087] => 测试 [1088] => परीक्षा [1089] => 佛山 [1090] => 集团 [1091] => 在线 [1092] => 한국 [1093] => ভারত [1094] => 八卦 [1095] => موقع [1096] => বাংলা [1097] => 公益 [1098] => 公司 [1099] => 移动 [1100] => 我爱你 [1101] => москва [1102] => испытание [1103] => қаз [1104] => онлайн [1105] => сайт [1106] => срб [1107] => бел [1108] => 테스트 [1109] => орг [1110] => 삼성 [1111] => சிங்கப்பூர் [1112] => 商标 [1113] => 商城 [1114] => дети [1115] => мкд [1116] => טעסט [1117] => 中文网 [1118] => 中信 [1119] => 中国 [1120] => 中國 [1121] => 谷歌 [1122] => భారత్ [1123] => ලංකා [1124] => 測試 [1125] => ભારત [1126] => भारत [1127] => آزمایشی [1128] => பரிட்சை [1129] => संगठन [1130] => 网络 [1131] => укр [1132] => 香港 [1133] => δοκιμή [1134] => إختبار [1135] => 台湾 [1136] => 台灣 [1137] => 手机 [1138] => мон [1139] => الجزائر [1140] => عمان [1141] => ایران [1142] => امارات [1143] => بازار [1144] => پاکستان [1145] => الاردن [1146] => بھارت [1147] => المغرب [1148] => السعودية [1149] => سودان [1150] => عراق [1151] => مليسيا [1152] => شبكة [1153] => გე [1154] => 机构 [1155] => 组织机构 [1156] => ไทย [1157] => سورية [1158] => рус [1159] => рф [1160] => تونس [1161] => みんな [1162] => グーグル [1163] => 世界 [1164] => ਭਾਰਤ [1165] => 网址 [1166] => 游戏 [1167] => vermögensberater [1168] => vermögensberatung [1169] => 企业 [1170] => مصر [1171] => قطر [1172] => 广东 [1173] => இலங்கை [1174] => இந்தியா [1175] => հայ [1176] => 新加坡 [1177] => فلسطين [1178] => テスト [1179] => 政务 ) [_tld:protected] => [_validIdns:protected] => Array ( [AC] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿāăąćĉċčďđēėęěĝġģĥħīįĵķĺļľŀłńņňŋőœŕŗřśŝşšţťŧūŭůűųŵŷźżž]{1,63}$/iu ) [AR] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-ãç-êìíñ-õü]{1,63}$/iu ) [AS] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿāăąćĉċčďđēĕėęěĝğġģĥħĩīĭįıĵķĸĺļľłńņňŋōŏőœŕŗřśŝşšţťŧũūŭůűųŵŷźż]{1,63}$/iu ) [AT] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿœšž]{1,63}$/iu ) [BIZ] => Hostname/Biz.php [BR] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-ãçéíó-õúü]{1,63}$/iu ) [BV] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáä-éêñ-ôöøüčđńŋšŧž]{1,63}$/iu ) [CA] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàâæçéèêëîïôœùûüÿ\x{00E0}\x{00E2}\x{00E7}\x{00E8}\x{00E9}\x{00EA}\x{00EB}\x{00EE}\x{00EF}\x{00F4}\x{00F9}\x{00FB}\x{00FC}\x{00E6}\x{0153}\x{00FF}]{1,63}$/iu ) [CAT] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-z·àç-éíïòóúü]{1,63}$/iu ) [CH] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿœ]{1,63}$/iu ) [CL] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíñóúü]{1,63}$/iu ) [CN] => Hostname/Cn.php [COM] => Hostname/Com.php [DE] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿăąāćĉčċďđĕěėęēğĝġģĥħĭĩįīıĵķĺľļłńňņŋŏőōœĸŕřŗśŝšşťßţŧŭůűũųūŵŷźžż]{1,63}$/iu ) [DK] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäéöüæøå]{1,63}$/iu ) [ES] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáçèéíïñòóúü·]{1,63}$/iu ) [EU] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿ]{1,63}$/iu [2] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zāăąćĉċčďđēĕėęěĝğġģĥħĩīĭįıĵķĺļľŀłńņňʼnŋōŏőœŕŗřśŝšťŧũūŭůűųŵŷźżž]{1,63}$/iu [3] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zșț]{1,63}$/iu [4] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zΐάέήίΰαβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψωϊϋόύώ]{1,63}$/iu [5] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя]{1,63}$/iu [6] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zἀ-ἇἐ-ἕἠ-ἧἰ-ἷὀ-ὅὐ-ὗὠ-ὧὰ-ὼώᾀ-ᾇᾐ-ᾗᾠ-ᾧᾰ-ᾴᾶᾷῂῃῄῆῇῐ-ῒΐῖῗῠ-ῧῲῳῴῶῷ]{1,63}$/iu ) [FI] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäåö]{1,63}$/iu ) [GR] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zΆΈΉΊΌΎ-ΡΣ-ώἀ-ἕἘ-Ἕἠ-ὅὈ-Ὅὐ-ὗὙὛὝὟ-ώᾀ-ᾴᾶ-ᾼῂῃῄῆ-ῌῐ-ΐῖ-Ίῠ-Ῥῲῳῴῶ-ῼ]{1,63}$/iu ) [HK] => Hostname/Cn.php [HU] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíóöúüőű]{1,63}$/iu ) [IL] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9\x{05D0}-\x{05EA}]{1,63}$/iu [2] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-z]{1,63}$/i ) [INFO] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäåæéöøü]{1,63}$/iu [2] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíóöúüőű]{1,63}$/iu [3] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záæéíðóöúýþ]{1,63}$/iu [4] => /^[\x{AC00}-\x{D7A3}]{1,17}$/iu [5] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zāčēģīķļņōŗšūž]{1,63}$/iu [6] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-ząčėęįšūųž]{1,63}$/iu [7] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zóąćęłńśźż]{1,63}$/iu [8] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíñóúü]{1,63}$/iu ) [IO] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿăąāćĉčċďđĕěėęēğĝġģĥħĭĩįīıĵķĺľļłńňņŋŏőōœĸŕřŗśŝšşťţŧŭůűũųūŵŷźžż]{1,63}$/iu ) [IS] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéýúíóþæöð]{1,63}$/iu ) [IT] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàâäèéêëìîïòôöùûüæœçÿß-]{1,63}$/iu ) [JP] => Hostname/Jp.php [KR] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{AC00}-\x{D7A3}]{1,17}$/iu ) [LI] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿœ]{1,63}$/iu ) [LT] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9ąčęėįšųūž]{1,63}$/iu ) [MD] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9ăâîşţ]{1,63}$/iu ) [MUSEUM] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿāăąćċčďđēėęěğġģħīįıķĺļľłńņňŋōőœŕŗřśşšţťŧūůűųŵŷźżžǎǐǒǔ\x{01E5}\x{01E7}\x{01E9}\x{01EF}ə\x{0292}ẁẃẅỳ]{1,63}$/iu ) [NET] => Hostname/Com.php [NO] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáä-éêñ-ôöøüčđńŋšŧž]{1,63}$/iu ) [NU] => Hostname/Com.php [ORG] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíñóúü]{1,63}$/iu [2] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zóąćęłńśźż]{1,63}$/iu [3] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záäåæéëíðóöøúüýþ]{1,63}$/iu [4] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíóöúüőű]{1,63}$/iu [5] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-ząčėęįšūųž]{1,63}$/iu [6] => /^[\x{AC00}-\x{D7A3}]{1,17}$/iu [7] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zāčēģīķļņōŗšūž]{1,63}$/iu ) [PE] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zñáéíóúü]{1,63}$/iu ) [PL] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zāčēģīķļņōŗšūž]{1,63}$/iu [2] => /^[\x{002d}а-ик-ш\x{0450}ѓѕјљњќџ]{1,63}$/iu [3] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zâîăşţ]{1,63}$/iu [4] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-яё\x{04C2}]{1,63}$/iu [5] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáâèéêìíîòóôùúûċġħż]{1,63}$/iu [6] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàäåæéêòóôöøü]{1,63}$/iu [7] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zóąćęłńśźż]{1,63}$/iu [8] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáâãçéêíòóôõúü]{1,63}$/iu [9] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zâîăşţ]{1,63}$/iu [10] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záäéíóôúýčďĺľňŕšťž]{1,63}$/iu [11] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zçë]{1,63}$/iu [12] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-ик-шђјљњћџ]{1,63}$/iu [13] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zćčđšž]{1,63}$/iu [14] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zâçöûüğış]{1,63}$/iu [15] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíñóúü]{1,63}$/iu [16] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäõöüšž]{1,63}$/iu [17] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zĉĝĥĵŝŭ]{1,63}$/iu [18] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zâäéëîô]{1,63}$/iu [19] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáâäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòôöøùúûüýćčłńřśš]{1,63}$/iu [20] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäåæõöøüšž]{1,63}$/iu [21] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáçèéìíòóùú]{1,63}$/iu [22] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáéíóöúüőű]{1,63}$/iu [23] => /^[\x{002d}0-9ΐά-ώ]{1,63}$/iu [24] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáâåæçèéêëðóôöøüþœ]{1,63}$/iu [25] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záäéíóöúüýčďěňřšťůž]{1,63}$/iu [26] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-z·àçèéíïòóúü]{1,63}$/iu [27] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-ъьюя\x{0450}\x{045D}]{1,63}$/iu [28] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-яёіў]{1,63}$/iu [29] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-ząčėęįšūųž]{1,63}$/iu [30] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záäåæéëíðóöøúüýþ]{1,63}$/iu [31] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàâæçèéêëîïñôùûüÿœ]{1,63}$/iu [32] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-щъыьэюяёєіїґ]{1,63}$/iu [33] => /^[\x{002d}0-9א-ת]{1,63}$/iu ) [PR] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíóúñäëïüöâêîôûàèùæçœãõ]{1,63}$/iu ) [PT] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záàâãçéêíóôõú]{1,63}$/iu ) [RS] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002D}\x{0030}-\x{0039}\x{0061}-\x{007A}\x{0107}\x{010D}\x{0111}\x{0161}\x{017E}]{1,63}$/iu) ) [RU] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-яё]{1,63}$/iu ) [SA] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}.0-9\x{0621}-\x{063A}\x{0641}-\x{064A}\x{0660}-\x{0669}]{1,63}$/iu ) [SE] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäåéöü]{1,63}$/iu ) [SH] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿăąāćĉčċďđĕěėęēğĝġģĥħĭĩįīıĵķĺľļłńňņŋŏőōœĸŕřŗśŝšşťţŧŭůűũųūŵŷźžż]{1,63}$/iu ) [SI] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿ]{1,63}$/iu [2] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zāăąćĉċčďđēĕėęěĝğġģĥħĩīĭįıĵķĺļľŀłńņňʼnŋōŏőœŕŗřśŝšťŧũūŭůűųŵŷźżž]{1,63}$/iu [3] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zșț]{1,63}$/iu ) [SJ] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáä-éêñ-ôöøüčđńŋšŧž]{1,63}$/iu ) [TH] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-z\x{0E01}-\x{0E3A}\x{0E40}-\x{0E4D}\x{0E50}-\x{0E59}]{1,63}$/iu ) [TM] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿāăąćĉċčďđēėęěĝġģĥħīįĵķĺļľŀłńņňŋőœŕŗřśŝşšţťŧūŭůűųŵŷźżž]{1,63}$/iu ) [TW] => Hostname/Cn.php [TR] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zğıüşöç]{1,63}$/iu ) [UA] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-zабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюяѐёђѓєѕіїјљњћќѝўџґӂʼ]{1,63}$/iu ) [VE] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíóúüñ]{1,63}$/iu ) [VN] => Array ( [1] => /^[ÀÁÂÃÈÉÊÌÍÒÓÔÕÙÚÝàáâãèéêìíòóôõùúýĂăĐđĨĩŨũƠơƯư\x{1EA0}-\x{1EF9}]{1,63}$/iu ) [мон] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9\x{0430}-\x{044F}]{1,63}$/iu ) [срб] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-ик-шђјљњћџ]{1,63}$/iu ) [сайт] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-яёіїѝйўґг]{1,63}$/iu ) [онлайн] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-яёіїѝйўґг]{1,63}$/iu ) [中国] => Hostname/Cn.php [中國] => Hostname/Cn.php [ලංකා] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0d80}-\x{0dff}]{1,63}$/iu ) [香港] => Hostname/Cn.php [台湾] => Hostname/Cn.php [台灣] => Hostname/Cn.php [امارات] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu ) [الاردن] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu ) [السعودية] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu ) [ไทย] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9a-z\x{0E01}-\x{0E3A}\x{0E40}-\x{0E4D}\x{0E50}-\x{0E59}]{1,63}$/iu ) [рф] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{002d}0-9а-яё]{1,63}$/iu ) [تونس] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu ) [مصر] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu ) [இலங்கை] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0b80}-\x{0bff}]{1,63}$/iu ) [فلسطين] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu ) [شبكة] => Array ( [1] => /^[\x{0621}-\x{0624}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}\x{0642}\x{0644}-\x{0648}\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A9}\x{06AF}\x{06CC}\x{06F0}-\x{06F9}]{1,30}$/iu ) ) [_idnLength:protected] => Array ( [BIZ] => Array ( [5] => 17 [11] => 15 [12] => 20 ) [CN] => Array ( [1] => 20 ) [COM] => Array ( [3] => 17 [5] => 20 ) [HK] => Array ( [1] => 15 ) [INFO] => Array ( [4] => 17 ) [KR] => Array ( [1] => 17 ) [NET] => Array ( [3] => 17 [5] => 20 ) [ORG] => Array ( [6] => 17 ) [TW] => Array ( [1] => 20 ) [ایران] => Array ( [1] => 30 ) [中国] => Array ( [1] => 20 ) [公司] => Array ( [1] => 20 ) [网络] => Array ( [1] => 20 ) ) [_options:protected] => Array ( [allow] => 1 [idn] => 1 [tld] => 1 [ip] => Zend_Validate_Ip Object ( [_messageTemplates:protected] => Array ( [ipInvalid] => Invalid type given. String expected [notIpAddress] => '%value%' does not appear to be a valid IP address ) [_options:protected] => Array ( [allowipv6] => 1 [allowipv4] => 1 ) [_value:protected] => [_messageVariables:protected] => Array ( ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_obscureValue:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => ) ) [_value:protected] => [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_obscureValue:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => ) ) [_value:protected] => [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_obscureValue:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [zfBreakChainOnFailure] => ) ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => email [placeholder] => Mail [class] => form-control ) [telephone] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object ( [helper] => formText [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Array ( [decorator] => ViewHelper [options] => ) [Errors] => Array ( [decorator] => Errors [options] => ) [Description] => Array ( [decorator] => Description [options] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Array ( [filter] => StringTrim [options] => Array ( ) ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Téléphone [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => telephone [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => 1 [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( [Custom_Validate_Nombre] => Custom_Validate_Nombre Object ( [_messageTemplates:protected] => Array ( [invalidUrl] => '%value%' n'est pas un nombre. ) [_value:protected] => [_messageVariables:protected] => Array ( ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_obscureValue:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [zfBreakChainOnFailure] => ) ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => telephone [placeholder] => Téléphone [class] => form-control ) [marque] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object ( [helper] => formText [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Array ( [decorator] => ViewHelper [options] => ) [Errors] => Array ( [decorator] => Errors [options] => ) [Description] => Array ( [decorator] => Description [options] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Array ( [filter] => StringTrim [options] => Array ( ) ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Marque [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => marque [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => 1 [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => marque [placeholder] => Marque [class] => form-control ) [modele] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object ( [helper] => formText [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Array ( [decorator] => ViewHelper [options] => ) [Errors] => Array ( [decorator] => Errors [options] => ) [Description] => Array ( [decorator] => Description [options] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Array ( [filter] => StringTrim [options] => Array ( ) ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Modèle [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => modele [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => 1 [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => modele [placeholder] => Modèle [class] => form-control ) [oparateur] => Zend_Form_Element_Select Object ( [multiple] => [helper] => formSelect [options] => Array ( [16799] => Oui [16800] => Non ) [_registerInArrayValidator:protected] => 1 [_separator:protected] =>
    [_translated:protected] => Array ( ) [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Array ( [decorator] => ViewHelper [options] => ) [Errors] => Array ( [decorator] => Errors [options] => ) [Description] => Array ( [decorator] => Description [options] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Array ( [filter] => StringTrim [options] => Array ( ) ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Debloqué tout oparateur [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => oparateur [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => 1 [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => oparateur [class] => form-control ) [etatecran] => Zend_Form_Element_Select Object ( [multiple] => [helper] => formSelect [options] => Array ( [16801] => intact [16802] => micro-rayure [16803] => rayures [16804] => cassé ) [_registerInArrayValidator:protected] => 1 [_separator:protected] =>
    [_translated:protected] => Array ( ) [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Array ( [decorator] => ViewHelper [options] => ) [Errors] => Array ( [decorator] => Errors [options] => ) [Description] => Array ( [decorator] => Description [options] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Array ( [filter] => StringTrim [options] => Array ( ) ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Dans quel état est l’écran ? [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => etatecran [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => 1 [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => etatecran [class] => form-control ) [etatcoque] => Zend_Form_Element_Select Object ( [multiple] => [helper] => formSelect [options] => Array ( [16805] => intact [16806] => micro-rayure [16807] => rayures [16808] => cassé ) [_registerInArrayValidator:protected] => 1 [_separator:protected] =>
    [_translated:protected] => Array ( ) [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Array ( [decorator] => ViewHelper [options] => ) [Errors] => Array ( [decorator] => Errors [options] => ) [Description] => Array ( [decorator] => Description [options] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Array ( [filter] => StringTrim [options] => Array ( ) ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Quel est l'état de la coque ? [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => etatcoque [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => 1 [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => etatcoque [class] => form-control ) [produit] => Zend_Form_Element_Select Object ( [multiple] => [helper] => formSelect [options] => Array ( [16809] => Oui [16810] => Non ) [_registerInArrayValidator:protected] => 1 [_separator:protected] =>
    [_translated:protected] => Array ( ) [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Array ( [decorator] => ViewHelper [options] => ) [Errors] => Array ( [decorator] => Errors [options] => ) [Description] => Array ( [decorator] => Description [options] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Array ( [filter] => StringTrim [options] => Array ( ) ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Votre produit est-il fonctionnel ? [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => produit [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => 1 [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => produit [class] => form-control ) [capacite] => Zend_Form_Element_Text Object ( [helper] => formText [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Array ( [decorator] => ViewHelper [options] => ) [Errors] => Array ( [decorator] => Errors [options] => ) [Description] => Array ( [decorator] => Description [options] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( [StringTrim] => Array ( [filter] => StringTrim [options] => Array ( ) ) ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Capacité [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => capacite [_order:protected] => 0 [_required:protected] => 1 [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => capacite [placeholder] => Capacité [class] => form-control ) [g-recaptcha-response] => Cgsmith\Form\Element\Recaptcha Object ( [helper] => formRecaptcha [_siteKey:protected] => 6LeBsB0TAAAAAJiVJzXaYzz7nK2dF1fyMOjitWqZ [_secretKey:protected] => 6LeBsB0TAAAAAP8dwt_Q9kvnryFvO0P1xHyg44el [_allowEmpty:protected] => [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Array ( [decorator] => ViewHelper [options] => ) [Errors] => Array ( [decorator] => Errors [options] => ) [Description] => Array ( [decorator] => Description [options] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( ) [_ignore:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => grecaptcharesponse [_order:protected] => 40 [_required:protected] => [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( [Recaptcha] => Array ( [validator] => Recaptcha [breakChainOnFailure] => [options] => Array ( [secretKey] => 6LeBsB0TAAAAAP8dwt_Q9kvnryFvO0P1xHyg44el ) ) ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [siteKey] => 6LeBsB0TAAAAAJiVJzXaYzz7nK2dF1fyMOjitWqZ [secretKey] => 6LeBsB0TAAAAAP8dwt_Q9kvnryFvO0P1xHyg44el [messages] => Array ( [invalidCaptcha] => Code invalide [captchaEmpty] => Code Vide ) ) [formulaire_id] => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden Object ( [helper] => formHidden [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Array ( [decorator] => ViewHelper [options] => ) [Errors] => Array ( [decorator] => Errors [options] => ) [Description] => Array ( [decorator] => Description [options] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( ) [_ignore:protected] => 1 [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => formulaire_id [_order:protected] => [_required:protected] => [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => 2133 [_view:protected] => [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => ) [mnst_id] => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden Object ( [helper] => formHidden [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [ViewHelper] => Array ( [decorator] => ViewHelper [options] => ) [Errors] => Array ( [decorator] => Errors [options] => ) [Description] => Array ( [decorator] => Description [options] => Array ( [tag] => p [class] => description ) ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( ) [_ignore:protected] => 1 [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => mnst_id [_order:protected] => [_required:protected] => [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => ) [submit] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit Object ( [helper] => formSubmit [_allowEmpty:protected] => 1 [_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator:protected] => 1 [_belongsTo:protected] => [_decorators:protected] => Array ( [Tooltip] => Array ( [decorator] => Tooltip [options] => ) [ViewHelper] => Array ( [decorator] => ViewHelper [options] => ) ) [_description:protected] => [_disableLoadDefaultDecorators:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorMessageSeparator:protected] => ; [_filters:protected] => Array ( ) [_ignore:protected] => 1 [_isArray:protected] => [_isError:protected] => [_isErrorForced:protected] => [_label:protected] => Envoyer [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [VALIDATE] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Validate_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Validate/ ) [Cgsmith\Validate\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Validate/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_messages:protected] => Array ( ) [_name:protected] => submit [_order:protected] => 50 [_required:protected] => [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_type:protected] => [_validators:protected] => Array ( ) [_validatorRules:protected] => Array ( ) [_value:protected] => [_view:protected] => [_isPartialRendering:protected] => [_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage:protected] => [id] => searchsubmit [class] => searchsubmit ) ) [_elementsBelongTo:protected] => [_errorMessages:protected] => Array ( ) [_errorsExist:protected] => [_errorsForced:protected] => [_formOrder:protected] => [_isArray:protected] => [_legend:protected] => [_loaders:protected] => Array ( [DECORATOR] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Decorator/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Decorator_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [ELEMENT] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [Recaptcha] => Cgsmith\Form\Element\Recaptcha [Hidden] => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden [Submit] => Zend_Form_Element_Submit ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Form_Element_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/Form/Element/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_Form_Element_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/Form/Element/ ) [Cgsmith\Form\Element\] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/application/../library/vendor/cgsmith/zf1-recaptcha-2/src/Cgsmith/Form/Element/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_methods:protected] => Array ( [0] => delete [1] => get [2] => post [3] => put ) [_order:protected] => Array ( [nom] => 0 [email] => 0 [telephone] => 0 [marque] => 0 [modele] => 0 [oparateur] => 0 [etatecran] => 0 [etatcoque] => 0 [produit] => 0 [capacite] => 0 [g-recaptcha-response] => [formulaire_id] => [mnst_id] => [submit] => 50 ) [_orderUpdated:protected] => 1 [_subFormPrefixPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_subForms:protected] => Array ( ) [_translator:protected] => [_translatorDisabled:protected] => [_view:protected] => Zend_View Object ( [_useViewStream:Zend_View:private] => [_useStreamWrapper:Zend_View:private] => [_path:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [script] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/build/modules/default/ ) [helper] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( ) ) [_file:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => /var/www/vhosts/b-forbiz.com/subdomains/client/build/modules/default/popup.phtml [_helper:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_helperLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_helperLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filter:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterClass:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_escape:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => htmlspecialchars [_encoding:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => UTF-8 [_lfiProtectionOn:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => 1 [_loaders:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [filter] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Filter/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [helper] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Helper/ ) [ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => ZendX/JQuery/View/Helper/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_loaderTypes:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [0] => filter [1] => helper ) [_strictVars:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => [publisite] => Array ( [publisite_id] => 3031 [publisite_nom] => PressMike [publisite_domaine] => atelier-phone-44.fr [publisite_mail_contact] => [email protected] [publisite_telephone] => 0185532785 [publisite_telephone_config] => [{"Tracking_id":"","publisite_appel_source":4,"publisite_telephone":"0185532785","publisite_numero_direction":"0984541914","publisite_enregistrement":null,"publisite_zone_indicatif":"fr_01","publisite_label_sip":"","sonnerie_cliqphone":"25 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[publisite_activite_primaire] => Réparation mobiles [publisite_ferme] => 0 [publisite_ferme_date] => [publisite_ferme_valide] => 0 [publisite_appel_source] => [publisite_sip_hash] => [publisite_campain] => [publisite_adgroup] => [publisite_account] => [publisite_campain_status] => [publisite_landing] => 0 [publisite_label_sip] => [publisite_mybusiness_location] => 793802640596497700 [publisite_mybusiness_account] => 108337422416691105497 [publisite_mybusiness_placedid] => ChIJXxbd6rBv5kcRcQtq-wHREBM [publisite_google_search] => 0 [publisite_date] => 2018-06-05 12:29:12 [publisite_financement] => 3 [publisite_domaine_validation] => atelier-phone-44.fr [publisite_validation] => 2 [publisite_ssl] => 0 [publisite_date_fin_campagne] => [publisite_org_id] => [publisite_bus_id] => [publisite_user_id] => [publisite_userid_cp] => [publisite_userid_tm] => [publisite_type_support] => 0 [publisite_offre_cliqeo] => 0 [publisite_duree] => 0 [publisite_second_mail] => [publisite_search_email] => -1 [publisite_offre] => [publisite_Responsable_SEO] => [email protected] [publisite_index] => 0 [publisite_annuaire] => [publisite_builder_id] => [publisite_compte_builder] => [publisite_url_builder] => [publisite_rest_id] => 2d9d10abbb7954a6 [publisite_Referenceur] => [copyright_text] => Agence digitale Paris [copyright_url] => https://www.b-forbiz.com/nos-bureaux/paris/ [copyright_title] => Agence digitale Paris [wp_backoffice] => [cookieP] => Array ( [cookies_id] => 2538 [cookies_fournisseur] => axeptio [cookies_identifiant] => 6360e878caf462eb647409ac [cookies_name] => 3624-PressMike [cookies_publisite] => 3031 [cookies_etat] => 1 [cookies_apiName] => custom ) ) [PopTag] => Array ( [ganalytics_id] => 2786 [ganalytics_script] => [ganalytics_adwords] => [ganalytics_pixel_facebook] => [ganalytics_suivi_conversions] => 797531378 [ganalytics_suivi_conversions_label] => JAfsCOiwmqkBEPK5pfwC [ganalytics_conversions_appel] => JAfsCOiwmqkBEPK5pfwC [ganalytics_conversions_clic_appel] => 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[formulaire_mail] => 0 [formulaire_mail_destination] => pressmike[44]@hotmail.com [formulaire_icon] => la-th-large [formulaire_etat] => 1 [formulaire_reservation] => 0 [formulaire_paiement] => 0 [formulaire_sidebar] => 0 [formulaire_internaute] => 0 [formulaire_captcha] => 1 [formulaire_publisite] => 3031 [formulaire_adwords] => 0 [formulaire_facebook] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [formulaire_index] => 0 [publisite_nom] => PressMike ) ) [gmaps] => Array ( [gmaps_id] => 3406 [gmaps_lat] => 48.8834836 [gmaps_long] => 2.3144852000000355 [gmaps_zoom] => 10 [gmaps_popup] => [gmaps_lat2] => [gmaps_long2] => [gmaps_titre2] => [gmaps_titre] => GOOGLE MAP [gmaps_plan] => 1 [gmaps_address] => 44 rue Levis [gmaps_postal_code] => 75017 [gmaps_locality] => Paris [gmaps_radius] => 0 [gmaps_description] => [gmaps_presentation] => [gmaps_image] => [gmaps_googleplus] => [gmaps_facebook] => [gmaps_horaire] => [gmaps_etat_marker] => 1 [gmaps_publisite] => 3031 ) ) [_isRendered:protected] => ) [arr] => Array ( [0] => form ) [CalcDemenagement] => Array ( ) [gmapss] => Array ( [gmaps_id] => 3406 [gmaps_lat] => 48.8834836 [gmaps_long] => 2.3144852000000355 [gmaps_zoom] => 10 [gmaps_popup] => [gmaps_lat2] => [gmaps_long2] => [gmaps_titre2] => [gmaps_titre] => GOOGLE MAP [gmaps_plan] => 1 [gmaps_address] => 44 rue Levis [gmaps_postal_code] => 75017 [gmaps_locality] => Paris [gmaps_radius] => 0 [gmaps_description] => [gmaps_presentation] => [gmaps_image] => [gmaps_googleplus] => [gmaps_facebook] => [gmaps_horaire] => [gmaps_etat_marker] => 1 [gmaps_publisite] => 3031 ) [mapContact] =>

    Plan d'accès



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[publisite_activite_primaire] => Réparation mobiles [publisite_ferme] => 0 [publisite_ferme_date] => [publisite_ferme_valide] => 0 [publisite_appel_source] => [publisite_sip_hash] => [publisite_campain] => [publisite_adgroup] => [publisite_account] => [publisite_campain_status] => [publisite_landing] => 0 [publisite_label_sip] => [publisite_mybusiness_location] => 793802640596497700 [publisite_mybusiness_account] => 108337422416691105497 [publisite_mybusiness_placedid] => ChIJXxbd6rBv5kcRcQtq-wHREBM [publisite_google_search] => 0 [publisite_date] => 2018-06-05 12:29:12 [publisite_financement] => 3 [publisite_domaine_validation] => atelier-phone-44.fr [publisite_validation] => 2 [publisite_ssl] => 0 [publisite_date_fin_campagne] => [publisite_org_id] => [publisite_bus_id] => [publisite_user_id] => [publisite_userid_cp] => [publisite_userid_tm] => [publisite_type_support] => 0 [publisite_offre_cliqeo] => 0 [publisite_duree] => 0 [publisite_second_mail] => [publisite_search_email] => -1 [publisite_offre] => [publisite_Responsable_SEO] => [email protected] [publisite_index] => 0 [publisite_annuaire] => [publisite_builder_id] => [publisite_compte_builder] => [publisite_url_builder] => [publisite_rest_id] => 2d9d10abbb7954a6 [publisite_Referenceur] => [copyright_text] => Agence digitale Paris [copyright_url] => https://www.b-forbiz.com/nos-bureaux/paris/ [copyright_title] => Agence digitale Paris [wp_backoffice] => ) [1] => Array ( [formulaire_id] => 2134 [formulaire_url] => devis [formulaire_sidebar] => 0 [formulaire_titre] => Devis [formulaire_icon] => la-th-large [formulaire_adwords] => 0 [formulaire_facebook] => 0 [formulaire_wp] => 0 [publisite_id] => 3031 [publisite_nom] => PressMike [publisite_domaine] => atelier-phone-44.fr [publisite_mail_contact] => [email protected] [publisite_telephone] => 0185532785 [publisite_telephone_config] => [{"Tracking_id":"","publisite_appel_source":4,"publisite_telephone":"0185532785","publisite_numero_direction":"0984541914","publisite_enregistrement":null,"publisite_zone_indicatif":"fr_01","publisite_label_sip":"","sonnerie_cliqphone":"25 s","publisite_num_dispo":"0185532785","message_enregistrement_cliqeo_waze":"230","message_introduction":"245","publisite_pays":"fr","publisite_enregistrement_cliqphone":null,"publisite_pays_saved":"0185532785","libelle_cliqphone":"","Numero_debordement":null,"pays_debordement":"fr","pays_direction":"fr","publisite_ajout_horaire":"","publisite_transfert_fermeture":false,"pays_transfert":"fr","listHoraires":[]}] [publisite_analytics_compte] => compte1 [publisite_analytics_id] => 176895355 [publisite_analyticsaccountid] => 119756258 [publisite_analyticspropertyid] => UA-119756258-42 [publisite_adwords_id] => 0 [publisite_calendar_id] => [publisite_mcc] => 1 [publisite_etat] => 1 [publisite_etat_modif_date] => [publisite_client] => 2924 [publisite_logo] => publisite_logo_1528445057.png [publisite_activite] => 102 [publisite_franchise] => 0 [publisite_region] => 25 [publisite_budget] => 200 [publisite_dossier] => 3624 [publisite_rt30] => 33 [publisite_rc] => 1320 [publisite_activite_primaire] => Réparation mobiles [publisite_ferme] => 0 [publisite_ferme_date] => [publisite_ferme_valide] => 0 [publisite_appel_source] => [publisite_sip_hash] => [publisite_campain] => [publisite_adgroup] => [publisite_account] => [publisite_campain_status] => [publisite_landing] => 0 [publisite_label_sip] => [publisite_mybusiness_location] => 793802640596497700 [publisite_mybusiness_account] => 108337422416691105497 [publisite_mybusiness_placedid] => ChIJXxbd6rBv5kcRcQtq-wHREBM [publisite_google_search] => 0 [publisite_date] => 2018-06-05 12:29:12 [publisite_financement] => 3 [publisite_domaine_validation] => atelier-phone-44.fr [publisite_validation] => 2 [publisite_ssl] => 0 [publisite_date_fin_campagne] => [publisite_org_id] => [publisite_bus_id] => [publisite_user_id] => [publisite_userid_cp] => [publisite_userid_tm] => [publisite_type_support] => 0 [publisite_offre_cliqeo] => 0 [publisite_duree] => 0 [publisite_second_mail] => [publisite_search_email] => -1 [publisite_offre] => [publisite_Responsable_SEO] => [email protected] [publisite_index] => 0 [publisite_annuaire] => [publisite_builder_id] => [publisite_compte_builder] => [publisite_url_builder] => [publisite_rest_id] => 2d9d10abbb7954a6 [publisite_Referenceur] => [copyright_text] => Agence digitale Paris [copyright_url] => https://www.b-forbiz.com/nos-bureaux/paris/ [copyright_title] => Agence digitale Paris [wp_backoffice] => ) ) [lafourchette] => Array ( [fourchette] => [lafourchette] => logo lafourchette / 10 ) [allPage] => Array ( [20248] => [20251] => reparation-telephone [20253] => reparation-tablette-ordinateur [20254] => accessoires [20255] => achat-vente-mobile [20275] => mentions-legales [35287] => contact ) [listeBloc] => Array ( [20248] => Array ( ) [20251] => Array ( ) [20253] => Array ( ) [20254] => Array ( ) [20255] => Array ( ) [20275] => Array ( ) [35287] => Array ( ) ) [tripadvisor] => Array ( [tripadvisor] => logo TripAdvisor 5 / 5 ) [mangeznotez] => Array ( [mangeznotez] => logo mangeznotez ) [plansite] => Array ( [plansite] =>
  • Plan du site
  • [res] => ) [planacces] => Array ( [postinfo] => Array ( ) [planacces] =>

    Plan d'accès

    44 rue Levis
    75017 Paris
    ) [mentions] => Array ( [mentions] =>
  • Mentions Légales
  • [res] => Array ( [page_id] => 20275 [page_title] => PressMike : Réparateur mobile - 75017 Paris [page_contenu] =>

    Mentions légales du site www.atelier-phone-44.fr

    Ce site est édité par :
    La société PressMike dit «L'éditeur», domicilié au 44 rue Levis 75017 Paris .
    SIREN : 803939651
    Téléphone : 01 85 53 27 85
    Email : pressmike44[@]hotmail.com

    Ce site est hébergé par :
    La société OVH, dit "L'hébergeur", domicilié au 2 Rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix.
    SIREN : 424 761 419
    Téléphone : 0 899 701 761

    Art. 1 Conditions d'utilisation

    Toute personne qui accède au site www.atelier-phone-44.fr s'engage à respecter les présentes conditions générales d'utilisation, qui pourront pour certains services être complétées par des conditions particulières.

    L’éditeur se réserve le droit de modifier et de mettre à jour à tout moment l'accès au Site ainsi que les Conditions Générales. Ces modifications et mises à jour s'imposent à l'utilisateur qui doit en conséquence se référer régulièrement à cette rubrique pour vérifier les Conditions Générales en vigueur.

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    2.1 Les données sont exclusivement destinées à l’éditeur à des fins d’enquêtes, d’analyses, de communications institutionnelles ou d’opérations relatives à la gestion clients. Ces informations sont confidentielles et conservées par l’éditeur. Conformément à la loi « Informatique et Libertés » du 06/01/78, vous disposez d'un droit d'accès, de rectification et de suppression de ces données ainsi que d’un droit de vous opposer à ce que ces données fassent l'objet d'un traitement en nous contactant par e-mail à l’adresse suivante :  pressmike44[@]hotmail.com .

    Vos demandes devront être signées et accompagnées de la photocopie d’un titre d’identité portant la signature du titulaire. La demande devra préciser l’adresse à laquelle devra parvenir la réponse. L’éditeur disposera d’un délai de 2 mois pour répondre suivant réception de la demande.

    Dans l’hypothèse où vous avez accepté, dans nos formulaires, de recevoir par email des informations et sollicitations émanant de notre société, vous aurez à tout moment la faculté de revenir sur cette décision en envoyant un mail avec pour objet « désabonnement » à l’adresse suivante : pressmike44[@]hotmail.com .

    2.2 Conformément à l’article 6 de la Loi du 21 juin 2004 pour la confiance en l’économie numérique, l'hébergeur conservera vos données de connexion, couvertes par le secret professionnel et traitées dans le respect des dispositions légales en matière de données personnelles.

    Art.3 Liens hypertextes

    Si vous souhaitez mettre en place un lien hypertexte vers notre Site, vous devez en conséquence prendre contact avec le Responsable du Site. L’éditeur ne peut en aucun cas être tenu (e) pour responsable du contenu des sites qui font l'objet d'un lien hypertexte à partir du présent Site.

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      [page_meta_keywords] => PressMike : Réparateur mobile , Mentions légales , 75017 Paris [page_meta_description] => PressMike : Réparateur mobile | Mentions légales | 75017 Paris [page_menu] => 0 [page_menu_footer] => 1 [page_menu_label] => Mentions légales [page_menu_link] => mentions-legales [page_menu_poid] => 8 [page_ishomepage] => 0 [page_iscontactpage] => 0 [page_index] => 0 [page_popup] => 0 [page_lang] => fr_FR [page_publisite] => 3031 [page_modified_by] => 2859 [page_modification_date] => 1528726782 [page_landing] => 0 [page_sitemap] => 1 [page_type] => 0 [page_categorie] => [page_externe_link] => ) ) [politique] => Array ( [politique] => [res] => ) [topcat] => Array ( [topcat] =>
    ) [instagram] => [galerienew] => [menu-haut] =>
  • Accueil
  • Réparation téléphone
  • Réparation tablette / ordinateur
  • Accessoires
  • Achat | Vente mobile
  • ) [params] => Array ( [sips] => Array ( ) [sipss] => Array ( ) [dcss] => [djs] => [gmaps] => Array ( [gmaps_id] => 3406 [gmaps_lat] => 48.8834836 [gmaps_long] => 2.3144852000000355 [gmaps_zoom] => 10 [gmaps_popup] => [gmaps_lat2] => [gmaps_long2] => [gmaps_titre2] => [gmaps_titre] => GOOGLE MAP [gmaps_plan] => 1 [gmaps_address] => 44 rue Levis [gmaps_postal_code] => 75017 [gmaps_locality] => Paris [gmaps_radius] => 0 [gmaps_description] => [gmaps_presentation] => [gmaps_image] => [gmaps_googleplus] => [gmaps_facebook] => [gmaps_horaire] => [gmaps_etat_marker] => 1 [gmaps_publisite] => 3031 ) [cpages] => Array ( [] => Array ( [page_id] => 20248 [page_menu_label] => Accueil [page_contenu] =>

    Magasin telephone paris 17

    Spécialisé en réparation telephone paris 17, tablette et ordinateur, le magasin Atelier Phone 44 est situé dans le quartier des Batignolles, au 44 rue de Lévis à Paris. Il vous accueille le lundi (de 10h30 à 20h) et du mardi au samedi (de 10h à 20h) et au 28 rue legendre, ouvert du lundi au samedi de 10h30 à 20h. Il est facilement accessible par le métro (lignes 2 et 3, arrêt Villiers) et le bus (ligne 53 - arrêt Legendre et ligne 66 – arrêt Square des Batignolles).

    Magasin en réparation de mobile, tablette & ordinateur à Paris (75017)
    Le technicien prend en charge :
    • Réparation de mobile
    • Réparation de tablette
    • Réparation d’ordinateur (fixe et portable)
    • Reprise de téléphone d’occasion
    • Vente de téléphone reconditionné

    Atelier Phone 44 : le dépannage mobile et ordinateur toutes marques

    Vous cherchez un réparateur informatique qualifié ? Le magasin de réparation mobile, tablette et ordinateur à Paris, Atelier Phone 44, réalise toutes les réparations nécessaires pour le bon fonctionnement de votre appareil mobile. Il vous propose également la vente et l'achat de téléphones reconditionnés, à des prix concurrentiels.

    La réparation de téléphone portable iPhone et Androïd

    Le magasin de réparation de mobile (iPhone et Androïd) à Paris vous propose des services sur-mesure.
    • Réparation de bouton
    • Réparation d’écran et vitre tactile
    • Remplacement de batterie
    • Réparation de caméra
    • Déblocage de téléphone
    • Désoxydation
    • Recherche de panne

    La réparation de tablette et ordinateur Windows et Mac

    Ecran, clavier, connecteur de charge, alimentation, virus… Atelier Phone 44 présente des services de réparation de tablette et d'ordinateur (Mac et Windows). Le technicien assure la réparation logicielle (défaut de logiciel, réinstallation système, déblocage…) ainsi que la réparation matérielle (écran ou bouton cassé, remplacement de batterie ou de connecteur de charge…).

    La réparation de tablette et ordinateur Windows et Mac

    La vente d’accessoires pour mobile

    Besoin d'un accessoire pour votre téléphone portable ? Le magasin Atelier Phone 44 offre des services de vente d'accessoires pour mobile et tablette. Vous trouverez ici une gamme complète d’équipements et d’accessoires pour votre appareil.
    • Accessoire de protection (housse, coque…)
    • Chargeur
    • Batterie
    • Câble
    • Adaptateur…
    [page_menu_link] => [page_ishomepage] => 1 [page_menu_poid] => 0 [page_lang] => fr_FR [page_externe_link] => 8704 [page_type] => 0 [publisite_id] => 3031 [publisite_nom] => PressMike [publisite_domaine] => atelier-phone-44.fr [publisite_mail_contact] => [email protected] [publisite_telephone] => 0185532785 [publisite_telephone_config] => [{"Tracking_id":"","publisite_appel_source":4,"publisite_telephone":"0185532785","publisite_numero_direction":"0984541914","publisite_enregistrement":null,"publisite_zone_indicatif":"fr_01","publisite_label_sip":"","sonnerie_cliqphone":"25 s","publisite_num_dispo":"0185532785","message_enregistrement_cliqeo_waze":"230","message_introduction":"245","publisite_pays":"fr","publisite_enregistrement_cliqphone":null,"publisite_pays_saved":"0185532785","libelle_cliqphone":"","Numero_debordement":null,"pays_debordement":"fr","pays_direction":"fr","publisite_ajout_horaire":"","publisite_transfert_fermeture":false,"pays_transfert":"fr","listHoraires":[]}] [publisite_analytics_compte] => compte1 [publisite_analytics_id] => 176895355 [publisite_analyticsaccountid] => 119756258 [publisite_analyticspropertyid] => UA-119756258-42 [publisite_adwords_id] => 0 [publisite_calendar_id] => [publisite_mcc] => 1 [publisite_etat] => 1 [publisite_etat_modif_date] => [publisite_client] => 2924 [publisite_logo] => publisite_logo_1528445057.png [publisite_activite] => 102 [publisite_franchise] => 0 [publisite_region] => 25 [publisite_budget] => 200 [publisite_dossier] => 3624 [publisite_rt30] => 33 [publisite_rc] => 1320 [publisite_activite_primaire] => Réparation mobiles [publisite_ferme] => 0 [publisite_ferme_date] => [publisite_ferme_valide] => 0 [publisite_appel_source] => [publisite_sip_hash] => [publisite_campain] => [publisite_adgroup] => [publisite_account] => [publisite_campain_status] => [publisite_landing] => 0 [publisite_label_sip] => [publisite_mybusiness_location] => 793802640596497700 [publisite_mybusiness_account] => 108337422416691105497 [publisite_mybusiness_placedid] => ChIJXxbd6rBv5kcRcQtq-wHREBM [publisite_google_search] => 0 [publisite_date] => 2018-06-05 12:29:12 [publisite_financement] => 3 [publisite_domaine_validation] => atelier-phone-44.fr [publisite_validation] => 2 [publisite_ssl] => 0 [publisite_date_fin_campagne] => [publisite_org_id] => [publisite_bus_id] => [publisite_user_id] => [publisite_userid_cp] => [publisite_userid_tm] => [publisite_type_support] => 0 [publisite_offre_cliqeo] => 0 [publisite_duree] => 0 [publisite_second_mail] => [publisite_search_email] => -1 [publisite_offre] => [publisite_Responsable_SEO] => [email protected] [publisite_index] => 0 [publisite_annuaire] => [publisite_builder_id] => [publisite_compte_builder] => [publisite_url_builder] => [publisite_rest_id] => 2d9d10abbb7954a6 [publisite_Referenceur] => [copyright_text] => Agence digitale Paris [copyright_url] => https://www.b-forbiz.com/nos-bureaux/paris/ [copyright_title] => Agence digitale Paris [wp_backoffice] => ) [reparation-telephone] => Array ( [page_id] => 20251 [page_menu_label] => Réparation téléphone [page_contenu] =>

    Reparation téléphone  paris 17 

    Votre téléphone portable ne s’allume plus ? Magasin de réparation de mobile à Paris, Atelier Phone 44 intervient pour prendre en charge différents modèles et marques d’appareils. Le technicien veille ainsi au bon fonctionnement de votre mobile, qu’il s’agisse d’une réparation matérielle (écran LCD, vitre tactile, batterie, connecteur de charge, bouton…) ou d’une réparation logicielle (désoxydation, déblocage, problème système…).

    Réparation de téléphone portable à Paris (75017)
    • IPhone
    • Samsung
    • LG
    • HTC
    • Nokia
    • Sony Ericsson…
    Le magasin de réparation mobile est installé dans le quartier des Batignolles, au 44 rue de Lévis à Paris. Il est ouvert le lundi (de 12h à 20h) et du mardi au samedi (de 10h30 à 20h).

    La réparation matérielle de mobile iPhone et Androïd

    Le magasin Atelier Phone 44 prend en charge la réparation de téléphone portable de toute marque et modèle. De l’écran et la vitre fissurée à la batterie ne tenant plus la charge, le technicien assure le dépannage et la réparation de votre téléphone cassé. Il réalise ainsi les opérations nécessaires à la remise en état de votre appareil dans les plus brefs délais.
    • Changement LCD et vitre tactile
    • Changement vitre arrière
    • Remplacement de caméra
    • Remplacement de batterie
    • Réparation de connecteur
    • Réparation de bouton…

    Le dépannage logiciel de Smartphone iPhone et Androïd

    Spécialisé dans la réparation et le dépannage de mobile, les techniciens experts en téléphonie de Atelier Phone 44 disposent d’une connaissance et d’une maîtrise des différents systèmes (Android et iPhone). Ils vous garantissent une réparation optimale de vos appareils, quelles que soient leurs marques. Ils réalisent ainsi la réparation logicielle de votre Smartphone.

    Le dépannage logiciel de Smartphone iPhone et Androïd;
    • Réinstallation de système
    • Déblocage de mobile
    • Désoxydation…
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    Reparation tablette paris 17 | Réparation de tablette et ordinateur à Paris (75017)

    Expert en dépannage de tablette et ordinateur, le magasin Atelier Phonne 44 est situé dans le quartier des Batignolles. Les techniciens en informatique réalisent toutes les opérations et réparations utiles pour le bon fonctionnement de vos appareils, de toutes les marques et modèles. L’intervention se fait en express pour vous permettre de retrouver un ordinateur (fixe et portable) ou une tablette optimale dans les plus brefs délais.

    Réparation de tablette et ordinateur à Paris (75017)
    Le magasin prend en charge les tablettes :
    • IPad
    • Samsung
    • ASUS
    • Archos
    • Androïd…
    Il s’occupe également de la réparation des ordinateurs, de bureau ou portable :
    • Mac
    • HP
    • Lenovo
    • ASUS
    • Acer
    • DELL…

    La réparation de tablette iPad et Androïd

    Le magasin de réparation de tablette à Paris est en mesure d'effectuer la réparation de tablette iPad et Android. Les techniciens réalisent les réparations de toute forme. Ainsi, en cas d’écran fissuré ou de vitre tactile cassée, de bouton défectueux ou de problème lié à la charge de la batterie, ils procèdent à l’intervention nécessaire pour la remise en état de votre appareil.
    Le magasin intervient en cas de :
    • Écran cassé
    • Bouton cassé
    • Remplacement de batterie
    • Remplacement de connecteur de charge
    • Réinstallation du système
    • Récupération de données
    • Désoxydation…

    La réparation d’ordinateur Windows et Mac

    Le magasin Atelier Phone 44 est également habilité à réaliser la réparation d'ordinateur, portable et fixe. Les techniciens interviennent dans les meilleurs délais pour assurer le dépannage de votre PC (Mac et Windows). De la réparation matérielle au dépannage logiciel, ils effectuent toutes les manipulations et changements de pièce nécessaire au bon fonctionnement de votre matériel informatique. Écran cassé, problème de rétro-éclairage ou changement de connecteur, mais aussi réinstallation du système ou récupération de données, ils interviennent rapidement et efficacement.

    La réparation d’ordinateur Windows et Mac
    • Vitre cassée
    • Remplacement de batterie
    • Problème du connecteur de charge
    • Changement de clavier
    • Problème du rétro-éclairage
    • Réinitialisation du système
    • Réinstallation du système
    • Récupération de données
    • Désoxydation…
    [page_menu_link] => reparation-tablette-ordinateur [page_ishomepage] => 0 [page_menu_poid] => 2 [page_lang] => fr_FR [page_externe_link] => 8704 [page_type] => 0 [publisite_id] => 3031 [publisite_nom] => PressMike [publisite_domaine] => atelier-phone-44.fr [publisite_mail_contact] => [email protected] [publisite_telephone] => 0185532785 [publisite_telephone_config] => [{"Tracking_id":"","publisite_appel_source":4,"publisite_telephone":"0185532785","publisite_numero_direction":"0984541914","publisite_enregistrement":null,"publisite_zone_indicatif":"fr_01","publisite_label_sip":"","sonnerie_cliqphone":"25 s","publisite_num_dispo":"0185532785","message_enregistrement_cliqeo_waze":"230","message_introduction":"245","publisite_pays":"fr","publisite_enregistrement_cliqphone":null,"publisite_pays_saved":"0185532785","libelle_cliqphone":"","Numero_debordement":null,"pays_debordement":"fr","pays_direction":"fr","publisite_ajout_horaire":"","publisite_transfert_fermeture":false,"pays_transfert":"fr","listHoraires":[]}] [publisite_analytics_compte] => compte1 [publisite_analytics_id] => 176895355 [publisite_analyticsaccountid] => 119756258 [publisite_analyticspropertyid] => UA-119756258-42 [publisite_adwords_id] => 0 [publisite_calendar_id] => [publisite_mcc] => 1 [publisite_etat] => 1 [publisite_etat_modif_date] => [publisite_client] => 2924 [publisite_logo] => publisite_logo_1528445057.png [publisite_activite] => 102 [publisite_franchise] => 0 [publisite_region] => 25 [publisite_budget] => 200 [publisite_dossier] => 3624 [publisite_rt30] => 33 [publisite_rc] => 1320 [publisite_activite_primaire] => Réparation mobiles [publisite_ferme] => 0 [publisite_ferme_date] => [publisite_ferme_valide] => 0 [publisite_appel_source] => [publisite_sip_hash] => [publisite_campain] => [publisite_adgroup] => [publisite_account] => [publisite_campain_status] => [publisite_landing] => 0 [publisite_label_sip] => [publisite_mybusiness_location] => 793802640596497700 [publisite_mybusiness_account] => 108337422416691105497 [publisite_mybusiness_placedid] => ChIJXxbd6rBv5kcRcQtq-wHREBM [publisite_google_search] => 0 [publisite_date] => 2018-06-05 12:29:12 [publisite_financement] => 3 [publisite_domaine_validation] => atelier-phone-44.fr [publisite_validation] => 2 [publisite_ssl] => 0 [publisite_date_fin_campagne] => [publisite_org_id] => [publisite_bus_id] => [publisite_user_id] => [publisite_userid_cp] => [publisite_userid_tm] => [publisite_type_support] => 0 [publisite_offre_cliqeo] => 0 [publisite_duree] => 0 [publisite_second_mail] => [publisite_search_email] => -1 [publisite_offre] => [publisite_Responsable_SEO] => [email protected] [publisite_index] => 0 [publisite_annuaire] => [publisite_builder_id] => [publisite_compte_builder] => [publisite_url_builder] => [publisite_rest_id] => 2d9d10abbb7954a6 [publisite_Referenceur] => [copyright_text] => Agence digitale Paris [copyright_url] => https://www.b-forbiz.com/nos-bureaux/paris/ [copyright_title] => Agence digitale Paris [wp_backoffice] => ) [accessoires] => Array ( [page_id] => 20254 [page_menu_label] => Accessoires [page_contenu] =>

    accessoire telephone paris 17 |Vente d’accessoires mobile à Paris (75017)

    Le magasin de mobile vous accueille dans le quartier des Batignolles. De la réparation des appareils mobiles à la vente d’accessoires et d’équipements, Atelier Phonne 44 vous assure une intervention complète. Pour protéger votre téléphone portable (film protecteur, coque de protection, housse et étui…) ou pour l’équiper comme il se doit (chargeur, batterie, mémoire, écouteurs…), vous trouver ici tout ce dont vous avez besoin.

    Vente d’accessoires mobile à Paris (75017)
    Le magasin propose du matériel pour les mobiles de toutes les marques.
    • IPhone
    • Samsung
    • Nokia
    • Sony Ericsson
    • Huawei
    • LG…
    Les tablettes ne sont pas en reste.
    • IPad
    • Samsung
    • ASUS
    • Archos
    • Androïd…

    Les accessoires pour téléphone portable et tablette

    Vous êtes à la recherche d'un spécialiste de vente d'accessoires pour tablette et téléphone portable ? Le magasin de mobile à Paris met à votre disposition des équipements et des accessoires divers. Il vous propose des accessoires de protection (film protecteur, coque de protection, housses et étuis), chargeur et batterie (chargeur secteur, chargeur allume-cigare, batterie interne et batterie externe), des câbles et des adaptateurs (câble de charge et de synchronisation, câbles et adaptateurs audio, câbles et adaptateurs vidéo), de la mémoire.

    Les accessoires pour téléphone portable et tablette

    Les équipements pour Smartphone et tablette

    Soucieux de vous proposer une prestation à la hauteur de vos attentes, le magasin de vente d’accessoires pour mobile et tablette met à votre disposition des accessoires et équipements audio et Bluetooth (casques, écouteurs, enceintes, kit mains libres), chargeurs (station d’accueil, chargeur sans fil), loisirs (brassard sport, housse étanche, perche à selfie), supports (support bureau, support vélo et moto, support voiture. [page_menu_link] => accessoires [page_ishomepage] => 0 [page_menu_poid] => 3 [page_lang] => fr_FR [page_externe_link] => 8704 [page_type] => 0 [publisite_id] => 3031 [publisite_nom] => PressMike [publisite_domaine] => atelier-phone-44.fr [publisite_mail_contact] => [email protected] [publisite_telephone] => 0185532785 [publisite_telephone_config] => [{"Tracking_id":"","publisite_appel_source":4,"publisite_telephone":"0185532785","publisite_numero_direction":"0984541914","publisite_enregistrement":null,"publisite_zone_indicatif":"fr_01","publisite_label_sip":"","sonnerie_cliqphone":"25 s","publisite_num_dispo":"0185532785","message_enregistrement_cliqeo_waze":"230","message_introduction":"245","publisite_pays":"fr","publisite_enregistrement_cliqphone":null,"publisite_pays_saved":"0185532785","libelle_cliqphone":"","Numero_debordement":null,"pays_debordement":"fr","pays_direction":"fr","publisite_ajout_horaire":"","publisite_transfert_fermeture":false,"pays_transfert":"fr","listHoraires":[]}] [publisite_analytics_compte] => compte1 [publisite_analytics_id] => 176895355 [publisite_analyticsaccountid] => 119756258 [publisite_analyticspropertyid] => UA-119756258-42 [publisite_adwords_id] => 0 [publisite_calendar_id] => [publisite_mcc] => 1 [publisite_etat] => 1 [publisite_etat_modif_date] => [publisite_client] => 2924 [publisite_logo] => publisite_logo_1528445057.png [publisite_activite] => 102 [publisite_franchise] => 0 [publisite_region] => 25 [publisite_budget] => 200 [publisite_dossier] => 3624 [publisite_rt30] => 33 [publisite_rc] => 1320 [publisite_activite_primaire] => Réparation mobiles [publisite_ferme] => 0 [publisite_ferme_date] => [publisite_ferme_valide] => 0 [publisite_appel_source] => [publisite_sip_hash] => [publisite_campain] => [publisite_adgroup] => [publisite_account] => [publisite_campain_status] => [publisite_landing] => 0 [publisite_label_sip] => [publisite_mybusiness_location] => 793802640596497700 [publisite_mybusiness_account] => 108337422416691105497 [publisite_mybusiness_placedid] => ChIJXxbd6rBv5kcRcQtq-wHREBM [publisite_google_search] => 0 [publisite_date] => 2018-06-05 12:29:12 [publisite_financement] => 3 [publisite_domaine_validation] => atelier-phone-44.fr [publisite_validation] => 2 [publisite_ssl] => 0 [publisite_date_fin_campagne] => [publisite_org_id] => [publisite_bus_id] => [publisite_user_id] => [publisite_userid_cp] => [publisite_userid_tm] => [publisite_type_support] => 0 [publisite_offre_cliqeo] => 0 [publisite_duree] => 0 [publisite_second_mail] => [publisite_search_email] => -1 [publisite_offre] => [publisite_Responsable_SEO] => [email protected] [publisite_index] => 0 [publisite_annuaire] => [publisite_builder_id] => [publisite_compte_builder] => [publisite_url_builder] => [publisite_rest_id] => 2d9d10abbb7954a6 [publisite_Referenceur] => [copyright_text] => Agence digitale Paris [copyright_url] => https://www.b-forbiz.com/nos-bureaux/paris/ [copyright_title] => Agence digitale Paris [wp_backoffice] => ) [achat-vente-mobile] => Array ( [page_id] => 20255 [page_menu_label] => Achat | Vente mobile [page_contenu] =>

    Rachat  téléphone   à Paris (75017)

    Spécialisé en réparation de mobile, le magasin PressMike est situé dans le quartier des Batignolles, au 44 rue de Lévis à Paris. Pour compléter ses prestations, il prend en charge l'achat et la vente de téléphone d'occasion de toutes les marques (iPhone, Samsung, Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Huawei, LG…). A ce titre, vous pourrez bénéficier ici d’un vaste choix de smartphone reconditionné. Économique et fiabilité assurée (chaque téléphone est soumis à un diagnostic et aux réparations / réinitialisations nécessaires), les téléphones d’occasion sont remis à neuf avant la revente.

    Achat et vente de Smartphone à Paris (75017)

    La vente de Smartphone reconditionné

    Le magasin PressMike vous propose la vente de téléphone reconditionné. Les produits reconditionnés proposés sont dans un état comme neuf. Les techniciens réalisent des tests, tant sur l’aspect esthétique que fonctionnel, pour s’assurer du bon fonctionnement du téléphone. De l’état de l’écran et du boitier au bon fonctionnement de toutes les applications, ils assurent une veille minutieuse de tous les mobiles.

    La vente de Smartphone reconditionné

    Le rachat de téléphone mobile

    Spécialiste en reprise de téléphone, le magasin de mobile à Paris vous propose le rachat de téléphone d’occasion. Une estimation du téléphone est alors réalisée. L’état général du téléphone, sa marque et sa date de mise en vente sont pris en compte. Les techniciens veillent à effectuer un diagnostic poussé de votre appareil avant de vous proposer la reprise. Les téléphones portables d’occasion et reconditionnés sont, par la suite, proposés à des prix avantageux. [page_menu_link] => achat-vente-mobile [page_ishomepage] => 0 [page_menu_poid] => 4 [page_lang] => fr_FR [page_externe_link] => 8704 [page_type] => 0 [publisite_id] => 3031 [publisite_nom] => PressMike [publisite_domaine] => atelier-phone-44.fr [publisite_mail_contact] => [email protected] [publisite_telephone] => 0185532785 [publisite_telephone_config] => [{"Tracking_id":"","publisite_appel_source":4,"publisite_telephone":"0185532785","publisite_numero_direction":"0984541914","publisite_enregistrement":null,"publisite_zone_indicatif":"fr_01","publisite_label_sip":"","sonnerie_cliqphone":"25 s","publisite_num_dispo":"0185532785","message_enregistrement_cliqeo_waze":"230","message_introduction":"245","publisite_pays":"fr","publisite_enregistrement_cliqphone":null,"publisite_pays_saved":"0185532785","libelle_cliqphone":"","Numero_debordement":null,"pays_debordement":"fr","pays_direction":"fr","publisite_ajout_horaire":"","publisite_transfert_fermeture":false,"pays_transfert":"fr","listHoraires":[]}] [publisite_analytics_compte] => compte1 [publisite_analytics_id] => 176895355 [publisite_analyticsaccountid] => 119756258 [publisite_analyticspropertyid] => UA-119756258-42 [publisite_adwords_id] => 0 [publisite_calendar_id] => [publisite_mcc] => 1 [publisite_etat] => 1 [publisite_etat_modif_date] => [publisite_client] => 2924 [publisite_logo] => publisite_logo_1528445057.png [publisite_activite] => 102 [publisite_franchise] => 0 [publisite_region] => 25 [publisite_budget] => 200 [publisite_dossier] => 3624 [publisite_rt30] => 33 [publisite_rc] => 1320 [publisite_activite_primaire] => Réparation mobiles [publisite_ferme] => 0 [publisite_ferme_date] => [publisite_ferme_valide] => 0 [publisite_appel_source] => [publisite_sip_hash] => [publisite_campain] => [publisite_adgroup] => [publisite_account] => [publisite_campain_status] => [publisite_landing] => 0 [publisite_label_sip] => [publisite_mybusiness_location] => 793802640596497700 [publisite_mybusiness_account] => 108337422416691105497 [publisite_mybusiness_placedid] => ChIJXxbd6rBv5kcRcQtq-wHREBM [publisite_google_search] => 0 [publisite_date] => 2018-06-05 12:29:12 [publisite_financement] => 3 [publisite_domaine_validation] => atelier-phone-44.fr [publisite_validation] => 2 [publisite_ssl] => 0 [publisite_date_fin_campagne] => [publisite_org_id] => [publisite_bus_id] => [publisite_user_id] => [publisite_userid_cp] => [publisite_userid_tm] => [publisite_type_support] => 0 [publisite_offre_cliqeo] => 0 [publisite_duree] => 0 [publisite_second_mail] => [publisite_search_email] => -1 [publisite_offre] => [publisite_Responsable_SEO] => [email protected] [publisite_index] => 0 [publisite_annuaire] => [publisite_builder_id] => [publisite_compte_builder] => [publisite_url_builder] => [publisite_rest_id] => 2d9d10abbb7954a6 [publisite_Referenceur] => [copyright_text] => Agence digitale Paris [copyright_url] => https://www.b-forbiz.com/nos-bureaux/paris/ [copyright_title] => Agence digitale Paris [wp_backoffice] => ) [mentions-legales] => Array ( [page_id] => 20275 [page_menu_label] => Mentions légales [page_contenu] =>

    Mentions légales du site www.atelier-phone-44.fr

    Ce site est édité par :
    La société PressMike dit «L'éditeur», domicilié au 44 rue Levis 75017 Paris .
    SIREN : 803939651
    Téléphone : 01 85 53 27 85
    Email : pressmike44[@]hotmail.com

    Ce site est hébergé par :
    La société OVH, dit "L'hébergeur", domicilié au 2 Rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix.
    SIREN : 424 761 419
    Téléphone : 0 899 701 761

    Art. 1 Conditions d'utilisation

    Toute personne qui accède au site www.atelier-phone-44.fr s'engage à respecter les présentes conditions générales d'utilisation, qui pourront pour certains services être complétées par des conditions particulières.

    L’éditeur se réserve le droit de modifier et de mettre à jour à tout moment l'accès au Site ainsi que les Conditions Générales. Ces modifications et mises à jour s'imposent à l'utilisateur qui doit en conséquence se référer régulièrement à cette rubrique pour vérifier les Conditions Générales en vigueur.

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    Vos demandes devront être signées et accompagnées de la photocopie d’un titre d’identité portant la signature du titulaire. La demande devra préciser l’adresse à laquelle devra parvenir la réponse. L’éditeur disposera d’un délai de 2 mois pour répondre suivant réception de la demande.

    Dans l’hypothèse où vous avez accepté, dans nos formulaires, de recevoir par email des informations et sollicitations émanant de notre société, vous aurez à tout moment la faculté de revenir sur cette décision en envoyant un mail avec pour objet « désabonnement » à l’adresse suivante : pressmike44[@]hotmail.com .

    2.2 Conformément à l’article 6 de la Loi du 21 juin 2004 pour la confiance en l’économie numérique, l'hébergeur conservera vos données de connexion, couvertes par le secret professionnel et traitées dans le respect des dispositions légales en matière de données personnelles.

    Art.3 Liens hypertextes

    Si vous souhaitez mettre en place un lien hypertexte vers notre Site, vous devez en conséquence prendre contact avec le Responsable du Site. L’éditeur ne peut en aucun cas être tenu (e) pour responsable du contenu des sites qui font l'objet d'un lien hypertexte à partir du présent Site.

    Art. 4 Cookies

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    De plus, le site utilise Google Analytics, un service d'analyse de site Internet fourni par Google Inc. (ci-après « Google »). Google Analytics utilise des cookies pour aider l’éditeuret l’hébergeur à analyser l'utilisation du Site par ses utilisateurs. Les données générées par les cookies concernant votre utilisation du Site (y compris votre adresse IP) seront transmises et stockées par Google sur des serveurs situés aux Etats-Unis. Google utilisera cette information dans le but d'évaluer votre utilisation du Site, de compiler des rapports sur l'activité du Site à destination de l’éditeuret de l’hébergeur et de fournir d'autres services relatifs à l'activité du site et à l'utilisation d'Internet. Google est susceptible de communiquer ces données à des tiers en cas d'obligation légale ou lorsque ces tiers traitent ces données pour le compte de Google, y compris notamment l’éditeur et l’hébergeur. Google ne recoupera pas votre adresse IP avec toute autre donnée détenue par Google. En utilisant le Site, vous consentez expressément au traitement de vos données nominatives par Google dans les conditions et pour les finalités décrites ci-dessus.

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    Nous vous informons néanmoins que l’accès à certains services et rubriques du Site pourra être altéré voire impossible du fait de la suppression des cookies

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    Art. 6 Contenu manifestement illicite

    Conformément à la loi du 21 juin 2004 pour la confiance dans l’économie, vous pouvez alerter l’hébergeur de la présence d’un contenu que vous considérez comme illicite en envoyant un courrier à l'adresse figurant en haut de l'article. L’hébergeur appréciera le caractère illicite des contenus portés à sa connaissance.

    Le fait, pour toute personne, de présenter un contenu ou une activité comme étant illicite dans le but d'en obtenir le retrait ou d'en faire cesser la diffusion, alors qu'elle sait cette information inexacte, est puni d'un an d'emprisonnement et de 15 000 euros d'amende.

    Art. 7 Droit applicable

    Les présentes Conditions Générales sont soumises au droit interne français.
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[horaire_etat] => 0 [horaire_publisite] => 3031 [publisite_id] => 3031 ) ) ) ) [reduction] => [reductions] => Array ( ) [module] => Array ( [module_id] => 3016 [module_horaire] => 0 [module_reduction] => 0 [module_rappelauto] => 0 [module_devis] => 0 [module_gmaps] => 1 [module_repondeur] => 0 [module_tracking] => 0 [module_multilingue] => 0 [module_mobile] => 0 [module_blog] => 0 [module_onepage] => 0 [module_agendas] => 0 [module_paiement] => 0 [module_avis] => 0 [module_newsletter] => 0 [module_multitracking] => 0 [module_large_posts] => 0 [module_publisite] => 3031 [module_amp] => 0 [module_ecommerce] => 0 [module_galerie] => 0 [module_agendize] => 0 [module_cache] => 0 [module_analytics_id] => 1 [module_adwords_id] => 0 [module_mybusiness_location] => 1 [module_google_search] => 0 [module_combinaison_js_css] => 1 [module_sousdomaine] => 0 [module_waze] => 0 [module_annuaire] => 0 [module_enregistrement] => 0 [module_cookies] => 1 [module_merci] => 0 [module_hebdo] => 0 [paiement] 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    Vous appréciez, partagez !
    PressMike Phone01 85 53 27 85
    Adresse44 rue Levis
    75017 Paris
    [cookies] => [logo] => Array ( [copyright] => Agence digitale Paris ) [text] => Array ( [copyright] => Agence digitale Paris ) ) )
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